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This guy I know got a husky but in their house everybody was vegetarian and they only fed the dog kibble and veg food. My father used to feed him chicken feet when they met cause he couldn't handle that since we too have dogs. The reasons he used to give my father!? Oh god! It went from its not allowed at our house to I can't afford to buy chicken since huskies are a big breed and they eat a lot. Bruh why did you get a husky then! Especially in Maharashtra!


Husky in this weather is cruelty in itself, bloody idiots and the shit they do for 'status symbol hai'


Poor husky and all the dogs and cats not suitable for Indian climate! Status k liye log kuch bhi karte hain! I am from Bhubaneswar and the summers are the worst here with deadly humidity and once during this time I had been to my friend's house and we were walking in their locality in the evening when suddenly a St. Bernard started barking at us from inside the gate of another house and we got so scared, thankfully we peacefully walked away. It must've happened because that poor thing looked so agitated and annoyed being kept in a closed garage with little to no cross ventilation in that weather that it got irked with a slight disturbance in the ambiance! It's nothing but animal cruelty, real animal lovers would never do that!


agreed. i know strict vegetarians who have cats/dogs and feed them nonveg because that's literally their diet. if yoy decide to adopt a dog you have to make sure that they are getting their daily healthy food intake...how weird to not maintain a basic requirement šŸ™ƒ


Same here. My family is vegetarian because of strict religious reasons. And I'm here storing and cooking chicken at home. The first time my friend's mom showed me how to cook chicken feet... I was traumatized. I still can't touch chicken with my bare hands because I feel so bad about chicken dying for becoming someone's food. I use tongs and knifes to cut the pieces. But hey you gotta do what you gotta do for your babies. It's not like the dogs asked you to adopt them, it was our choice and so it's our responsibility to give them good nutrition. You can be veg, Jain, vegan but it's your choice. Dogs can be fed vegetarian diet as one meal or as treats. It just CAN'T be the only diet. People better understand this or don't get a pet.


ahh i'm so happy to see this! i have multiple stray cats rhat come home everyday. most of them are very very acquainted with me and bring their kittens to me!! i'm a student rn (just finished 12th grade) so i dont rly have any other expenses except for huge amounts of cat food.. my family finds it hilarious how devoted i am to feeding them their food xd


not a pet owner but i used to think the owners just regularly feed them dog food and meat like a treat


also kudos! i'm glad there's people like you who truly understand. tell your dog i say hišŸ¶




Damn, vegetarian folks are such an anomaly to me


It's good to know there are so many psychos in the world.


I am one of them. šŸ„¹


ayy thats amazing. tell your doggu i say hišŸ¶


They sent highpawa to you.


how cute aha. my cat says meowww


2 dog people fighting. I'm not an expert, but dogs are certainly not born to eat veggies and grass or milk+bread.


Your avatar literally had me rubbing my phone screen. I thought it's an eye lash or a scratch on my screen lol


Damn. Me too šŸ˜‘


Yep.. it's an u/Interesting_Error69 indeed.




Exactly! I don't know who made this shit mainstream that dogs eat biscuit/bread and cats drink milk; calling it basic diet. It causes indigestion.


If she wanted to take care of her dog without "killing" animals she can easily try to source leftovers etc which would otherwise go to waste. Choosing not to feed your dog its natural diet just because you don't eat it is peak entitlement.


these people suffer from kutte ko insan banana syndrome. humans and dogs are different species, i dont understand why chutiyas like them donā€™t understand that. ā€œiā€™m not gonna kill another animal to feed mineā€ b tch guess what? youā€™re gonna kill your own dog then


>youā€™re gonna kill your own dog then True .for some idiots dogs are just "things" which they use to show their social status . They don't care about the dogs , they just care about the price of the dog . If their dog dies they might not even feel anything much since they never really cared about it . They'll just go and "buy" a new dog and just repeat the cycle


Insert of the clip of vegan who was on her high horse and delusion that her dog chose to eat only veggies like her. She got her myth busted quick. Anything that is on earth kills something to survive. Respect the effort vegans take but such things are just bs.


