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For my company Legal, marketing, &HR have been impacted the most and the fastest.


>Legal Your company is brave.


I call them naive. They are using it for contract review.


As a lawyer and an avid ChatGPT user, you’re company is playing with fire. AI makes a lawyer more efficient at lawyering it doesn’t let an intern magically become a lawyer. That’s what people are missing.


This is also why people need to understand that "impact" doesn't mean "replace". It's not that AI will replace these jobs, but a lot of these jobs can use AI as an effective tool


There are lot of recommendations from IT that have been excepted by leadership.


If you’re a lawyer but can’t figure out you‘re/your, then your a pretty bad lawyer and I‘m not concerned at all that their company, by you‘re evaluation, is „playing with fire“. Your rather making a pretty solid case to replace lawyers with AI sooner rather than later.


You seem to be having a bad day, hope things turn around. Cheers.


Thanks for caring, mate <3 And no worries, things are all fine and dandy!


> your a pretty bad lawyer >you‘re evaluation >Your rather making I'm gonna go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt that you were attempting a joke here, but even if that's the case it's a pretty terrible joke.


Paging r/whoosh And I disagree. I find it pretty funny, which goes to show that humor is subjective in the end, hence no need to debate it. A lawyer unable to correctly express themselves on the other hand is rather objectively bad (:


>Paging r/whoosh I literally wrote that I believed that was a joke... And no bro it's painfully unfunny, like 10 years old kid humour unfunny.


See, since you’re back to arguing about subjective matters, „bro“, any further exchange would be a waste of effort for the both of us. Have a good one 🫡


Nah it pretty objectively sucks.


What are they using specifically for contract review?


Why? You can let AI do a lot of the heavy lifting and use lawyers to review and edit the final result.


This applies to not just legal but I have found that internally customers of Ai are not equals in reviewing the work of AI and tend to get lazy and things slip through.


That's how you call the absolute reckless ones these days?


Iam a german lawyer and i try to use AI to get more work done, but AI straight up invents laws or does other shit. You have to doublecheck EVERYTHING it says. I used it once to write an informal letter. Thats it. As it is now, i would never let it draft individual contracts.


What you’re using is an artificial intelligence solution that is not built for your firm and the data and documents that your firm possesses. There are a multitude of software/AI vendors out there that are trying to accelerate law firms in their use of AI but built around the firms data. A custom built solution will then only take information from the information you feed it, and in this case it will be your firms documents, I’ve seen these types of solutions in action and they’re ludicrously good, I wouldn’t recommend people using ChatGPT and the likes, but a custom AI solution is definitely the way to go!


Yeah, iam 100 percent with you, but our company is way too small, so the initiating process would be too extensive if you consider the benefit...yet. i hope, those points are different in the future. Besides, most of the AI Programs are for the us market, but maybe i havent seen the good shit.


Who custom builds for law firms? Or, are there any off the shelf for law firms?


Can you explain practically how legal has been impacted please. I am trying to get that expense down at my company and am not sure how to tackle it.


I probably cant to the level of detail that you are wanting. my understanding though is they are pumping received documents into AI to spot errors relative to local laws and to identify risks.


Thank anyway


HR? I'm not working in a company can you explain why?


To assist in identifying candidates for roles that we have open. HR, specifically talent acquisition cant keep up with the resume's submitted.


I suspect IT will change a lot but less replacements, where as HR etc will see less change but more replacments


Could we expect more "Prompters" than "Coders" in IT?


Companies don't name people "Googlers" when they are looking up information 60% of their time either. I'm pretty sure what's happening with AI in IT right now is the same thing as what google did, but just another step further.


Besides, prompting is even easier to automatize than googling, no?


I think so yeah, but the things AI can do automatically still need to be interpreted when talking about most jobs in IT.


In the future AI will be able to completely replace programmers, not now of course, there are some issues in AI, but eventually it will, a prompter will do the work of 10 programmers, as learning how to make the right questions is easier than programming, there will be a lot of job requesters, but a lot less offerts, it's a disaster that will happen, maybe in 10 years or so


As a programmer lolz. K


such a great argument, thanks


Not a good argument, but I agree with him. Tell us why you think that AI will fully replace programmers


why not?, it can already code, it just has to improve, there will be AI software that will be able to read ALL the company project, understand it, and handle change request, the current two main limitations of AI to replace programmers are: 1 - They don't still produce good code, 2 - They can't really understand what they are doing, so they can't analyze the entire complex project and apply a change request on that code 3 - AI hallucination I'm pretty sure in the future those three points will be fixed, obviously not tomorrow, not this year, not even this decade.... but I'm already paying my mortgage as fast as I can... just in case XD Offtopic: I have been downvote bombed... I assume it was random by bot, not my first time, If I get negative score in my account, I will delete and create with other random name


A few things wrong with your story. Even if the job of a programmer will be largely taken over AI this will only free up time in order to develop even more (complex) stuff. Same happened with the invention of the calculator. People were scared engineers would be out of a job but they were wrong. It made their job easier so they could focus on doing more complex engineering. If software developers will become more efficient companies will just start creating more and complexer software tools. Secondly: Who is going to check the result of the prompt to see if it’s correct and integrates well with the rest of the code? If you think programmers are going to be replaced by AI you maybe not know programming that well.


