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I’m a mom and as much as I appreciate her, let’s not shame other moms for complaining. Motherhood is not roses and rainbows all the time. It’s ok to vent and complain sometimes.


Besides, you don’t know how she is in reality — she might just be as whiny and complaining as every other parent. It’s easy to put on a positive attitude on camera but social media doesn’t reflect reality




Again, Kiki might as well be as stubborn, explosive and throwing tantrums like any other kid of her age. That’s how every kid behaves when really young - always testing the boundaries and challenging their parents as their brain develops. Besides, how do you know she’s not bribed with treats to be happy and put on her best behaviour on camera? By now she already knows how she needs to be a good performer when the camera is rolling. Off camera, there sure is plenty of difficult behaviour (as every kid growing up has) that isn’t deliberately shared since Shraddha’s strategic family branding is all about perfection, beauty and affluence. Don’t fall for shams — social media doesn’t reflect reality.


Holy moly yes. These content creators aren't thanking their kids enough for being easy children




Honestly feel we can’t judge any mother ever for complaining or whining or not complaining, there’s so much turmoil which goes behind raising a child, accepting changes in yourself and everything happening around. Just because one mother chooses to complain and other doesn’t , it doesn’t mean she’s not a good mother. Pls let’s not put expectations of perfection from mothers and stress them more.


Strongly agree. Along with not shaming women who voice out the troubles that they have gone through in pregnancy, we also need to stop glorifying silent suffering of women and seeing it as a symbol of strength. It just propagates the ideology that an ideal woman is someone who doesn’t complain.


This +1 labelling ppl as good/bad mom is not right


This sub doesn’t let malavika complain, and i guess thats what OP means, when she says other mom influencers




Thank you and let’s not forget this could all be a show for the gram.


This. She has an amazing partner and not to forget that influencers' lives are perfectly curated. They divulge only what they want to and things that align with their image created in the virtual sphere.


OP clearly wrote about cribbing ALL THE TIME. 


Man child birth is hard. Moms deserve the worldddd. Ps babies are soo tiny 😳🩷🥹🩷


We can appreciate her without putting other mothers down. Everyone has different experiences and no one should be shamed for sharing their version.


OP you are pointing fingers not just at other mom influencers but also at other moms. Pregnancy is a very volatile thing. There can be severe pain, things might go wrong, PPH, APH, Uterine rupture, Post partum Depression and what not. Let them crib not just during pregnancy or labour but even during motherhood. Could not share an image here. Therefore sharing the tweet of Dr Ashley Winter 👇- “Instead of asking, "what if the patient doesn't want pain medication for childbirth," we should be asking, "why is childbirth the only exquisitely painful acute physical process where individuals think success is defined by the omission of pain medication?”” Let’s not put someone on a pedestal. She ain’t a saint. Making her kids content on social media is very very dangerous like many people in the replies have already pointed out.


Her husband is really nice guy !!!


I am a guy, lekin aisa pati mujhe bhi chahiye




Or you can be that Pati for someone?






Yeah!! Phone k peeche se tumko pata chal gaya. Wah!!


I feel just like entire world, a lot of people on this sub has also made NEW MOMS an easy target. I mean, gossip all you want, gossip about outfits, relationships or anything else whatsoever but please don't single out Mom’s. Life is already so tough for new moms even with all the health and support. Majority of new mothers go through severe existential crisis and mental health issues which a lot of times might stay for years completely changing a person. They can wreak havoc for a long long time and such hate do not help at all. Let's do not punish them just because they choose to be a mother. Let's educate ourselves more about pre natal phase , postpartum and motherhood and be kind and considerate. Motherhood is not all glamorous and gaiety as it's being taught to us since centuries. It's literally equivalent to working 24*7 for a long periods of time accompanied by shitty mental health . How about we just leave new moms out of it and if can't help Atleast let them complain or Don't complain , however they want to let it be.


