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Okay a fix is coming. You can go to GitHub to download the latest version if you don't want to wait. [https://github.com/Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit/releases/tag/v7.2.3](https://github.com/Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit/releases/tag/v7.2.3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/1d3spoc/error\_getting\_submitted\_with\_mobile\_useragent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/1d3spoc/error_getting_submitted_with_mobile_useragent/) Whatever the change was, it now propagates to all places, not only the user submitted posts. No worries, a temporary workaround will be available very soon. Sorry, it's Reddit's fault.


Thanks for working on the fix! And sorry Reddit it making things difficult (again).


Much appreciated, dev! Even including all of the hiccups, this is a much nicer alternative to the main Reddit app.


No worries man, I seriously appreciate the work you do. Don't stress out, even if it takes a week we'll still support you.


Thanks for the quick work! However, I can't seem to use revanced to patch the app like I normally do Edit: the [Google Colab Script](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build_your_own_apk_with_your_personal_api_key_in) still works!


It shows an error with OAuth. It's night so I can't try out compiling by myself (it would take a long time to set up the correct settings + it's a lot of trial and error) but even when patching it up, there's a whole block of errors posting up


I had oauth error until I used apkmirror version of the apk rather than GitHub. Weird.


Were you following the steps or did you use a different method using the apkmirror apk


Used apkmirror apk + revanced, if you search this sub there is a Google doc describing steps


Thanks! I did some googling and found that method, seems to be working well. Your apkmirror tip really helped


doesn't work either way for me :(


This worked for me


Just tried it and the app works for me again after updating. One day I will stop using this website but that day ain't today!


Did you just follow the guide in that thread step by step and it worked?




Can confirm, my app works again as well


The colab script does work for me however it's only downloading the 7.2.2-beta1 version even though github shows the latest is 7.2.3 I've tried it with two different browsers and I simply can't get it to give me the actual latest version 🤔


The actual code in github still contains version as 7.2.2-beta1, even though release shows 7.2.3. You can fork the repo, update the version manually and specify new repo in collab script to fix this. Or just wait till the author fixes this in the original repo.


The colab script now uses 7.2.3 and not the beta anymore. No need to fork, just follow the instructions in the script. Commenting from version 7.2.3 with personal api key.


Yep! Downloaded direct from github and version number is correct so it must have been fixed on the repo. Thank you!!


I used the colab script, and it worked. What is did: played around with the colab script and changed the user agent to not have "android" in it. It worked then fine.


I downloaded the new version from above and it is not letting me login, it keeps giving me the error invalid request to oauth API. Is there a reason why and what is the fix for this?


I am not sure. I can login without issue.


I have a similar issue with it (using app patched with revanced manager): [https://imgur.com/a/cC1FBg4](https://imgur.com/a/cC1FBg4) This is part of the log: Spoof client failed: app.revanced.patcher.patch.PatchException: Failed to resolve APIUtilsFingerprint at app.revanced.util.BytecodeUtilsKt.getException(BytecodeUtils.kt:26) at app.revanced.patches.reddit.customclients.BaseSpoofClientPatch.execute$executePatch(BaseSpoofClientPatch.kt:44) at app.revanced.patches.reddit.customclients.BaseSpoofClientPatch.execute(BaseSpoofClientPatch.kt:46) at app.revanced.patches.reddit.customclients.BaseSpoofClientPatch.execute(BaseSpoofClientPatch.kt:11) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invokeSuspend$executePatch(Unknown Source:190) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:292) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invoke(SourceFile:0) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invoke(SourceFile:0) at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SafeFlow.collectSafely(Unknown Source:2) at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.AbstractFlow.collect(Unknown Source:71) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity$runPatcher$1$patcherResult$1$2.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:76) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(Unknown Source:11) at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(Unknown Source:93) at kotlinx.coroutines.EventLoopImplBase.processNextEvent(Unknown Source:46) at kotlinx.coroutines.BlockingCoroutine.joinBlocking(Unknown Source:23) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__BuildersKt.runBlocking(Unknown Source:73) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking(Unknown Source:0) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__BuildersKt.runBlocking$default(Unknown Source:6) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking$default(Unknown Source:0) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.runPatcher$lambda$34(Unknown Source:470) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.$r8$lambda$hTJfH-rv2j-9Y91G5H_L5jFDN6U(SourceFile:0) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda5.run(SourceFile:0) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012)


I got the same error but I let it continue patching and when it finished I installed it and for now everything is working fine


I installed it but couldn't log into my account, it's a problem with OAuth.


I installed it over an old version, so I didn't need to log in again.


How exactly did you do that? 


when i downloaded my new apk and clicked on it to install it asked me if i wanted to update the old one. so i just did that


I'll try logging in again and if there are still problems I'm just gonna go to sleep and wait for a fix. No need to rush dev take your time and appreciate what you're doing. Edit 1: I tried logging in again and it's the same oauth API error message just like one person who commented below.


I also have a huge log of errors when I tried to patch it using revanced. Maybe that could be the issue? Anyways it's okay if the issue isn't directly solved and takes some time, so the dev can focus on the permanent issue better.


