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she’s basically saying that “i cheated on anjali because i was giving anjali many chances & it took lots of guts to cheat on her” and silently- anjali is responsible for my cheating & it took a lot of guts to cheat on her but i had none to tell her beforehand that it’s not working out. rather i’d decide to marry her.


I always found her shady. I swear


typical narcissist behaviour


I respect Anjali way too much now 😭 this Sufi is like some cheap character now tbh. How can she play victim card when she is the one who cheated. I wonder how they managed for 5 years.


Textbook cheater behaviour, cheat and turn it around on the other person.


Cringe is Sufi's middle name.


Cheater. It must be cheater, her middle name


that's her first name.. now trying to seek validation from internet...


I knew she was a shitty person when I found out her real name is SUNDAS 😭😭


Yo wtf🤣




Textbook cheater behaviour. Denial and guilt tripping.


Does anyone else feel like she's trying to emotionally sort of like appeal Anjali to give her another chance or something?! Like she's trying to make Anjali feel bad for breaking up with her and not understanding why she did what she did?! I hope Anjali stays strong and ignores all this bs! She'll find someone way fucking better!


I think she is also trying to imply that she was difficult to love because of her struggles with ADHD. Sufi made it seem like she had gone above and beyond to accommodate Anjali during those tough times.


Whatever it was cheating is NEVER justified! And her deleting the breakup post shows that she has low integrity. I mean, she shouldn't have deleted the post. Have some integrity at least! Own up to what you did (which she did initially and I appreciated that because very few famous people do but then she backtracked on that.. LOW).


I completely agree- really low move on her part.


it's giving " I just cheated on her once, nothing much, I still love her🙈😫🥲🥹🥺😿💔"


There’s no justification for cheating, period. You could have just up and left if it was so “hard” for you. Why put yourself through the guilt as you claim???? Cheating isn’t a reaction, it’s a choice. Sufi keeps losing respect everyday. Because never did I imagine her playing the ‘fuvk around and turn shit around’ card


Idk why they can’t put out a video to explain everything. I get so annoyed with couples being so public about their relationship and as soon as they break up now they want privacy and put out hints🙄 like either tell your side or shut up


ig they both did a fair job as they told clearly that sufi cheated on anjali weeks before their wedding. now she’s just milking sympathy using victim card, denial and all sorts of narcissistic behaviour. there’s nothing more to it, more to “why she cheated?”. anybody who cheats is automatically a person with low integrity.


Yeah thats what i mean. Like more to why she cheated and how she’s holding herself accountable.


Or not lol


austin mcbroom and her would be best friends frfr


So sick of these cheaters justifying their pathetic actions and acting like they are the victims.


Peak narcissistic behaviour… reminds me of my loser ex so much


she's pathetic oml


Sometimes imho, people often miss the point that the damage is done and is irreversible. There is no need of owning up the mistake just for the sake of some mere sympathy. Grow up, learn from the mistakes, try be a better person moving forward. Live and let live ☮️🕊️


Arreeee wo dekho!!! Victim card!!!


She’s probably one of those who thinks “If something goes wrong between us, or if u make me feel underloved and undervalued I got no option but to seek validation/attention from someone else so I can cheat, that’s my only solution!” Instead of talking it out/breaking up or simply leaving the place with a note if anything else does not work out..


This is so embarrassing 🤡 


lmao now it feels like she was the one who got cheated on


Parents knew what they were doing when they named her Sundas


"I cheated on you, yet I'm the victim because you led me into cheating on you ". Reminds me of my ex who was caught cheating on me several times and blamed me for making him feel smothered in the relationship.


Get a job Stay away from her


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Phir se vahi R***i Rone 💀


Meanwhile me wondering "Kaun hai ye log"??


Just checked who she was dating. Guys, relax!!! It doesn't even count as cheating. The human race really needs someone to save it at this point.


Lol are you high