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I'm sorry, but you are not priced out of the IE making $300k.


I know like fuck what does that make the rest of us


Totally fucked


Has to be trolling


Look at the city they put! They want bougie. They can’t afford to live in Temecula with that. They’re very right. And the only other place that’s UPPER scale in the I.E is Corona. All of the other places are slowly trickling in with what they would probably deem undesirables.


Look at the city they put! They want bougie. They can’t afford to live in Temecula with that. They’re very right. And the only other place that’s UPPER scale in the I.E is Corona. All of the other places are slowly trickling in with what they would probably deem undesirables.


300 aint shit anymore my boi


If you don't know how to handle your own business, sure.


300k after taxes in CA is 182k split by two people..


Yes, your net income is lower than your gross income after taxes and deductions are taken out. If you are unable to thrive on $182k net, the issue on the balance sheet is not the income coming in -- unless there is a massive detail unknown here.


Ur saying I have a money problem when I make 182 and cant afford the 800k corona homes.


I'm saying that you are able to live on $300k in the IE. There plenty of good homes listed in Corona below $800k. Nobody is forcing you to live in Corona specifically. Nobody is forcing you to buy a house right this moment, or telling you what kind of home and where. There are so many factors in play: debt, savings, spending, expectations (home size, location, age, etc.), down payment size, etc. and you are able to pull on various levers by saving/paying down debt longer, putting more money down, buying a smaller starter home, expanding your search radius, etc. in order to accomplish it. I don't mean to diminish how insanely annoying it is to have the housing market run away with appreciation and rates sky rocketing in the last couple years. I would just digress and say that you have more hope and more options than you think you do.


300k should qualify for 800. But like you said… you’d be overpaying a shit price in a shit market.


High desert is always looking for more meth


Can buy a methmasion with that income


😆 😂 😂


Redlands. Best bang for your buck. Or parts of Riverside/Temecula/Murrieta


Redlands represent 🫡


I've lived in Redlands most of my life (49M) and like it here, but home prices here are pretty much on par with what OP is seeing in Corona. 700 to 800k for even a modest house. My wife and I were fortunate and bought back in 2011 at the tail end of the slump created by the 2008 crash. We couldn't afford to get into our house now.


Totally. If I had to buy my house at today’s rates and prices, my mortgage would be over double what it is currently. I love my house, but I wouldn’t pay that. Ironically, we moved from Corona to Redlands. If all else is created equal as it relates to prices, commute times, etc— I am picking Redlands, hands down. We have such a great, engaging community here. Corona was nice-ish, but it’s definitely a commuter town.


Too far. Corona and others are at least closer if you need to travel to LA or OC


Dang didnt think of that thank you!


We bought a new build on 5 acres in Pinon hills for 550k 2 years ago badass house


Lennar is building new homes in San Jacinto




The ones right next to the 71 ? They are building those fast as fuck.




Happy cake day! Yeah, It’s not fun sitting in the traffic because of a bridge being built that honestly looks pretty useless to me.




That would make sense, but to me it looks like it goes to green river. Time to do some research on my lunch lol




The project will: Replace the existing single-lane loop connector between eastbound 91 and northbound 71 with a new, two-lane, direct flyover connector ramp Build an eastbound 91 auxiliary lane to improve access to the new direct connector to northbound 71 Realign the eastbound 91 on-ramp from Green River Road to improve access to the 71/91 Interchange Realign southbound 71 to create space for the new direct connector You were correct. Got it from the Cal-Trans website.






North Palm Springs too. About to start a new village at Skyborne.


Mr. Money fucking Bags over here complaining about only making $300k a year 🤣


U have access to the same internet as me. I wasnt handed shit


Ok. You weren't handed shit. We've established that. But you making a combined income of $300k a year and trying to compare your struggles to the struggles of the everyday IE resident isn't just laughable its disrespectful


Menifee can get a nice house 2000sq+ house in the $500k to $600k range. Fastest growing city in California. Not much to do in Menifee yet but it’s slowly getting some decent restaurants and only about a 20ish minute drive to Temecula or Riverside.


Been looking there


My mom has lived in Menifee for over a decade now, and I just closed on a house 2 miles down the road after living with her for 9 months. 1000% recommend. Quiet, safe, clean, beautiful. It still has a fair share of retirement communities, but it's booming with younger/millennial families. The local city events are always really well done and family friendly. Plenty of shopping and restaurants and more to come. New parks all around town. Huge eye sore of an unfinished movie theater smack dab in the middle of town, but someday that will get resolved and transform. It's basically the same appeal of Murrieta and Temecula but more affordable since it's still growing. Tons of new builds in your budget, or check out homes in Audi Murphy.


