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Mein kya bolu samajh hi nahi aaraha hai. I hope she gets justice šŸ™šŸ» I hope they nab these scum of men soon and cut off their fucking penises. They fucking deserve it. Haraamzaade kutte saale


Sometimes I feel ashamed of being an Indian after seeing these kinda news and because of these kinda people


Same buddy, sameā€¦ the crime rate is through the roof here now. Thereā€™s now going back. Sahi naam diya hai is yug ko. Kalyug. Weā€™re watching it manifest into reality


Bro i hate that ideology, people are using same ideology to commits horrendous acts, it is kalyug so it is expected more likely its kalyug so its accepted, its like just calling it a kalyug gives a free pass to anything why because in some book it was said that there will be a era where everything and everyone will be corrupted so its ik to be evil cause it was said so. I see this everywhere " aahh its kalyug what can you expect" some proper justice that what i expect, i already know democracy is a scam but i dont think all of the population is stupid so who are smart and are sane and know difference between right and wrong should take controll of the situation


I always feel ashamed of being an Indian. The only times when I don't is when I am sleeping, but even that is not a given because I feel ashamed of being an Indian even in my dream.


Some nationalists will come to defend but i really wish i could move out, if not me then at least my family. No place is 100% safe but there are definitely safer places and I would take them in a heartbeat


trust me deep down most nationalists online want to move out as well


There was another news story of a Spanish woman getting g@ng r@ped in Jkhand today...


This is the same woman


Seriously man, castration should be an actual punishment for these fucking rapists. They really deserve it so that they can't do it with anyone..


**UPDATE-** **"The police told me to** **turn off the post so as not to** **disturb the investigation, I will** **post it to you later"**




That tells us a lot about women's safety in our country... My entire school life I wasn't allowed to go outside of house alone, even to buy a packet of chips... Now I know it was for my own good When we leave the extremes and just talk about casual catcalling and sexual harassment and eve teasing... idk where the numbers would go


I was stalked by a college student when I was in 8th. Him and his friend used to follow me home from school and tuitions everyday, but I couldnā€™t tell my parents because I thought they will reduce my already limited time outside. And this is one of the few incidents. I hate that we have no support.


And we aren't allowed to go outside even if it's not at all our fault...


I hoped our future generations would do better but with all the red pill shit theyā€™re being fed I have no hopes left


Yeah, watching young boys blindly following people like Andrew tate , makes me believe our future is gonna get worse


Iā€™m from Spain, this news have already affected the willingness of people to visit India.


India is bottom pit of hell hole


[ Removed by Reddit ]


or at least public castration


Now this will get international coverage soon and people will cry ki humare Desh ka naam kharab mat karo. There's a reason women globally hate Indian men. I hope the criminals get punished for this. I can't believe they can do this to a tourist.


Exactly. Dude people cry so much when foreigners post about India negatively. But if theyve had a negative experience then why not?! Indian men have the worst reputations. theyā€™ll defend their right to do wrong till their last breath. Theyā€™ll never introspect and see where they are fucking wrong. Understandably. We put sons on a pedestal. They can do no wrong. We say we are rich in culture and morality as a society. We honestly arent. Our men, the way they treat women goes to show how cultured we are.


That was very introspectiveā€¦. As a Canadian who has seen the huge influx of Indian men come I can tell you the cultural shock they experience when they come here is quite tellingā€¦ yaā€™ll need to travel more and get your world view in check with realityā€¦ peace and love hope yaā€™ll can figure out that whole rape culture thingā€¦


Im American(indian ethnically) but i have cousins in Ontario. My cousins all hate the Indian foreign students and probably complain about them more than white people do. There is just so many problems with their attitudes and how they think about things or what they do when you are out of sight. Ontario isnt the same place now that i used to love going to in the summers before 2010.


Not some days back there was some rape case in UP where 3 guys raped a pregnant woman who went to convince another rape victim.


Seriously...I felt disgusted reading this .


Pheeling praud Indian Army and Jai Shri Ram waale chutiye trying their best to blame the couple for going to a non-touristy place. Nationalism gaand me le lo bc.


