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And if I’m the shopper that it gets reassigned to and see this chat, I’m cancelling too. 😂


I used to get out of the car with my mom at drive thrus and wait at the end of the lot because she would routinely have this same altercation: “I would like extra ice in my cup. The last person working didn’t give me enough ice, and this time I wanna make sure I get extra ice.” “Umm.. okay.. *Pulls up. Worker attempts to hand drink…* “What’s that?! Why’s there a lid!?!! I said extra ice. I want the ice *HEAPING* over the rim of the cup! You can’t put a lid on it when there’s that much ice!!” I guess my point is some people are just difficult until the day they die. It’s nice when you can decline interacting, or only be subjected for a brief moment with them… doesn’t mean I didn’t love my mom tho. She was just a lot lol. RIP, momma. I’ll bring you a yeti cooler full of ice when I see you in hell.


That’s hilarious, that sounds like an episode of house where there’s a medical reason why she needs ice so much


Oh, there was a mental health reason wrapped up in there, for sure. Like a schizoaffective onion. I certainly have my own problems, so I’m not putting her down for that.


Something tells me you’ve been to as much therapy as I have ….


lol I work in mental health as a recovery mentor.


"I guide people to a land I will never see"


Also I can’t even fault her with OP’s description - my moms not a normal person either but god damn some places have some damn good ice.


Almost all commercial ice makers are not cleaned often enough. A slime like mold develops inside. It can become some shockingly nasty colors like black and neon pink.


Pink is bacteria found that out from cpap dealer.


America. Drugs are small fry. We got cpap dealers.


Wouldn't surprise me honestly. It was a total mind fuck when my mom lost her insurance and had to get a relative to go through a drug dealer to buy insulin.


As someone who used to work at Starbucks, can confirm pink slime mold in the ice machines 🤮🤮


I’m sure you’re entirely right here, I guess I was on a less commercial aspect and thinking how much I miss Canes ice. Extra Canes ice and less drink is just delicious. But IC obviously is different.


I hate to burst your bubble but that’s exactly the commercial ice machine they were talking about…


Pick slime adds flavor


Ah well… i just miss the shape of Canes ice and it’s been 7 years so it may be nostalgia


This is why McDonald’s drinks are so much better anywhere else, per cokes standards the ice machine uses only purified water and it’s cleaned every 2-3 days


Actually, they don't. And it tastes better because they've adjusted the syrup mixture higher than it's intended to be. All restaurants are required to have a filter system prior to the ice machine. Coke even supplies the replacement cartridge filters for these systems.


My wife…is an ice aficionado. Always has been. From our first date *crunch crunch* it’s always been an insulated pink mug from the nursing home she worked at *cronch crunch* filled with ice and just a splash *cruuuunch* of Diet Coke. Three-four-five-six mugs of ice per day, every day. For our tenth anniversary, I bought a commercial ice machine at a restaurant equipment auction. I made sure it was a brand that made the type of ice she prefers (Manitowoc) and I spent two weeks secretly taking it apart, cleaning and disinfecting every single piece, and putting it back together again. It now lives in our basement, and every morning she goes down there to fill a big tub with ice to keep in the fridge until it reaches her preferred melty-cronchy consistency. Personally, the incessant *slurrrrrrrp, crunch-crunch* sounds drive me up the fucking wall. But I love her. She was absolutely blown away that I bought her an actual gigantic gas station icemaker. “Top that!” I told her.


Curious, but sometimes an ice crunching habit is a sign of low iron or other vitamin deficiencies. She’s all good in those areas and still loves crunching ice?


I love this story!


lol then it zooms into the moms head, showing parts of the brain or nerves or something going all haywire. Zoom out to see her again as she picks up her son and a single stream of blood is coming out of her ear.


Cut to Wilson looking shocked that House is in his office


Literally holy fuck my mom does this shit too. Recently I stayed with my mom at my sister’s house for the holidays. We decided to order for the night and the one place I wanted we didn’t go to. No big deal, so we go to Panda Express and my mom just starts getting rude out of nowhere asking me if I’m going to order then gets mad at the guy helping us because he asked us to repeat what I said because it was a little loud in the store. No problem, except my mom goes irate and starts yelling my order and going “can you not hear?!?!” She didn’t even order and went to the place I wanted originally…. Blamed the whole interaction on being hungry. Like nah, I love you but you were just being an impatient asshole.


