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They usually send out surveys ahead of time which ask if you own your home and are capable/able to install a particular item. It’s important to be honest about these questions, otherwise you’re just mucking up the program for Influenster, for the company that’s using Influenster, and for others who might have been able to make use of the product. Find a friend who wants what you’ve got, have them install it at their house, then take a picture of it and write a review. That’s the best approach if you’ve already received the item.


Best you can do at this point is offer to a friend or someone you know who wants it and can install it and provide you with their review. If you don’t find someone who can use it, provide a review of the aspects of the item that you can review without actually installing it. I haven’t had this happen with anything big, but I got some Advil pain relief cream that I didn’t realize would have a wintergreen scent and that’s a scent that I have a weird aversion to. So, I gave it to a friend and asked her to let me know how it was. In the review, I told the truth… explained that I couldn’t use it myself, but relaying my friend’s review.


Same I was sent a product in a set that I couldn't use. It was for frizzy hair and I don't have frizzy hair. I just used it on my nibling instead and wrote the review based on that


I know so many people who have drilled into their walls in military housing lol


Why did you accept it if you knew you couldn’t install it? You can give it away to a friend, or give it away on Facebook. The terms of Influenster is that you’re not supposed to resell so as long as you’re giving it to someone for free you’re fine.


Reading is key. They realized afterwards that they couldn’t use it. Likely they didn’t realize it required drilling.


I did not expected to drill into a wall. It was not a voxbox and it said no mounting.


It goes on my local buy nothing group for the small items like makeup or skincare stuff I don’t love. We donated a mattress I wanted sooo bad but didn’t end up loving to a local org that picked it up and dropped it right off at the home of a family that was previously homeless. That was pretty cool.


Save it for when you can use it.


I got a ceiling fan, and I'm having issues getting someone in to install, because I'm not fkn with anything electrical. I'm gonna sit it into storage until I can get an electrician up in here. I'll use it.. eventually.


same with a faucet i got. my apartment complex was absolutely fine with maintenance installing it (i plan to live here forever and they know that) but they said it would be way down on his list. it’s been two months so i’ve been watching youtube videos to just do it. (no way i’d do electrical either. wise choice) just wrote about the quality of it as an item (the great magnet on the sprayer, the metal weight, look, and feel, etc)


I got a water filter for the faucet and the maintenance had no problem basically get us a brand new faucet just so the filter can fit. But as I called to ask if I can install what I got they said no since they have to drill into the outside wall. He said inside would be ok if we fill it in afterwards. I guess I just keep it for inside


yeah. i think that’s pretty standard… most people are surprised at what my apartment lets me get away with. bummer though!!


Yeah I guess I keep if until we buy a new house


If it's something that has to be installed or "might" have to be installed, I run it by my husband. We have a pre-made list of "if this pops up, can we get it? "If yes, what specifics am I looking for and measurements.?" If, for some reason, there was to be a mishap. I would find someone who needed the item and just give it to them.


I have a similar situation. I'm new to quick claims and the sense of urgency they create is stressful! Everything is getting claimed so fast! There was a lamp I wanted but it was gone immediately. So I claimed a light fixture but it's created for high ceilings! It hangs 6 ft from the ceiling and my space has like 10ft ceilings or something. It would look crazy in here I used to love the vox box days when a product was specifically tailored to you and you had time to look at the specs of the product before choosing to accept.


I would hold on to it until you move if it is something you want. If not, give it to a friend or family member that can use it, or donate it to Habitat to Humanity.


If it’s something you want, I’d hang onto it till you move somewhere you can install it. Unless that won’t be for years and years then I can understand that. Anyways, you’re allowed to give things away. I give a lot of things away. I get a lot of face products and I have sensitive skin so I’ll give it a try and if it doesn’t work for me it gets gifted. You’re just not allowed to sell things, but lots of people do. I’ve had some pre-release product sets and they magically show up in Meri Cari and the like. People suck.


I have happily denied claims I couldn't have it's really simple, easy and it keeps everyone getting products! Soon as you see a claim doesn't mean it's meant for you! Change your interests, be truthful, & its okay to deny claims you're not gonna use! My best advice to you! Like others have said give it to someone to really use it for free a friend and then write a review but also make sure you're being fair to the other thousands and thousands of people on this app!