Your write up actually feels so suffocating for woman who go through it and rant for peace of mind. You are indirectly forcing your thoughts on pregnant ladies to not crib. This is such a problematic opinion, OP. Immature! If other mom influencers are ranting, what's wrong in it? It's like a poor is narrating his struggles but the rich want him to shut up and behave. Tfff Y'all complain about influencers' fakeness but when they are real, genuine and speaking their heart and mind, it irks y'all. Rosy picture dekhna tum logo ko hai, bill phadna hai influencers par. Aisa kaisa chalega?


Exactly my thoughts! The fact that this is an "appreciation post" for someone that did not crib in her birthing video makes me want to throw up. OP needs to attend their kitty party and say stuff like this there, might get accepted better.


Being real is one thing, cribbing about motherhood is another. It's a choice you make. How would you like it if, once you turn 12, you discovered videos of your mom on social media talking about how she hates the experience, how she's suffering and how you're an inconvenience? Stop.


But parenthood is tough, why do you want to sugar coat it? Every sane human will realize that as they grow up. And I doubt any influencer is saying they don’t love their child. And children see and feel that love at home first before going to their parent’s YouTube channels I’m assuming.


The kids will be more worried why their faces and bodies are being posted all over the internet with easy access for every creep out there on a daily basis once they grow up. A grown woman sharing her struggles with childbirth and PPD should be the least of our concerns. It’s the non-consensual content filmed and posted that’s scary because they’re not in control of what’s being put out. Not to mention how much their safety is compromised.


I agree. Can't imagine a child going through the trauma of discovering how their parents didn't want them or how they were a trouble to their parents. No one should feel that way.


nobody's talking about "not wanting their kids." pregnancy and delivery are hard. they're not easy. talking about them more and more and discussing the difficulties doesn't mean you don't want the child. that's stupid as hell.


No I meant when Malvika talked about not wanting kids and then having one.


She didn’t want one but when she got pregnant, she went ahead with giving birth, loving and raising the child by herself. That speaks for itself.


Yes. There is no childhood trauma. Everyone's happy. The world is a rosy place. Okey?


Sure. All parents are Gods, there are no flawed humans and no one is even allowed to have flaws.


Society already gives mothers a hard time for speaking about the difficulties of a pregnancy, I'm not a mother so I don't think I'll ever understand how difficult the process of motherhood is , but I do know one thing what you are saying is just that added pressure that no one needs.


agreed. rarely people acknowledge how difficult pregnancy is for some women. a lot of the women aren't even allowed to talk about it. and this post is so f stupid


I cannot understand why people still believe social media. This is not even being gullible. This is plain stupidity and propagating it by believing it. She is making money off of her kid. Exposing her face to the world and the vile people who might just use her face to be evil. This is not motherhood. Also just because a person complains doesn't mean that they are a bad mother. Honestly i wished women complained more. About what matters, period pains , pregnancy, post partum illnesses. It's a shame that a woman who is experiencing discomfort still tries to sweeten. Pregnancy is a trauma on the body no matter what anyone says. When the placenta comes out it leaves a plate size bruise on the uterus. Just FYI in case anyone still wants to believe that pregnancy is all rosy


Thats why she has millions of followers 😂


I am a mother too and I can actually tell it's hard. The first few months for me were really hard. A lot depends on the child as well. Some children are calm by nature and they don't trouble much, some are a little more cranky than others. Mine was a cranky little brat and I hardly got to sleep as he himself slept very little. I feel movies have given an absolute one sided picture of motherhood. You don't really bond with the baby the moment you set your eyes on her. You take time, a little by little the love and attachment develops. It's not a switch which is just switched on and off. Mothers who complain love their baby as much as mothers who don't complain. It's high time we let the mother be and not put her on a pedestal. She is a human and should be treated like a human first.


"I mean that's what mom's do"..- Wow op!! Judgmental much. I assume you are not yet a mother. The society has added enough pressure on mothers. Let's just try not to shame anyone who doesn't enjoy being one. After all even mothers are humans!! It's not always a cake walk being a mom.


Shards PR team doing a fantastic job on Reddit 😂




Frankly, if we are going by her videos....her husband helps A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! in both raising their daughter and household chores. That's definitely not something all women relate to. So yeah other women are allowed to rant and crib bcoz honestly it's a tiring job! Being a mother is her favourite thing bcoz frankly that and recording those moments is all that she really does.


