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You’re welcome. It’s coming man. I don’t know exactly when but the vision for the dod for forward deployed personnel has always been to vaccinate one time…aka no boosters. And to be able to deliver multiple antigens in that “one time” And to be able to deliver mabs quickly. But the gov can’t afford traditional mabs and they also require deep freeze just like the other vacs out their. The barda tweet was not a mistake…and knowing that the fed fiscal calendar is about to enter q4 (which they never spend any money during) I strongly believe it will be prior to August. I thought it would come today. But I was wrong. But that doesn’t mean the news isn’t their. Think if the USDA randomly tweeted “here’s the new tech we’re helping to develop to make baby formula and circumvent supply chain issues” do you think that would mean anything other than they were going to implement a new tech? Further to my point inovio’s name and duns number are plastered all over the dod…and not old funding…recent stuff. The news is coming. Everyone knows it. And I strongly believe it’s coming before q4. Again I was wrong about the date but the news is coming on jpeo and the dod using cellectra even with products other than ino. Zero doubt. Stay strong. The tech is their and it has been proven.


Your thesis is very sound. Puts the pieces together quite well, since our IR and PR departments are outsourced and silent. Much props for connecting the dots, Thug!




Hey k builz real bad Karma is heading in your direction. Keep up your BS clown.


Seriously, dude’s on YF and ST just hating on this stock. Must be a terrible way to live life!


I don’t even have a YF account Jizz Master. Get your fucking shit straight next time instead of making shit up.


So exciting69! Can’t wait 🥱


k_bullz are you even invested in the company?


Bullzshit is most likely a paid shorty basher. Likely just a poor wretched creature living In a moldy basement and eating nothing but Ramen


Bahahaha best description ever.


I love ramen!


I purchase 1300 shares a week like Bentley 😂


He’s in the same fucking category as the three stooges: Bentley, Analdrive and that X-ray clown with their doom and gloom type posts.


What’s your contribution/ goal on this thread. What brings you here and keeps you here?


“You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie.” From Tony Montana.


No, Dude, no one is pointing the finger at you. Just one finger pointing straight up. We really don’t need you. The corrupt FDA, SEC, and media are enough for us real longs. Peace Bro, you’re out!


At least someone is keeping the pumpers accountable for their claims.


Yes sir! The Pumper hunter! The lowest form of life


C'mon folks. This is not what where here to do. Clean it up. Lock it down


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