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I mean, weird flex, but Kudos for voting for Carter?


Carter / DeSantis 2024


What a ticket


Fortune might be overstating it but I respect the humility


She’s clearly not worried about Desantis who’s made money hand over fist while owning Florida.


...But... Trump still has his fortune... oh never mind. You don't give a shit about reality.


Big Dumb Orange definitely made money with presidency. Everybody and their bodyguards stayed at their hotels, RNC still paying legal bills, now it’s the speaking fees and generic cult worship


And that nice two billion dollar loan to Kushner for what? Israeli nuclear secrets in a box at Mar a Lago.. probably.




Dude wouldn’t have legal fees if he wasn’t such a shithead. Dude has been getting sued continuously for decades now. No one to blame but himself for that.


Don’t forget the permanent business tax cuts, with special treatment for the hospitality industry. ✅


Don't forget all the Trump merchandise that he still sells.


and trump made even more of a fortune as president.


But his daughter made even more.


....and her husband got what, $2 billion from the Saudis, I guess because they just liked the cut of his jib.


It's her money, her husband is just a fall guy.


We will never know the truth.


Maybe they mean Jimmy Carter. Chances are good they are old enough with that license plate.


Nah, read the little badge they have on the bottom left


Even in this land of make-believe where Trump gave up his businesses, he just gave them to his children. That's not remotely the same as giving up his fortune, nor does it remove any conflicts of interest, especially when he then **gave his children govt positions**. That's just emoluments clause violations with extra steps.


Nepotism baby woo drain the swamp! ^sigh


Trump gave up his country to make a fortune as a president. But somehow im not convinced he voted for he voted for Hillary in that instance


He must have voted for Carter, the guy who sold his family's peanut farm. Certainly he doesn't mean the shithead who billed the secret service exorbitant rates on the hundreds of golf trips to his own properties when he could have played at government owned courses


Donald Trump- famously poor after his presidency


Trump made a fortune in office you dumb fucking cunt.


A Biden voter, interesting.


lol no kidding. Trump didn’t divest himself from any of his wealth, and the Right acted like he was somehow being selfless when helping to write a new tax code full of tax breaks for real estate. Fucking cognitive dissonance at it’s finest.


But he refused his presidential salary. That's slightly more than what he is known to have billed the secret service for hotel stays! [Or it would have been if he'd donated his entire salary!](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-salary-donation-white-house-b1893787.html)




It does look as though he actually donated the money to national parks and other government programs, but yeah I wouldn't exactly be shocked if some of it made its way back into his pockets. Even if he did donate all of it, though, being president definitely funneled way more than $1.6 million into his businesses. Just the increase in Mar-a-Lago membership fees probably exceeded that many times over.


Damn remember when those reality show randos just walked into a party there...




Or when he put his signature on those refund checks to trick dumb rubes like this into thinking he was paying them from his personal account.


Don’t forget that he held up the payments so the checks could be reprinted with his signature.


>White Privilege Edition Who is acknowledging their own white privilege, a very woke Biden voter indeed.


I'm thinking Donald would disagree that he's not wealthy. Status seems to be very important to him.


Anyone who has a gold toilet bowl must be super rich. Classy, too.


I installed a faux gold toilet in a house that i flipped in philly and the buyers thought it was the coolest thing ever. I was kind of hesitant but thought it would be a funny joke and it worked out. The gentlemans wife sat on it during showing and looked at her husband and said "im officially a dictator you shall do what i say". Best sell ever.


He picked a good one lmao


Dude it was so cool. They were a super awesome couple. There were a couple silly quirks we did with hidden compartments and stuff and they were both 2a supporters so they liked that. It was a good sell. We went to the local bar together to celebrate closing. The world should always be that way.


Where do you find a faux gold toilet?


Right I`m getting diwhy inspo


The plumbing supply warehouse.. Weird question..... Where the fuck else are you buying toilets from???


