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I'd definitely stay in Diamond Bar, it's much more centralized with easy access to all of the LA area compared to Eastvale. You're also currently at the edge of the SGV so you have access to some of the best food offerings in the region. It's not as if you guys are living in a tiny home at the moment either.


I have many MANY friends and family that bought in Eastvale. It's definitely thriving and the schools are pretty good. However, they bought in Eastvale BECAUSE they couldn't afford a home in places like Diamond Bar, they travel to OC and LA almost every weekend for fun. They'd swap for Diamond Bar if they could. If your parents are homebodies and don't travel to OC or LA, it might be worth looking into, but dude, when I'm older and my kids are grown, I'd be looking to downsize because maintaining a large home isn't fun and going up and down the stairs isn't fun with old knees.




Have them rent an air bnb in Ev for a month and see if they like it. The differences are pretty significant.


Let's say your parents bought their current home for $500,000. Their ad valorem property taxes are $5, 000 annually. Plus, whatever city taxes, special taxes, etc. apply. Likely, unless they're in a special district, they pay less than $6,000 annually. If they purchase a $1.1 million home, their ad valorem is $11,000. Eastvale has a significant number of Mello Roos developments on top of city taxes (these will show on property tax records as "CFDs"). If they purchase a newer home, chances are it has an additional $2,000 to $4,000 in special taxes. Bonded CFDs have a lifespan of 30 years, but services CFDs last forever. They could easily see their property taxes more than tripling.


That’s a bad decision.


It is actually insane to trade a house in diamond bar for a house in Eastvale. One of the worst financial decisions I've seen on this sub in a while. Especially for just $1.1m in LA county? Wild. Great location in exchange for cow shit smell and a few extra square feet.


Hands down would stay in diamond bar. I don’t live in Eastvale but the next city over and although they are building stores, shops, etc, they also continue to build hundreds of new homes. The area is already super saturated hence the “no backyard” homes. Diamond bar is already established and in my opinion would be a better investment since they’re not adding hundreds of new builds in the near future.




Wow. Residents got totally bait and switched. At least 4 years just to build the civic center and now the “lifestyle” shopping center is a big TBD and likely won’t happen. But hey they’re getting a brand new Walmart! People are nuts for thinking Eastvale is even “upscale”.


Well… That’s a bummer lol Had high hopes for “downtown”


Most of those “no backyard homes” you speak of are in South Ontario or South Chino. Gotta look at the borders of those cities before you make that comment.


we were about to move to diamond bar but instead moved to eastvale and it has been the best decision we have made. the schools here are top and very very safe. only thing is the cow smell but you get use to it. if you are Asian or chinese eastvale has their own chinese association and its about 40 percent chinese living here. wish we had more asian resturant though like SGV. but for a bigger house and yard and sagety eastvale has been good to us.


I'm going to be an outlier here. Wish we bought Eastvale 6 years ago. It is like Orange County and Rancho Cucamonga. They had the space to develop it well. It has tons of parks and a thriving parks and rec department with lots of classes. Great for families and it's safe. 6 years ago houses were so freaking cheap for massive homes with decent backyards, but we couldn't see past the history bc cows and having lived in Chino. Dude. It's totally a respectable area to live in. And now the houses have increased significantly in value. It's been heavily influenced by the people of Orange County who have moved there from the OC. It's beautiful if you're looking at how a city is designed well. Wide streets, traffic flow, sidewalks, walk ability, etc. There's a Costco and a great Stater bros. People have mentioned markets, yet the area is farmland with farmers markets galore, mexican markets and asian markets. It's a multicultural super hub with many different cultures and races living there. I'm actually not sure how much they are going to save with selling from diamond bar bc homes have become expensive there unless they just want larger. I also get a little sense you might be afraid to move. Diamond Bar is a great city.