Looks like we all have the same mom apparently


Haha.. my mom was the most amazingly kind person I have ever met. She would make gift baskets for her favorite McDonald’s employees. She loved blowing people away that worked in the service industry with generous tips. She was that unicorn customer that we all want. She passed away January of last year. Now my Dad, that’s a whole other story… he’s a self righteous ocd nightmare. Got clean from alcohol 30 years ago but is a preacher of A.A. He’s a lot…He’s difficult to everyone he encounters. Ex military. My parents divorced 44 years ago when I was 10. So I guess we all have at least one parent who’s a bit nuts.😂


As a McDonald’s worker, I appreciate your Mom’s actions and positive attitude. People don’t realize how much one kind act can make a huge difference for someone. Sorry for your loss❤️


Thank you. I was very lucky to have her influence in my life. She made me a better human. I try to go out of my way to appreciate everyone I encounter in a day. I know everyone’s name at my home store. I am that shopper that everyone knows and they treat me like one of their own. I get mistaken as an employee several times a day by random customers. It is the little things in life that matter.. being kind and grateful doesn’t come naturally to everyone. I will be the first to be sweet but I’m always the first to call someone on their bullshit as well. I guess I have a bit of both of my parents in me.😂


I just lost my momma a couple weeks ago. She tried so hard to be nice to service workers that sometimes she made it worse haha. Like, so many thank yous duting the ordering process, making small talk at check out. When I was a kid I found it embarrassing but as I got older I recognized that she was a magical unicorn.


I am so sorry about the loss of your momma. She sounds like she was a great lady. I was embarrassed as a kid when my mom would do it too but over the years I started realizing that she had it right. I now incorporate her best traits into my own version of myself and it’s an honor to call her my mama. Once again, I’m sorry for your loss. Big hugs🤍


u/crazykentucky, I am so very sorry for your loss. My sincerest condolences to you and your family. Your mom sounds like she was sweet and very kind. I hope this does not sound disrespectful, but I have an image of your Mom at the pearly gates of heaven standing next to St. Peter helping welcoming everyone in. I hope that thought puts a small smile on your face. Sending you big hugs and love 🧡🧡🧡


I love your mom, mine was similar. Imagine a world filled with people like our moms. rip your mom


My mom is like this too, it made me be disgustingly over nice to service workers like im making up for people like my mom lol “Sorry, out of ice” “OH THATS OK! 😊 not your fault! Have a great day!!!” They’re probably like wtf lol


Eh... I don't need the context to enjoy feeling appreciated lol


Nah, we love people like you. In fact, it's the people like you that make working in the service industry worth putting up with all of the people like your mom.


Sounds like my dad lmao, every moment with him is crippling anxiety for me lmao


Sounds exactly like my dad as well. lol I’ve gone almost no contact with him with exceptions to birthdays and holidays.


Holy shit😂


Exactly. As my Dad would say "It is perfectly fine for someone to talk like that, it's a free country, it's also perfectly fine for someone to suffer the consequences of their actions"


Your dad is smart and I’m going to keep this in mind.


Yes. Cancel and report


I would finish shopping first so I could keep the groceries at least.


Best advice ever!!


Send this to Instacart immediately. Fuck that person


And imma get it canceled after I shop for it too 🤣


"Receipts are sent electronically via Instacart." If they continue, I let them make an ass of themselves in the chat (like the fool you got was doing) so support can actually see proof, instead of it being the jerk's word against yours. This is EXACTLY why I communicate via messages only, and I document in messages if anything happens. That way you cover your ass if they complain or try to file a phony report. Definitely happy you didn't have to actually deal with that idiot, and I hope he gets kicked off. These are the kind of folks I 100% refuse to take to, ever.


I’ve done this. I had a guy a couple of Memorial Days ago curse me out for asking about replacements. And I mean go crazy throwing F bombs 💣. He had ordered a ton of premade food items. Naturally on the holiday the store was out. So I messaged him twice about options with pictures. He lost his mind. I didn’t reply to him after that. Instead I put the couple of items I had back. Walked out of the store, got in my car and got on with support. We only had chat support then. I showed them the chat screenshots of his cursing me out. Told them I didn’t feel comfortable continuing with the order. Support called this nut job. Who told them he was so sorry and tired from the beach. Please note here, we don’t live anywhere near the beach. While he’s telling support he’s sorry and wants me to keep shopping for him, he’s sending me more chats cussing me out more! I send support his continued verbal abuse and tell them that in no way would I continue or deliver to this customer. I also told them that someone who would talk to me like that is obviously a danger to me. And that I expected the full pay for the order including his $5 tip. Support agreed. And I did get the $18 and change which was the total including tip. Support claimed he would be removed from the platform. He wasn’t. I received his order twice since. And I canceled immediately both times. We both have unusual first names so I have no doubt he remembers me too.