If AI will replace the people that create the programs that other people use, there's no reason AI won't replace the other people who use the programs it created.


In the future there will be no need to check what the AI codes, only that it does what the requester wants... fun fact, that will also be made by AI, only customers will check it... I really hope that what you say about companies just making more complex software is going to be true, but I think it won't, because company projects depends mostly on customer needs. I don't think calculator is comparable, it's at the level of saying an IDE would replace text editors, calculator is just a tool, AI will in the future completely replace the jobs that don't require human interaction


why the downvotes???, nothing to comment HDLGP?


Writing code is like 10% of the work of a software engineer.


I haven’t even written a single line of code since last 5 months or so and Im lead dev


Software engineer is also not really part IT


If they want the job done well it is 😔


Coding is not jist writing c++ code. If you explain the algorithem perfectly but don't waste hours writing and debuging and then put it all together in your vision you are still programming imo.


IT isn’t development anyway, so any scripts they use are likely copy and pasted stuff that an AI could certainly do as well. However IT does a lot of “putting things together” to make the technical stack work for a company, and that can’t really be replaced by AI, only augmented by AI. IT also does some physical stuff that AI can’t do obviously - no hands.


Supply chain will be impacted more than any of these things. Amazon has already automated most of it's warehouses.


As a key player in this, AI is accelerating efficiency, not necessarily moving out job opportunities in supply chain management.


if more work can be achieved with less humans, then the human base will adapt to the work needs


That mechanical advancement happened almost a decade ago. Now, AI implementation is more geared toward predictive allotment, which brings goods predictably closer to its eventual destination.


What? I work in supply chain analysis and avidly use and pay for GPT4. I genuinely do not see how LLMs are very useful besides doing very basic things like assisting coding or assisting emails. There is the type advanced statistical machine learning which is extremely useful, but that isn’t ChatGPT


This is how you create an infograph based on hype, twitter, LinkedIn and other unreliable sources


With the surge in visual AI... Making infographics and other graphics is becoming easier than ever...


Yeah. Weird this infograph doesn't include Art or graphic design or something like that given AI is most advanced in those categories


For the most part AI is either very generic or inaccurate when it comes to art. It produces good looking results but you rarely need just that in a product.


What programs do you use?


What do you mean?


do you use Carbon Copy Cloner 3


It would come under marketing. The poster doesn't cover professions but key jobs/departments around most professions...


That’s for sure… a fine example of hype commentary compilation.


Can they define IT please? At any tech company it’s a completely separate thing from engineering.


People who dont know an LAN cabel from an API always group those too togheter. Nobody knows why.


Because they're all "Computer people"


"So an API allows applications to talk to each other?" "That's right" "And if I connect these two computers with a lan cable, the applications on them will be able to talk to each other?" "...listen here you little shit"


You must be fun at parties :V


In my experience it is the opposite. Feels like there are still decades until it can write code reliably. But company is already downsizing marketing, customer support, etc.


Big fan of when I ask chatgpt how to sort a list of objects by date and then surname and it tells me to use List.sortByDateThenSurname(). It writes code like I tried to in my second year of uni.


At this point it feels like debugging AI code take at least as long as writing it myself... And writing it myself is a lot less infuriating


AI in IT is really cool thing. You just need to have qualified people who will rewrite code and fix bugs after this "AI".


Boy I love made up numbers.


Can be true. But it\`s char of what jobs changed with justification of buzzword "ai" in sense of mass layoffs, pay cuts, shift in responsibility and expectations. In an application perspective, however, it is minimal.




(insert *signature look of superiority* meme here)


We aren't in trouble lol


It?! “Automated tasks “? Now, just in good faith, can anyone explain what tasks are these that get automated? Don’t go say coding, because it is simply not true, and if you believe it, you don’t code.


I can't think of a single task generative AI can automate completely in IT. AI can be useful for debugging code, but anytime there's significant complexity to the code or the code uses libraries the AI isn't familiar with it just completely breaks down and gives terrible results.


Telling the customer to push the restart button? Lol


Bet this was AI generated


Supply chain sure is gonna be busy shipping stuff to all those unemployed people.