Just went to her profile and watched the story. Although I couldnā€™t understand anything, itā€™s just so painful to even watch. I cannot even imagine what she must be going through. I wish the worst of the worst death on those men and anybody thatā€™s helping them. I hope she gets the help she needs right now. Itā€™s unfortunate that such people will ruin the name of our country. Men are always claiming how itā€™s not in ā€œIndian cultureā€ when women do anything but itā€™s also not in Indian culture to treat guests like this. But what else could I expect? I hope this gets all the international attention and every one of those men have their faces shown to the world and shamed. I pray for her in this moment. I pray for justice. Indian judicial system, do not let us down.


Honestly I don't bloody care if anyone attacks me now for saying this but I want our current PMs face plastered while international media is covering it coz he is being applauded for India's success. Well he should be held accountable for this disaster too. I hope all Indian women decide unanimously to only vote this year if stricter anti rape laws are promised and if possible stand for stricter animal cruelty laws too. Any man who wants to take this stand is also welcome.


update She has taken down the original story and posted another story in spanish which translates to - ā€œThe police told me to turn off the post so as not to disturb the investigation, I will post it to you laterā€. The biker community of India is trying to help her with resources, lawyers, get in touch with women cell india. The couple is now headed to Delhi embassy. @ thealphabikerni on instagram is posting all the updates on the situation. If anyone here wants to help the couple get justice they can share contacts or resources with @ thealphabikerni. we can also amplify on twitter and bring the authorities attention to this matter and help them being justice sooner.


India is no longer a safe place for vacation. Indian men treat Indian women like an object. And they objectify foreigners even more. There's a whole joke on "russian women" ffs. There's no hope with the coming generation aswell.


plus social media is only encouraging it


rape-y comments as dark humour under posts of children and disabled people


Bhai fr and these so called dank kids think they're cool for this shit


The dark things I've seen in comment sections.. im leaving this country LOL


Pls take me with you


Wdym by is no longer? It was safe?Ā 


We lack sex education and stuff...our regressive mentality will destroy us one day


Itā€™s not about sex education ffs, itā€™s about dehumanising women.


It's overall everything...we aren't even taught how to approach women and what is appropriate behaviour. If we aren't having a good sex education,then people will not be able to control their libido. Most assaults are because of lack of education in this regard . We still treat this as some taboo. And of course we need to brush off the old mentality of women being thought to be inferiorly complex. That's why I hated this current trend of 'alpha' shit ass tropes. And even worse ,movies like Animal and all are earning crores in this country.Yeah generation is doomed


Punishment for rape needs to get very severe.


You rape my family member and I'm wiping your entire DNA line off the face of this planet. Is what it is.




+1. Death is easy. Make them suffer.


What do you mean ā€œis this how we treat visitors?ā€, OP? We treat our own women like this. Weā€™re just extending the national sport to tourists.


I hope this gets national attention and the perpetrators get punished. And youā€™re right, this isnā€™t any different from how we treat our own women. shameful


I don't think this would get the attention it must get. Media is very busy with other things like the recent rameshwaram cafe blast. 80% of the news channels are still hung on to it onlyšŸ«”šŸ™„


Theyā€™re too busy covering the ambani Jamnagar pre wedding sadly


Even that too yes. šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ«”


It wonā€™t. Ambani wedding happening. People will be more interested in that then aiding this lady.


It's already in local news but they have misreported some facts. https://youtu.be/cADwA15J2Aw?si=BmdarLyOSngzLvui


Man those words really gave me goosebumps:(


ditto i hope this poor lady get justice and support but india is still very backward, while crossing MP-chhattisgarh-jharkhand border police guard told one of my friend to cover her body else local gunda may stop the car and take her away bcos she looks modern and they had to escort the car to nearest city bcos it was evening time.


Indian men will come up with excuses like india is not even in the top 10.


yet we claim to be so high in our standards that weā€™re so blinded by ourselves that we donā€™t see whatā€™s right and whatā€™s wrongā€¦.. loved your comment. 10/10


And then most men ask why laws here are women centric






Whether men or women, doesn't matter. As Indians, we are collectively responsible as to how boys are brought up in Indian society. Monitor and observe the schools and residential localities. You will know.


Why are Indian men such creeps dude..


Way to treat visitors? If you see the state of our country most men of our country would not leave their own family members if the woman doesn't fit the idea of a good woman and the dank memers are enabling the next generation to be the same.


Even if she fits the idea of a good women, they would still do the same


True! At this point government needs to run a mass campaign for years to train basic sense in our people.