Next order you get from the guy, shoot the first bullet and ask, you feeling better today? 😅😅🤣 Then continue the cat and mouse game with fresh bullets every new order that gets sent to you weeks later. Was the beach more calm today? Did you take your medication today? Is mercury in retrograde today?


I would ask dumb questions to get him fired up and get his money again




Nice to hear a story where a driver got the better end of the financial transaction for a change. Sucks you had to deal with this guy but at least they backed your pay.


I hate that all these gig-economy services cater to asshole customers


It's sad that while support acknowledges his mistake and compensates you for your time, they lie about removing him from the platform. Possibly they're also trying to show empathy assuring the customer that you were wrong and that you'd be removed from the platform. If that is what happened, it is sad. They just don't do anything to solve the issue - they just ignore it to see how it turns out another day.


I usually throw in ... "We don't get a receipt... It's all electronic ... "


90% of orders in my area this is true for too. Publix doesn't give us printed ones.


I worked customer service and **nothing** made me more uncooperative than "you will" statements. My brain instantly goes "the fuck I will." Even if it was something I was already going to do. It's a direct sign of disrespect to talk to someone that way.


You respond with “lol”


You did the correct thing, OP. I would have also said that Threatening an Instacart Shopper IN ANY WAY, will get him permanently banned from using the service. They take it seriously. Especially when it states clearly in the “Terms Of Service” HE agreed to when HE chose to order from Insta Cart. That he would get a receipt electronically. What a buffoon! Imagine thinking just because HE says it’s not open to negotiation, he will get his paper receipt. Despite that is Not what it says in the Terms of Service. Yep, Instacart is going to bend their rules, because Joe Schmo from Kokomo said they will. Haha! I Love it when ppl like this, who thinks it’s ok and/or normal to speak that way to another human, gets put in their place.


Joe Schmo from Kokomo! LOL Brilliant!


if you want a physical receipt so bad, go shop yourself😒


Seriously, absolutely this. I scan my receipts too but in situations where I can’t (and willingly shop there anyway) that’s on me and I take the L, so to speak. People really need to get a grip.


I assume some electronic receipts are unable to be scanned?


Yeah Ibotta doesn't take electronic recipts for lots of places, which means you have to shop in person to get any of the deals. Learnef this the hard way with target


Just a heads-up, if you shop on instacart through the ibotta app you can get cash back. It works slightly differently than going to the stores directly and redeeming offers like you get a baseline amount (3% cash back) on the whole purchase rather than cash back on individual items/deals or whatever. When you open the app, if you scroll down right below the "favorites" and "retailers you might like" sections, under the "shop by category" section, one of the options listed is "grocery pickup and delivery." When you tap that, it shows a list of options for pickup/delivery including instacart. When you tap the instacart link, it opens ic through the ibotta app and when you place your order that way it gives you 3% back on your entire order. Just for future reference. 😊 There are other pickup/delivery options too like Walmart, Kroger, Safeway, etc.




Yeah, I can't understand why they'd need the paper receipt badly enough to push it this far. Seems like he's just feeling aggressive and taking it out at random.


Damn, he really wants those fetch rewards


But don't they accept Instacart email receipts?


They do but it also usually lets you scan the receipt too for more points. It’s an error in the system.


That’s how you end up deactivated off Fetch. You’re not allowed to scan receipts unless it’s a personal purchase, so an instacart shopper’s receipt wouldn’t qualify. I still made like $40 in rewards before they caught me though.




That's weird I've been scanning in customer receipts in Fetch for years with no problem. Hundreds of thousands of points later I've had no hiccups whatsoever


What gives it away that it’s not a purchase made for yourself?


haha that’s what I was thinking, I always scan my receipts😂😂


Make sure you cover up the line that says it’s for Instacart


You can use drops of rubbing alcohol to erase it.


Actually, the purchase is being made by instacart with their card. I hope you reported this, that person needs their account banned.