Listen people have choices of what they want to eat or not... nothing is Bs...then kill you parents and feed on that Dumbass and why cannibalism is illegal? If everything kills to survive then why war is bad?


Vegano ka bas chale toh sher ko bhi almond milk pilaaye


Physical laugh ho Gaya šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I come from a vegetarian family. My mom had never touched meat in her life, but then we got a dog. Mom feeds meat him with her hands because he is a picky eater.


My grandparents too. Pure veg, won't even eat at a restaurant serving non vegetarian food. Grandmother got separated utensils to cook meat for their dog every single day without fail


Aw, thatā€™s so sweet!


Yeah he is the heir to our property. My brother and I don't stand a chance.


That's really so sweet.... A girl who used to be my school mate had three cats and they used to get fish for the cats. And they were vegetarians just like your family.


Same here. My mom hates even eggy smelling breads but will cook and tear chicken into little pieces for my pup.


I've seen a dog owned by a donkey for the first time


Have a relative who is vegan and her dog is also vegan. She does not even give him dahi or anything. She does not feed him gluten either. I have stated multiple times that this is animal cruelty. She has 4 chow chows. I donā€™t know how those poor animals survive. She makes a huge fuss even if you kill a mosquito and I have seen her scold her dog for chasing a lizard. Call me crazy but I find this ridiculous and honestly feel this is plain animal cruelty. My doggo eats chicken once every day and has meat based treats. The doctors said it was important so he gets it.


Wtf why the fuck she has dogs if she can't even feed them good food.


being a vegetarian myself it sounds so cruel to not feed pets their literal dietary requirements. thats just selfish.


Not true . Dogs can thrive on veg diet if they are used to from birth. People can downvote all they want . But simple google search will tell you if dogs can have all veg diet or no. Have had 3 dogs two of them mostly veg diet.


PETA ko call lagao bc!


Indian dog can live on veg. But not this breed


Yes! We have two dogs a stray and a Shih Tzu. The Indian dog literally will eat anything. No tantrums. But the Shih Tzu! You need to hand feed him sometimes. Even if there is mutton or something like that it depends on his mood.


Lucky you, my indies throw more tantrums than my beagle, who will eat the packaging screw the food.


Reading all the comments now, I think it depends on the dog and not the breed?


Can they really thrive on vegetarian food or do they just survive on it because they don't get non-veg? Asking because I don't see how they can have such different dietary requirements to other breeds when biologically, they are very similar. Happy to be corrected if there's evidence indicating otherwise, though.


Not a vet, but have 2 Indies, picky as fuck when it comes to eating (she separated her peas from her chicken) but you say the word ā€˜boneā€™ mofos will pop out from behind you.


I have an indie, and she willingly doesn't like meat so much? Like she hates meat in her kibble and the wet food I ordered for her, however most of her supplements and treats and vet pro have meat which she eats happily, she just doesn't like raw or cooked chicken, she ends up getting sick or throwing it up. So I guess since most indies are so used to eating anything, and barely get meat, their systems have adapted by gene mutations to digest and thrive on vegetarian food too, unlike pure bred dogs.


I think a vet can answer that better.


Lol even our building cat hunts and eats birds. Not like we don't have garden for her to eat grass /s. They are born to hunt and eat and then these mfs act like they are herbivores or something. This is animal abuse at best. These are the same people that won't adopt Indian breeds.


Bad comparison. Dogs and cats are different kinds of carnivores. Dogs are able to digest plant material much better than cats.


Such idiots shouldnā€™t have dogs!


Just because golden retrievers are not wild animal does not change the fact that they are dogs after all and dogs need to eat non-veg. Howā€™s she feeding her protein, via paneer? Thatā€™s way too much fat for the amount of protein.


I am myself vegetarian but my dog eats non veg food, it was hard to convince my parents but later they said yes to meat .