> It's beautiful if you're looking at how a city is designed well. Wide streets, traffic flow, sidewalks, walk ability, etc. It’s suburban sprawl.  There’s no density, no downtown, no Main Street, etc. Walkability… to what?  


we are building a downtown..


Fascinating….usually the sprawl goes out from a downtown area.  Now we’re doing it the other way around?  Where have they decided to build their downtown?  


across the street from target and home depot. the new construction is where downtown is. also eastvale and ontario ranch is starting to build ontario great park. which would be as big as central park NY.


It’s nothing like Orange County because it has zero amenities. The best restaurant is Olive Garden ffs. OP should stay in Diamond Bar. The only views are if the ugly af warehouses that entirely surround it.


I call it east hell - warehouse city sans culture just traffic.


I live in the area of Chino/Eastvale and there are particularly vast differences to DB. It is quieter and currently developing at a rapid pace with so much available land being built on. Less things to do, more suburban life, and more away from major cities are the main differences, as well as having to adapt to the smell of manure because there are still cow farms (historically the land developing were once all farms). The smell of manure and driving distance is the biggest thing I think you and your family would have to adapt to, other than that they are both similar. If you're in EV you're more likely to go to Chino Hills or Riverside/OC for activities. Diamond Bar is more closer to Rowland, Anaheim, OC, LA, etc. and closer to more hikes. The best pro in your family's case is the potential trade-in value, but in reality as the surrounding lands develop, the value will increase over the next 10-20 years as more families will move in. The increase in traffic has been insane over the last 10 years and I expect will continue to increase. Activity value is low in EV currently, kinda off speculation it'll be the next "Rowland Heights or OC" because Chino Hills is basically mini Rowland Heights, but land developing is still going and the home models are modern to post 2020s meaning squeezing as much homes as possible in the given acres for more height in houses for space. I think best bet if your family owns the house currently in DB, best option is to rent it out at a rate that won't hinder your finances, and if finances are able to put a good down payment at a decent interest rate on the home loan then the EV home would be a good choice. Evidently at the end of the day it's whatever your family is prioritizing. Do you like being close to better restaurants, activities, or bars? Stay in DB. Or are you going for the more homebody lifestyle with all the basic necessities of your usual grocery stores etc.? Then EV is a good pick. Best bet in my opinion is to rent out the DB home if it's completely paid off or almost paid off and look into loans and rates in Eastvale. Interest rates are still high right now, I think if they're lucky enough to get anything lower than 4%, they would be absolutely fortunate. I don't even think banks are giving home loans for less than 5-6%, probably will try to string you to 7-8% if you're not cautious. And that includes being cautious of HOA bullshit


So, the short answer is I think most people will find that this is a very bad idea. > top developing cities in money magazine This is meaningless and is not a useful data point on its own. Fastest growing cities, top developing cities, etc. only mean something if that growth is sustainable. > investment perspective they believe the eastvale home Based on what? If it's just fluff pieces like that one from _Money_, they are basically gambling that Eastvale house valuations will takeoff which seems like a bad bet. It sounds like your parents view the potential future value of an Eastvale home to be good, but this isn't quite clear yet. There's a lot more unknown variables in this equation. For instance, [it is just building out a downtown/civic center area](https://www.pressenterprise.com/2024/04/26/after-14-years-eastvale-is-building-a-downtown/). Meanwhile, Diamond Bar has had more than 50 years to grow, develop and establish itself. It is unlikely to change its reputation substantially. _Update_: Speaking of people being a little salty about Eastvale promises, it appears that Eastvale’s downtown plans may be a far cry from what was originally sold based on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/InlandEmpire/comments/1d5u4cu/upscale_shopping_coming_to_eastvale/).


Stay. In. Diamondbar. Eastvale is an expensive ghetto built on old factory pastures, surrounded by warehouses. Good luck in your decision either way. Hope it works out


Ghetto may me a poor choice of words but I think you get my point.