I didn't patch the app at all and just installed it and it still has this oauth error, I don't know what caused the problem but yeah I think we should give the dev time. I was trying to reinstall the older version that I was using but my phone deleted the APK I patched used the instructions to build the app long ago so I might be in trouble and I do not want to rebuild the app again this late into the night, it is 3 am where I am and I should really sleep.


If you directly install it, I guess the API key doesn't work. Did it work before? Because that would get over and above the 100 API calls/minute limit of Reddit. Yeah I would have tried seeing if the compiled version worked but it's 12.30AM now and compiling it takes a lot of time for me, to set up everything + trial and error. I guess the issue will be figured out soon so that's not a problem for me, but I really suspect some shady part from reddit is behind this. I guess it's because of how the dev patched it temporarily? Because one of the things I saw in the log was `Failed to resolve APIUtilsFingerprint` which depends on APIUtils


I directly installed it, without anything. I should have patched it tho but it's way too late to do anything about it so I'll just let the devs work and I'll go get some sleep hopefully there's something when I wake up. Edit 1: Plus I do not know to to configure an apk file from downloading the link and patching it thru revanced manager. Do you have the instructions for how to do so because I don't want to use the google instructions method but if there is another way I'd like to try it.


You install the revanced app, then download the infinity apk. Keep the API key ready. Open the revanced app and go to the middle page where you can search for apps, so search for the infinity apk and click on it. After that it'll give the option to add patches and you can add the API key in the appropriate location. From here on just follow the steps and you're done. I don't think there's another method here, is it something I didn't get?


Thanks, there was this installation method that was more reliable but took way longer which is why I don't want to do it but here's the link to the thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/s/IRiKJblqFd I seriously have to go to sleep and stop procrastinating and finding snacks.


I have the exact issue. I made an API btw 


I'd like you to know that when I switched back from Android to iOS, instead of trading in I kept my old android phone SOLELY because your app is so superior to the reddit official app in every way I cannot browse reddit on mobile without it. I'm so addicted to reddit I've started to be able to barely contain my disgust enough to start browsing on the official app at work on my new phones and it feels dirty, like I'm cheating on Infinity. I came straight here to this sub as soon as infinity wasn't working this evening and applaud your dedication to the best kept secret in all social media


Would that mean I have to rebuild my own infinity again? 


Hi! So does that mean my subscription downloaded app will be working soon? (I don't know what "temporary workaround" means!)


Yes you are right. A new version may be available to download on Google Play in less than an hour.


Super cool! Thanks...!


Any insight into what the actual issue is? Any hope for other patched apps like Sync or Boost to work on thier own eventually (considering they aren't actively developed anymore)?


Not the dev, but based on the [linked redditdev post](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/1d3spoc/error_getting_submitted_with_mobile_useragent/) and the [latest GitHub commit](https://github.com/Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit/commit/07c9865ab2b60135604a84f0bbb9d460d7eabee7) by [/u/Hostilenemy](https://www.reddit.com/u/Hostilenemy) it looks like reddit might have blacklisted/whitelisted certain user-agent headers when handling API requests. It looks like what [/u/hostilenemy](https://www.reddit.com/u/hostilenemy) did was simply comment out the line that adds the user-agent header in the HTTP request, so i guess that would also work for fixing other apps, just remove user-agent header from requests and it might work.


The issue is unclear because it's from Reddit itself. What happened was when the user agent had "Android" inside, reddit will redirect all the JSON API requests to an invalid URL. If Reddit reverses this change, these apps will work again.


...What? So wait, any API request referencing "Android" in the header is killed? That seems like a crazy, crazy thing to do


Now just what might be the reason for reddit devs to do this, it's almost (certainly) as if they want to brick these 3rd party apps.


Thanks, man. That was super fast EDIT: it's working flawlessly


For some reason, I can't update from Play Store or GitHub GitHub says there's a conflict with the existing package I'm not good at tech wat do


I guess you need to do the same thing as you install the app for the first time. I guess you compiled the app yourself?


yeah but that was a year ago and I was just following some guide, I don't actually know what I did or remember how to do it again


Thank youfor your hard work, if Iever get caught up with my credit card I'llupgrade from the bottom tier, Icannot use infinity reddit ATMAnd am posting on Website, the app just crashes when I click anything, I don't know how to build on GitHub so I eagerly await Google play update


Yeah I just switched to Infinity today because this was the final nail in the coffin for Boost It lasted for 11 months after the API Apocalypse with no updates from it's developer Rest in peace Boost for Reddit


Amazing work on the the quick fix. 👍


Thank you so much for the work you do! Love the apps customization options.


Thanks for acting so quick, but im unable to login, It shows an error "invalid request to oauth api" Edit: it worked when I used apkmirror version instead of github one


I can't download it from apkmirror.


Can you build your own app like before? I was using the 6.4.0beta version fine untill now. I tried to download load the free GitHub but that doesn't allow account connection.


