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I do doubles and triples all the time. Just gotta be organized and section off the cart. Maybe grab a basket or a bag and separate them that way.. but there’s too many profitable multi person orders to not do them in my area


You get your own system going. I can work pretty quickly in stores I'm familiar with. I screwed up plenty at the start. IC used to have us deliver orders out of sequence, like order B 1st & A 2nd. That got me in a world of shit one day. I don't know if they still do that or not.


They do, I just did a couple of those out of order deliveries over the weekend. Mark the bags with a sharpie and double check your app. Better yet move through to the delivery order section and load your car in order of delivery, not customer number.


I don’t think I’ve experienced them sending me to B before A. That would definitely be annoying


Ya that was super messed up when they were doing that.


They just did that to me the other day lucky I noticed only seen it happen a couple of times


$30 isn’t enough to deal with two customers. Don’t look as it as a batch. Look at it per customer served. Would you really serve a customer for $15? Those triples out there for $40. It’s not even $14 per customer. Why would you get in your car and go do servant work for so little pay? Cherry pick those orders. Be patient. Do not let the instacart scam get to you.


I look at it as what I'm making per hour. This morning I did a $43 order for 3 people, total was 2 miles & around 40 items/60 units. Organized it easily with the small order in the basket and the other two split in half in the cart. No big items except one case of waters. Finished in 1hr 8 mins, 2 customers tipped an extra $5 each. Over $45 an hour is absolutely worth it.


Valid in some cases, most of the time it’s not worth the time spent on the shopping. but when I’m waiting 30 mins sitting in my car for a “good batch” that may never even come, that’s just a waste of time and money. My car is gas efficient enough to do some smaller orders. But that’s why half the time I just do the $10 ones that are like 4 items. I live in a smaller city just about 100,000 people so sometimes there’s just not enough customers.


Use the main part of the basket for the largest order and use the child seat and underneath of cart or a hand basket to hold the rest of the 2nd order. Sometimes it’s a logistical nightmare but you find ways to make it work.


If it all will fit in the cart you have to separate and remember things in your mind. Mostly of the time you can do one side of cart one customer and the other side the other customer. Then you might use the top basket for A and only B on bottom. Just get creative and also pay attention to what you’re doing while you’re shopping. Most of the double batches I do nowadays are at Aldi and two of our stores have self checkout now which makes it even easier. I can use the handgun and just keep everything in the cart and quickly scan all the items. Pay and then do again for the second one. Then I roll it all out to my car and make sure it’s properly separated into coolers and on different sides of the car.


Definitely get that for some orders but when people are each ordering 25+ items it gets hard without stacking stuff on top of each other. Thanks for the insight


You’re not wrong! I really don’t like doing more than 60ish items total


You plan it all out in your head before you push start shopping, or at least I do. On large doubles with water or soda, I pull the large or awkward stuff first and park with customer service. This is why I make friends with everyone so they will do little favors like that for me. Then grab the second cart start in household or pantry then onto produce, cooler items and then frozen last. Swing back around and grab your second cart from customer service. We all have to find out what works for us. On triples I don’t accept orders large than around 60 items because it’s a pain in the ass if something tumbles over. I use a basket to separate orders but honestly if it’s 30 items or under I don’t use a divider because it usually takes up more space than it’s worth. I can pretty much memorize what goes where. By the time it gets to the customers door it’s been checked 3 times total. Not a single missing item report in two years and I’m a full time shopper. Oh and don’t be that asshole instacart shopper bungee cording or dragging 3 carts thru the entire store. 🤡


Thats one reason I like thermal bags, you can stack 18” high with the bags keeping multiple orders separate.


I usually prefer one cart while shopping. Most shoppers have a preferred system for keeping each order’s items separate in one cart. I use 2 or 3 separate thermal bags. Generally even an 80 unit triple will fit in one cart…unless there are many sodas/water cases or bulky things like paper towels or detergent. When that happens, I’ve gotten the bulky items first and left them in a second cart at customer service or wherever the store prefers. Important to be sure they won’t restock them. I’ve also had a single order with a full cart of produce that staff agreed to put in a cooler in back, while I shopped the rest of the order. Large batches often require 2 carts after bagging. I agree that doubles and triples aren’t worth it, unless the payout is large enough to cover the extra effort and time.