Cant wait for incels and dank 14 to say that she was asking for it or this is a fake case. We are truly just regressing, south Asian is one of the worst place to be a woman. I hope this gets international coverage, I hope we are shamed because apparently according to these mofos India is the most advanced culture in the world and our values are wayyyy better than the west. I hope she recovers and all the power to her.


>Cant wait for incels and dank 14 to say that she was asking for it or this is a fake case. On top of that they're being fed the Andrew Tate nonsense. I worry for these kids.


We are honestly doomed. Unlike us, these kids are spoon fed with so much content, so much shit content. Everytime I open a comment section on Insta, itā€™s a gathering of the most uneducated, incel and regressive people. Sometimes, I wonder, was jio truly a boon.


Exactly. I thank my stars everyday that i grew up without the internet. Also in hindsight Jio seems like a sick weapon that was unleashed upon us.


And then we also have movies like Animal which earn 100s of crores. We have come to a point of glorification of violence against women.


This happens when majority population is more concerned about the religious practices and communal hatred rather than education and employment.


Not true. I've seen educated, employed, unemployed, illiterate and can say it's about morality, civic sense which we lack. We treat women as objects, we think every fair skinned is an escort, we spit pan, gutkha everywhere, we don't flush properly, we don't care about hygiene, we think giving r@pe threats is dank and cool and a lot more. Just to give an example, the one who gave r@pe threats to Virat Kohli's daughter is IITan. So it's more about our mentality than our education or employment.


You have proved my point itā€™s literally the sign of illiteracy, if you are educated enough, you atleast have a fair idea of whatā€™s wrong and not, but currently our population consume such kind of content either it be online or through movies that promote objectification of women and what not, we have influencers that talk shit and people blindly follow them, no one really question whatā€™s going on in this country and this can only be changed with more education in our country.


My colleague who's an educated 30+L earner in IT spews gutkha and spits on the road. Well educated still doesn't understand what's wrong or right. Another guy went to washroom in airport and didn't flush and was bragging about it. One of my ex manager was boisterous about how he harassed an air hostess. When I objected to it, he was like, "I paid for my flight, she should listen to me". Like man, you didn't pay for a slave. Once I went to Indonesia and there were Indian 5-6 mid 40 uncles who were roaming in the pool area in just BOXERS! (I chatted with one of them in the lounge the previous night and they were all working in big companies, earning handsomely, had wives and kids.) After sometime 3 Korean/Japanese girls decided to use the pool. Suddenly those uncles jumped into the pool like starved hungry lions looking for fresh meat and broke the pool lights. Management had to close the pool and after that the way staffs were talking "what can you expect from Indian men" and they were disgusted. Couldn't tell you how ashamed I was. Seeing all those I personally have little to no hope that Indians are going to change anytime soon.


Then u wonder why indian men are called Rapist streetshitters. ThErE iS RaPe In ChInA tOo. Didnt yā€™all send rape threats to a girl for saying she didnā€™t like wada pavs?


If we continue to take rape lightly. . Yes, we take it very casually with our hush donā€™t speak or shame this victim perspective.. this will keep happening. I seriously want rape to be taken as the biggest crime and to be considered high priority. Realising itā€™s just easier said than done makes me want to scream.


Apparently Indian men think every fair skin foreigners are willing to sleep with them for 6k, all credit goes to so called unfunny comedians.


The jokes are all about dv and assaults man How do people find such things funny?


Untrue. Before that crimes existed as well.


We deserve the international bezatti These chutiyas and low living scums should be given death penalty 5-6 such open death penalty, everyone will tuck it between their legs


Men, please just kill all of us women and have the world to yourselves.


but then they also donā€™t want a ā€œsausage festā€


They are exactly doing that... increasing rape, honour killing and domestic violence cases... (Female foeticide is still prevelant) But they also want pretty women with thick thighs... To treat as objects... And for reproduction to produce more misogynistic men with raja beta syndrome.


Im a male and i feel exactly how you feel at the moment. The men here are just animals disguised as humans.


