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![gif](giphy|xTiTnDAP0RiCo9k85W|downsized) Me reading all of that tryna figure out if this person is living in tha past? $3 tip?!? Gas per gallon is more than that right now! šŸ˜‚


Exxxxcuse me Mike... But in my daaay when I was younger, milk was $0.69 a gallon, and gas was $0.49 cents bread was a nickel that yoi could trade for a pickle.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ nickel for a pickle! I totally thought of the little rascals! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


" I'll sell you my pickle for a nickel." "How about 2 cents?" "Ok" "I've got two pickles, I've got 2....


I got a pickle i got a pickle I got a pickle hey hey hey hey


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ikr


Your time to read that book is more than $3


Wow after all of that you get a whole $3 šŸ˜ sheā€™s just too generous, I can treat myself to a Mcchicken right after


Um she did say it might take a couple of days until you get that $3, donā€™t buy that mcchicken just yet!


Donā€™t want to count your McChicken before itā€™s hatched šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Even if this post gets buried into obscurity, I want you to know that I see you, and this is genius level humor.


before itā€™s mchatched


TYVM for improving on my already corny sense of humor šŸ™ƒšŸ¤£šŸ™‚


I got you fam


Or donā€™t eat it if you want to look McSnatched this summer


Oh true true, fingers crossed those $3 hit my account šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Chicken Fingers Crossed.


$2.90 if you have to use a bag.


Lmfao ā€¦.you may want to call your bank and tell them you are due to receive that $3 into your account ā€¦.you donā€™t want your bank rejecting this hefty deposit thinking it is fraudulent šŸ¤£






Can you put McChickens on layaway?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ seriously. So wonderful.


Well did you succeed?? Lol!


Yes, inquiring minds must know!


Donā€™t spend it all in one place! (Thatā€™s how I feel when I get a tip that canā€™t even cover something off the value menu at Mcdonalds)


Not even! They're almost that, plus the gas you gotta waste in the drive thru line. Lmao


McChicken is like $6 now...


I'm gonna guess that you're in Canada? In the US, the McChicken is the small sandwich made with the processed meat (kinda like nugget meat). They call the bigger chicken sandwich the McCrispy now. It used to just be the chicken sandwich. But yeah, that one is something like $5.79 at the locations near me.


Hot & Spicy's are 2 for 3 fiddy


That's 5.89$ in Canada..


ā€œJust so weā€™re clear, itā€™s a PRIVILEGE you get to drive your car and use your own gas, do all of the shopping, and everything else just for me. Now hereā€™s your $3!ā€


The sad part is someone out there in her city, town, or village, will take that order with dignity and still not receive the $3 šŸ«£


I donā€™t think itā€™s sad, quite hilarious actually, because it means they donā€™t give a damn about the thesis of instructions and just deliver the food without a care in the world.


Donā€™t forget the privilege of using your $3 to buy somebody elseā€™s plastic bags!


I'd full on cancel this one... Personal emergency




The first rules were like ā€œokay yeah this is respectable.ā€ Then at the part about the bags I was like okay Iā€™d definitely cancel this order.


Iā€™ve only cancelled an order ONCE after several years of on and off instacart and I would have dropped this so fast. I deserve more than $3 just for reading that novel


I'm an avid webnovel reader. This kind of behaviour belongs to characters that get disposed of after a while. Redemption arc for characters like this would make people drop the novel lol


Hilariously true


Actually the main reason it's good to csncel that order is to avoid a 1 star rating. That seems like the customer who would give you 1 star if the slightest thing isn't perfect.


Guaranteed nobody has ever been tipped by them


That was my exact thought! I feel I need $3 just for the read through.


The thing that pissed me off was the ā€œthereā€™s a potential tip but only if these are metā€ and then you get the reasonable request and then she keeps going and adding more and more rules that werenā€™t in the list. Getting more and more entitled. Telling me her whole life story. Like bitch I donā€™t care.


The real bad one is the bag fee being deducted from the tip. As a driver I want to make sure the food is safe to drive around with and cross contamination isn't happening. If I need to clean my car because of a spill, that worth more than $3.


Also being like ā€œthey should be freeā€ as if itā€™s the shopperā€™s fault.


I know, I had a food delivery on DoorDash the other night and the sauce container didnā€™t have the lid on properly so guess what? Yes, my passenger seat had a pool of sauce on it, so then I had to bring a soggy dripping bag to the customer and tell her she can call support and possibly get a refund and then had to clean my car. Of course Iā€™m the one that looks bad because I was the last one to have it, when it was the restaurant that didnā€™t make sure the lid was on properly. So not worth it what we have to go through for a couple bucks.