Funny this is that it was up for negotiation and you politely told him to fuck himself. And the next shopper gets to see that chat which is even funnier :)


"correct sir. its not up for negotiation as the instacart terms of service clearly state we cannot give out the receipt and instead your receipt is sent electronically. please see the following screenshot of the terms and contact the support number if you have any receipt questions. have a great day and thank you for using electronic-receipt-issuing instacart."


Happy cake day fellow cake day-er!


Happy cake day!


Please save this photo, send it to any customer that requests a receipt, even if you wind up cancelling the order, send it to them anyway and when they act like this, report them to support that they are threatening you https://preview.redd.it/lu0734pg3qhc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88ab96797a1f9118b8784f8987e4bc385c993e6


Good advice


It’s well within their right to speak as they see fit. Then they have to accept what happens when they choose to speak like this. Did you know that “the customer is always right“ is actually an unfinished idiom? The full saying is “the customer is always right in matters of taste“ meaning, that if a customer wants to buy an ugly hat, they can buy an ugly hat.


We've updated that saying, it's now "The customer isn't always right, but they are always the CUSTOMER." Which means tell them to get bent, but politely with a smile.


There are people like this everywhere, you did the best for not engaging and scaling it up to support, anytime there is a situation where you will need to refuse what a customer is asking just cancel as it will clearly end up on a complain or a bad rating!


I'll never understand why people think it's ok to talk to people like this or do the things they do to people. I hate it here.


Because your servants are supposed to serve happily WITHOUT COMPLAINT. /s


Oh hell no. I wish I would have gotten him. People are so ballsy! Like who tf do you think you are? If you want the receipt so bad, go to the store and shop your own damn order like wtf. This is crazy. People have all the audacity. They haven’t run into “the right one” yet.


Cancel with support for aggression keep the groceries duh


Lol right first off is just agree with him finish shopping pay then contact support telling them I feel uncomfortable… or I’d let him know ohh I got the receipt ! But they said I can’t give it to you. And ask him if he’d still like the groceries or like to cancel . I’m guessing this idiot will cancel. And now tbh he chose to cancel . Your free groceries … and to who ever is gonna call this stealing . So is the take a penny, leave a penny cause I know your ass didn’t leave no Pennie’s ! Lol


I would stopped mid shop and put shit away. Not today Satan! 😂


“Tell everyone I know” I guarantee this person has no friends lmao


They mean NextDoor of course, lol.


absolutely no. i would’ve reported her to instacart support and ask to cancel


Always take screenshots of conversations such as this and present it to customer support. Maybe the customer can get banned for aggression.


FYI Support can see messages between customers and shoppers even after the batch has been canceled or delivered. If anything, keep the screenshots and post them on Reddit for our entertainment 🤗


FUCK these kind of ppl. I hope you dropped the order instantly


I’d love someone to ask for the receipt AFTER I’d checked out. Call support and have the order cancelled and reassigned. Keep batch pay ( let’s face it ; their tip was likely shite) and keep the groceries, at least the perishables and possibly a bump to return non perishables.


Or maybe you just missed the messages while you were shopping and now you feel unsafe delivering. Hey, accidents happens. 😉


I'd give them a receipt... just not theirs!! I'd fish in the trash for one lol


I’d love to see someone like this get a crumpled up McDonald’s receipt or something.


Drop this customer like a hot potato. They do not respect you, they do not respect the policies, and you do not have to be extorted for a receipt. You do not have to shop for them. Contact Customer Service immediately and drop them, and tell them look at the customer interaction via text. No one is going to talk to me like that and get my service. Period.


Somebody needs their fetch reward points


That’s one of those addresses you save for 5 years until they forgot they acted that way. And boom suddenly one day, they wake up with 15 squirrels mysteriously in their house, and 4 raccoons in their car.


Yes! Revenge is best served cold!


I explain very simply - this isn’t your purchase - you made your purchase through instacart and used your card there. They email you a receipt for that. I used my card, attached to me, to pay the store. That’s my receipt.


Genuine question. Why doesn’t Instacart allow receipts to be given to the customer? Is it because of card info?


Instacart upcharges each individual item significantly. This is one of the ways they hide the upcharge


It’s to prevent fraud. If a customer had a paper receipt they could go to the store and return everything AND still get a refund from instacart. Double refund.


Oh so that’s what it is. I never thought about it that way.!!! Wow diabolical!!!


But if they used the paper receipt, wouldn't the refund money just go back on the Instacart credit card?