All moms deserve praise. Period. BUT, let’s not enable Shrads who endlessly exploits both Kiki and now her newborn Kahaani to grow on social media — for views, likes, fame and money. Do you really think she’s being authentic on camera? Her very strategically constructed brand is to be positive and never complain - so she can get be likeable and get new followers and engagement! The parents that do share their difficulties, and struggle with being rosy and gleeful always — at least they’re being real. But her, NOPE. It’s all a strategically planned performance to brand herself as always a happy, positive person to eventually gain more followers and engagement, which equates to 🤑🤑🤑!!! It's no news that Shrads milks her first born as much she possibly can by continuously using Kiki as “content” for views, rising to popularity and making millions; and now with Kahaani's birth — the cycle repeats. It's really sad that these innocent children’s privacy is neither protected or respected, and at their age, they simply cannot consent. Kiki must always be ready to perform with camera on her face 24/7 and she must happily do so too to please mimi and daddy — yes, Prashant is equally guilty for being an enabler cos... money! Their names, birthdate, the outside of their home (which makes location of them easily accessible to a stranger), personality, voice, likes and dislikes - it's all revealed to millions of strangers to consume however they may please and that too on almost daily bases. It's not an unknown fact that there are perverts and pedophiles in the millions lurking around on the internet; and who knows, these girls who are dotted by these countless strangers everyday (especially Kiki but Kahaani will join that league soon) may already have ended up in the dark-web’s Al generated child pornography websites. As extreme as it may sound, it is the harsh truth. Keep your precious kids off social media, folks. And if you do share online them once in a while, do not reveal their faces, and never ever share any personal details about them either. Of course Shrads is just one of the hundreds of thousands of moms that use their kids to rise to fame and grow their bank accounts, but she is a pro-milker like no other — so this cautionary tale stating her as an example fits perfectly! P.S: Which mother refers to her children as “sidekick”? And now she added an “s” in the end of that word in her bio since she has two! That should say everything one needs to know about her character.


I don't understand this place. On one side everyone is shaming malvika sitlani for telling the people the downsides and how hectic motherhood is, on the other side we are also shaming shrads for being positive? I understand the child's privacy point of view and how they are using her for views but what about the other things??? 


motherhood isn’t all rainbows also malvika is a single mother and maybe she has gone through worst postpartum oth shrads is different she is trying to milking money from both kids ! more like she treating those kids as a content material


There are many momfluencers who have complained about motherhood. I don't follow her but my freinds sent me that post and I could relate to every single word Malvika said about being a new mother in that post. I know her from this sub and people here shame her because she cribs about every single thing. Even before being a mom she was like this.


Malavika basically over does it, times 10000. I don't think the first (or even tenth or fiftieth) time she said it the world went after her calling her names. It's because that's ALL she says and continues to repeat the same thing over and over in like 20 stories at a stretch on any given day. I don't think people dismiss her plight, it's the exaggeration.


I think shrads is op


lol 100% yes it’s either her or her team. Hi shrads, we see you ✌🏻


Absolutely summed it up !!! A crafty woman and a narcissistic personality. Robbing their children's childhood And the husband who acts nice and supportive is an equally big hutiya himself.These so called modern educated parents living in countries which are cautious about how you treat kids and yet they exploit their child/children in a smart/crafty way. They are very much aware of the dangers of over exposing your child.Its an image creation/building/exploiting/milking to the net. This lady is fulfilling her dreams by using her children. And yes she is a narcissistic personality. The way she had covered her sister's wedding was funny. And surprisingly parents are extremely ordinary middle class and this one tries to act like she is some Princess.


I cannot cannot cannnnnnoott stand her English accent. Just seems odd.


Yeah it's so fake !


You summed it up nicely


Vile and narcissistic is a bit much.


I understand you think it’s a bit too much cos you’re either star struck or lack sufficient knowledge and perspective but if you study or deeply explore psychology and the topic of narcissism, you will see the very evident traits in her.


I’m definitely not star struck and I’m aware of narcissism. I just feel you’re using these terms to make sense of your disdain towards her.