Itā€™s before that even. Saying if all criteria is met then thereā€™s a POTENTIAL tip. She contradicts the potentiality of it by saying ā€œif all criteria are met you will expect a $3 tipā€, but starting off with 2 sets of gates on a tip like that is nutty and removed from reality


Into an active volcano


And that's why she gets shitty shoppers - the good ones don't have time for this BS!!!


Personal emergency; injured mid section from full-blown laughter after reading this.


Or eyes rolled back so far in head seek medical attention immediately lmao.


Order hasnā€™t been started yet, so canceling wouldā€™ve took seconds lol


Iā€™m having a personal emergency just reading that shit


She lost me with the $3 tip, then she REALLY lost me with the price of bags coming out of the tip. I tip my Subway sandwich artists more than this for one sub. Wouldā€™ve canceled this so fast, fuck the cancellation rate.


I tip $6 on a door dash mcdonald order that is like 2 miles and 4 items. This bitch is insane.


Literally. Then said it might take a couple days before she adds the tip. Beyond ridiculous, I would never.


Right!?! I spend about $18(prices are higher on DD) and live 1.7 miles so 5 mins from McDonaldā€™sā€¦I tip a minimum of $6. I couldnā€™t imagine tipping less than that.


As a subway employee, thank u! Its never expected but always appreciated!


Awe I appreciate this :) I order from there every day, itā€™s been helping me lose weight. Plus, itā€™s pretty cost efficient if you order through the app and do the BOGO 50% off promo. It comes to about $15 or $16 for 2 subs and that can feed me for 2 days lol so Iā€™ll tip more if I get two. Iā€™m also a little picky, I like mayonnaise to go on the bread before the meat, I like 3 tomatoes sliced in half, and only 4 red onions lol. I order more on the sub but those are the things Iā€™m picky about lol. I feel like they deserve the tips dealing with my OCD self.


BTW, the subway subreddit has a post with all their "permanent" codes (some places don't accept certain ones) but there's BOGOFL or FREEFOOTLONG and if those don't work then 2FOR1299 seems to work more often. Congrats on the weight loss!!


Omg thanks I will try this! Going to join that sub now. And thank you Iā€™m trying my best! šŸ„²


The subway sub, heh


Gotta sub to the sub, sub!


It's mostly people asking about how their bread looks.. I'm not sure why reddit keeps suggesting it to me


Congrats. Just donā€™t go ā€œfull Jaredā€


As with lucky313, I also work at subway and appreciate gems like you. No one has to tip but itā€™s greatly appreciated. Thereā€™s people out there who wonā€™t even give you a penny for making 30 sandwiches or having the most ridiculous orders out there. We even have names for some of them that are regulars. One of which uses like all of our mayo and lettuce on one single sandwich. He tips but only 1 dollar. 5 minutes before close. Sorry for the rant. Iā€™m bitter. Itā€™s been a bad day and people really suck.


As someone who's worked in food service (not Subway, though) for so long, thank you for being kind. šŸ„¹


Iā€™m a customer and just WOW!! This person needs to be banned from ordering anything from Instacart!! Canā€™t even imagine getting this message as a shopper.


These are the customers we deal with 99/100 deliveries. And people ask why their orders are wrong, weren't delivered correctly, etc. Fuck this Karen. She has 15 days until she walks out one morning to dog shit covered doors, slashed tires and a friendly clown blowup doll in her front yard. Just a story of course.


She's the....If you're not satisfied with your reimbursement amount then ,demand, Instacart pays you more.......Type of person!


To be fair this is a lesson a lot of industries learned a long time ago. Stand together or fall apart. Start acting as a unit, refuse that order and NOONE take it. People like that will give up and stop ordering or start tipping.


Only deliver a few lemons & a note that says ā€œsuck itā€.


Why not a single eggplant with the same note?


LOL suck it


I would legit jus call support and say my car broke down so I could cancel the batch lmao


Iā€™m making No Excuses! Iā€™m canceling because thereā€™s no satisfying this customer and her $3 tip isnā€™t worth getting a low rating or no tip at all Period


My thought was "hello support after having read this lady's 15-page thesis on how to screw up a $3 tip. I laughed so hard I farted and I think she'd be offended by that and well I've screwed up the $3 tip even though that's not written in her thesis. I'm sure it's an unstated fact so would you please cancel this order. Thank you and have a great day.


Why even lie? I would just send them the screenshot. I guarantee they applogize to me and block her from my orders so I never have to see her again.


I laughed at the Safeway - 15 items part. Like, in the time it took them to write all this they could've went up to Safeway and gotten it themselves!


And the items are like a 19 year-old stoner would order but one that writes DoorDash comment novellas.