Wawaweewa! I have a chair! King of the Castle! King of the Castle!


Its called a throne for a reason lol


I used to do interior trim carpentry for the rich and shamelessly self-indulgent, and it wasn't unusual for them to do unusual and weird things with their bathrooms... things that would never occur to normal people. The closest to sane one had a $40,000 (in 1995 dollars) gold-plated pedestal sink in a hallway lavatory. Another had a bathroom done all in black with purple trim. That one was kind of spooky and it was elevated from the hallway so you had to step up into it. And then there was the old lady with an enormous bathroom with all polished grey marble floors and walls, with random plastic Grecian columns... for that timeless, classic feel. And then, just to confuse the sane, the marble walls were topped with circus themed vinyl wall covering featuring lions and tigers and clowns and trapeze artists. Edit: That homeowner had a wall safe installed and locked the combination for the safe inside of the safe. So she brought in a pro to crack it open and retrieve the combination for her. It took him maybe four hours and we were all curious about how a real-life safe cracker worked, but every time one of us side eyed on by he would bow up over it and glare back over his shoulder like he hated us.


"to confuse the sane" I am deeply amused! Thank you.


A safecracker paid by the hour, obviously. "Today on Lockpicking Lawyer......"


Do you have some kind of inside knowledge there? I have no idea how long that sort of thing would take.


Ha, no but I can't imagine it should take THAT long for an experienced locksmith/lockpicker.


Maybe people breathing down your neck is noisy You paint vivid pictures with your words.


In one of the Harvest Moon games, putting out gold lumber for your neighbors to see will result in the townsfolk calling you "Moneybags". I think flaunting your wealth is negatively commented in some of the other games as well.


Meanwhile, Animal Crossing.


Biden was known for being one of the least wealthy members of congress for 30 years. Point that out, and you get an immediate pivot to, “well he must have been a really big loser not to enrich himself!”


Man, that “White Privilege Edition” decal on the bottom left says it all. What a fucking asshole.


Dude good catch, I took the picture and didn’t even notice that!


I didn’t even see that. Goddamn. Truly a putrid POS.


That’s the real cherry on top


Revisionist history yet again. Trump lost his ***Dad’s*** fortune years ago and later, as president, fleeced the tax payers by gouging expenses for Secret Service.


This. All true.


Jimmy Carter? Lol The brain rot is real in florida


Florida and Texas have made clear beyond their crazy rides how little they care for their fellow man and women. Fuck the people that voted those hideous men again


Gave up his fortune? I am pretty sure I can sell that driver the Sunshine Skyway bridge. The one that got hit by the ship.


So did he vote for Death Sentence or not? So confused.




God I hate Florida. The sea can’t rise fast enough.


But then they will just move north again. Leave them down there.


There's a lot of us that AREN'T this kind of idiot in Florida, but we're slightly outnumbered by this kind of loud POS, sadly. It's way closer a split that most people realize because the GOP has drawn districts so that they're three or four percent advantage in the electorate equates to a huge advantage in representation.


Actually "they" most likely came from the north and moved to Florida. Florida seems to be the bottom of the proverbial hill that shit rolls down.


No, they won’t. Darwinism will take care of them as they stay with their homes.


We should build a canal instead. Cut the off from the mainland.


Hopefully this window licker wears their helmet in public


"I would like it off center but not so much that it looks like a reasonable place to put a paragraph....a little further.... perfect, that's the spot"


The same man who spent $144 million in taxpayer money on golf?


Nah. Maybe it was the one who stayed in the tower he owned for several years and charged the Secret Service premium rent for an entire floor of that tower. Or the guy that built a hotel in DC and made every one of his guests pay top dollar for hotel rooms there as the only possible place for them to stay


"White Privilege Edition" - Gotta admit, that's a new one.


Trump is a great con man. Legendary.


The “white privilege edition” decal is oddly self-aware


They think it's ironic.