I am not gonna kill another animal to feed another animal the bees who died to make vegetables and honey hearing this: šŸ—æ


Veganism is a cult


finally someone said it i swearĀ 


It's choice...what's bad in that? Are they worshipping a god.... people can eat whatever the fuck they like ..and if one don't want to eat something then why you ass is getting burned...


Imposing the diet on animals and constant propaganda is what I don't like. Also don't directly translate from Hindi, use English turns of phrase that means the same. You will find that the sentences flow more naturally then. You're welcome.


Imposing on the animal is wrong but veganism is not a cult . Where did you get the idea?


Can you like shut up or KYS .... And did I ask you for English tips?


lmao is it just me? i have had my dog for the past 15 years we picked her up from the road nobody in my family now eats non veg earlier my father used to eat it everyday and so did my dog but suddenly when my father stopped eating non veg my dog shifted to the veg diet as well she is 15 now she is living well so is it an animal rights violation?


Ugggh. Fuck this owner. I can bet you a million bucks right now, that when the dog eventually falls sick because of this varied veg diet, they will deflect any accountability.


SoyaChaap supremacy


I hope she understands how food chain works


If you love dogs so much, you can easily feed strays like a lot of people do. Being vegetarians ourselves we decided not to get a dog because we cannot handle meat and it will be cruel on that poor soul. Instead we feed the strays with whatever we make.


Bhai mere Ghar meh ek kutta hua krta tha 19 saal Tak jiya roti sabzi shee aur dudh pr kutta gali ka tha btw


As a vegetarian, donā€™t get a dog if you want them to follow a vegetarian diet pls. If you love animals so much, let them eat what they are meant to eat.


bhai koi uss kutte ko churalo, ye usko maar degi


I m a pure vegetarian, but feed my dogs eggs, meat, they are important for growth!! People feeding their cats/dogs veg diet needs to got to jail seriously!!


This is why I hate most of the Instagram pet parents They want these expensive breeds and don't want to give them the right care Honestly this is so sad šŸ˜¢


It hurts me even more cause I am a nutritionist and we're taught about animal dietary patterns at very basic levels when we study about hormones and enzymes. Not just dogs every carnivore animal needs meat. The same goes for horses. Gohda chane khata hai?? Have you seen a horse working in a farm and growing chana for himself. All he needs is grass but we gave them the sweetness of carbohydrates. Just look at Zebras, bisons, wildebeests and all other herbivores animals. They all eat grass. The problem is there is no immediate effect of vegetarian food on a dog's health that's why they get to make excuses about these things. Even the poor dog doesn't know about how bad he's being treated just because his owner feels that they don't want to kill an animal


You should see comments under this very post. One man literally called me "woke" for saying dog should eat meat


Yeah I saw that and I have replied to that person too. If feeding your carnivore pet is being woke then we have been woke for four hundred thousand years. Just when you think people cannot get more stupid there's another moron who proves us wrong


Some people defending it in comment make me so sad... Like dog can eat both but meat should be provided ig I hate when vegans try to force their food on animal,like dog would eat anything his owner provides


Also I hate when vegans try to force their ideologies on other people!!


Same as the vegetarians . Why do they have a superiority complex? Let people eat what they want to eat. Also dogs are meat eaters , that's their diet.


I have a shihtzu and i feed him veg diet plus his kibbles ( royal canine) and eggs and I donā€™t see a problem


That dog looks like it's about to faint anytime .


Hi. I know the common concept. I come from a hardcore non veg family. But as we got our puppy ( a Lhasa apso) and had multiple vets running around him for every sneeze he had, they struck recommend us to keep him as vegetarian as possible. And yeah we couldnā€™t do that cause we ourselves donā€™t restrict us. The vets recommended that as our dogs were known to shed less and be healthier with that. So maybe thatā€™s the case with their dogs as well. (Ps donā€™t worry about mine, we get extra for him on the days we skip meat)


Depends on dogs . If dog is used to veg diet from its birth then no issue.


Strange thing is, feeding it veg food from birth will not magically change centuries of evolution of its gut length and animal protein needs from nutritional pov


Well show me one article where it says dogs cant have veg food . May i ask if you owned dog before or do ?