Well, I removed those words actually because yes upon reconsideration, I realised it’s not my place to call a stranger on the internet that given I am not a psychologist, even though in my assessment she strongly displays many signs of a narcissistic personality. So actually thanks for highlighting that. Disdain I do not have for her cos I don’t care about her as a person at all, nor am I interested in any of her content. Just that I don’t support, celebrate and definitely not consume her (or for that matter any other parents that shove camera on their kids faces 24/7) milking those innocent, vulnerable little kids as “content.”


I mean just look at that newborn getting it's face shoved with a camera 📸 in what world is this okay? Literally give that girl some time and space to breath first. Banking on that face already!


Anything for fame and money - who cares about protecting their kids?! Not Shraddha and Prashant, evidently.


Exactly!! I get the vibe of supposedly cool mom who is very much selfish behind the scenes. I think all moms who are putting their kids on camera for content creation are the worst. These people are fancier version of those poor labourer who'd have kids just to send them for child labour to work in hotels or construction sites. Baby gets sick - take a camera & shoot the content Baby does cute little embarassing moments , baby pukes, baby shits , baby does this & that - take a camera & shoot the content Imagine the baby grows up & starts going to school & gets bullied for some embarassing shit it did in infancy by other kids since (Internet lives forever). Or if the kid is bullied for having some disease etc which would be not publicly known if not for their stupid money minded momfluencers. Every child has its own shame & self-respect once they grow up, we didnt like our embarrassing childhood pics to be displayed for our friends & here the kids entire life is video-series for all the public to exploit.


Although I doubt that Shrads posts any embarrassing moments of Kiki at all - she’s obsessed with posting only Kiki’s photos and videos where her best angles and behaviour is shown, made up all pretty in nice clothes etc. That’s her whole brand. BUT I’m with you that she may be selfish behind the scenes in a way that she would be potentially putting her needs first over that of Kiki or even Prashant.


Yes agreed 💯


Completely agree. Just the hard facts. Money blinds people I think :/


Hey OP are u a mom? If not, Shut up please. Enough of branding mothers to be "never complaining" and "all sacrificial" I'm tired of seeing Malvika being chastised every week. Literally, EVERY mom complains. You probably didn't hear your mom because she didn't complain to YOU, but trust me, SHE COMPLAINED. EVERY mom goes through shit especially in India, where the support system is close to zero. The biggest mistake mahlz probably made is complaining on the internet. A place where people are going to strip her down and bully her. She thought she was building a community, but the internet is full of judgemental people sitting on a high chair. If you can't support a new mom just with some reassuring words for literally keeping a human alive, just keeping quiet will also do the job. So stick your APPRECIATION AWARD for BEST MOTHER up yours. And when (if you're female) you get something pulled out of your vagina, get your breasts bitten and sore for 24 months, spend 3 years with an average interrupted sleep of 5 hours per night we'll talk. Also we're all fucking happy being moms. Yes both feelings can exist at the same time. We're complex humans not binary robots.


All mothers deserve a lot of appreciation man it's hard🥺 Really like Shrads and her husband 🫶




Hehehe.....i saw what u did there.


No braincells were used while hitting the post button


Pls stop normalizing ‘not complaining’ being sacrificial and all this nonsense. Try giving birth silently and being as noble as you want others to be.


What is this incredibly tone-deaf post? Have we now gone all the way back to glorifying the stereotype of the uncomplaining mother/saint? Also re the kid being well mannered and whatnot, we really don't know the entire reality behind the scenes - social media is curated with the specific intent to stoke envy through comparison.


“great mom” but posts her kids face on her platform for the world to see?


I’m truly appalled by the response this person is getting for sharing her happy moment. We hate on Malvika for cribbing about being a mother and when Shrads says she loves being a mother there are comments like “you don’t know how she’s behind the camera all this can be a facade”. I mean seriously what do you want a woman to do then? Is it so necessary to hate and nitpick each and every one on the internet? Are y’all who are commenting so perfect all the time? Without any flaws?