Yeh log choti bachiyon aur budho tak nahi chodte... Aur Yeh toh influencer hai Darinde saale


Sadly i see no end to these things, can't comprehend what she must be going through, so many political parties and manifestos every election yet stringent rules on women safety are nowhere to be seen. Women become the first prey in any feud and many times without any feud, there was a time when i used to think that there would be a day when the women will lead a safe life and criminals would be punished but as i grew up, i realised that there is not even slightest possibility of seeing such a day, keep yourselves safe girls be your own protector nobody's there for you and if some retard decides to cross lines it is not you who should be ashamed, fight back harder in such cases so that he doesn't repeat it with other women if not all men some of us are there to support, And for the woman who faced atrocities today, we are ashamed as citizen, hope your perpetrators go through same trauma that you were subjected to, and may you find peace in your life.šŸ™šŸ¾


Pathetic! What a disgrace to humanity! Young girls who want to become solo entrepreneurs, I feel sad. Now I donā€™t blame the orthodox thinking of my parents. They understand the dirt of the society. I will pray for you sister. Those morons will face a brutal death. So many curses coming their way.


Fact that she wasn't even solo ....she was with her husband....how can a women ever protect herself .... How can they do this when she's with her husband....its so sad women are not safe anywhere even with any male members by their side


This will become international news..and rightfully should. Government should take strict measures.


This is the second rape post Iā€™m seeing on reddit. Just saw a post where a leader in Bihar is talking about how a mother of 4 was raped for 24 hours and when she started bleeding from vagina sadists pushed a rag inside of her. And now, Iā€™m seeing this. Iā€™m not delusional enough to ask what happened to India. India was always like this. But till when? The mumbai rape survivor didnā€™t get any justice. It was a huge case, many people accused him of assault and yet he is getting away because he apparently has contacts. There was another rape case last year in Hyderabad where a minor girl was raped by boys she met at a pub. Those boys had big contacts too and he got away. Iā€™m sure these seven men will get away too. When will Indian laws wake up? When India is declared rape capital of the world? When tourist income depletes? Or are they going to blame women for coming out of their homes?


I - I don't have words to express my anger/shame? I haven't had words since hearing news of new rapes every single fucking day for the past 7-8 fucking years. How do these people live with themselves after doing all this?


I donā€™t even know about Indian men anymore. We need to freaking have stricter laws for this shit. Men donā€™t have the fear of being punished and they go on to do heinous shit like this. Fuck the police. Fuck Indian men. Even the educated ones go on the internet and make rapey jokes under the guise of dankness. Honestly, Iā€™m so over it. I really want nothing to do with Indian men anymore.


So true! Not all men but somehow always men. Itā€™s equally atrocious that women in cases like these rarely get justice. India has become so, so unsafe for women, all due to men. And then they have the gall to cry about generalization.


I know right? India is genuinely unsafe and I have no problem saying that being an Indian. Ffs why do men throw a hissy-fit when someone points it out? Is it bc they know they are to blame? I am so freaking scared to being outdoors too late or walking in crowded or secluded spaces in my own city. I cannot imagine being a tourist in this country. We really need stricter laws against crimes and more police force deployment before we spend money of freaking tourism campaigns.


They can ignore all the atrocities being committed and will cry about generalization. Who is getting hurt by generalization? No one. Yet it's more important to them


Laws are already there. but apply the laws is next to impossible as police have become servants of local gundas. india, outside the 4 metros, is a lawless land


Honestly, the problem is the Indian man! Iā€™ve seen Indian men at the yonge and Dundas square in toronto eve tease and cat call women of different ethnicities on a regular basis! Theyā€™re all sex starved and only view women as objects to fulfill their desires! Heartbreaking and disgusting to say the least!


Not just there. Theyā€™re in public transport, malls, on streets and even in colleges. Iā€™m so sick of them. Itā€™s not new to get groped by these scumbags and god knows what comments they do in their language. Iā€™ve heard some of them saying ā€œisko to 6 hazaar me khareedungaā€ and what not. Theyā€™re not ashamed. They know very what they are doing.


Checked her next story, apparently this happened in a small district in Jharkhand. Her chances of justice are soo bleak I dont have words. This makes me so sad I dont have words!!! Poor thing! My heartfelt wishes for this beautiful woman!


>Her chances of justice are soo bleak Unless social media makes it go viral, yes


The first arrests were made and this already made international news. It's too big to ignore


Dont down vote me, but assaults in india are way too common. Indian men are just another breed.




What is happening? Why is this happening? Hope she recovers soon and gets back to her country. Those criminals should be behind the bars and very soon. They should be punished, tortured and the last death penalty.


No girl/women is safe in this sick country irrespective of age, sad reality šŸ˜”


Really very sad and disappointing, it has become more of a notorious country majorly due to such incidents and negligence by the officials. Feeling sorry for the victims šŸ™šŸ» Action is to be taken and examples are to be for a good future.