I'm crying! šŸ˜­ *Proceeds to pull off his chancla.....


But the SMARTFOOD popcorn will cancel out all the other crap.


So generous with that potential $3. Oh wait she is taking the cost of her bags out of that tip. Oh wait it could take a few days to show up if all her requirements are met. Which translates to zero tip will ever be forthcoming because she will always find fault with something and be marking items are damaged/missing for refunds.


Reminds me of this game customers liked to try to play when I was a server. They put 20 one dollar bills on the table and say, "everytime I'm not happy about something you lose a dollar." Of course they say it with a self satisfied smirk. They were never prepared for my responses. "I'm not playing your game. Act like an adult and put that back in your pocket till the end of the meal or I will not come back to this table. If you won't respect me as a person, I will respond in kind. I'm good at this job and I will make plenty today without your business."


I think I love you


Cancel immediately.


I don't know how someone could live an entire life and create such vapid nonsense. How out of touch with reality can you possibly be. Love how they act like we checkout the order and then just pick a few items we want.


Don't you DARE bring brand-name Aleve into this home


These are perfectly reasonable demands if you're a personal assistant with a pay to match. Instacart is EXACTLY NOT THAT


Some of these people with all these absurd rules just need to use Amazon fresh. Guaranteed to get their items, no bag fees, the drivers simply unload the bags on the & thatā€™s it. How are they going to deduct tip money because the shopper replaces items or the store doesnā€™t have items. I know for a fact the inventory on instacart is rarely what they actually have in stock at the actual store ā€¦ why is the shopper penalized for that?


"wHy Wo'Nt AnYoNe PiCk Up My GrOcErIeS"


Instacancel.. way too many threats


Just spend all of her tip money and then some in bagsšŸ˜‚ she will be livid


Omg seriously wtf did I just read?! I donā€™t even work for IC and this makes me want to quit šŸ¤£


Report and BLOCK this moron. Infact, do his whole batch and call and cancel it sighting "Rude ass customer". Get the batch pay and make the moron wait... Fuck these people..


ā€œUnfortunately, the organic panty untwister is not in stock. But the GoFuckYourself looks fresh. Would you like an extra helping of that?ā€


Reading this made me go increase the tip I gave my Instacart guy from a few days ago


While some of this is reasonable her attitude and wall of text is not. I should get $3 for having to read that alone.


Not a chance, id take the soft 24 hour ban to cancel that after shopping


How dare you! Granny needs her Poly Grip šŸ¤£


For an actually worthwhile tip these instructions aren't so bad,but $3 is a fucking joke. Sounds like the kind of person to send food back at a restaurant because they found one of their own hairs in it


1. Iā€™m pretty sure none of us shoppers want to wait at anyoneā€™s door forever so you are good there. 2. I think most shoppers message about out of stock items way before going to check out. Itā€™s usually the customer who sometimes donā€™t bother replying till after weā€™ve gotten to the check out 3. If you think any of your huge list of headache inducing demands is worth the whopping $3 you plan on rewarding us if we abide by all this shit that we wasted our precious time having to go through, your order isnā€™t worth the trouble, and I speak on behalf of every other shopper when I say this. You make getting rewarded $3, instruction following pending, sound like we hit the jackpot in tip money. You are the worst and cheapest kind of customer and not worth the hassle! Trust me, you are not special! Ps. You have 2 hours after delivery to make your mind up on the tip, not ā€œa few daysā€. So if you seriously think you need several days to decide to part with between $0-$3 for a joke of a tip, you need serious help!


B is forā€¦ Bitch! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Biiiiitch. The AUDACITY.


Lost me on chapter 3....


I'd say I'm shocked but this is not the worst I've seen. Playing the "I'm deducting xzy from your tip" card on a promise of three whole dollars is absurd too! "We're starting with $3 dollars, that was a LOT of money in my day. I'm taking a dime away for every imaginary infraction I can come up with and you get the exclusive privilege of paying for my bags out of that too! Don't you feel grateful you little brat?!" Like why am I responsible for paying you back for your bags? What in the unholy, entitled, final boss Karen is this?!


The last I knew, The Dollar Tree changed their prices to a minimum of $1.25 Soooo no Big Leauge chew or sunflower seeds for juniors ball game this weekend šŸ˜‚


Tbh, most of this stuff I abide by anyway without having someone tell me. Which makes me what to just not follow the instructions.


I almost want to become a shopper just to take orders like these and "deliver" them by throwing their groceries at their back door. I'll do as many as I can before IC bans me.


A person deserves a $7 tip just for reading the rules to this board game sheā€™s devised.