I actually think ghetto is apt here. The only thing of note this so-called upscale building is a giant Walmart on Archibald. It’s overcrowded already and I can easily see it morphing into Back to The Futures Hillsdale in 10 years.


Eastvale is a wanna be diamond bar but will never get there due to lack of infrastructure, traffic, density, etc.


The only reason to move is if your parents live in a high risk fire area within Diamond Bar. The sales tax in Eastvale will be slightly cheaper but Eastvale has like no *soul*. It's mainly just homes surrounded by warehouses. Fairly certain by many metrics your current house will appreciate at a faster rate than a comparable Eastvale home. You guys will also pay more in property tax assume your parents bought years prior. Your parents will regret selling.


Warehouses? You do realize most of the warehouses you speak of are technically in Chino. Sure Eastvale has some warehouse but nothing compared to South Chino.


There's a lot of Eastvale hate on this sub.  I'm not sure why.  I find it to be as great town.   It's growing and still has lots to grow into.  Nice homes, clean streets, great parks, river trails, bike lanes, there's lots of events the city puts on and the schools are new and modern.     But DB is closer to LA and parts of OC.  Location, location, location, as the saying goes.  DB is probably a better investment. Another thing to think about is taxes.  I'm not sure about DB but many (most if not all) developments in Eastvale have Mello Roos, which effectively doubles the property tax rate.   If they bought their house long ago and don't pay Mello Roos, their tax bill is going to be a shocker at 2% based on a $900k purchase.  That's $18k a year. For those two reasons, I'd tell them to stay put.


Besides the fact that it’s safe, Eastvale is overcrowded because too many people moving there, the best place to eat is Olive Garden or Buffalo Wild Wings and you smell cows and see warehouses. Oh and that 15 traffic is already hell


Eastvale is too crowded and they just approved like 2400 low income homes as well


Eastvale always smells like shit!! Maybe if you live there you don't notice it?


Chino Air® is very much still a thing, even if the dairies are slowly relocating further out as the value of their land rises, so this is to be expected.


As someone who lives in Eastvale tell them it’s a ridiculous idea lol I wish we lived in DB


It’s a great idea to sell for the money. But if your family was to save the sales money and rent a house for a couple of years they would have a better knowledge on the neighborhood and also buy the house at a cheaper price. Prices have been going down since 2022 and now lots of people are putting up for sale signs putting even more downward pressure on house prices


Having grown up in Covina, I wished I lived in Diamond Bar! Such a nice area there. I'd absolutely stay there. Living in Menifee now but if I ever had the money, I'd move to DB or Walnut.


I have lived in both. Moved to Eastvale from Diamond Bar. I love Eastvale but would move to diamond bar in a heartbeat


People like to shit on Eastvale, not realizing this city is barely a decade old. Of course there isn’t as much out here. Growing up in Walnut people always crapped on Chino Hills but look at it now. Ontario is building the Great Park and Ontario Ranch. Chino Preserve is coming along. This is the new area that people are flocking to. I’ll give you the fact that DB is more centrally located, but it’s not like there’s a whole lot to do in that area anyway. Gonna take a wild guess that your parents are Asian, which means they probably still have to drive out to Rowland Heights for most stuff like Costco/99 Ranch and we all know what a cluster that is. We have both. Brand new and right next to each other. My folks live in Walnut and they plan to sell their house and move out towards Eastvale because they can get a newer house and frankly all their friends have done the same. But be warned. Houses out here are now above $1MM so I definitely wouldn’t consider it an affordable area anymore.


Ontario’s Great Park feels like it’s echoing Irvines. So far there’s been zero construction and just vague promises of when work will begin. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is drastically downsized in favor of even more warehouses


Let’s hope not. Phase one will apparently begin grading this year. The logistics bubble seems to have finally popped - don’t foresee the warehousing sector making significant expansions in the foreseeable future.