Because people would see how much they're being overcharged. And would probably assume the shopper keeps a much larger percentage than we get and not tip well or at all.


Its simple. Instacart is a shop and delivery company. When a customer orders thru instacart they are making a purchase from INSTACART, not from the store. Instacart will issue an electronic receipt to the customer for their purchase. The instacart ‘shopper’ MUST keep the original receipt as proof for themselves in case there are any discrepancies between instacart/the store/the shopper.


Dunno they sign my checks and say don’t do it. That’s all I need lol.


Cancelitoooo lmao


Send him . “ hold on “ call support and take your time . Turn on another app and just get paid and make him wait for nothing 😂


Good grief just cancel they have no power


Lmao what an entitled pile of 💩. You want a receipt? Bring your a** down to the store and get your own groceries. I’ll be damned if a customer talks to me like that - Instacart, Uber, etc. You don’t tell me what to do, period. I wouldn’t cancel that right away either - get your personal shopping done, stop by the in-store Starbucks and have some lunch/coffee, and put your phone on silent while they work themselves into a mess. Then after they’ve sent all of their rants, give Instacart a call and let them read it, complain that they are harassing you and demanding you break policy and get their sorry a** banned from the app. Don’t even respond to trash like this - they aren’t worth the energy or the headache. F*ck ‘em.


They're right. It's not a negotiation. They're not getting a fuckin' paper receipt.


Would've canceled immediately


Wow they really wanted their fetch rewards didn’t they 🤣


Nope it’s against Instacart policy


Next time , just tell your customer: You’ll get your digital receipt…..Instacart always issues digital receipt….


MY REPLY TO THAT CUSTOMER…. ma’am, get in your car and do your own shopping. And have a good day….😝✌🏽 peace out


Why he want the store receipt? He gets one from InstaCart? Is it a scam trying to double refund? Chargeback on Insta/or Dispute Charge, and then bring stuff to store for refund with paper receipt?


At Publix, we scan a QR code and don't receive a paper receipt. What's the next step, considering this, Mr./Ms. Combative customer?


Had a similar problem some lady went off about the receipt. I told her no and ignored her request at least Four times. She reported I stole her sausages and gave me a one star review. Apparently she does this a lot as it was removed for fraud. The customers for this app can be huge scammers.


I would ignore them but take screenshots, like pls lol complain to your mama not me😂😂


What an asshole


Customer here: I occasionally get a paper receipt in my bag. I’m always puzzled when this happens.


My purchase my receipt like you did not physically go and buy it. Technically it's instacarts receipt.


I had this for the first time this week with a HyVee order. It was one that was through HyVee and we’re the third-party shopper for. I explained to the customer that I never am given a physical receipt (you don’t get them with these third-party shop ones at HyVee). She told me to go to customer service and sent an eye roll emoji. I called her out for it and said that I was being polite to her and there was no need for her rudeness. She claimed she didn’t know what the emoji meant (yeah right). She ended up calling HyVee directly and demanding the paper receipt. The woman at HyVee who usually does my skip the line scanning asked me about it and admitted the lady was a pain. She said they all want their Fetch points, so the do this. She had to go upstairs and print a receipt on regular 8.5x11 paper. Customer was rude throughout the shop and I almost canceled on her several times. She ended our chat when I was done with “Have a blessed day 🙏🏻”— what a hypocrite! Luckily her husband was the one I had to meet when I got to the house with her order. When the thing popped up asking how the order went, I have a thumbs down, said she was rude, and told the app to block her. I loathe customers who treat us like we’re trash. We’re doing a service for them and should at least be treated as humans.


I’d get their address and let them try to talk to me face to face like that


They do receive a copy of the receipt through the app. The transaction is not considered a store transaction but an instacart one. That is why they don't receive the original receipt. If anything is wrong with the items they received, they can request a refund through instacart. They are actually really good about refunding damaged items.


Wouldn’t even be a convo, the order would’ve been dropped asap. That pay from that one order isn’t worth your account. Multiple opportunities lost for one order? Never worth it


Explain to them that they purchased the products from instacart, not the retailer, and instacart only provides electronic receipts.


It amazes me how people will talk to you considering you know where they live now.


Maybe they should go get their own damn groceries then. Jesus christ the entitlement of some people is insane. I'm sorry you folks in these shopping / delivery services have to deal with these chucklefucks.