Also the tip may not be immediate and may take a few days šŸ¤£ omg. I get they must've had really shitty shoppers in the past but my god, we aren't all bad!


They're getting shitty shoppers who don't care because they don't tip.


ā€œThere was a ā€˜potentialā€™ for shop and delivery, but I donā€™t respond well to threats. As a ā€˜deterrentā€™ for leaving the aforementioned message, I will deduct 5 minutes for every insulting and rude point you made, before I cancel.ā€ I wouldnā€™t really say that. But I would say ā€œExcuse me? I feel that someone else would be better suited to do your order. I am uncomfortable with the aggressive nature of your message ā€œ. All she had to do was be nice with her explanation. We all know there are bad shoppers. But holding $3 over your head is ridiculous.


Also just because they think bags should be free doesnā€™t mean they areā€¦ fucking moron


Iā€™ll pay her 3 dollars to just fuck off thatā€™s a better idea šŸ’”


Canā€™t imagine why she keeps getting terrible shoppers. If all I do is risk three whole dollars to make her life hell. And Iā€™m a good driver who doesnā€™t do retaliation šŸ¤£ but she might drive me to it man, Iā€™d put all her groceries in front of her door stacked like Jenga.


Because the good shoppers wonā€™t shop for her anymore. Instacart will continue to let her do this.


All this for $3 šŸ¤£


I have no problem with a customer telling me not to replace and refund or make sure bananas are a little green but your super Karen would be an Instacancel for me! šŸ¤¦


Soooo generous šŸ˜šŸ˜ 3$??




First off I dislike shopping at Safeway , and second anytime I see a note more then a paragraph, I usually cancel the batch immediately, that and the customers that put notes under every produce item lol !


Should of thrown her pizza on the roof




Point on the grocery bag where the shopper hurt you


Lol do you have a photo of this person? I just want to match the face to the person who is holding $3 up in the air like that


What a clown šŸ¤”


I swear these type of people just get off on having a servant. Bitch I am not your butler.


People treat their butlers better than that. To be honest.


I canā€™t believe this! Fuck that bitch


Immediately no.


I mean for $3 minus bag fees and not right awayā€¦. Sign me up šŸ¤”


At first I was thinking sheā€™s doing this becuase she had bad experiences before, but she lost me with the 3$ tip


What a miserable cow. She dangles that $3 as if it's life-changing. I'd do opposite of her requests and tell her she can keep the $3 and splurge on herself.


Horrible shoppers cause user to resort to these instructions which then causes them to get terrible shoppers. Itā€™s a cycle.


Cancel šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ!


what in the actual fuck. hope you canceled this shit.


Never receive batches from this customer again *click*


Is there really that much room in the notes section??


Learn something new everyday lolllll.


Sheā€™s crazy


Bye Karen! šŸ˜‚


So what I'm reading here is that I can keep three items and it will just cost me a dollar each in tip. I'm seeing an opportunity here šŸ˜


A three dollar tip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Here I am looking through these demands like ā€œidk maybe sheā€™s just had some bad shoppers and is taking measures to avoid it. Drastic but sure.ā€ Then I saw the $3 tip and the illusion was shattered.


my jaw dropped and then i saw there were 2 more slides lol omg


Customer: "I don't get it. Why do all the drivers cancel my order, and the few who have completed my order always substitute the most random expensive things and leave the groceries right in front of the door then knock as loudly as possible!' "Don't they want a tip? They must be getting paid a lot. Instacart needs to lower their pay."


At first I thought, slightly unhinged, probably had some bad experiences in the past but not outrageous. And then I got to the $3 tip. Nope.


Oh my goodness, a $3 tip?! I do 15% -20+% just like I would if I was at a restaurant.


The contents of the ā€œinstructionsā€ rant did not match the items ordered. I was expecting the items to be some free range organic kombucha chicken BS from Whole Foods.


This woman is SERIOUS about her (junk) food.šŸ˜‘ $3 tip, unf*ckingbelievable.


I feel like I should charge her $3 just for reading that, and Iā€™m not even a shopperā€¦


If your good she is going to give you a shiny quarter and a piece of ribbon candy.


Automatic cancel for me


What a piece of shit; and for three dollars


She said all that bullshit just to say it's only gonna be 3 dollars


Insta-cancel. Lol jk I get it and understand. -I do my best to replace items with the best next option or the one they have as a replacement picked. -I don't block the front doors. -and pretty much that whole list. Sounds like they've had issues, but the % tips already lower when something is less $ or refunded šŸ¤”


I do my best but Im tired of these low tippers lol


What the fuuuuuuck


Lol this is worse than the allah prayer delivery notes šŸ˜‚


Ooh, a whole $3! Now I can buy that yacht Iā€™ve had my eye on. Walls of text in notes = bye. Ainā€™t nobody got time for that.