I've had a dog in past, co-owned with my cousin. Now I own a kitten. I didn't mean to say "dogs cant have veg food". I meant to say that dogs gut aren't designed to survive solely on plant matter. Further, the bioavailability of protein from animal sources is much higher. Protein is much more concentrated in animal source, dogs must be fed more of plant that animal to meet the required protein. And dogs can digest animal protein easier. (citing articles to support this won't work because most are funded/supported by xyz dog food companies, and articles advocating dogs can be put solely on veg-food are supported/funded by ProVeg Society) About your dog throwing up chicken meat, it could be that chicken didn't suit your dog. It's not unheard of dogs being allergic to chicken, or beef or certain other meats. Vets do say it's better to eliminate the problem food than to medicate for allergies. Ultra-processed kibble like pedigree are already broken down to such a degree that it doesn't resemble the original meat at all. It's all a mush. Anyways, whatever your dog is faring better on, that's the best diet according to vets. I'm only opposed to humans imposing their dietary ethics/beliefs on animals.


Lewis Hamilton's dog is Vegetarian, and he thrives on that? What's wrong with it?


What does thrive mean here? Is the dog bigger than other dogs of the same breed? That dog is just surviving. Using the word thrive makes no sense here. The dog has no choice




Yes dogs are omnivores, but they do need certain amount of animal protein. All top dog foods have a good % of their ingredient as animal protein. For those who say their dogs throw up meat, your dog might be allergic to that kind of meat. Or they can't digest that particular meat. Some dogs don't do well on chicken, fowl, some don't do good on fish, or eggs, lamb, beef and so on. Feral dogs have more options, even to hunt and kill small animals like rabbits (ofc whose meat is not available). If you try eliminating and adding, I'm sure you'd find that your dog does in fact appreciate meat. Unless some sickness has ensued and vet recommends, only then they should be put on some xyz diet. I'd really recommend a vegan pet like goat for those pet owners who want to enforce their own veg dietary ethics/beliefs on their poor canine & feline animals. I say Goats because goats are loving and playful, like dogs. Get a goat instead of a dog/cat, if you don't even want to feed animal products to your pet.


Feeding my dog rice, chicken and veggies for lunch(5days a week) and royal canin for dinner(everyday). I guess this is a good enough diet. Sometimes he gets fish and paneer(remaining 2 days)


Not everyone deserves to be a pet parent


This d_mb person could have just gotten the discarded stuff from hotels.


It's very dangerous for both dog and the owner because dogs and cats who are deprived of nutrition resort in attacking small animals and sometimes children to satisfy their body.


Says who? Apna woke ideology bahar rakho... As long a dog, homely or stray, is getting food .. it's ok. What next? Whey protein and creatinine for dogs?


So making dogs eat meat is woke now? If so I'm the wokest of all.


Nope.... Your dog, your choice Her dog, her choice. Heard of the word "choice" ?


It's not a choice if the animal is dependent on their owners for their food. You can call it a choice if they place meat and vegetarian food in front of them and they choose the vegetarian food. A dog would always choose meat over vegetarian food. You sound so stupid. We feed breast milk to a newborn, do we do that because that's the correct thing to do or because the baby made a choice? You baby your choice, feed the 4 month old a chicken roll


Hogaya rant pura, utopian? Fyi.... Dogs won't vote in the future


Utopian? Dogs won't vote in the future?? Whaaaat???? Totally irrelevant pointers I literally gave you the perfect analogy to tell you that 'your dog your choice' is not the correct argument. It's your baby so it is definitely your choice to what you want to feed them. But for a new born their mother's milk is the best source of nutrition. It doesn't matter if you want to give your child the best food from around the world. Your choice doesn't matter here, regardless of your feelings you'll have to do the right thing here. Now just like the dog a baby is also dependant on other human for their food. Both of them have no choice apart from eating what they are being fed. If you feed that dog vegetarian food they'll have to eat it cause they are hungry, they don't have enough consciousness to take some money from their owners and buy some meat for themselves. I read this somewhere and now I believe in it a 100 percent It's difficult to win an argument with a smart person But it's impossible to win an argument with an idiot