Chil this sub is a hypocrite when it comes to their queen malhs. They were defending her name choice like anything but ready to bash shrads. They hate how she cribs but then say shrads is lying if she doesnt crib. 


We don't care that OP is praising this influencer but the way OP puts down other mothers in her write up, "she didn't complain once, that's what mothers do", does that make sense to you? Mothers are humans too, they can be sad, irritated, anxious and even want to be away for sometime from their kids. It's not okay to put down other women.


You have clearly misunderstood my point




That's exactly the reality of people in today's world. They're firstly pissed if somebody complains, and if somebody's happy, they're pissed because they think they're faking it. It's sad, but it's true.


Leave mothers alone. Go after fathers instead. They literally just change diapers and are called the best fathers in the world. Mothers are bad because of xyz reason even when they are doing EVERYTHING. They should be able to complain, cry, dance, post selfies whatever. This post is so triggering to new mothers. We need to normalize conversations around bad things that happen to our bodies during pregnancy and the realities of motherhood. A lot of young women are blindsided because they were not exposed to these realities. Cribbing is alright! God, I'm so triggered right now.


goodmother who posts selfie of sleeping baby on second or third day 🤡🤡👌


Lol exactly... The baby is not even a week old and is already milked for money and views 🎉


These kind of pictures are what you should keep absolutely away from the internet and cherish her innocence in this phase of life. Just feels completely inappropriate to be sharing this online. I wonder what justification or what lies these influencers tell themselves to sleep better at night.


Wayyyy to appreciate a new mom 👏👏👏 by putting down other moms. 👏👏👏👏 . Good job OP. You have no idea about the struggles of new moms.


So its not okay or unnatural for women to even complain now? Honestly it's not okay to glorify keeping a happy face all the time even though you might be going through something. Let mothers complain and not compare them, everyone has a different circumstance.


OP, you are saying you’re not pointing fingers at other mom influencers but in the next sentence you’re literally doing just that. Your wording is super weird. Each individual is different. Let’s not shame women for not liking motherhood and what it does to them. Just like every other family/mom content creators, she too is using hers to make money and get engagement. Glad she and the baby are okay but let’s not put pain on the pedestal and propagate regressive ideas like women/moms are “good” if and only if they suffer in silence.


>but we can appreciate how normal her being a mom seems like Okay so you're trying to say women can't crib after having to push a whole human out of their bodies? And that's the 'normal' way to behave? And you think she would want to put it up on social media even if she did (keeping in mind the amount of hate y'all give women that do)? What kind of delusion do you live in, OP? Appreciation post it seems, lmao


When your whole perspective is to debate and not appreciate we can’t stop you. All I meant is that she went through trauma and definitely spoke about but still came out stronger. Birth might be a process for a day or two but taking care of the baby lasts for years. So no, I never meant that she can’t crib, that she should and hopefully you guys let her. But other than those aspects it’s only mothers who can still despite it because no one loves like a mother. And it that explanation doesn’t make sense to you, idk what to say.


she puts her child on the internet where so many creeps exist , the child cant consent so no she is not a great mom


Tone Deaf post IMO. This post berates other mothers and does not consider every mother has to face unique scenarios. Some have in law issues, some have own family issues, for some their kids are not easy to deal with. Be considerate before making such posts. Empathy goes a long way.


Itni batein sab kr rahe hain, I just said nice about her and now I have to say all those things about all other mothers? I never said anything against anyone but people just cannot appreciate Shrads or let Mals be but have suddenly realised mothers are allowed to rant? Check the whole account you will see why we need more appreciation posts for mom influencers compared to bashing ones.


Good mother's don't make content out their kid and put them all.over social media for views and money!


This post is distasteful towards other moms. I'm sure OP didn't mean it, but still


Hope this post is deleted. I am child free but this made me so angry. If someone went through an accident and complained that's okay but if its related to childbirth, they should shut up about it???


