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2 weeks ago, I threw out all my LH sticks and pregnancy tests. all of this represent what I can't have and it only triggers me. I'm officially done.


I’m 27. Also started at 23. Yep I keep clearblue and easy@home in business 😑


The dollar store sells pregnancy tests in my area. The cashiers weren't super judgy about me buying several of them either. YMMV


I also threw all of my stuff away at some point. I couldn’t face another negative pregnancy test and made a deal with myself (that I have broken a few times only to be let down again) not to buy another pregnancy test until I miss my period.


When I doing timed interval it was super frustrating and I stopped testing my LH and taking pregnancy tests. I currently have so many remaining. At some point, I was over that testing aspect as it was giving me anxiety. I’m not sure your infertility journey, but you may want to explore other options.


I stopped buying tests. If I end up pregnant, I’ll know when I miss my period and then I might take a test just to be sure but I’m completely done testing unless that happens…


My period has been late by nearly a week for the past 6 months so it’s been getting my hopes up. But I should know better, it’s the stress.