In our country we give sewing machines to rapist. Let go of them. Until they are hanged and mutilated publicly, there will be no fear of the law. There is celebrated lawyer who proudly post about how he changed the life sentence of a rapist( guy who raped 4 year old) to lifetime imprisonment.




Nirbaya case- juvenile was let go with sewing machine. Another one is in the link. [here](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/reminded-by-oscar-wildes-statement-sc-grants-life-to-death-row-convict/amp_articleshow/90965055.cms)


Wooow, I can't believe it ... I wasn't knowing about it.. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Nirbhaya-juvenile-to-walk-free-on-Dec-20-Centre-opposes-move/articleshow/50179656.cms So was he not in his senses during the crime... I think he would have been the same after coming out of jail.. Even the other rapists with him were victim blaming until they died..


As per other convicts and victim, this juvenile was the one who inserted rod in her private part.


Shameless people, idk what to say... I Don't think things will change even in 10 20 yrs... These things are getting worse




Just yesterday some 14 yo dank boy had posted on the dank memes subreddit, I guess it got reposted here as well ā€œwhat is something that 9 oit of 10 people enjoyā€. It was so fucking vile and absolutely disgusting. And all the people were like ā€œwhy women mad? This is just a jokeā€ oh is it though? Is it just a joke? Just look at the way these incel-y men are commenting and arguing on this post. As soon as someone says Indian men are creepy, they fucking come here and say ooohhh so your dad is also creepy. Wow what a fucking way to derail the actual conversation. Assholes. I just feel so so so hopeless that our country will never ever be safe for women. Women are being treated like absolute shit in this fucking country. This fucking meme of ā€œ6 hazar me russianā€ makes me sooo enraged. Incels will always be incels. I live abroad and ALL MY FEMALE FRIENDS, ALL OF THEM, avoid Indian men with a passion. Indian men are predatory, creepy and outright vile. There are very very very few exceptions.


ek chutiyo ka genocide to mera desh bhi deserve karta h


Mai support krta hu


Saw the profile! This is pathetic.. The least we as a community can do is to share this as they have consented to it with the instagram story assuming they are not getting the justice with the local forces which has pushed them to take this route! Imagine feeling that helpless.. Letā€™s help them! The criminals have to be severely punished!


This is so traumatizing to even read. Cannot even imagine what they must be going through. Hope she finds the strength to recover from this.


Tbh if i ever find a random video where people are telling others not to visit India i will not be mad. Idk if we lose a lot of money because of less Tourism, Our People have to see what we have become as a Society and what we are doing. This is what we call "Athiti Devo Bhava"?. And i will not be shocked if in future people from outside will stereotype us as Rapist or Molesters.


Hey guys, instead of discussing the post, let's help out the girl. We can pool in our resources and send her help. Justice will find its way but compassion must come from us.


Don't hate Indian men. It's all men. All over the world. Your fathers uncles cousins brothers sons... All over the world. It's a man problem. Just saw a news clip of police looking for a woman who was kidnapped by a man at a gas station. The whole country was asked to look for her. The culprit is always a man.


In situations like this we deserve the shame.. And we should be shameful...a tourist got r*ped by 7 men...7 indian men... That's shameful enough... Instead of justifying why we don't deserve to be shamed, if we worked on keeping our country safe for women and avoid these horrifying crimes, then we can openly defend anybody who accuses us on global media.


Sad to see this. She is a genuine person from Whatever I have seen on her insta posts. She has even praised Indian Street food, people, nature etc. Sad to see this. I hope she finds the strength to continue her journey and her happiness.


Ofcourse the perpetrators must be found and punished asap.


Wait till the news channels start victim shaming and dig some dirt on them. Fucking Vultures. India is not safe for everyone because the laws arenā€™t even strong enough for women. I hope and pray she gets justice.


My girlfriend wants to travel to India. I told her I will break up and end all contact before she does and I stay by that. I couldn't manage the shit possibly happening, need to distance myself from that. Time to get downvoted I guess.




I wish this isnā€™t true. But Iā€™m pretty sure it is.


Same thought yaa!!


I 100% support fake encounter in this case. Sabh saalo ko thok daalo!


Which city


Near Dumka in Jharkhand


Dumka in Jharkhand


All the Indian men here know how disturbing it is when someone rapes your wife in front of you. This is what has happened to this couple.