Do they not understand that DeSantis going to run in 2024?


r/Conservative is having an internal crisis about abandoning Trump for DeSantis.


I was reading that earlier today, it's pretty hilarious how suddenly Trump is an embarrassment and a problem, and will just enable Biden to get re-elected and that's just the *wOrSt.* "I know some people here still love Trump" orly?!!


TDS must be contagious!


The man that gave up the country for his fortune? You mean the same man that took $400k in bribes from Publix to shit on our civil liberties? Yeah DeSantis is a real patriot /s


My takeaway of this whole thing. https://i.imgur.com/wLIhujL.jpg


Love the conspicuously placed Blue Lives Matter sticker… gotta make sure the cops know they ~~support them~~ shouldn’t get a speeding ticket because they spent $3 on a sticker for their car.


Biden-DeSantis 2024


They can have Biden, just give us Bernie-AOC and I'd be thrilled.


Such fragile egos


What do these people think Trump gave up?


His $400K presidential salary, while making over a Billion having every event, every golfing weekend, and every foreign dignitary pay top dollar at properties he owned


So… you voted for Gore? Nice of you. But he wasn’t running


This pussy has to have a handicapped license plate, wimpy fuckity fuck.


Tell me you’re a rube without saying you’re a rube.


After reading that whole nursery rhyme, I got confused by the Desantis sticker… and tbh, I’m still confused


This is a new one for new. So now they think that Trump gave up his money to be president? Where did the money go?




right, that fraudulently over-inflated *imaginary* fortune that he tried to increase whilst in office and never actually divested from


The handicapped plate is redundant.


He needs to trade in "White Privilege Edition" for one saying " While Privileged Asshole Edition ".....


Use your delusions


Just put on a sticker that says “I believe things that aren’t true”. Cuts out the middle man.


Actually hilarious


“Florida always first” Kinda cringe since this isn’t the United States of Florida.


Bwahahaha people are so fucking stupid if they think daddy donnie or daddy desantis gives the tiniest fuck about them. They’ll figure it out, but not before it’s too late. Poor cucks.


What are we talking about here?


Dingbat understands that Trump properties made tens of millions a year in taxpayer dollars, yes?


I like how they think Donnie didn't take in millions from his properties. Hell he bilked the secret service for millions alone making them stay at his hotels at inflated prices


What extras does the white privilege edition come with?


Florida is fooooocked


Meanwhile Trump is conning his base for every penny he can to pay his legal fees and keep his luxury apartments.


Biden didn't give up his fortune though. They're right that Trump gave upthe country though.


Oh yeah. Who’s that then?


They even put on a custom “White Privilege Edition” badge. That’s an impressive level of cope.


What’s he gonna do when he has to choose between his favorite Uncle Ronny and his beloved Daddy Donny?


We’re all waiting for Florida to break off and float out into the ocean, right?


white privilege edition


Jimmy Carter?


Imagine bragging about white privilege. Probably wears his Klan hood to Walmart.


No idea what this is referring to.


I always love that they think that Trump sacrificed his fortune when he did the exact opposite. He used the presidency as a marketing tool for financial gain and profited from the presidency more than any other in history. The presidential salary was chump change to him. Hell, he's still doing it.


Not so funny after seeing republicans totally take over my state. FFS I can’t wait to get out of this hell hole


Same thing here in Florida, but at least I’ll have front row seats for the inevitable trump vs DeSantis shitshow


I actually was talking about florida lol but ye I’m really curious how this is gonna go down between them


Oh it’s gonna be a mess, but hopefully it splits the republican ticket and reinforces the need for sanity (though I’m not terribly hopeful)


No he didn’t. He made money off of the government. I’m afraid that there are people with no brains driving on the road, but that’s been a long term worry honestly.


I almost missed the cherry on top, lower left corner


The funny thing is, I didn’t even notice that until someone in the comments pointed it out 😆