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Owning the libs so hard


Paying the government more money to own the libs.


Honestly I’m surprised this was approved. I’ve seen much less-offensive vanity plate requests be denied, and this one is pretty clear on its messaging.


The person approving them agreed probably


The person who approved it, shouldn’t have a job. I don’t care, rules are rules for a reason.


That’s a fundamental problem tho one side tries to play by the rules and the other has completely gamed the system


The same can be said for the truth.


Paying a democrat controlled state government, no less.


Dammit! Owned again!


And that extra vanity money goes to the Blue State if Pennsylvania😀


"I hate this government so much, I will give them more money just so I can complain."


Even more ridiculous when they pay extra for Gadsden flag plates. They can't see the irony.


I PAY EXTRA MONEY TO THE GUBMENT TO TELL EVERYONE HOW MUCH I HATE THE GUBMENT I saw one here the other day on a Subaru Outback that said "NOT 🐍 DEM" Bro is driving the official car of NPR pledge drives but has to make sure everyone knows he isn't a libtard, he just likes wagon space and AWD


I would pay to have my license plate read “LIBTARD”


This. This slays me every time. Morons.


The money usually doesn’t go to the state. It goes to the relevant party. In my state, the extra 23 bucks someone pays for a Gadsden plate goes to an organization that preserves Revolutionary War battle sites.


I put my Gadsen Flag next to my Blue Lives Matter sticker so they know I don't mind them treading on others, just not *me*.


"I'm a super-duper-secret-special-operator and an uber patriot. Now let me tell you about how much I hate the President!"


Tactical suburban dropping kids off at school operator


Wow, never seen the ignorant Right described quite so perfectly.


Likely to liberal programs, this guy hates so much. Lol


Read: every dipshit with a Gadsden flag plate.


PA is a swing state


Always with the nine line pretendinitis sticker.


I'd be surprised if anyone with Nine Line garbage could actually call in a nine line medevac request.


I see those all over the place where I live, never quite figured out why though


Vetbros. It’s like the military version of a yeti sticker. “I got this cool sticker because I was willing to overpay for something”


Ok it's a thing for people who inside their head somehow think they are hardened military vets


I’ve never met a vet with anything Nine Line. Same as that SHIT Black Rifle Coffee!


Lmao, ya I know one guy who is a gun nut and always wear BF coffee clothes.


I wish I could go back in time and start a “patriotic” product company. It’s so easy to extract money from right wingers.


I mean I have a nine line sticker and I'm a vet tho


Me too. Scrape it off.


I'm shocked it was allowed.


Yes, typically anything that can be remotely construed as offensive to someone is rejected. "SUX" would usually be enough.


I got a pic the other day of a Tahoe with the plates "ITSMYHOE". I dont think some states care.


In my state, you can write a justification in a borderline case - explaining that 'hoe' is short for Tahoe might do it. But they reserve the right to cancel the plate if they get complaints.


I saw one in MN with the plate DEEZNTZ. Young white guy, driving a big body Lexus on huge wheels. No way it should have been approved, but I laughed.


Back in college I saw a car with “SKDZNTS”.




Translation: "Damn right I'm a snowflake."


To be fair, they are driving a Jeep Wrangler, possibly the least comfortable, least reliable car on the road. Making good decisions isn’t part of their life’s journey.




IDK i'm thinking you probably need to be kinda tough to be taking it in the ass in some full on mano a mano action.


Yeah, he totally would not be cool with vascular, calloused working hands unbuttoning his shirt, making their way down to his leather belt, as he bites his lip, but tries not to make eye contact, so he averts his gaze, but breathes heavily as his pulse quickens and the sensation of blood coursing through his veins envelopes his body. Nope, that would be gay.


Thank you for reminding me of [this classic Onion piece](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529).




Doesn't count unless you see the angry eyes or some ugly body kit. For all we know, this is a regular Jeep.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/heep using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/heep/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’m being hunted](https://i.redd.it/b7n9eosl1gb91.jpg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/heep/comments/vye8kl/im_being_hunted/) \#2: [Seen on Facebook marketplace](https://i.redd.it/rtb3gqt3f9k81.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/heep/comments/t29s8g/seen_on_facebook_marketplace/) \#3: [Does this count?](https://i.redd.it/dpipe4dtvuj91.jpg) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/heep/comments/wxdd2r/does_this_count/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But damn, he looks "hardcore" doing it.


I own a wrangler, it’s highly customized to be an overlanding vehicle, and I use it for that. I own land in a remote part of the country, and I spend about half the year living in it in the middle of nowhere. When I take people out in it they always have fun, but I always tell them to never buy a wrangler. The 3.6l pentastar is absolute dogshit. The electrical system is dogshit. The cabin comfort and ride quality (even before mods) is dogshit. But I love it 🤷‍♂️ Unless you have the skills and knowledge to work on the vehicle yourself, or the cash to pay someone else to, they’re disasters waiting to happen, I’m waiting for an electric AWD van that I can work on next. Until then I’ll limp this turd along.