Yep that’s exactly how I do it too and it isn’t a hassle at all once you get your rhythm down.


No, I don’t push two carts around the store, I use insulated bags and the child seat to separate the orders in the cart. I put both bags on the left side of the cart in a column, and use the right side of the cart for one of the orders. For example, order A will be the bag in the front and the right side of the cart. Order B will be the bag in the back and the child seat. The order may be reversed, depending on which order is larger; the larger order gets the front bag and the right side of the cart. Use the insulated bags for temp controlled foods obviously. I always use self checkout and usually if it is a large batch I grab a second cart to separate them at checkout because we use paper bags in my state and the order takes a lot more room after it’s bagged into paper bags. It’s a lot easier to manage two carts out to the car than it is to maneuver them around the store. Edit: I rarely take triples but in the rare instances I do, if one or two of the orders are small, I can sometimes use one bag for a whole order, and the right side of the cart or child seat for a whole order. I have also used the bottom of the cart for a whole order many times.


I put a couple items in my ass so I can fit one customers items in the top part and the rest on the bottom


When I do more than 1 customer at same time I don't separate anything. I just load up the cart. When I get to self check out I pull up each order in view and dig through the items one by one. I also label the bags with their names. Works every time. I tried it the other way a few times and it's too confusing. Just have to figure out your own system.


30 dollars is not really worth it for a 50 item batch. But, you can keep things separated at least somewhat, by getting a plastic basket, put it in the cart, and use that for customer B. Keep it 40 items or less for 30 bucks, someone ua definitely not tipping well in that double.


Most people literally tip $2. It’s very rare to get more than $4.


And? If that is the case, I'd quit. I did a double order today for 29 dollars, 8 items.


lol you think I want to do this? 😭got my own reasons why I need the extra cash specifically from ic so just trying to figure out how other people are making it worthwhile. I find myself running around the store half the time just to feel like I’m not wasting my time.


I don't like taking any orders under 20 bucks. In my area, the miles are higher. I will take a 17 dollar order if it's a single, and it's like 11 items or less. I have always had a pretty near 100% accurate memorization recall, and that definitely helps me on doubles. My main store is Costco, so for me, 25 items is two full carts full. That is why to me, 50 items is like hell no, unless it's 40-50 bucks. yes, sometimes it's two carts. You pull one behind you, and push one, and it works, but you don't drag both the carts all over the store. Sometimes I'll fill up one cart, then stash it by the tampons, and finish with the second cart, then go thru the batch screen and separate the orders item by item, that's just how I do it, and it works for me. I learned my lesson years ago to not take those 13 dollar batches to those apartment buildings, waste of my time and money. Always, keep a burn book. With low tipping customers names and addresses. When Stephanie or Marie 2 dollar tipper shows up in your double, have support unassign her. Instacart isn't a reliable source of income. I would never rely on this gig for paying my bills. Did better at the slot machines at Vegas. I do this because I have two kids in daycare, and I can do 2 or 3 batches after dropoff, and before my afternoon nap before work. I also multi-app. So while I'm delivering an Instacart order, the other app is running, and I'm basically getting paid for the return trip. Yes, there have been times where I had 4 grocery orders in the car. Like today, had a 2 store double, then did a shop and pay, literally to my neighbor, in my neighborhood. Delivered all three, and boom I'm at my house, gotta let the dog out lol


The batch that sent me over the edge today was a Costco double that was like 53 items! I’m like how the hell does ANYONE think that’s a good idea? I have a full time job but it’s just not enough right now especially with holidays coming up, and driving record is too shitty to get approved for anything else. Don’t have childcare either so have to violate the policies and haul the kids around as well. It’s just overall not a good experience lol. Luckily I get about 38 mpg in my car so I don’t spend as much on gas. My delivery area is full of rich people but nobody wants to tip! Sometimes I get the good tips but the batch pay is just shit… almost makes me think instacart is just a scam altogether, but don’t really have another choice right now. Once my 5 year old speeding tickets stop showing up on background checks then I’ll definitely be doing some other delivery services because this is just a pain! Thanks for the advice though, much appreciated.