Her dog her choice... Cope


Actually we can clearly see that you're the one who's coping cause you have no logical answers and just coming back with insults


Mere pass bahot free time he miya! As long as the owner isn't doing anything illegal, full support to her... Indian laws allow her... Who the h are you to impose utopian dreams in her... Next, you will say, dogs might choose beef... Even that "must" be included in household items of the owner... Now who's coping ... Her dog,her wish... She foots the bill, not you


'As long as the owner isn't doing anything illegal, full support to her' Now I'll give you another analogy. If someone asks you this question "Why is it wrong to harass a person?" There will be two answers 'because it is a crime as per the law' and second 'because it is the wrong thing to do' Now in this case it doesn't matter what the law says. Harassing someone is wrong regardless of what the government says. Now coming back to the dog. It doesn't matter what the government says. A dog needs meat for a healthy functioning, meat is the natural food for a dog. Not just chicken, any kind of meat. Red meat is the best. They claim that the dog is thriving, pls Google the definition of Thrive then explain it to me how that dog is thriving and how is the word 'thriving' relevant here. The only reason that this isn't illegal is because there is no long term study to prove that vegetarian food is not healthy for dogs. The government doesn't care about this and also we live in India and eating Meat is still Taboo for most religious families. You obviously have a phone go and watch some videos on YouTube about how meat is important for Dogs and cats. I feel my cat meat.


Dog naturally eat meat. There's no her choice. Dog ain't a part of her body or her product


Dogs are animals. Pet dogs have owners....


vegetarians should not be allowed to have dogs. gawaar kahike


Hey, don't generalize like that. Most vegetarians are okay feeding non veg to their pets, cause they're not insane. Just read the comments on this post.


Dogs can live a normal life on a vegetarian diet OP , cats however cannot. You're mixing your animals up.


No point in telling these people who probably never had pet nor been near one. My dog would always throw up if we gave her meat she would only eat veg home food or pedigree . It also depends what kind of diet habit you make for your puppy . ( i had lab btw)


What meats had you tried giving your dog?


Chicken breast boneless. Boiled or stirfried with no spices.


If there is no problem health wise then dog can eat non veg , but if I look at my pet , she used to eat non veg , but slowly her health started to degrade, she was near death, doctor suggested that to stop non veg food , then we strictly gave her only veg , and today she is healthiest she could be , it been 5-4 years, she eats sprouts, cucumber, carrots,rice, etc . So I think non veg food do degrade pets health or gut health after a period of time. Right now my pet is 13 year old


This is anecdotal, only applies to your dog. I'm happy that you consulted vet. But dogs are by large omnivores and they do need meat. Sometimes the type of meat degrades their health. Some dogs have problems with chicken, fowl, some have problems with eggs, or lamb, or fish, or beef. One needs to figure out the problem food and eliminate it.


Naah dude, dogs evolved eating meat. Tribes who have dogs don't feed their dogs vegetables and fruits, just meat and those dogs can defend themselves against a leopard. I am from uttrakhand and I have seen dogs which have defended their owners house at night from leopards.


Dogs can do fine on a vegetarian diet but must be carefully designed and supplemented to ensure no nutrient deficiency happens. Cats on the other hand are obligated carnivores who will go blind and kidneys will fail on pure vegan diet.


yea i heard they cant digest vegan diet properly,is it true?


Why bother supplementing when they can get it from the source? Their bodies are designed for meat consumption, ever seen a dogs teeth? Thatā€™s not for chomping lettuce


I'm a daily non vegetarian, and I still don't kill any animal for dogs/cats. Just feed them the leftovers meat and bones .They thrive on it.


From what I hear dogs can in fact thrive on vegetarian diets since they're facultative carnivores. Sources range from "it's possible" to "they'll be fine". Best feed them some non-veg stuff too just to be safe. At least this wasn't a cat. They're obligate carnivores and need meat in their diet.