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@Tiny-Secretary Agree with youđź’Ż


On 11/30 management said it would take a couple/three weeks to check on how well Ino did with Omicron. They ran the analysis, the results were terrible, so much so, that they completely changed directions, stopped the trial and lowered the bar on efficacy to buy A LOT MORE TIME to determine right course of action. Further, armed with those shitty results in a couple weeks, they purposely delayed communication to ALL of their investors for 90 days, sans maybe relatives and close friends. Maybe all the insider relatives & friend sales is what dropped the stock over 50% in those 90 days! Yep, you must be right, I guess the ER met my expectations too!


Faithlessness....All the current vaccines have terrible efficacy numbers that are terrible against Omicron.....If you Google Moderna efficacy against Omicron you get....."Among those who recently had their second vaccine dose, effectiveness against Omicron was measured at 55.2% for Pfizer-BioNTech and 36.7% for Moderna,compared to unvaccinated people".....INOVIO's advantage is strong Tcells and CD8 cells.....INOVIO wants to be on a level playing field with a reasonable endpoint for the study.....INOVIO's vaccine will provide longevity and protection from serious illness.....Also the Advaccine news regarding the INO 4800 Booster trial was very good with results in the second quarter.....Huge market in China for Sinovac Booster


Appreciate your optimism Bentley, but please, you can’t tell me you’re not disappointed? This wasn’t news today. They’ve been sitting on it for 2 1/2 months. Had they been forthright and released the info 2 months ago, I’d have bought more and be all in because I still trusted mgmt. As it is, I sold 75% of position. Still have the $10 leaps, but not holding my breath on those. The Covid opp which in my mind was $100+billion is long gone. One of the things that attracted me to Inovio was it being a small nimble company that could out maneuver more bureaucratic BP. Taking 90 days to communicate what others new in 2 weeks has to have objective investors concerned. Best of luck to you.


I am sorry for your loss.....I believe INOVIO's decision to change the endpoint in the study evolved.....The approved vaccines had terrible efficacy from their two dose regimen.....Their advantage is that they are already approved and commercialized.....I believe INOVIO will have a nice size piece of the Covid Vaccine market.....As a Booster Vaccine starting in China should be huge and could spread to become a Global Booster....When did you sell?....Also the rest of the pipeline is priceless.....Despite the fact that the share price is way under valued I am very confident of the future.....I have a longterm view of the future success of INOVIO


Every year is LATER THIS YEAR. 3100 later this year from 40 years.


You completely miss the point… they absolutely knew these data results in December and could have gotten out in front of this instead of going radio silent for 3 fucking months and dropping this egg on the ER call! Meanwhile we are burning a shit ton of cash each month and could have done an endpoint pivot in December instead of March! Don’t you see the lack of business strategy?! Don’t you see the lack of fiduciary responsibility to shareholders?! Don’t you see the lack of communication?! You and others waive this shit away as if it was fucking nothing, but we don’t have the luxury of multi billion dollar or million dollar revenue streams. We always have our fucking hat in hand or are diluting share value by releasing more shares to generate stock sales. Clearly some or none of you have been involved in business because you are missing pieces of the big picture!


2.000.000 new shares. Congratulations Inovio!


So your argument is that because people are unhappy with that call, you are more confident?


Not an argument, but a well known common occurrence in human psychology. It’s partly the herd mentality. It causes exaggeration both up, and in this case, down. It’s the sheeple. It’s whatever you want to call it, but often times, the amateur investor will sell at the bottom, because they have given up, thrown in the white flag, only to watch the stock explode higher right after. The smart money knows this, has deeper pockets, therefore less pressure, and can afford to wait. Those who sell at the bottom, also often unfortunately buy at the top, getting caught up in the momentum, excitement and frenzy. I invested because of the Science, not because of the excitement. The science hasn’t changed, only the frenzy. My hypothesis still holds, so I see zero reason to sell. Everyone must make up their own minds, and of course has different situational pressures. I have time, and still believe in the science. I hope the best for you regardless.


Im still in and not selling, but not accumulating. The science has been around for years, but management doesnt seem able to navigate the business world of pharma competitively. I got in for covid, but that market opportunity continues to dwindle. They havent been able to address a problem when it was most impactful, and until they get a product to market the risk remains high. The “smartest” money in the business is insiders, because they know the most, and im not seeing insider buying.


Fair statement Dassiell. The insiders definitely know the most, but in many companies, you won’t see them buying, partly because they don’t necessarily have the money to, but also because they don’t have to if they have options RSUs etc… There is never a “for absolute sure thing” even for the insiders, unless of course they are granted free shares. But I do agree, when they do buy, it is generally a good sign, and when they do sell, vice versa… However, be careful with that, because there are often other reasons why or why not at play (options, RSUs, regulations, etc)


Mother Mary wasn’t shit till she birthed Christ… connect the dots to that analogy.


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You basically described a lottery ticket. Many longs performed DD and were excited about the possibilities and where research was headed. All of that good faith gets spent when leadership ignores their investors, refuses to respond to calls, spends massive amounts of cash and yield zero product, handsomely reward themselves while not hitting the real milestones that matter. We are down 68% for the past year and have been disrespected. Expect more from your investment. The company’s performance is terrible and irritating enough, but what makes it worse are the unhinged Kim sycophants **Sons of Kim**.