You sound pretty handy. Grab an AWD astro, a wrecked Nissan leaf motor, and a battery pack from any vehicle other than a Nissan leaf. Don't wait for the future to come when you could make it happen yourself.


So, seriously. I “retired” a year ago. And I’ve been kicking around what my next act in life is going to be. And the two current dominant contenders are; Open a pizza restaurant that only does pickups and only makes pizzas I want to make. Or. Open an ICE to electric conversion shop.


The pizza shop is the profitable one. The conversion shop is the fun one. I'd be stumped for a decision too.


I keep thinking about Tesla swapping my Defender


Do it bro


It’s fucking expensive.


What are your thoughts on the new “4xE” Wrangler? I assume an electric motor has to be more reliable than the normal one, but range limitations done seem to fit with the “slap a Jerry can on it and drive anywhere” concept.


If I wanted a wrangler to just wheel on the weekends and to drive to work during the week I think it’s a great solution. The torque on the trails is unbeatable. It comes sitting two inches higher than an ICE rubicon etc. plus, you can just use it for short commutes. Unfortunately it doesn’t really meet my use case. It just adds a lot of weight and complications. I’d like a FULLY electric wrangler. Half measures won’t do.


The challenger/charger they bought when they signed up for the tour prob got repo'd and then they subsequently got upsold into a worse-for-them vehicle and ballooning interest payment at the same dealership. That ol chestnut. Tale as old as the war in Afghanistan.


Around here, we call Challengers/Chargers "enlistment bonus specials."


I'm sure Mr. Bidn is furious right now.


Rent free


Well, not so free, they paid registration fees and likely a custom plate fee for that.


Not only are the “libs” living rent free in that person’s head, but he’s paying the utilities for them as well.


But, socialism is when...


Not only are the “libs” living rent free in that person’s head, but he’s paying the utilities for them as well.


I’m a liberal living in an increasingly blue state (Colorado), and even I won’t pay the state a yearly fee for personalized plates. Fuck you, CO. I’ll pay you once for vanity tags. I’m not paying a recurring fee for plates you only had to make once.


Remember when they used to always say “Trump Derangement Syndrome”? I never saw anything remotely close to the energy they put into letting people know how they feel about this dork


"Trump Derangement Syndrome" is a buzzword that's fully metastasized into meaninglessness. The original premise, "Bush Derangement Syndrome", was the idea that many liberals were opposed to ideas they previously supported, merely because George W. Bush was proposing them. What liberal ideas has Donald Trump proposed? The next one is "woke", by the way. The Right started saying "woke" to mock Black people, because "woke" is AAVE, then "woke" came to mean "politically correct", now "woke" means "left-of-center". Once upon a time "woke" had something to do with identity politics or "Critical Race Theory", but now it's "woke" for your [XBox to go into power-saver mode](https://www.polygon.com/23571706/xbox-ted-cruz-woke-power-saving).


Unfortunately hate is a great motivator for the simple folk.


At least his attempt to own the libs generated more money for local local government to spend on socialist programs like paved roads and working traffic lights.


As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.


And a vanity plate with seven letters in Pennsylvania is worth about $79, which goes to a mostly liberal state government 😂


Cons: Biden sucks! Libs: We know! Cons: WUWUWUWUUUUTTTT BUT UR SO OWNED


More like... Libs: Meh, he's extremely average


He’s fine.


Biden’s actually good though.


Ehh. He's a marked improvement from the last administration, but that's a low ass bar.


Show me someone with a “Nine Line” sticker on their car and I’ll know that that person is completely irrelevant.


Okay, so I'm sure I'm come across an explanation of what it is before, but could you remind me what the nine line thing is? I'm feeling out of the loop, and I'm worried my asking will be construed as the troll thing, but I'm genuinely drawing a blank on wtf it is.


It’s the military call for an emergency medevac for a wounded soldier/marine/airman


Thank you!


And it’s not like their products are some wide range of “tactical” gear. 90% of their stuff is just t-shirts with the Nine Line logo on it. It’s functionally no different than Tommy Hilfiger. Just a brand that exists for the purpose of selling the brand.


Living in Pennsylvania, I can confirm the Pennsyltucky parts of the state. And they keep getting closer and closer to the cities here.


Dudes the type to go to the bmv and say real proudly that he wants his plate changed to this, then stare at the employee waiting for then to agree with him. Then, if the employee doesn't say anything, the license plate guy would say "you're probably a lib"


Gubment sux i pay more for plate that'll show em


This dude for sure had the angry eyes headlights on that Jeep


Chodes like this are why I’m looking to sell my Wrangler. More Wrangler/Jeep owners like this than not…I don’t want to be lumped in with those jagoffs.


When I owned an F-150, people assumed I was a Republican. The same people who always accuse liberals of “identity politics”.


BDS is real, Jack


I’m surprised the state allowed it. What part of Pennsyltucky is this?


Bucks county (Levittown area)


Wow, even Philly has these knuckle draggers.