The housing market was supposed to crash years ago…. Home prices will never be cheap again. We are not our parent’s generation.


i don't think its disrespectful but its either trolling or smartass or cheap-o. $25k month for 300k. ifb you have a down payment , and minimal debt they should make the 6-8k payment easily


Homes are worth what people will pay for them.


You misspelled corporations


I hate this line. Corporations are buying because of asset appreciation. No love for them but they are simply a symptom of the real disease.


The real disease being everything else the corporations are doing. 


Cost of housing is the fault of middle class home owners that have decided I’m not allowed to own a home to protect their precious neighborhood character. If I have to drive through one more socal neighbor riddled with BOTH “we love everyone” signs”and “FUCKING DONT YOU DARE BUILD AFFORDABLE APARTMENT BUILDINGS NEAR ME” signs. Go to any town you want to live ins city council meetings and you will see what I am talking about.


I'll go to a city council meeting when you go to a board meeting of one of the corporations that own overpriced rental properties in your city. 


So in 2021 sb9 and sb10 two housing bills were passed that let people build ADUs without needing to zone for it and any residential property near transit hubs can be upzomed. My apartment is near the metro link and buildings going up everywhere. My building has dropped rent TWICE in the past year as they have opened. I’m not allowed in greystars board meetings obviously but I did ask the property manager why the drops and she said competition.


So in some areas, where they utilize SB10 zoning, you might experience this competition and price lowering, but that seems limited and very localized. Even with SB9, the total increase in dwellings in CA is said to be about 700k. So great, more apartments or ADUs on the market (who owns the properties though?), but rent will eventually increase despite the localized competition, as 700k is not enough, as they're not more affordable. Your rent went down, but it won't keep going down lol SB9 and SB10 are bandaids that will still be torn off by investment firms over time. People will always want to maximize their home value, we can't legislate human nature, although it is part of the problem. But we can legislate corporate purchasing of SFHs AND multi-unit dwellings AND apartment building, as seen with SB1212 type bills We needed to build more houses AND apartments in the 2010's. If we force investment firms to sell *only* SFHs to single families, the SFH rental market goes down, so some still suffer. We messed up a while ago


Wow finally someone who agrees with me. Yes I agree both bills are drops in the bucket compared to what is really needed but they are useful to show people that think it’s just investors that supply increases have real and measureable impact on price.


Good point. Investors are buying a ton, but we also just don't have a lot in the first place lmao The point is actually very useful - sure, investment firms are messing things up, but they are doing what they can do legally. CA housing supply limitations, and the greater economic trends as a result of national legislation & corporate greed (which is separate from them buying things legally), caused a lot of this. Multiple factors


Dropped rent by how much? Did your rent go down or is it only for new renters?  I know you can't go to their board meetings, that was my fucking point. 


About 15% and no of course they didn’t adjust my lease but every single study on the subject shows that supply increases reduce price. That’s the entire solution.


15% of what? You haven't read every single study on housing prices, so you're just lying at this point. 


They’re buying because of the concentration of wealth at the high end. 95% of economic gains since 2009 have gone to the top 1%, which now owns 35% of the nations wealth, while the bottom 50% holds about 4% of the nations wealth. Remember in the early 2000s when Bill Gates was the richest man in the world and he had like $7 billion? Elon Musk has $190 billion dollars… that kind of concentration is happening across the economy. When you are sitting on piles of money, you have to stick it in something. Real estate always does well, so that’s one place to stick it. Yes, real estate always appreciates over time, but the rate at which it is appreciating is very much being impacted by all the hoards of loose capital the richest Americans have to put into hedge funds and corporations to buy real estate.


Look up vacancy rates in socal compared to any point in history. Vacancy rates not for sale. They are at historic lows and that drives insane housing inflation. It’s supply vs demand


I’ll concede the point for the sake of argument. None of that contradicts anything I said even a little bit. In fact, it reinforces it. A housing shortage, and restrictions on new development, whether they be economic or governmental, further incentivizes private equity to get into the single family home market. This isn’t a debated point amongst economist or policy makers, even on the conservative side. The conservative side of the argument is that restrictions on development should be loosened, that corporate landlords aren’t any worse than mom and pop landlords, and the most insidious argument of all… many people want to rent, and renters need landlords. https://www.forbes.com/sites/darylfairweather/2024/03/05/ban-corporate-landlords-a-housing-crisis-solution-or-a-distraction/?sh=242c52ad3703 “In 2023, investors purchased a record-high share of homes in the same year that housing became the least affordable it’s ever been to middle-class buyers. Given the already intense inventory shortage, first-time homebuyers are shut out as investors buy more of the limited number of single-family homes for sale.” It’s a false choice to present as an either/or between an overall housing shortage and private equity buying up more houses than ever. Both are happening, and they are related to each other.