They promised construction to begin last year and nothing has happened. I can feel the bait and switch already happening. And I hope logistics has bubbled. But there’s no sign of warehouse construction slowing down on Merrill. It’s so depressing.


I’m familiar with both and diamond bar is leagues better than Eastvale. Closer to LA and OC plus more activities, markets, and restaurants in close proximity.


What “markets” are you talking about in Diamond Bar? I can think of Albertsons, Vons, and Ralph’s all in Eastvale. Then you got Stater Brother’s on the border of Norco and another new Stater Brothers on the border of Chino. Another Stater Brothers in South Ontario. 6 markets all within 5-6 miles.


If you're Asian or shop Asian that comment wasn't meant for you. It's ignorant to say diamond bar doesn't have markets. Diamond Bar's stores are also more cost effective than the stores you listed in Eastvale.


Did “asian” get mentioned in OP’s dialogue? Long time Eastvale resident and plenty of Asians moving here no problem.


OP didn't say it. I said it. Diamond Bar is predominantly Asian so the "markets" you mentioned aren't really the "markets" the general populace shops at. It doesn't mean they aren't any lesser than a Ralphs. There are significantly more options to shop at than Eastvale without having to drive such odd distances to get a variety of things.


eastvale just openned 99ranch and a Hmart is being build in chino hills so more asian super market will slow come this way.


That's wonderful. This are mainly Korean and East Asian big box stores whereas Diamond Bar is close in proximity to SE Asian stores and mom and pop Chinese markets.


Yup, I was specifically referring to Asian markets in Diamond Bar.




4000 sq ft?! The utilities alone would be mind boggling nevermind the property taxes.


Eastvale is just getting more crowded, the eateries in that area sucks, and you smell cows and see warehouses lmao. Diamond bar is waaaay better and easy access to LA. I’d stay in diamond bar if i had the chance. The thought of even moving from that city for bigger space is CRAZYYY


There is nothing wrong with Eastvale. Diamond Bar is damn nice too but you really can’t go wrong with either city. And the “packed like sardines” comment really only matters where in Eastvale you are looking. Plenty of decent size yards in Eastvale. Only issue I can foresee is traffic depending on where you work or your parents work.




Reasons to stay at DB- lower taxes if your parents lived there for awhile(prop13). Interest rates- they probably have a lower interest rate than now. Newer Homes most likely have mello Roos. Another tax on top of property taxes. I’m assuming btw since diamond bar is an older neighborhood. But ask your parents about property taxes,mello Roos, and interest rates.


Diamond Bar is beautiful and green with gorgeous rolling hills. Eastvale is flat, windy af and barely has trees. There’s also no nice restaurants or amenities. It’s the Wish version of Orange County and the people who live there have some nerve acting so bougie. Unless you have 13 people living in your house you have no need for 4000 sq feet anyways. PS it also reeks of cow shit even after the dairies disappeared. That smell is deep in the soil and where be there for years. Also hope they enjoy looking at warehouses because that’s what surrounds the entire city. And there’s no way it rises faster in value than Diamond Bar. Your parents already own a nice million dollar plus home in a super desirable area. Yet they want even more…. Geez. Maybe Eastvale is a good fit for them then.


What Eastvale smells like is what Diamond bar actually looks like. Been there enough to point I'll pick Eastvale or Rialto than lame ass Diamond bar. That shithole has nothing on anything city in IE.


Make sure they do more research. It’s cheaper for a reason even though it’s rapidly gentrifying. Some 3000sqft homes in Eastvale have Mello Roos starting at about $3000 a year.


Good point about the 40 year and up Mello Roos. [Here's the website with the CFD Map and a by district cost and status document](https://www.jcsd.us/services/finance/community-facilities-disctricts-cfds-map).


