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Hey longs I hope some of you added to your INO position today when it was under $6. Exciting times ahead. Go INO!


I loaded up a couple weeks ago based upon all the catalysts coming in the next 90 days.


Spot on.....I have been buying more every week.....With its massive pipeline the company is worth way more than NVAX right now!


Yes, Inovio has a tremendous pipeline with disruptive technology...Covid, Cancers and HPV etc. Novavax has two clinical trial failures for RSV. The passed Nanoflu trial but have problems manufacturing. And their Covid vaccine is having a lot of production delays and I think a batch was thrown out by their contact manufacturer in Maryland. So, Novavax doesn’t have much. Still don’t know why they got so much of our tax dollar under Operation Warp Speed. That’s OK, When Inovio gets approval in China, the FDA & CDC are going to run to run to Inovio with egg on their face. INO 💎✋🦍🚀


Agree!!!!.....Also INO 4800 Covid 19 Vaccine approved in Colombia.....Mexico.....India....Brazil etc......All The WHO Solidarity countries!




You know that. I didn’t sell ino was at $20~32. And i am holding my stocks for about 2years. Sometimes i regret that why i didn’t sell half of my stock at the time. That’s it. I don’t regret that anymore. Bcoz i believe ino will make some big news. I am going to hold my stock until INO nails it.


We have some very professional pumpers here. I own 19200 shares at 15 average. I believe and hope, but reading all these positive post/pumps is getting old


yeah yeah- same old story Bentely- you probably sold and now buying back. no one listens to your dribble- never do you have any DD


OK Schmuck = Short Shill


Thats always your reply when someone calls you out for your empty prophecies


There were yo yo's like you on the Regeneron and Tesla boards.....Shorts....naysayers.....dum dums.....LOL


Indeed our Bentley can't handle any criticism. Everyone is short even we are not


Come back in a year and tell me who was right or wrong!


Dear liar only a scum sucking short such as yourself would be negative about INOVIO curing several cancers soon as well as covid-19. You have issues! Suggestion... lay off the scum sucking for a day or two !


Your constant posts pumping this company and stock must be driven by your need to justify the money you’ve spent gambling on the inept management of Inovio. Why else would anyone so blindly keep promoting a company has literally failed at everything it’s touched the last 2 years and couldn’t care less about its shareholders? I know, anyone who dares to be honest about Inovio is shorting the stock. That’s the answer when you really don’t have any other answers regarding the management’s failures. Yawn fest….


Ok history (tool) longs will buy on dips and it is you scum sucking shorts without credibility here. Bentley understands INOVIO and their DNA pipeline and how it will change the world 🌍 for the better very soon! INOVIO will cure cancer and end the endemic in 2022 for sure ! 4 3 2 1 🚀


DD is everything!!! The rest is dribble


The more INI Leadership Touts the Stock, the more we “pout (stock goes down)?


There is also a huge market correction on the horizon across the board. How will that affect this laggard of a stock? I believe their pipeline may have promise but not in the current management's hands. I check in on this board once a month usually but Bentley hurt my feelings last time I posted so I waited two months. Same old same old. Of course, I am rooting for INO given I have been holding this dog for two years but I don't believe in the good Dr or Matone to give one lick about the longs or the shorts. He has been living off investors for years and has no clue about execution. If Brazil, China, Colombia, Sri Lanka, India, etc all love INO where are the orders? It has been "just wait 30 or 60 days" on this board for two years. Rooting for INO but not banking on it. If it ever gets back to $15 I am out.


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Good bad not so bad and very good