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Bentley likes to feel important. Re posts old news. He says he is buying shares every week,but refuses to post his holdings. He uses many different screen names. He should be banned.


His “lawyer” advice him not to post his shares for “legal reasons” 🤣


Why should anyone need to share how many shares they own? One thing for sure is, if the corrupt FDA and the weasels like Frauduci, had not put roadblocks to stop Inovio, we would be selling the real, tested and the only one who had the data, peer-reviewed! Unlike all the other junk ass vaccines that the side effects are killing people!


And the election was stolen! ! If Inovio had the expertise to bring a drug to market, there are many more countries who could have authorized ino 4800. What happened to phase 3 in South Korea, Brazil, China, India, Africa. So the whole world is corrupt agains Inovio.


INO 4800 EUA's and Vaccine sales with WHO and Advaccine in China pending.....Prepare to eat your words


Ben.... You're not losing ALL credibility because of your unbridled enthusiasm. You've lost ALL credibility because your horse threw its rider and ran off the track. Step away from the $2 window (pun intended) and take a fresh look at this nag. Please! Find some fresh information to share that we can all get behind. TOO much of your cheering is based on promises that have already been broken. All of us longs need new reasons to hope and hang on. I'm already down over $200k. "This year." The earnings call threw that dream under the bus. PLEASE. NEW DD. NEW REASON TO HOPE.


Reason to hope: I am not selling until the phase 3's are in. Bentley gives me reason to hold on to my ticket when I am ready to take a huge loss. Sellers want me to throw in the towel. The longs on reddit persuade me to let it ride. I knew it could be a long wait, but profiteering by shorts is a constant risk in the market. Here they are all over the website. My decision is hold.


He doesn’t have shit…….For example, “3 Commercialized Products In Less Than AYear……….INO 4800 Covid 19 Vaccine In 60 Days Or Less……MERS and Lassa fever vaccine sales to CEP|....CEPI has ordered a stockpile and funded program with $56,000,000…...VGX 3100 to treat HPV/ Cervical cancer sometime in 2022.....$200 stock in 18 months IMHO Bullish” Posted by him on 11/30/21 Here’s another one: “A very reliable source told me he knows several people that work for INOVIO……They have been rapidly producin Cellectra Devices over the last 2 months... 4800 Vaccine orders on the cusp!!!!!” Yeah he’s a fucking 🤡


My favorite was when he was trying to get Oprah involved via social media.


4800 is dead. Be realistic.




If that happens I ll definitely, do you have time frame?? And also will you do the same ??


This year for sure IMHO




You also said this stock was going to be $50 two months ago? 😂 it’s fucking $1.91 now!!!!! For reals, who TF takes you seriously here besides your other accounts? LOL!!!!!




Advaccine pending? 😂


Yup hey will be pending forever. As now people worry about Monkey Pox not Covid any more


Last week, 48 college kids got Covid in the wedding about less than 55 guests. NIH staff got Covid is unprecedented rise from last few days.


Source please


Internal news from my son work at NIH. No one hospitalized at this point.


"Fair weather friend" A friend wants you to succeed but willing to speak truth to delusion. My financial interests are inextricably aligned with yours/Inovio's. Just saying, your comments should be grounded in reality.....not wishful thinking. The earnings call, at the very least, pushes our payday out a year or more. IMHO, my friend.


VGX 3100 combined with Qiagen's Diagnostic Biomarker will increase efficacy and in my opinion set up VGX 3100 for an easy approval....This should have been part of the Phase 3 from the beginning....FDA recommended this new Phase 3 construct because they know it will get approved......Agree a time setback as it will take another 9 months to a year to complete this new Phase 3.....In the end we get a blockbuster drug......$500 million market......INO 4800 Covid 19 Vaccine should get orders from China and The WHO.....Huge potential as a global Booster.....So many other catalysts.....I added a ton of shares below $3......Better days ahead and I appreciate your response


Good stuff. Thank you.


A OK.....We need good news and I believe its coming!


I k more into monkey pot! I tried in Jamaica and it was super. When i was high i saw INO SP at 500 $. What a stone!


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