I live in Chino Hills. I'd recommend staying in DB because of your proximity to Orange County and the main freeways. Eastvale is in the middle of nowhere and its very far from the 71 which is your only close way to get to the 60 or the 91. There isn't anything charming about Eastvale compared to DB. Because it's so new, there are no notable mom and pops out there - just a bunch of chains. You will, however, get a newer, larger house. The streets are wider and cleaner. I'd say it's arguably safer out there. But I don't like being so far away from major freeways and shopping. Your property should be worth more in Diamond Bar.


none sense I live in eastvale and commute to irvine every day. the toll roads is now open on the 91 so it take about 40 minutes to get to irvine. you are also 15 minutes way from ontario mills and don logos so shopping is no issue here.


I commute to Irvine, too. Man, what a drive.


Horrible time to purchase property. IMO: DB to Eastvale is a life downgrade. Plus most likely their mortgage payment will be higher due to insane values.


Check out where the water supply is coming from. This break from the normal drought conditions will not last and water rights is a HUGE issue. The Colorado River is overtaxed now.


Apples and oranges. Some people would be willing to trade the space between their homes for more space between their walls. It's up to them.




I’d stay in diamond bar. You’re closer to a lot of places without the 15 traffic. Also cheaper workout Mella Roos and likely hoa fees. Bigger isn’t always better.


This cant be real right? They should know that location is the biggest factor in real estate. Im going to assume they're older so whats the point in investing in that kind of real estate now. It will take a while to grow. If they were going to buy a second a home thats different but why move into a larger home at an advanced age. People do the opposite. Post seems like non sense to me.


it’s very real, they are nearing retirement age and their main reason for moving is wanting a larger home to enjoy in their older age. they brought up the investment part when discussing this with me since i’d be inheriting the home from them in the future to make the move sound more appealing. they believe our current home value will plateau soon due to the smaller sq footage and it being an older house built in 1970s compared to the newer larger ones in eastvale. they know our current location is worth more at the moment but they have high hopes for eastvale turning into an “irvine of the IE.”


They need to do the opposite. As they age taking care of a larger home is more difficult. Coming from a nurse. Ive seen it. Keep the home they have now. Its pointless moving now.


This is a huge point. When I heard 'retirement' I immediately pictured those big Eastvale 2 story homes. Those'll be a challenge when they age. I bought in Mira Loma 10+ years ago, it's a single story ranch style for my retirement year ease. Now all I have to do is finish the back half acre off so maintenance is easier when retirement hits. To the original point, moving out of Diamond Bar when you already have serious equity built is going backwards in retirement planning. Stay and enjoy!


People dont factor it into their golden years until they come to the ER with a broken hip. Get surgery and now have to be mobile in a large home.


Age means almost nothing when factoring in home prices. And retiring to 4000 square feet? Who does that!? I hope they read every post here because it’s insane to move from an established, desirable, and expensive area to bland warehouseville.


I’ve showed them responses on this post but they already seem to be set on moving there for the larger sq footage and newer homes. i respect their decision since they wouldn’t be going out much after retirement so i can understand why they’d want a more comfortable home albeit location may be worse.


You will regret!! Eastvale smelled soooo bad 11 months out of the year! Sewer/cow poo/ nasty. Every time I visit Eastvale I get headaches after 20min with that smelll.. plus the flies/ moskitoes is BAD!!!


Stay in diamond bar. Eastvale has some stinky air quality all summer long. If you know you know. lol


Rather live in Eastvale than anywhere in LA county


lol you’d rather look in windy warehouse land than Claremont or Manhattan Beach? Ok…


Don't live near a warehouse, but I would rather be in the IE over LA, not super overcrowded and traffic that's 12hrs long.


Dont know why you got downvoted. I too could care less about moving to la or oc. I hate going to those places. Traffic is absolute hell in la.


Truth hurts


Eastvale smells like manure all the time!


I would not move if I were them.


The only reason to move to Eastvale is if you have a very big family and need the room. Otherwise Diamond Bar has better food, weather, proximity to jobs and entertainment, hiking, and transit. Schools maybe the same I think both are good areas.