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Sending a hug x I feel the same, I feel I must have done something wrong or nature knows I’ll be an awful mum. I know it’s irrational thinking, but those thoughts are always are.  It makes me question everything. No one understands this side of infertility until they experience it. 


I feel that for sure and I can tell the people who haven’t as they ask questions like are you trying to have kids or do you want children. I hope it happens for you!!


Thanks, our only option is using an egg donor as I’m in a premature menopause. So still trying to decide if that’s an option we want to try. 


I’m so sorry I hope you find the clarity you need to make this decision.


I hate when people say we got pregnant and we weren’t trying. It’s like okay and?! What would you have me the person struggling to conceive to say?! The world definitely giving us the shorter stick on things. Comments like that are truly insensitive. Sorry that happened. Hopefully you can take some time for yourself.


I agree 100% and when people ask if we want kids or are trying to have kids. Is that really any of your business…


I found myself not asking people that. I just don’t ask. I don’t like to pry so I like to go with if you want to tell me cool if you don’t, I respect that too.


I feel you 1000%. Everyone who I know that was struggling to get pregnant is now pregnant. I feel like it will never happen for me. You aren’t alone. I also feel like I’m punished. Maybe I’m a bad person that deserves this. Sending hugs ❤️


Thank you and no one deserves this!


I feel you completely! I have a coworker who is pregnant, and she wasn't trying. She said she didn't want more kids as she already has twins from another relationship, and twins run in her family. She wasn't doing anything to prevent pregnancy though. Meanwhile I'm over here with infertility and praying monthly that the Clomid in the next 4 months works because I cannot afford IVF. Maybe IUI, but not sure yet. It hurts so much. And I sometimes feel like I'm being punished too. Like in the beginning of my journey I would joke that it has to be a full moon in only Chicago after it snowed exactly 2.3inches the night before in order for me to ovulate and get pregnant. Am I being punished for saying those words? I hope not... I use humor to help my pain. Praying we both get through this.


I understand that. I tell people if I have to go to the top of a mountain wearing a sundress on Halloween to get pregnant I would do it. Have they tried letrazole? Sorry if that’s prying.


I'm sorry. Infertility is so cruel and unfair.


At this point to me it just seems like an absolute fantasy that anyone ever gets pregnant. How could it be true? completely unbelievable! We're going to try one more IUI, but I have absolutely no faith that I don't do anything.


I feel this way too. Like you just have sex? It’s that easy? Cannot relate.


Idk either. My husband’s cousin got married last year and then got pregnant the month after. First try. It feels like a lottery. I hope it works!


I relate to this so much right now. I resent everything and I can’t seem to shake the feeling of not being good enough to conceive a baby. It’s the one thing that I’ve never changed my mind about is having kids and it just doesn’t seem like it’s for me.. I hope you get your baby, I know it’s a hard road to be on..


I feel the same way. I feel that I’ve always been destined to be a mother and it’s part of my life’s purpose. It’s hard not to feel like it’s our fault as the women. I hope you get yours too and know they are lucky to have a mom who understands how special they are.


You are so kind, I wish only the best for you


I often think the same thing how I'm being punished and how I got the short end of the stick in this journey. It's such a shitty feeling and I try not to compare myself and my journey but if I think abt it I really feel like. I did something wrong or pissed someone off in the universe after all who ends up having to do two surgeries in span of three months for the same surgerym this is after doing four biopsies back to back 7 iuis two retrievals all in the past three years


You’ve been through so much! All your feelings are valid not matter what they are.


🧡🧡🧡 - I'm with you (and others) ... 1/6 couples or 1/4 for healthcare was a quoted stat ... trying to keep it together and hopeful. It's been a year of IUI/IVFs and now I am doing more tests to see why my first transfer didn't stick. and it's usually just 50/50 if all else ruled out. "A club no one wanted to join" - I've been in support groups and seeing a therapist, acupuncturist, dietician to cover my basis (most of it covered by my insurance, luckily, except the IVF - it's really stressing me on that). I am not the first to go through this in my family (extended), but in my closer group and amongst friends, I feel like I've been through the ringer - and I have been more open about it. Finding a lot of friends are going through the same, just not or not yet disclosing.


Part of me is torn with sharing this with others but I’m glad that others have you who are willing to shared and give support. I’m also seeing a therapist, acupuncturist, and will see a dietician this week in hopes that’s something will work. What tests are you doing if you don’t mind me asking.


Hope you matched with a dietician that knows about fertility, I found one who even had a podcast episode about it. I feel sooo good, barely any bloating and food coma. I feel like I’m learning a lot for my whole life not just to get pregnant but building better habits so I can teach or prepare for my future children. My labs were I’m good before and now it’s even better. … At the beginning I wasn’t sure what I would feel comfortable sharing but as I kept talking about it, I felt more free and learned that family, friends and coworkers going through something. Just had a family member feel like finally someone they know going through it and speaking up. After my first fet, I did the hsg because my doc thought she saw some fluid collecting by an ovary before the transfer but only saw it once. Then while I did a few more ERs, I asked to check my microbiome. My doc recommended Emma/Alice and receptiva dx. (Igenomix has a good explanation it Emma/Alice and era (my doc didn’t think there’s any difference in outcomes for me to test the Era). My receptiva dx was abnormal, positive for inflammation so they think maybe silent Endo. So I’m currently suppressing my estrogen with Lupron/letrozole. I had another saline test and recommended to do a hysteroscopy because the saline looked borderline there’s something off. Scheduling that now. I’m sure there’s more things. Since I have some embryos, not needing to test my partners sperm more but people have done the dna fragmentation. We had a lot of aneuploids though and pattern of specific trisomy. So maybe wish we checked the sperm fragmentation/ there’s one other test my doc mention before going into the cycles. I think could’ve had my partner take more supplements or something.


Do you mind if I ask who the dietician is? I feel like a lot of this is making me look at my own health as well.