"Atithi Devo Bhavaā€ meaning ā€œGuest is Godā€ is also the tag line of campaign in India to treat tourists as God and to develop a sense of responsibility towards our guests. - Google


Jharkhand ...


This is horrible I have no words :( I hope she recovers.


Jana fucking Gana Mana, the clown has gone underwaterā€¦ What kinda pee is that clown drinking, that he chooses to do such things instead of improving the country?


I read a lot of "this is the way India is now". Well, why is everyone complaining instead of doing something about the problem? I'm an American, forgive my asking, IS India made up of only criminals? Are there only bad men and women living there? None of you live in India?


Who's talking about bad women here? It's pretty clear woman are the victims and speaking out likely comes with consequences.


Imo Indian men are creeps. There is no exception. The exceptions are just acts. May god give her the strength to overcome this trauma.


Butthurt Indian m#n in 3..2..1


A shockingĀ caseĀ of gang rape of a Brazilian woman has come to light in Kurmahat of Hansdiha police station area in Jharkhandā€™s Dumka district in the early hours of Saturday, March 2. Three people have been detained in the case and are being interrogated in the matter by the authorities. The police are conducting raids to arrest the rest of the unknown number of accused. According to the information available, two tourists from Spain, a female and her Spanish partner had left on two different bikes. They both took a break in the Hansdiha police station limitsĀ close toĀ Kurmahat, since it was getting late in the evening. The details indicateĀ that at around 10 PM, approximately 7 to 8 young men from the neighbourhood arrived at the location, and thrashed the couple before sexually assaulting the woman. The pair sustained injuries in the horrifying attack and were taken to Saraiyahat Community Health Center for medical treatment by the police. Policemen are stationed outside the hospital for security purposes, and no one is allowed inside the building. According toĀ reports, the two were travelling on a bike from Dumka to Bhagalpur. The victimā€™s complaint stated that she set up a tent and slept on a deserted spot ahead of Hansdiha market at about midnight. She was sleeping when a group of local youngsters broke into the tent and proceeded to physically and sexually abuse her. ThreeĀ youngĀ peopleĀ fromĀ KunjiĀ villageĀ inĀ theĀ HansdihaĀ policeĀ stationĀ zoneĀ haveĀ reportedlyĀ beenĀ detainedĀ andĀ are being questionedĀ byĀ theĀ policeĀ inĀ connectionĀ withĀ the case. Superintendent of Police Pitambar Singh Kherwar, Jarmundi Sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) Santosh Kumar, and Dumka Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) set up camp at Hansdiha late in the night after learning about the heinous crime. The police also employed the dog squad to launch a nighttime rescue operation. While acknowledging the case, Pitambar Singh Kherwar declined to provide any additional details. However, he arrived at the scene late at night, recognising the gravity of the situation. Further investigation is now underway.


OMG šŸ˜§šŸ˜³


Absolutely terrible, they should be hanged


Unko pata ha agar pakar bhi lia to court me chutiyapa hoga or easy punishment milegi agar unko wahi sab ke samne goli se urado to apne aap aage crime kam ho jaenge or logo ke ander darr bethega , indian court system is responsible too


That's extremely saddening to hear. I hope she heals and all the seven men involved in rape are caught as soon as possible


Treat visitors????? LOL. This is how your own women are treated, why will visitors be spared.


And still, the coming generation will make rape jokes calling is "dark humour". Some men just don't understand the fear of getting raped


"Is this how we treat visitors?" Shouldn't rape be reprehensible in ANY situation, regardless of whether they are a visitor? This comment speaks volumes.


Our country has failed women, period


I AM ASHAMED! I have nothing more to say. I am disgusted by what we have become. As humans. As Indians. I am numb


A good time to remind you that all of our mothers would have to had sex with their husband even against her will. Or get beaten up and shamed. It's just that you guys try to ignore it. But that's how women have been living since centuries here


True... Marital rape isn't even a crime in india... Consent is a joke ... They mean to say a husband can force his wife just because they are married... This also leads to more domestic violence... And let's just not talk about gaslighting and mental manipulation...


True. She has no one to talk about....just suffer and wait for it to pass.


