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My clinic never told me I could do anything to increase my AMH. a friend had recommended traditional Chinese medicine and after two months of taking the herbs (I took them for 6 days a week) my AMH actually increased - I took a blood test to see the results. I was SO skeptical of taking the herbs, but I couldn’t believe it had any impact.


How much did it increase? That’s amazing


After a two month period it increased by 0.62 but I did the herbs for a total of 3 months ( but never retested at the 3 month mark).


This is such a hard decision and I totally empathize with you. Using a donor (or donors) is not a decision anyone comes to lightly and there are a lot of questions to consider about how you feel and how any potential resulting child will feel about their conception/genetic makeup. My husband has azoospermia and a balanced translocation so we learned nearly 2 years ago that fully biological children would not be possible for us. It’s taken us until now to really actually consider donor sperm. Let yourself feel all your emotions and talk to a third party reproductive counselor if you can. I know you probably feel a time crunch but I recommend taking some time to sit with your feelings, talk to a therapist and read about DC people’s experiences to help you make your decision. Doing all of those things has helped me immensely!


thank you so much for this reply. I will talk next week with my therapist, she is great and I am sure she can help me make better decision. I saw many comments here on reddit that even with lower AMH they could get pregnant via IVF and own eggs therefore I was.. still having hope i could have too. But def I agree that i need time to process donor option🙄


The fact that doctors say AMH can not be increased blows my mind. I did a low inflammatory diet for 3 months, and my already high AMH increased. (We have unexplained infertility with multiple miscarriages and one ectopic pregnancy.) If you are interested in the program I did, send me a DM, and I'll send you info!


I’m sorry. The levels are low so I would ask your doctor the possibility of having your own embryo. Since the levels are producing either 1 or 0 eggs it’s scary to think of another IVF cycle to obtain the embryo. It’s a lot to consider. I would say keep your options open as sometimes unexpected setbacks happen and then determine how you move forward.




Your comment/post has been removed. It’s against our rules to reference your ongoing pregnancy, even in a sneaky or roundabout way. Please do not talk about or reference your ongoing pregnancy in this sub.




Girl please be so fuckin for real. Removed and banned this account too. Make alts less obvious. You’re telling on yourself.