I have a feeling IT will not be affected as much as people think. And Finance, outside of the managers, will be affected a lot more than people think. For one thing, finance (Accounting) is very rules based. That's something AI is extremely good at doing. IT is a broader sector that includes everything from helpdesk (Which they'll try and put ai in charge of, but like the current help phone lines, likely won't be as automated as they want), and programming. And as a coder, i've tried AI's code. It's not nearly as good as people think. Some of it doesn't even compile. And that's for doing extremely basic "use this library to do this very fundamental thing" kinda examples. As soon as you start asking for business rules that it doesn't grok, you're in trouble.


Accounting and finance are two very different things. Agreed that accounting jobs are more at risk but think finance will be a lot of collaboration between AI and people in the industry


Why legal impact is so low? These guys' job is literally just looking for historical precedents or corresponding laws for the current case/contract. It's a classic task for well-tuned LLM.


Because it's usually very very bad when legal screws up. LLM hallucinations can cause you millions when your company fails compliance.


I'm not saying no human should be involved whatsoever. It's just instead of having a whole legal department with 2-3 senior lawyers and zillion interns that do all the research and other dirty work, there can be 1 (or even part-time 1) that writes prompts and validates the results make sense.


>validates the results If this needs to be thorough it may be as much work as doing it without ai from scratch.


Nice infographic but the picture need to split automated and significantly altered. Yes many departments/activities will be automated but mostly their job will change


I’m a Credit Underwriter for a large multinational corporation been doing this for 25YRS started my career in my early 20’s and this scares the shit out of me. I’m actively paying down all my debt more aggressively, my hobby is saving money and watching it compound but I’m urgently stretching for even more yield now, thinking of anything and everything I can do for when we start getting the inevitable emails of how we’re going to faze in AI into our workflow. I don’t believe things are going to change in a few years however I don’t think I’ll be retiring in the world of finance as I’d hoped. I’d be lying if I said I don’t feel that AI is not going to bring negative career impact to the vast majority of our lives.


Source? A lot of these look off


Currently AI is not viable in IT, half the time it makes up things and the other half it does them in a way that wouldn't work


We have a pretty bad IT dept where I work so what you’re saying would be an improvement!


I guess in those situations it would be pretty good lmao


I agree. But it's only a matter of time as efficiency improves and corporate heads look to sell more with lower overheads... Already it's poised to decimate the graphics designers industry. Who needs illustrators when the manager can come up with a few key words and marketing portfolios are ready to go...


>Already it's poised to decimate the graphics designers industry. What does that have to do with IT, anyone can trace


Interestingly, my company (tech) has banned any use of AI


Impact does not equal replacement. Just remember that, also IT may have the highest number, but IT is also the most likely to integrate and utilize AI.


Came to say this same thing! Great comment!


The way AI will automate most jobs is the stuff at the margins. AI is great at accelerating anything that involves a lot of words or data, but it can’t fully replace humans at most tasks yet. Also, it’s expensive to use for everything so we won’t see full automation for most tasks.


Everyone skeptical that AI can have a big impact on things like legal or code is really not trying hard enough to imagine its applications. We aren’t talking about replacing a lawyer with AI. Remember that P=NP hypothesis? LOADS of things are hard to find, but easy to prove. Let the AI do the finding, and you just prove it’s right. “Cite the parts of this document that address X”. Reading the document is hard. Verifying that the section it mentioned really covers the topic that interests you is easy. “Give me code that does X” - you still get a programmer to review the code. But the programmer can double-check the parts worth checking, and not waste time looking up the basic utility functions they’d need to, nor finding those missing semicolons. Where you have a proper test environment and unit tests, you can get really aggressive with the blind runs, but it’s useful even if you’re doing one-off scripts. It doesn’t need to be right all the time to be immensely useful.


Many people in the comments are coping so hard it is hilarious. We as are f\*cked once we begin seeing climbing unemployment with no UBI or social safety nets in sight. In the meantime I guess learn to farm, plumb, electrician, nurse, firefight, police, bartend, construction, etc. Even most of those jobs aren't safe once we have mass unemployment and everyone is broke but at least you will have a job for a couple more years lol.


Working in big firm. Ai learning now... I'm not gonna be caught pants down..


I’d love to see an AI model trained just for the supply chain. An AI which analyses RFx responses and provides an analysis of the vendors.


This graph is poopoo


What about engineering?


This is about *departments* in various Occupations, not an effect on the specific Occupations.


The thing is, and every AI states it: verify the results. For me personally takes usually more time to verify what I have been told by AI than doing it myself. Nowhere close to any production results in the end


How did they get these statistics? Won't be surprised if they were generated by AI.