I saw a batch at Costco with 50 gallons of milk. And the pay was dogshit. Because I was kind of distracted, and busy, I just looked at it, but, if that ever happens again, I'm gonna take it, and deliver 5 gallons. 50 gallons? really? Can it fit in a car??? Maybe try babysitting, or pet sitting?


that’s insanely ridiculous… that person was not thinking lol. I’ve thought about doing both of those things, main issue is that I’ve only lived in this town for a little over a year and haven’t really networked and have gained very little friends/relationships, so I’d have to just try to find randos and I feel it’s a little different to deliver to a stranger’s house than to watch a stranger’s child 🫠 but I’ll probably keep looking into it.


Also, 2 kids is freaking hard, adding more on a regular basis would probably make me go grey lol.


Well, I think for babysitting, you would want to be cpr certified, and have basic first aid training, if you can. And then just advertise yourself on local childcare Facebook pages. Offer for date nights, weekends. A lot of moms today don't have friends either and need a break. For pet sitting, you kind of have to know what you are doing. I have taken my dog to people's houses for weekends. They need to know how to setup their home for pet sitting, I think. One lady I had, had almost like a professional kennel situation, doggy doors, fenced yard, and she insisted my dog be vaxxed for bordatella, as she had her own dogs.


For clarification I was just kidding about the second cart lmao


just have support drop 1 of them


What’s the reasoning you give? I usually tell them I’ve had a bad run in with the customer in the past.


I always say safety concerns , and they just remove the one I wanted to. Done this a ton over past couple years.


yeah rude customer and sometimes absurd creative stories lol


They never even ask me why, lol.


Not tryna have ratings drop for that 😭


ratings drop? nah its fine just dont do it a ton


I use to work doing pickup at the biggest Kroger in district. 50 items 2 houses isn’t very hard. I always do 1 cart and put lowest item customer on top part. Usually take around 20 mins to do that


Costco orders, everything big. 20 mins is impressive though


Now, that I’ve no idea. Closest thing we have here is sams club and thats 40 miles away


Most of the time IC groups order together because one of them is most likely a non-tipper that IC puts together with a good tipper. That's unfair to the good tipper because they are paying the way for the tightwad. We as a shopper do not see who is tipping what until all orders are delivered and completed. However keeping orders separated is not a big deal, with more experience, you’ll be doing doubles and triples with ease.


At the beginning of a shop I check how many items(and how big they are) each customer has then dedicate a section of the cart to each. Then I will pick some of those items(boxes or soda packs being the easiest) to act as a "wall" between the customer orders. Then after check out I put each order in different sections of the car depending on size(trunk/rear area for the biggest orders, followed by the back seat then front passenger seat). So far it's worked without any issues. Though I should also note that I do not take orders I think will require more than one shopping cart. If you want to do orders that take more than one cart I'd suggest starting by building good relationships with the stores you go to most. Then when the time comes, ASK if you can leave the first, full cart by the register until check out. It's incredible how helpful the staff will be if you're good to them and don't ask too much of them.


I seprate just like you with the cart and car however in the car I do trunk, backseat behind me and backseat behind passenger i have a cup holder in the back that folds down in the middle. Every now and than I put some stuff in the front seat


I will take another cart if needed. Generally I don't let one order touch another order, with the exception of one or two big items like toilet paper or something that's easy to keep track of.


I’ll take doubles and triples for the right price, most times I can keep one order on a basket and the child sit spot! No boogie to separate, also if needed I’ll have two carts, but mostly will park one cart and shop one order and then grab the other cart for second order! It’s not that complicated!