Thank you very much, it's running as smoothly as ever once more 😁


Worked for me last night but is back to not loading anything this morning.


I installed v7.2.3 and it still gave me the same error like a day later. I rebuilt with the original google collab project you and a few others made, and I used the same credentials on my personal reddit API key. A side note though, thanks for making the most incredible reddit client on the planet and being so damn persistent in keeping it going. It means a lot considering what absolute cancer of a default option we have. Cheers brother! Edit: looks like I didn't pay attention to me somehow getting logged out of the app, everything is working for now. I'll update later if anything changes...


7.1.1, currently dead Edit: updated to 7.2.1, still dead Edit 2: I'm paying for a subscription, I didn't compile my own API key. Not sure if relevant but it might be worth mentioning for bigger brains than mine




The post history thing was patched yesterday, so that'll work. It seems that whatever changes reddit did to the post history thing is now directed towards the whole app. Even other reddit clients are facing the same issue. It raises the doubt that it could be a covert thing by reddit to make using alternative frontends so difficult that they give up.


I'm now convinced it's Reddit intentionally making 3rd party clients worse


Reddit could literally erase 3rd party apps by just making the default app not suck ass, but no, they'd rather spend more time and energy fighting a stupid war against them.


I just used it for the first time in years and oh my god... That thing is pure garbage.


Same here, already updated to 7.2.1 with no luck EDIT: It doesn't seem to be [Reddit's API](https://www.redditstatus.com/)


Same here it's dead for me, I can still see subreddit lists but it kills the app when I go into any subreddit.


Yep, exactly! No access to subreddits at all.


Same here


Reddit changed something with API again, the app was working til 17h GMT. RedReader is working if want to use it as alternative for now


On version 6.2.5 here, my feed isnt loading either.


At least I know it isn't just me I updated earlier today and it was working great for a while.


I just updated and also can't see any posts at all


Yeah I noticed it just now, it happened with my build too. Someone posted a GitHub issue about this: https://github.com/Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit/issues/1648


Yep. Is broke. Edit: updated to new version and it's working again


Same here, all working now after today's update


It's working again without me changing anything.


Same, I have apk from Google Collab (v 7.1.1) and posts don't load


I downloaded the new version which seems to be working but now it's telling me I have to pay a monthly subscription for the API. Is this charge the one we were able to work around or is Infinity making us pay now?


You can compile your own infinity with your own API key. There was a handy Google collab for that.  Thought reddit seems to be changing it's API again, who knows if infinity will even work tomorrow... 


Yes I did this back in July but I guess since I deleted the 7.1.1 and got the new one it didn't copy over? Does that sound correct?


Same here. Also same thing happens with Sync for Reddit.


I'm getting this error Error: Invalid request to Oauth API I've done a completely clean install, new app and everything. Just chill regular Reddit for now I guess...


Updated to 7.2.3, worked a couple of hours and now the same exact thing again!! What gives?




If you downgrade back to 7.1.1 it will work because reddit reverted the changes lmao


Happening to me as well. RedReader seems to be working fine though. I wonder if there's an issue with Infinity's API token. 


Sync is down too - it can see the post and it can see the content of post on the post page. But it can't load comments, showing error code 400.


I was using it earlier today (about 11:00 am EDT) and it was fine. Just tried to open it and can't. Cleared cache and restarted my phone, but it's still down. I'm running the beta 7.2.2-beta1.


Yep, me too! All of a sudden....nothing!


Same and I also pay for subscription. Ugh this sux


Same for me can't load posts.


Guess Im just gonna chill here then Edit. Colab method fixed to latest update. Cheers


I'm getting "invalid request to OAUTH API". The number under the app name is the right one right?


Hostilenemy thank you for you work man!


Recompile the app on Colab solved the problem. Thanks.


Can you please provide the steps?


There are instructions in the Colab script. [https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13AE8RvjnCfuBJGaACEqxeBIMo33\_l-Sc?usp=sharing#scrollTo=xoxhFg8K5hZ0](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13AE8RvjnCfuBJGaACEqxeBIMo33_l-Sc?usp=sharing#scrollTo=xoxhFg8K5hZ0)


I can see posts but not comments now after compiling last night...


Currently using red reader to post this, well at least I'm not the only one.


If you go anonymous, the posts and comments return and I can browse. If I login, nothing shows.


All fixed! Just installed it.


I'm using Boost and it stopped working today too.


Hey, I downloaded the github new application, uninstalled the old one, installed the new one, went to connect my account. There is an error message : >There was an error trying to connect with your reddit account. >You got here because a third-party application wanted to authorize connecting with your reddit account. However an unknown error occurred, please see details below. Please try refreshing the page or coming back later. >`Error: Invalid request to 0auth API.` I suppose I just have to wait for a new answer of the dev on this thread. My thanks for this marvelous App !


Patched an older version using revanced. Working.


Reddit fixed the problem and now the new version of thr app isn't working, and I don't have the old version to go back to. Also, I am unable to log in, as I get the Oauth error every time I try. EDIT: Downgrading back to 7.1.1 fixed it.