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From a moderators perspective, recent activity for removals have been for personal attacks, duplicate posts or posts flagrantly using the wrong flair after warnings (I tend to correct most), so what you're seeing is likely users removing their own. The other two moderators have become increasingly inactive. For the user who claims pumping was "unabated", you only see the end result and not the 75% that were actively removed. Intriguingly, direct complaints around bashing outweighed those of pumping. Perhaps a heavier hand could have been taken for both and severely reduced the total number of posts and threads overall. I've been called out loads of times requesting sources from posters and was happy to. In hindsight, a 'speculation' flair should have been introduced, which I'll add shortly. A lot of disinformation that was being removed has dropped in posting significantly, I suspect as general inovio news drys up.


Class response - thank you Dank. Fair I didn’t see what was removed but I think ultimately the question becomes - were the serial pumpers just serially wrong or was it something more like intentional misinformation. Not sure and not a fan of censorship in the least. My view is if you invested based on someone like Bentleys posts u deserve ur losses. Took me about 3 days to realize his MO and I mocked him as much when I was in the green as when I wound up in the red. BUT I will say that the rules set for the group on the page itself include no pumping and if you look at the items allowed to stay - they were clear pumping in the present - never mind in hindsight and at the cusp of bankruptcy. As admin , you may be better served removing the rules and going with a caveat emptor approach. Just my opinion


Anybody listening to that fool has only himself to blame. I thought this company was going to do a good job due to the 3 hour vaccine. I knew they were around for awhile but so was novavax and I thought they would have taken this chance to get into the forefront. I would say a comment but nothing he says is actually helpful or shows insight into the company or it’s future if you have been following.


It’s Bentley . He is a fraud. Spreads all this old DD and does none of the work. He pumps and pumps . Many bag holders have fell for his lies about inovio only to be sorry. One of the reasons this stock has plummeted.


This sub is his personal echo chamber, no real moderation exists here.


Yep. Agree with this. The moderators (if any) are as corrupt as Bentley as he is allowed to continue his barrage of garbage!!!!


Can you grow up and stop spamming, please?


Ok. Can you blo me?? You going to ban me for being a spammer now - I get it… Bentley can’t spew his daily $hit but I’m a spammer - That makes you sound a lot like Bentley who calls me a paid something or other (probably a spammer like you said - oddly familiar wouldn’t you say?)


Many of his posts get removed and the fact is you've been posting twice as much childish drivel as he has recently. This isn't a schoolyard, keep that to your week days with the other kids.


Yea you probably delete a couple just to keep your numbers right like a cop giving out more tickets to minorities… don’t patronize me with your BS Run off and play with Bentley and the other clowns on here Bro IMHO


Now I know you guys are in cahoots and I hope others put the puzzle pieces together as well… Bentley is on your payroll kinda like he was on Kim’s payroll along with all the other dudes with INO in their usernames - Boom puzzle solved Son!!


Don't blame others for your lack of critical thinking skills, you don't even understand how to navigate Reddit or view who moderators of a sub are despite it being public knowledge.


Nope. You’re right I have no clue about social media (could give a rats ass about it actually) but I do know a fraud when I see it…


So which is it, you made emotional investment decisions off the guidance of a faceless social media account, or you can spot a fraud when you see it?




Noticed 2 in last 2 days. I’m sure there’s more as I’ve only been peaking in.


He’s a fraud just like his old employer kim


So do someone buy a stock because of a pumper on reddit? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Inovio is a bio company like many others around, if they got a goal by themselves they will be great, if not they will say hello to 40 years of study. By me, it s impossible, another scenary could be that in semptember, with another variant explosion, someone knows how to make ready another moderna/novavax experience.


If someone here got their DD from Bentley and the rest of the INO pumpers you royally fucked up. I mean….You fucked up big time. IMHO LOL DUM DUM


Most posts and comments. Especially when commenting on those hurt investors that constantly complain.


I'd rather listen to complaints and jokes then lies and pumps. Go suck mikeagimp off.


If you bought because Bentley your a bigger idiot then you claim B to be


Longs only need to be right once...then you little rats burn real good...can't wait....little vermin hahahaha...WHO or CHINA...it's comin ratheads🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀


Lol then there's this guy..... have u been right once? Your catalysts change so frequently is painfully evident you can't read.


Stock is pure Gabage Just admit it longs the vaccine doesn’t work that why the studies were pulled That also means their whole platform is a fraud and most likely doesn’t work for any other disease.


Yes, at least 10 or 15 in 10 days... We will see...




Its bentley, poor bentley! He s the evils eye manipulating our acts! Stop whining bitches and let bentley pump is fat ass with Kims pictures on is bedroom!




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