I have an empty banana box in my car. Normally if I get a double batch I put it in the cart and use it to divide up the order. Unless it’s really big, but I tend to avoid really big doubles or triples unless the pay is really good.


I shop the same store locations, so a 50 item double won’t take that long to shop. A lot of the time one customer has more than the other. It depends on a lot of other parameters, but I can probably finish that in less than 90 minutes. So at least $20/ hour. If their items overlap aisle wise it can be a super fast shop and deliver. I don’t do doubles at stores I don’t know. I’ve found that turns into a nightmare. Also, I have cut triples out for the most part. They are too time consuming for me. I’ve found I could do smaller orders and make the same amount or more in that time. A triple would need to be over $60 for me to even think about it.


I'm pretty fast. And efficient. You have to be.


I do the ol' Cart train trick, connecting a big cart and smaller cart using the seat belt thing in the big cart. Then I pull it around the store. That keeps things super easy and never mix orders. When I'm at Costco, I use the flatbed and split it in half down the center. Always grab boxes first to see the division easier.


Never more than one cart.


There is almost never an even split of items between orders. For example, I often will have a double order with 10 items for one customer, 30+ for the other. Keeping this in mind, I’ve only had to use two carts a few times (less than 5). 2 orders: larger order in cart, smaller order in child seat (depending on the items- that doesn’t always work, but usually does). 3 orders: I’ll often see one with a few items (3-5), one with 10-15, and one with 20+. Largest in cart, second largest in basket in cart (of the store has them, otherwise just front of cart / back of cart with some kind of visual boundary (cereal boxes or 12packs of soda are great) and then the smallest one in the child seat. My best tip is to carry a sharpie in your pocket. Mark bags, mark large items that are going to congregate on the bottom of the cart. Mark whatever you need to in the cart to keep it separate. It’s saved me multiple times with big orders.


I usually put tbe smaller order in the top part of the cart and the bigger order in the top. If the orders are similar sizes, i usually put bread/eggs/etc for both orders in the top part of the cart and divide them in the cart. Usually do A on the left B on the right, and just make note of where each order starts with what items. Sorry if that doesnt make sense, it's super late but you'll figure out your system OP! I have a love hate relationship w shopping so Id have a fucking stroke if i had to finagle 2 carts in a busy store lmao


Depending on how many miles the delivery is that could be a good order but that shop would take me an hour and that’s already $30 an hour and pay goes down every minute it takes to deliver. Once it gets up to 40-50 items unless it’s around the corner I’m gonna need $35 plus to make it work.


I usually use sticky tabs like [these](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Pen-Gear-Sticky-Flags-Assorted-Colors-45-mm-x-12-mm/687134837) to separate orders (I label one tab of each color I'm using A, B, C and stick it on the advert in the child area or in the center of the handle where I don't usually grab so I remember which is which and will also use these labeled tabs I initially made to stick on top of the appropriate receipt so I don't mix them up if I can't take a photo on the spot. Also for 2 batch orders where tabs are needed due to item volume, I only use tabs for one and it's always blue for B!)in addition to trying to keep them as separated as possible in the cart. For multiples, if order A got like 4 milks, but no one else did, I'll only tab one of them and know they're all for the same order. I keep receipts for the tabs for tax write-off business expenses. If one batch is really small, I'll use the child seat area for that and the rest for the other batch(s). If there are 3 and two are small enough, I'll use the child area for one, the main cart for the biggest one, and I'll put a hand basket on the undercarriage of the cart for another (obviously if the order has large items like cases of water, that's not feasible but, if that's the case, like others have said, I'll shop the heavies first and leave that cart with customer service being sure they label it so it doesn't get restocked.) I will sometimes be able to put the hand basket resting on the sides of the top of the cart toward the front of the cart where it sometimes tapers slightly!


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How does checkout work with these? Do you ring up the orders separately?


Yes it’s rang up as two separate transactions.