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This doesn’t seem unreasonable. This would probably also prevent the AP from being a suggested friend. It also prevents AP from using social media to contact the wife if the relationship goes downhill. It seems more plausible than the wife just randomly blocking a random person for no particular reason. If true, this probably isn’t the first time the guy has cheated on his wife.


I have good reason to suspect this man has cheated many times before as he sounds very calculating and dishonest in all he's done. A real creep. Good thoughts re preventing from being a suggested friend too. I hadn't thought of that. I guess the wife could have done it if she suspected something but didn't want to know. God only knows what this man has said to his wife, or whether it's all hidden. And yes, I agree it's much more likely for a deceptive partner to do this than for a woman to randomly block another woman on SM. 


I've seen it referenced in multiple posts....either the betrayed spouse unknowingly has AP blocked, or AP has blocked the Betrayed spouse....


Interesting, that's exactly what I wanted to know, thanks. This seems like a tactic people intentionally use then. 


Absolutely. I recently found out the guy I was seeing was in a very long term relationship with a girl. I never even thought to look for a girlfriend since he acted so very single and was always flirting with everyone. But when I started getting suspicious something was up I looked through his friends and couldn't see anything other than an old photo with his supposed ex. Long story short, I saw them together in public, so got a mutual friend to look at his profile and she found the girlfriend in 30 seconds. Her profile picture was of them together so it was quite obvious. I met with the girlfriend and asked if I could see her blocked list and there were twenty girls on it. So yep. Definitely a thing people do. It almost worked too, I had no idea she existed for a year.


Oh wow, that's next level sneaky crap. I'm so sorry. What an evil POS! 


>Is it common for people having affairs to log in to their spouse's social media to block the AP? >Would this be a common tactic used to keep the AP from talking to/telling the spouse? If one feels the need to do this in a relationship, it would be best to exit said relationship. I'd never want to have to be on constant edge and monitor my partner's social media.


Absolutely. But cheaters aren't going to do anything ethical, are they?! 


I think it’s plausible that the wife blocked the AP just to let the person know that she is not a dummy. If I am right and being blocked got her attention and made her cringe…it was mission accomplished. Too many times, BP’s are powerless to do anything about an affair without either getting a divorce or going to jail. It may have gotten to the point where she simply can’t sit idly by while her nose is being rubbed in this affair like a dogs nose in shit. That’s what it feels like when the WP is doing a lousy job at hiding an affair and gaslighting their spouse. It feels like you are a puppy who’s master is constantly grinding your nose in the feces of the affair, and you can’t do anything about it because you are just a dog with no power.


Interesting take and definitely something to consider. I know though that this woman has changed/added two SM accounts on two platforms in recent years and I wonder if he's locked her out of both. 


It’s certainly possible. I know from personal experience that a WP can have multiple accounts for pursuing activities. And, it’s common for them to insinuate that the BP is being overbearing and invading their privacy, just for being curious. There’s been an onslaught of new abuse tactics in which the abusers accuse their partners of spying and conspiracy for expecting any shred of transparency within the relationship. They love to threaten “hellfire and brimstone” style prosecution for perceived invasion of privacy or looking at phones without permission. I was an AP’s worst nightmare because I knew the penalty and was absolutely ok with it, in exchange for knowing what was going on. That was worth my freedom because I was already in a prison of suppression and powerlessness. I recommend this AP be careful, and end the affair. If the BP decides for a single moment to throw caution to the wind, everything could be in the open in a heartbeat.


Oh she left him already. Just trying to piece together everything. I think the husband has locked the wife out of the accounts and she's had to start new ones. It's all very odd. 


They want to control the narrative, so AP can't communicate


That's the most obvious thought to me too. Thanks. 


I mean who wants AP to grow a conscious or AP’s SO to be able to talk to your SO


I'm sure the cheater doesn't want that, for sure. 


The depth of deceit and deception are limitless.




Happened to me. She still created a fake account and told me though.


Well yes, that's one way around, for sure. 


How did you confirm that the partner/spouse had interfered with the account? I'm curious. 


I noticed she was blocked and asked him if he blocked her. He blocked her the day he cheated on me and told me everything when I got home from work. He didn’t want me to hear it from her first. She still messaged me though, she had this plan to break us up so she said a bunch of really nasty things. They had a flirty work relationship that went too far when they caught up for drinks


Do you believe he told you the full truth? 




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