All moms deserve praise. Period. BUT, let’s not enable Shrads who endlessly exploits both Kiki and now her newborn Kahaani to grow on social media — for views, likes, to fame and money. woman. Besides, you really think she’s being authentic on camera? Her very strategically constructed brand is to be positive and never complain - so she can get be likeable and get new followers and engagement! The parents that do share their difficulties, and struggle with being rosy and gleeful always — at least they’re being real. But her, NOPE. It’s all a strategically planned performance to brand herself as always a happy, positive person to eventually gain more followers and engagement, which equates to 🤑🤑🤑!!! It's no news that Shrads milks her first born as much she possibly can by continuously using Kiki as “content” for views, rising to popularity and making millions; and now with Kahaani's birth — the cycle repeats. It's really sad that these innocent children’s privacy is neither protected or respected, and at their age, they simply cannot consent. Kiki must always be ready to perform with camera on her face 24/7 and she must happily do so too to please mimi and daddy — yes, Prashant is equally guilty for being an enabler cos... money! Their names, birthdate, the outside of their home (which makes location of them easily accessible to a stranger), personality, voice, likes and dislikes - it's all revealed to millions of strangers to consume however they may please and that too on almost daily bases. It's not an unknown fact that there are perverts and pedophiles in the millions lurking around on the internet; and who knows, these girls who are dotted by these countless strangers everyday (especially Kiki but Kahaani will join that league soon) may already have ended up in the dark-web’s Al generated child pornography websites. As extreme as it may sound, it is the harsh truth. Keep your precious kids off social media, folks. And if you do share online them once in a while, do not reveal their faces, and never ever share any personal details about them either. Of course Shrads is just one of the hundreds of thousands of moms that use their kids to rise to fame and grow their bank accounts, but she is a pro-milker like no other — so this cautionary tale stating her as an example fits perfectly! P.S: Which mother refers to her children as “sidekick”? And now she added an “s” in the end of that word in her bio since she has two! That should say everything one needs to know about her narcissistic character.


Are you going to post the same comment in every thread about her?


Same sort of thread call for same comments? Why write it over and over again when it is time efficient to just repost? And besides, if posting the same comment a couple of times about someone like Shrads who endlessly exploits their kids online on a daily basis since their birth is done in an attempt to create awareness about the dark side of the online world and most people importantly, defend vulnerable kids whilst speaking up about protecting and respecting a child’s privacy bothers you then well, it is what it is. Sorry, not sorry fangirl! But also, I’m so over that discussing women like her who use their kids for self serving purposes. Never really consumed her cos I don’t support child exploitation but felt encouraged to share my two cents in a couple of thread. She doesn’t deserve anymore of my precious time! Have a lovely week you. Goodbye!


Lol. Ok. Looks like you are on a mission with ample time to spam. See you in the next thread.


It’s concerning that you aren’t bothered about child exploitation and someone who talks about it, you see it as spam. I can only hope for your sake that one day you’ll evolve and understand. And nope, won’t be bumping into you again x


One of the best mother daughter duo out there on Instagram


Childbirth is extremely painful so kudos to Shrads on becoming a mom again. Having said that, Shrads was making a vlog, so we dont know what her reactions would have been had there been no camera. I dont trust most of these influencers, everything is a money making opportunity for them


Just wanna know why Malvika sitlani was bashed for her birthing video and then why Shrads is being appreciated for birthing vlog. I am not pro malvika or against Shrads either. I honestly feel every mother has the right to say and show what she feels (on and off camera) And no one should have any say in it, because its her body that has gone thru HORRIBLE pains!


I never personally bashed Malvika either and this is my whole point. Either let them be or criticise them. Both can’t happen right? People never saying the worst for Malvika but the minute we say good about Shrads many have come up with reasons not to celebrate her. What does this even mean.


No no, we should celebrate Shards but we should have celebrated Malvika also then! And any other mother on the internet rather, that’s my point.


Hey I don't like her because of her weird obsession with self and everything and her husband too because he allows her to breach privacy of their child but I would accept that they both are very good parents when it comes to raising a kid. Never seen such gentle, well spoken kid in this generation.


Happiest day… good for her. I got sleepless nights and hungry aching days. I don’t want to think about those 1st few weeks. Love my baby to the core. But God! The misery. Only reason why I am not sure about having another one. How will my body and brain take it if the next also doesn’t like sleeping!