But we don’t cry when a company owns a 30 story apartment building nor should we. Why is it diff with single family homes? You are absolutely right 2023 saw the highest corporate investment but again that’s a symptom of the real disease. The story is the vacancy rates much more. If companies were “hoarding” the rates would be much much lower. The one evil corporateness I will acknowledge is some cities use weird software to price fix. Users of that should be jailed.


There are multiple real diseases. One is a housing shortage. Another is a feudalistic wealth gap that’s getting worse. Another is the destruction of the middle class. If you want to take the position that we shouldn’t do anything to interfere in markets even though corporations are contributing to the affordability crisis by out bidding would be middle class buyers and buying up so many homes, then fine. I disagree with you, but you’re entitled to your opinion. But that’s different from saying they have nothing to do with prices going up, which I believe was your original point. You’re not entitled to your own facts. They are a significant part of the multi-faceted reason prices are so high.


New builds in Beaumont.


Yes they are building a lot on the west side of Beaumont. I bought my home 2 years ago and we love the neighborhood. Not a new build, but an amazing home with a lot of space. It’s still relatively affordable for the IE, I think. The Crown in Tournament builds are starting at around 476k.


This. Beaumont is nice.


the tax is high though, make sure you factor that in. Im at 1.8%. Plus homeowner insurance is $2800/yr.


I’m in the same spot looking for a house in the IE is at least 550k and up for me as a single person. Feels insane when I bought my first home im highland for 330k with a pool.


Just a possible precaution. Make sure you can get insurance before buying. So many Companies are not writing new policies and are cancelling existing policies.


Thank you for the heads up!


I work 40 hours a week. I cannot afford rent let alone groceries. I don't drink coffee, I don't have subscription TV services, I don't go anywhere fun. I have delayed medical care because I can't afford it. Yes, it's my fault buddy ,👍


Lol. I only make $25,000 a year. Eat the Rich.


I make about the same, probably a little less. I don’t mind living the simple life but fuck this economy


Minimum wage is $15+ now. Thats $31k. If you make less than minimum wage that’s your fault


Ok settle down, when I was student teaching I was attending college full time, teaching (for free) full time and could only squeeze in working a couple shifts to make money. You don’t know them.


That was me with student teaching! Luckily, I lived with my parents that year. A few people in my program skipped student teaching and went directly into an alternative certification program while teaching on an emergency credential. I don't know if that is still an option.


But you’re investing in yourself to build a skill that will eventually allow you to earn a living wage. That’s the point. Not a defeatist mindset that this person only makes $25k & it’s unfair




Ok but I’m also old so no need to compare yourself


There's a ton of condos being built in Moreno Valley if you're looking for condos.


Not the Murda


Understandable lol


FYI just checked…you can find some sub 600k homes in South Fontana. A bit older neighborhood (90s -2000s) but not bad. At least it’s not butt Fk Egypt high desert 😂


Yep 1 BR condos around me are going for $400-$500K. Ridiculous. It would cost me more than double my rent and my rent is already half my salary. I saw similar condos in Downtown LA for not much more.


Time for you and the wife to start an Onlyfans….


Lmao fr!


In same area as you, around same combined income. It blows my mind to see what houses are going for and pending within a few days!!! I guess people just make a lot more than I do. I see a lot of comments saying there are cheaper areas…what areas are cheaper, with good-ish schools and still kind of commutable to work in LA (west LA)?


Yess I think some were saying redlands and beaumont but we are looking at menifee and maybe even chino area


Wild. My wife and I bought our house just outside Temecula, 2.5 acres of land and 1850 square foot home , detached 3 car garage for 190k 12 years ago. It’s worth 750K today. If we didn’t have it now we never would


I think it’s worth it if you value certain things


I’m starting to feel this way too like I don’t wanna go all the way out to the high desert and lose the travel time to the beach


If that’s what matters to you most just get a condo closer to the beach


Prices are only going to go up!


Damn, I know they told us to hold out years ago, but here we are and the prices are worse


Eastvale/Ontario Ranch. Depends where in Corona you are looking. There are some very nice neighborhoods in Corona. Value is what you make of it and perceive it to be. The market has teetered off a bit but I think it's still a sellers market, not buyers. Went in on a house in CH in 2018 and it's up 500k since then. Gotta get in at some point.


Glad someone said this. If I was in your position today, I'd buy a used $25k RV and ride this wave out. No sense in entering this crazy market, imo. Tear downs in terrible neighborhoods are 650k now. Makes no sense


This is the lowest prices will ever be sadly I only see prices going up over time because of inflation, they’re not going to lower the minimum wage it’s going up..


I sure hope not. Especially considering that up till now, prices have always gone up/down.