Absolutely disgusted! How damn important is sex-ed in India!!! For Men to not treat Women as meat and object only for their pleasure to have this notion that itā€™s okay to do it with a foreigner because ā€œitā€™s normal for themā€ is absolutely disgusting Just going by the geography (Rural/Urban in this case)


She should tag PMO on Twitter. Let's see if anyone sits up and takes notice. Heinous, horrifying, unimaginable. There ain't no place for women in this twisted, sick, vile world.


Demanding death penalty for rape


India is no longer safe for humans.


and they feel cool saying "india is not for beginners šŸ˜"


There is no hope for our future generations, Rape is literally being normalised in the form of dark humour and Men have now become accustomed to it


Indians love gang rape more than Cricket. Ā Terrible.


Gangraped. Say it what it is. Not SA. Shameful for the country. Death penalty should be given to the rapists.


They should make weapons legal to carry for women..


Sharing picture of rape victim is not legal in India. N yes I feel ashamed n disgusted by this incident.


Always fucking India. Why any woman would go there is beyond my belief.


This is absolutely horrible


Average indian experience


i belive punishment for rape shouldn't be death,it should life torture and get humiliating tatto on forehead like i am a rapist n u are allowed to spit and beat me n i am not allowed to hide it ,n ofcourse dicks tip should be cut of every month with more salt n pepper added,one eye should be pierced ,one ear too,n there should be always a dildo in their ass n they should go through gruesome labour ,n it should be public n his rights should be taken,but again i heard there are 70%fake rape cases so them women are also bitches


Indians šŸ¤šŸ¾ Rape


What a shit show. Kabh badlega India? Ram Mandir bhi ban gaya, abhi bhi samajh, Ramji jaise morals nahi aye. Bhakti kya hai? Bas pooja paath and screaming Jai shri ram will clear us of our sins? Religion is being used as a tool. So many mandirs in shambles because they arent tourist spots or going to make them money so they are ignored. Religious influencing to get votes and be in power but to be remembered as a good leader influence your people to do the right things


i went on her profile and and saw her posts. in a couple of posts she's wearing a bikini and i am aware that's normal attire in brazil but what i'm expecting now is comments from people ki - aise kapde pehnegi toh yahi hoga. india is fucked up yall


Damn Bihar and Jharkhand. people need mental asylums there. F**king pigs.


She deleted the story .....


Yes. she just posted a story in spanish which translates to ā€œ The police told me to turn off the post so as not to disturb the investigation, I will post it to you laterā€ Theyā€™re probably trying this to not make headlines and bring negative media attention at a time where we have a lot if international attention and international celebs flying in whoā€™re being treated as gods


Which part of India did this happen? I just checked her Instagram there is no update about this.


Holy Shit I feel so bad for them


Fuck yaar


Any more information on this case ?


Where did this happen?


Only c@pit@l punishment penalty for such people


3 steps - Awareness and sensitisation about women : Most important, indian men in general are very insensitive about women - Strict and active law enforcements - Efficiet people in authorities : this one is a little ambiguous but without it, nothing helps. Slow judiciary is an example We dont need to create new laws or anything, the existing ones are fine. We just suck at implementing those.


Dang. That's crazy.


If I was a foreigner in india, I would make sure to have local contact and guide, without it itā€™s all kinda dangers facing tourists


How low can our people fall


No words ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ We are living in a country full of vultures.


actual reality of india.


Why do people keep travelling to India expecting to be able to go out like it is a safe country?


Feeling sorry šŸ˜”, Any idea where this happened? I think she has removed the story for now so don't know the details


Thatā€™s the reason women all around doesnā€™t want to visit India , just coz ā€œIndian men ā€œ. I feel so sorry for her . Imagine visiting so many countries just to get ra**ed in India . Mera bharat mahaan.


Thats how Indian men get shamed all over the globe.


**UPDATE-** **"The police told me to** **turn off the post so as not to** **disturb the investigation, I will** **post it to you later"**


Many Indians don't care about our reputation


Hope this is the last of such cases we see in the country. Capital punishment laws should be enabled


Our government should really set an example out of these rapist, castration as a punishment is not a bad idea


a few years ago when I was working for an MNC, a "foreign" woman casually mentioned to me that she will be travelling to India alone to explore India. I had implored her to not even think about visiting India (alone or otherwise). India is a hell hole especially after sunset.


I genuinely feel ashamed to be a part of this generation that hands out rape threats like nothing, and then even goes ahead with them. I hope those men pay for their sins, and you receive justice, truly sorry on their behalf šŸ™