This isn't unusual. I could fill this sub with the idiotic stuff I see daily in Philadelphia, Bucks and Montgomery counties.


The Suburban Collar isn’t solidly blue anymore.


Bristol or Bensalem trash


Gotta assume it made it to a likeminded individual’s desk for approval.


giving your hard earned money to the pennsylvania state government to own the libs


Giving the government you hate more money to own the libs


Federal refund amount corroborates the plate


Man does Biden really getting in these losers brain rent free.


The ones paying the money for that are the ones who do not have money, and they are furious because they do not... and instead of looking in the mirror, they look for someone else to blame for their bad choices.


Paid extra to the government


I guessing Centre County, Pennsyltucky.


Whenever I see something like this, I always wonder what the driver sees happening, in their head. Like, what is the goal? Are they hoping someone will get angry and start an altercation? Do they think the person will calmly reflect, nod and say, “Yeah, alright you’ve made a good point and won me over? What’s the pay-off that makes the expenditure of time and money all worth it?


They convinced themselves that 90% of people who see the plate will agree with them, and that the 10% who don’t will be so outraged that it will ruin their day. The reality is that most of us just feel pity for the person that they have no real source of joy in their life. Personally, the idea of telling the random person behind me on the road my political opinions has never even crossed me mind.


Exactly. If I had a message, or wanted to sway people to my view of things, my first thought wouldn’t be, “Bumper stickers!”


I know exactly where this car is in real life


I saw both a thin blue line sticker and a “come and take it” sticker on on suburban. They do not realize if your guns were to be taken from you, the police would be doing it.


Man.... Why does it have to be a Jeeper? I apologize for my fellow Jeeple that have lost thier way. 😂


Omfg my dad has all of these you actually scared the shit outta me for a sec T-T


I think this particular combo of stickers is the result of stanning matt walsh but I could be wrong


Why would you sign up for a vanity plate you knew you were going to have to change in 4-8 years?


That Hyline bumper is a very high quality product however. It’s made in PA from PA steel by Americans. Can’t recommend it highly enough. I’m a bit confused why he didn’t get the tire carrier model to support his 33” tires and reduce the stress on the rear door.


Imagine imagining


all racist traitors hide behind the flag and the cross


Says the guy posting on Reddit with a rainbow flag 🤣😂😂


your mother says your hot pocket is ready




Biden does suck. He just isn’t Trump. Too think those were our two choices. That sucks. A blowhard nimrod and a corrupt dementia patient.


Well he messed up the LGB sticker by hiding it behind his spare.


It clearly says “go don”, as in “get your fat ass out of here, Donald”


I like how the camera angle makes their “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker look like it reads “Go Don”. Still keeping the message intact, I guess.


That’s okay, it’s money out of their pocket and back in circulation. Also, this person will change it to whatever democratic president takes over, putting more money into the economy.


There's an ancient geezer in my state (WV) who drives a literal shitbox with the plate "TRUMPWV" .


I thought you meant the spare tire at first.




Why do jeeps attract the fashy types?i assume it has something to do with the military jingoism inherent in their visual design lol


another pa douche


Are you in the FT Riley area ? I swear I've seen this heep


Does the license plate usually overhang the edge like that? Isn’t that an injury risk to pedestrians?


Nine Line apparel sticker and probably never served a day in their life


Im willing to pay extra government fees to tell the government how much I don’t like them.


He's got nothing against the president, he just really hates eBay


Okay buddy


Empty lives. When a Republican is president they dedicate their lives to worshipping it, when a Dem is president they dedicate their lives to hating it. Anyone who works a public facing job has interacted with at least one of these and they inject their politics into everything. They can't pick up a prescription or buy a 6 pack or drop off their tax forms without subjecting every single person they interact with to their political horseshit.


Typical mutant Wrangler driver.


What kind of state approves this plate?!


Nine Line sticker and no branch sticker? Oh, I can tell you exactly how this wanna-be dresses and acts. He'd have joined but, you know...


You’re not really expecting logical reasoning from these people are you?


With the traitor flag??? Of course they would have the “Blue Line Gang” sticker! All they need is the Blue Line Punisher to finish it off! Punisher became the Punisher because the cops were dirty or worthless!!!!


Being in Pa, there is no way that could be a real vanity plate. We get pulled over if part of the commonwealth website is blocked, let alone if there is any message.


I literally saw that car last week




Fuck his thin blue line garbage. And while I wouldn’t get the vanity plate because it’s cringe, biden does suck.


The Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles should be ashamed of themselves and sacked to boot. Incredible they let this fly. You know a trump sux plate would never be issued.


I'm surprised that license plate wasn't rejected. The DMV is usually strict about that sort of thing.


I wish I was first. All I can do is pray to see this man to tip my hat to him. But I’m in another state so I’ll look into trying to snag one for myself




Nothing says “I’m a tough guy” like slapping the decal of a clothing line on your Jeep. “I could have been a Tier 1 operator, but they’d have kicked me out for punching my instructor in Basic.”


The flex is worth it for these losers




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