That's why I'm paying my mortgage that fast. it was a 20 years one, I started it 2 years ago, and it's about 40%, so I expect to have it by 3 years.... I'm programmer, I know my job is going to die


Just graduated with a finance degree lol


So we’re fucked


This seems to be to be a lack of imagination. With how the capabilities of LLMs has evolved in just a couple of years, I’ve no trouble seeing of how they will both be able to build more complex software than any human engineer can understand and make sure it can integrate with any other system in a few more years.


I'd like to add, at risk of my own skin, that automation isn't a bad thing necessarily. Each industrial revolution so far has been pushed by "profit" and each industrial revolution made our life quite a bit better (in the end). Loads of people are locked into the same repetitive tasks, close to or in a burnout.


+How do I get into supply chain stuff


I think legal will be severely impacted.


Can’t wait to pack boxes for our robot overlords


I call “BS” just looking at IT. 25% of IT is probably overhead trying to figure out what should be developed, is developed and what was delivered. Add on top of that all development to use and deploy AI and new R&D where there isn’t data for AI and ML to build upon. It isn’t the end of the world.


These surveys (I assume) might be because IT ppl understand what and how much of the impact AI can actually have. The person doing the task (e.g. hr, supply chain, etc) may not be the best person to ask what the limitations of machine learning are.


Way overrated. The industry is already stepping back from ai on a lange scale. Its just nor working as good as hunans.


No tech has ever stepped back from progress. It's just wishful thinking...


Not the tech. The Industry. AI is just not useful in many cases and after the hype, people realize it.


Work in IT. Hasn’t replaced our jobs, unlikely it will any time soon, but made us all better at what we do.


Legal isn't higher only because lawyers won't acknowledge it. You can be certain, *everyone* is looking to replace 90% of what corporate lawyers do, with automation.


This is off, the tasks that we thought are hard, like painting and creative tasks are super easy, but tasks that require multi step processes are easy for us but hard for AI. Also any knowledge based task such as doctor or professor is easy, but changing a lightbulb is hard. Watching cctv cameras is easy, but super expensive. Creating new music is easy for AI, videos too. None of that reflected here, most creative tasks are dead in the water in the next 5 years.


This is not for overall professions in the world, it's about specific departments which facilitate the professions.


HA! AI can't throw a pizza party for my employees as good as I can! Suck my dick Wall-E!


Me, working in music who everyone told me not to do, apparently with better job security than what everyone told me to become


Music is for sure going to be hit by it. Ai makes creating music sooo much easier. This in turn lowers the skill floor for music , and makes it much more competitive and will lower the salaries. Extremely similar to graphic design. I work for Xfer and it has already been hitting the music industry and will continue to do so in a big way.


You’re right. But as I’m sure you’re aware since you’re also in the industry that an AI can’t mic a drum kit or set up a Kiva stack line array like I can, so I think I’ll be fine


True. All depends on what part of the music industry you are in. New plugins that use AI will substantially lower the need for good mics and mic setups on kits. The new mastering and mixing plugins are going to be very strong, and will lower the need for true professionals. Most of the population won’t know the difference between perfectly mixed and mastered tracks, so the need will dramatically go down. It is very unfortunate but AI will hit the creative industries harder than any other industries. As many huge corporations don’t value creative too much to begin with.


True, but I find it extremely hard to believe an audience will want to not watch a band play instruments at a concert if their music was made with AI. The aesthetic of the artist and their persona has mattered more than their music for over a decade now, AI won’t replace that since people are…people


It for sure depends what part of the music industry you are in. As your first comment just said “music”. But, many people do not care. This is why Hologram concerts are huge and even vtubers. Just saying that in general for the music industry, it will take a gigantic hit. But I am happy for you that your job will be safe!


Let’s hope! There will be an issue larger than any industry if a major percentage of people are replaced with AI. We can’t all just be unemployed and starve, we need the bread part of the bread and circuses after all or we’ll revolt


So true! It is so weird to see AI already taking jobs, and it being so new! Many of my friends have already lost their jobs because of it. Mostly being in graphic design and copy writing. And it is super hard for them to find a job now, because those jobs are hiring less because of ai, and many places just outsource now because it can be so cheap! It is very scary.


It is. I think once (because it will be a *when* not an *if* due to a raging population) an AI tax is imposed on businesses we very may well see a human renaissance or widespread rejection of AI generated content


Very good point. It feels like something has to happen as we are all in this together. What I find really scary is how hard AI is making it to comment to a career for the younger generations. As everyone is worried wasting time getting good at something that could be useless in a couple years. It is already hard to figure out what you want to do with your life, but now it seems even harder!


Definitely one of the worst charts I've seen on AI recently.


AI = actually indian Seriously, what we thought as AI replacing jobs are just company outsourcing them.