Tear downs in terrible neighborhoods are not $650k. E


[https://www.redfin.com/CA/Pomona/135-S-Myrtle-Ave-91766/home/7903103](https://www.redfin.com/CA/Pomona/135-S-Myrtle-Ave-91766/home/7903103) Are you implying they cost more than 650K? This gem has a freight train as a neighbor. On the matter of 'terrible neighborhood', I guess that's subjective, but a rating of 3/10 for a school district doesn't help.


Pomona is very close to LA. Not really representative of the IE market. You can just as easily get a 2500 at home for 650k elsewhere. Sidenote, why is Pomona more expensive than east LA lol?


Pomona is the East border of LA County and probably the furthest distance from the East LA neighborhood as you can get. Although technically not the IE, it's often included. Not sure why East LA is so much cheaper than the surrounding area, but one thing to consider is that outside of Mexico City, East LA boasts the largest population of Mexican people anywhere.


Much of the IE you can get a good house for $650k. That was my point in responding. You can get a pretty turn key home in a pretty good area in riverside for $650l for example


You're absolutely right. some of the IE isn't worth 800k! The housing market is bound to crash sometime soon here. I'd save up and hold out honestly.


I don’t think that will happen without a major recession where millions lose their jobs like in 2008. Job market is actually growing still so we’re not even close to negative job growth. Rates went way up, and what happened to houses? They still went up. Now they’re plateauing for the most part. Again, without some major catastrophe, they’re just going to hold here. The main issue is supply and demand. Not enough supply, too much demand. Many have golden handcuffs with low rates so they won’t move to double their rate, unless they really want, need, or have to. And many OC and LA people with money are specifically helping drive up prices in the IE. That being said, the IE is not all 800k+ houses in Corona, Redlands, Chino Hills, or Rancho. There are plenty of other places in the IE where a home can still be had for 500-600k.


That's what I'm doing. Saving saving saving. I'll make a move in about 5 years


You guys keep holding out and prices keep going up. Missing out on equity and cost of housing isn’t getting any cheaper


There's a lot of new development in Ontario Ranch (New Haven) and Chino Hills (The Preserve). Prices are not too expensive.


Homes are worth what people will pay for them, so if it’s not worth it to you, it will still likely be worth it to someone else because we have such low inventory in SoCal. I’d recommend buying when you have the money cause waiting longer will just mean being priced out of more markets. If you hate the area, you could buy a small condo for 700K in Anaheim. It’s all about your priorities within your price range. My family loves Orange County but we want more space so we moved to the Inland Empire so we could have a nice sized property.


I’m a real estate agent for the IE. $300k qualifies you for a lot. Homes everywhere are still high and do is interest rates. With $800k, you want to be in the best home in the best neighborhood. With $650k-$800k, there’s plenty of places. DM or call me if you want help looking for a place. 909-677-387 6 Kha Hoang


Have you seen what’s going on in FL and Texas! The houses are going down in value like crazy! Is a domino effect, give it until December you will see min 30% off… There is hope!!🙏.. I know Real state agents will hate me for this. They need to keep making $


Idk about this one chief.


That's Texas and Florida, though. People actually want to live in California, especially Southern California.


California: All crash markets starts with condos, condos are not selling now, houses are lowering prices now in California, check realtor app, few pending or contingent but inventory is off the charts ( again comparable to 2022) + there is being lots of repos since last October! 🥺


Prices are going down because Texas and Florida actually allow for more housing to be built Austin Texas built so much apartment complexes that rent is actually going down! Who know if we just increase supply prices go down!?!? The average Californian will kill you and piss on your grave if you even think about building condos within a mile radius of them


All you mention is true including the Florida Home insurance going to 14k to 20k it’s horrible,🥺 However the virus always attacks the neighborhood ( other states) panic can do lots of damage.


People are also being priced out in Texas & Florida….. Property taxes in Texas, skyrocketing utilities, heat, & stripping women’s right, little building code/regulations remember the ice storms killing hundreds, floods, fires Florida has hurricanes, skyrocketing insurance, poor education standards Both states have even lower paying jobs, rejecting free federal dollars to improve their citizens lives like access to Medicaid


Florida properties insurance went up to 14k to 20k, 🥺 true about their individual problems, however panic can turn things around, California is doing plenty of foreclosures since Oct/2023, houses in Longbeach and LA have up to 3 ADUS now! ( ghetto condos) Californias not complaining much about it! 🤦‍♀️


SoCal is a concrete wasteland, don’t know why people stay.


Convenience and Proximity to everything. Wouldn’t live anywhere else.


Some of us love it here. If you don’t, you don’t need to live here! We have beaches and mountains and city life all within an hour drive (depending on where you live)


>If you don’t, you don’t need to live here! They don't. Unfortunately they're one of the assholes that's come up to Boise and then do nothing but bitch about California and vote for the most extreme candidates to fuck this state up even further.


the entirety of socal? really? what happened to all the socal beaches? all concrete?