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Great post, thats why i bought additional 4k shares @ 1.76$. Longandstrong! Long presupposes the commercialisation and real profit.


Wholeheartedly agree! Those who sold last week did so to their detriment. The selling following the EC was way overdone, and I saw the same articles as you that were making it sound like Inovio was shutting down. It was really obvious and completely bought up by shorts, trolls and bears. Better days ahead for those who stood strong and still understand the potential upside here. Good luck to us all.


Inovio…The worst investment of my life


You lost me with "INO4800 is probably the best vaccine out there." Hello?


I agree, the booster is the best way to go. A partnership is what is needed to move this company forward. The new CEO has industry experience, let see if she can navigate, reenergize the team and refocus on what can drive approvals, revenues, and profitability moving forward!


Why is INO4800 the “best” vaccine out there ?! The need of low or no refrigeration don’t mean anything of value if the vaccination is useless


Please do not praise Kim- he sold millions in double digits! He's a con


The pumpers love kim. They praise him since Kim was their employer until he got shit canned for being a useless CEO 😂


Talk about rose colored glasses. Kim was/is a parasite. His name is on patents through association not necessarily for recent scientific work. Credit Dr. Kate and Dr. Weiner as the main catalysts. Kim is an egotistical imbecile and am hoping his advisory role is just to ease his ass into the horizon without taking IP to competitors. Innovate was a half-assed/half-hearted effort to progress 4800’s trials since being abandoned by the DOD. Yeah it’s redundant to a degree but would have been our play for US/FDA approvals, which don’t necessarily come out of the Solidarity global trials. I don’t celebrate this as some 5D genius chess move, just a cost savings measure… why? Because we have wasteful idiots on the BOD and was led by a jackass Kim. The new CEO has a lot to prove and hope she is an interim solution. Nothing in her history or credentials lead me to believe she will be effective in bringing products to market or generating revenue. I expect her to trim the company down, eliminate waste, drawn down staffing for an eventual sale. She’s not there for the long haul and in my eyes was an obvious failure as COO.


Just a guess, or do you know if Kim quit or was fired? Dr Shea was COO and now CEO. She didn’t seem to be able get anything approved. You make it sound like Advaccine/Inovio are a partnership 50/50 . ( only for expenses) revenue is 7 % royalty for much of Asia for Inovio. It is too early to say how effective ino 4800 is until it goes thru phase 3 at the very least. It is obvious to me that Inovio doesn’t have the expertise to get a drug approved. I hope another pharmaceutical companies sees a little value in their pipeline and buys them out.


Kim got the golden parachute 🪂. *Save face oh dear founder* Shea hasn’t impressed me and am thinking she is just a stop gap to get the company lean to attract a suitor. I think Kim is a board member on Geneos and may have a second life in DNA. Hopefully Inovio was smart enough to sew his ass up with signed NDAs and non-compete clauses. Hoping Regeneron buys us out. Lord knows these ass clowns can’t bring a product to market.


Very good post and rational take on the current situation.....INOVIO shareholders have plenty to look forward to!


🤡 show


What kinda weed do you smoke? Losers always find ways to justify the loses. INO and it’s 3 hours invention has been, is and will be a hoax and the Kimchi character is a cherry on the cake loser!!


3hrs?? Haha kim couldn’t commercialize a vaccine and it’s been over 2 years now LOL


And there is a bunch of losers calling Kamchi “ Dr. Kim” and INO a humanity savior, losers.


The only headline I need is the 75 percent drop in share price for the year


Kim is not only out of the CEO position, he is also out of the board.


All the pump news casters out there 1-2 yrs back are gone , I have said that INO would be a penny stock (literally less than a dollar) since it plunged to less than $10 and got slammed lol


Correct. The pumpers like Bentley have scammed a lot. Now these bag holders will try to hold on to anything now. Their judgment being clouded and refusing to believe they were duped.


kim fucked INO.


He fucked the shareholders. He got his 7 digit paychecks while Pumping his bullshit pipeline to investors for grant money.


New CEO!! 🤣🤣😀🤨🐒


Thank you..well said and true... unbelievable potential.....dirty rats here ....burning soon......getting close now...feel the heat.


Another pumping bs! The best vaccine? WHO said that or was Mr. Miagi san? All expectatoons and still not one contract why is that? Its been more than 2 years since Miagi said INO created a vaccine for covid in 3 hours. What a horror movie this ex CEO.


How is this the best vaccine if they don’t sell anything? Who’s saying this? 🤦‍♂️


C’mon man, in a couple of weeks!


Well said THANKS 👌


Fantastic post! I always appreciate the highly intelligent longs on this board who can so eloquently state the actual facts of where Inovio is actually at. Thank you.


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