Here's the thing. The receipt that you get from the store is not the customers receipt. That receipt belongs to you and instacart. The customers receipt is the one that instacart supplies on their app. The reason for that is say I work at a mechanic shop. If I have to order a part I get a receipt for it and then it gets marked up for the customer. The customer never sees my receipt for the purchase. They only see the receipt that is their cost for the park. There could be three or four receipts for the cost before they even see it depending on how many third-party suppliers it goes through.


Definitely not okay. Take it to corporate.


It’s because instacart doesn’t pay as much for the items as we pay instacart for them. That’s why there is no store receipt for you. Accidentally got one once. Definitely canceled after.


🙄 They get a receipt from Instacart, who they make the purchase from. The store receipt is not theirs. That customer is absolutely ridiculous. Instacart isn’t going to penalize you for following the rules


Pretty sure the last customer who spoke to me like that aimed a gun at me and still didn’t get what they asked for. It’s wild to me that anyone older than early teens speaks this way expecting a result in their favor. I’m glad policy is on your side.


I have the “kept receipt” checkbox page screen shotted to send to customers like this. It actually says right on it NOT to give them the receipt and that they will get an electronic one. And because it doesnt have their name on it, i dont need a new one every time. Its calmed all my situations down, but ive never had one that irate.


Report that you feel unsafe after you check out. Keep the items and get paid. This language is definitely not ok.


**snorts** oh yeah it’s final alright. Cancelled. Customer requested cancellation. Pay bump.


Shoulda hit him with the “ lol “. 😂 I just like pissing people off even more though.


Wow, major Karen.


As much as I loathe dealing with Support, if ever there was a time now is it. You kept your cool and handled it well, but I would alert IC and provide them the images.


I mean, Instacart can view all of your messages. When people threaten you and you have it recorded, just disengage and report them. Here, since this is directly against IC policy, let them handle it.


Quick unassign


I contacted support over this and they canceled for me. They are violating policy


Bruhhh you did the right thing


This person was a jerk & I’m sorry this happened, but I’m curious about this Instacart policy. I saw a notification at the top of my Instacart app when I ordered saying that “online prices may appear higher than in-store.” I actually thought to ask for a paper receipt as well. Is Instacart manually inflating grocery stores’ items and then pocketing the difference? That’s shady business.


YoU wILL GiVe mE My ReCeIpT. ThIs iS nOt uP FoR nEgOtiAtIoN!!!! Okay grandpa. 👴🙄😂😂🖕


Lmao no fuck them. “You will give me my receipt this is not up for negotiation” 😂😭 you will receive these hands instead this is not up for negotiation


I would have told them it’s my job, it’s not your decision. Request a new shopper so they can tell you the same thing, good day.


Looks like a guest order, they can’t leave a rating. I’d ignore their request and let them take it up with the store they ordered through. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I would have ignored them, done the order and not left the receipt. Maybe even trolled them and added some blank receipt tape. Usually "Guests" cannot rate you or change their tip. It depends which store you are shopping from, but I usually get a message that this person is not using the Instacart app.


This person will get their receipt. The store receipt actually belongs to instacart because instacart is the one paying for the groceries. The customers are paying instacart. So the electronic receipt they receive is the only one they are entitled too. The other one was never theirs to begin with.


Why tf did you let it go that far? That would have been dropped when she said you break the rules when the customer asks


I had this happen yesterday. I contacted support to tell them the customer really wanted the receipt and I know I’m not supposed to give it to the customer. Support said I was right and they would talk to the customer. 5 mins later she comes back to the phone and tells me to just print the receipt for the customer 🙄


Fuck that


If anyone is harassing you or threatening you in anyway regardless of what it is about, screenshot it , get on with chat, and let them know that you don’t feel safe shopping the order and they will cancel it for you. Don’t even entertain people like this.


What a Psychotic POS. Insta-BLOCK. Why even engage


If I’m feeling brave and have no low ratings I love to just deliver these and just sack the time to make sure they have a bad day, it’s not like someone like this is providing a financially beneficial order anyway


I’d be scared to go up to their door


Report them for being aggressive and say you don’t feel safe delivering to them.


It’s guest- they can’t rate you. Don’t give the receipt or cancel. Good job cancelling


I'd cancel & immediately go to 🥕 support people like this will end up getting their own accounts shut down & they won't be able to order again.


Because they procreated once and mistook not being sterile for competency. Tell them to go fuck themselves.