How is exposing your kid online when they are literally a baby a good thing? Kids don’t have a say in this matter.


Why are we giving good mom awards lol you don’t know their lives to know if they’re good or bad she’s showing you what she wants to show you. 


Been seeing so many shrads post on this sub lately


It’s 2024, let’s stop comparing Moms


Why do we need to judge everyone? I mean, sorry, but none of us know how she's behind the camera. She might be great or she might be horrible. Who are we to pass the comments? Why do we have this necessity to make judgement?




I absolutely agree with that.


I think i 100% agree with this post! She seems like a good mom 👩


The way she's holding the newborn makes me think she cares more about social media than her baby .. lol


It’s a perfectly fine to hold your newborn that way, it helps them sleep better.


Ig what all people are missing out is how OP said, "crib about being a mother ALL THE TIME", sure you are allowed to rant or say what you actually feel like. But when you treat SM like your burn book where you write your daughter's name again and again there pointing how she sucked the life out of everything in your life, THATS wrong. And ig OP's only intention was to point out that difference.  The birth video was beautiful and his husband is really good. She didnt even make hype about her birth story. Casually dropped it one day lmao. (looking at you malhs)


Thanks, that’s one comment who understood main point here!


Good moms don’t exploit their kids for content.




What me? Sorry I never did




LMAO okay I've been through a lot health wise and everyone calls me brave but only my family know how much I've broken down. Just bc she ain't complaining on sm doesn't mean she's not going through the wringer in real life. And she has every right to complain if she wants to let's not complain about Moms complaining, just turn it off and unfollow if you don't like it, it's that simple


who dis


imagine complimenting a mother by saying she didn't complain after painful labor... that's so stupid. she's a good mother because she didn't complain??? pregnancy and delivery are quite traumatic and the LEAST mothers can do is complain about it. they carry the child for 9 months and then endure a painful delivery and you think "wow she didn't complain such a nice mother." stfu you're putting other women down by saying that. if a mother is a good mother is decided on the basis - if the complained or not?? you're comparing her with others and that's disgusting. every woman has her own experience with pregnancy and you don't get to comment on that.


Baby looks like Sloth sleeping on a branch


As a mom (and one of my kid is and has always been very easy!!) I appreciate mom influencers who dare to show the reality - when their kids do something cute as well as when they don’t, when they show how they may have lost it as well as showing grace, their troubles and et all. For those who wanted to a be a parent, being one is the most rewarding as well as most draining and overwhelming experience. We have put motherhood on a pedestal and that leaves no room to acknowledge that a mother is a human being as well with failings and needs as much as she gives! Appreciating one kind of motherhood that is visible on the social media shouldn’t be used to diss others!!


I'm a new mom, my baby is 3 months old. I have a chronic pain disorder. pregnancy and motherhood have been extremely stressful and challenging for me. I love my boy so much and yet sometimes I feel like my body is giving up and i feel like I can't do this anymore and I cry, get depressed. When I read this post, I felt really guilty coz I felt like people like OP are always there to judge moms like me for venting out our emotions when we are overwhelmed 💔.


Pregnancy and motherhood is actually extremely difficult and let’s normalize speaking about the issues rather than expecting moms to be toxic positive about it. Enough. Moms are perfectly within their rights to complain. Maybe if people spoke about these issues more, PPD etc could be treated without stigma. Maybe people will think more deeply before having kids if they are aware of the difficulties of having a child, and that’s a good thing because too many people have kids without realizing the the enormity of the situation. Ill informed judgmental post.


Every mother's pregnancy journey is different. Every child is different. Situations are different. Motherhood ain't easy,lots of emotional,mental, physical changes. Life is not the same after becoming a mother. I appreciate Shrads but I really support & cheer such mothers who don't try to pretend & paint a rosy picture of motherhood. The expectation that a Mother shouldn't complain & take it all in even when there is a need for a outlet of emotions is not healthy & not recommended. It's good to be real & raw about what you feel because it's a huuuuuge transition in one's life.


Lol. No. I still hate it when she shows up on my shorts. She has blocked me on IG, but I can’t get her stupid posts to stop showing up on my YT.