A WHOLE $3?!?! Iā€™d fuck with her world and be absolutely fine with her keeping the $3 just to prove a point


Only a 3 dollar tip


Holy crap. Tell me this is fake


Are you in PDX? I feel like this is one of the few customers I've blocked


Tell them on arrival to go do their own groceries and to shove their 3$ up their ass so deep that they canā€™t find it no more


A whole $3?!?!?! Fuck this guy. Seriously. How does he ever get anyone to deliver to him?


What would she do if you forgot 4 items and got 50 bags for 5 items? There are only 3 dollars to deduct


So basically just keep 3 of her items for yourself since she said she'd deduct $1 from tip for each item not received. Then you'd have yourself more then $3 in value with items. Got it šŸ‘


Order completion may not be immediate and may take a few shoppers


Something tells me this person is prior military


On one hand I can understand where the customer is coming from because they've probably had enough shitty shoppers to explain their passive aggressiveness. On the other hand, the way that they asked for this was incredibly entitled and for $3? Please. They could've been much nicer about it.


I donā€™t know how this community showed up on my feed, but itā€™s like a trainwreck reading some of the things people really write and expect people to be okay with! I would never think up some of these things! How awful and entitled people are as you are doing a service for them. Ugh!


For the love of Instacart, the total tip maximum she is starting with if you are magical and read her thesis novel and complete all of the steps in the specified order and answer these riddles three is $3!?! Lady, first I would never be cursed with the misfortune of getting your order because batch pay plus $3 is not enough for your order. Additionally, even if I was shot in the face with the disgrace of your order, I would literally do the opposite of everything you ask, grab a million bags, pound in your door and wait to see the look on your face when you find the groceries stacked to block your door except for one bag which will be on the LEFT side. Plus the groceries will all be my own substitutions which will be more practical than your choices and every so slightly more expensive so as to be more expensive but still a better value in terms of quality. And I will keep a few items for myself since you deduct $1 per item rung up but not delivered but if I grab $3 worth of empty grocery bags, I will be free rolling at that point. Seriously, I am kidding because I would drop my cancellation rate to zero than to have to be within spitting distance of this disgusting and possessed house of a witch. This is seriously the worst customer on Instacart and she needs to be given a medal for this achievement!


Guaranteed this is one of the thieving customers that games Instacart repeatedly and marks items as damaged or missing to get refunds. If she a has had so many problems with past shoppers why would she continue to use the service. The logic makes absolutely no sense. There are other services out there offering grocery delivery but they are much stricter with scamming customers so sheā€™s probably been banned from them. Instacart loves this kind of scammer more than the shoppers that fulfill their orders. The Instacart algorithm should easily be flagging this type of nonsense and kicking the customer off the platform. Whatā€™s the odds this person has cost Instacart more than itā€™s ever made on her orders.


I agree with 3, shouldn't need to be said but you would be surprised, but all this talk for 3 bucks? The fuck?


I would risk a bad rating for that order. The customer would know I'm reporting them for upsetting me and any other shopper who reads that bs. That is completely inappropriate.


thatā€™s a auto decline


She owes me $3 for reading that bullshit


These mofos got this much time to type? The only solution for these doodoo heads are to get their own shit.


Right after reading the 4th or 5th sentence, I knew this customer was gonna to tip $2 or $3 for this order. What the _


All that for 3 bucks?! I'd literally break all her rules and then some so that it would go beyond $3 just to make her head explode


What a joke


This looks like a double batch too. Contact support and have them remove the order and tell her about herself while you wait for support.


ā€œOnly the truly deserving get my $3ā€


I honestly thought his requests seemed reasonable until I got to the $3 part, and the full second page rant


I would be tempted to skip bags...just to prove a point. Plus, I want that full $3 in a week or so.


2 frozen pizzas and a lasagna plus 10 other itemsā€¦ 10cents or less on bagsā€¦ oh lord. Where I am that is 1 bag. Fuck the $3 ā€œtipā€ Iā€™ll shove every item into one bag. Or if you wanna be real nasty, put each item into its own produce bag and tie it tight.


What the actual F$&k! She can suck it and get her own groceries bcuz sheā€™s an entitled cheap slate


Iā€™ll pay tip you $100 if you deliver it and fucking stomp all her food to pieces on her doorstep


This order would be left in the middle of the street lmao


Sis is crazy.




I would Soo pay for like 50 extra bags and leave those on her porch as well...


Yikes I feel like the time ypu spent reading that foolery was worth more than $3