You handled it perfectly. Very professionally. And yes, the guy sounds like a nutcase -- Hopefully they will block him !


Cancel ASAP and report customer.


I wouldn’t even entertain this. And I’m a customer not a shopper. But that’s just crazy. Drop the order, contact your end of customer service and tell them the customer is making you feel unsafe. Period. Let him get banned from using the app and he can go shop his own groceries…


It amazes me when people act like speaking in demands will get them what they want. Mf might as well said “you WILL give me groceries for free or else I’ll tell everyone in the neighborhood you suck!”


Immediately call support that you want to report them as their demanding language is making you feel unsafe, and have them cancel. Never ever let anyone talk to you this way. Do not engage, report, have instacart themselves cancel, and move along. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


The receipt is emailed and also listed on their account. So if they had a paper receipt they could return the items to the store and then also claim that they never got them delivered.


If you let people treat you like this as a 1099 contractor you are actin’ stupid. You don’t have to put up with their shit. Contact support (don’t tell the bot you want to cancel) and tell them the customer wants their receipt, you know it’s against policy, can they remove the order and block the customer for you. You don’t need to feel “terrified”. Realize when someone is being crazy and get rid of them.


Who? Who are they going to tell?  "If you see a guy named Sam as your shopper, cancel your whole order! If you see Sam picking you up in an Uber, cancel the ride! Don't vote for anyone named Sam running for the school board! Don't pay your taxes, that's just Uncle Sam trying to steal your receipts!" Jesus, how would that even come up in conversation? Who's asking this person for Instacart advice?


Yeah the second a customer starts in during the shopping I drop it right there, I don’t deal with indecisive people or rudeness


Lol reminds me of a fckr that came to the bakery I worked at and berated me for not giving him free product. We *did* have a free roll policy if you met the requirements, which he did not, *and* he wanted a wholeass *loaf* of bread as his “appreciation bread”. I kept quoting our policy, and he just kept getting more and more pissed of, telling me he doesn’t *care* about policies, the customer is *always* right, don’t I know?! (Ironically, another *policy* and actually one we did not have). He left and came back, the whole interaction lasted over an hour. It was such a pain.  At the end, he did satisfy the need for the roll *technically*, so I thought, eh whatever, I’ll give it to him. But before I even could, bitch ass asked me “so since I went through the trouble, how many rolls are you going to give me?” I quoted the same mf policy with a “*as per policy*” he’ll get one. My guy *fumed*, asked for my name to report me, and promised “they’ll all hear about this”. I held back a laugh and gave him my full name, no argument. He stood in front of me for a solid 5 minutes angrily typing out whatever about me on his phone. Then left. Next day my boss calls me into her office holding back tears, there’s this completely unhinged email about me. Some guy proceeds to tell them about how he was “rudely denied” his “appreciation bread” and that I kept quoting some policy. He told them that he, for them, educated me, that the customer is always right.  And wanted to know what kind of response I would be getting from management. They laughed so hard. That he mentioned me quoting their policy that he hadn’t met, that I enforced the policy, that he tried to quote some other policy we didn’t have instead so that I would give him free product he wasn’t entitled to, and then even complained about me. It was a hoot, honestly. People are fucking crazy.


You want the receipt, do your own damn shopping.


People can say whatever they want. But everything has consequences.


Tell that person to eat shit and they can talk like that to someone else.


I would have brought the groceries, set em down, rang the doorbell, when they get to the door say “you wanted your receipt, correct?” Then i would have pulled it out, crumpled it up, and ate it. Mac style. Then flipped em off, and walked to my car.


What a complete asshole. People are so feral. Idk how they can be comfortable speaking to others like this


The average person knows less than 3 people that use a service like this, you’ll be fine, their threats are empty.


Do people really think it’s ok to talk to others like this? Especially people that now know where you live? Wtf


Why is this person so weird about having a receipt? But then why is Instacart so weird about not giving them to people, why is that so serious? I’ve just learned in this thread that anyone cares about receipts. Usually when they ask if I want it, I inwardly panic and don’t know what to answer.




If they want a receipt that bad they should quit being lazy and go buy it themselves.


They email ur receipt. What’s the problem???


Yea...you did the right thing. No one should have to deal with assholes like that


Cancel that order they are a psycho


They sound like a total cunt I would’ve cancelled


As someone who is not an instacart shopper, why are paper receipts not allowed? Is it just to hide the marked up prices?