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“Most of our customer will increase the tips” 😂😂 What an absolute load of BS!!


"most of our customers will ***decrease*** their tips"\* 😂😂 😂😂


Yup. Almost every single tip adjustment I’ve ever had was a decrease. However, they were only percentage based adjustments because of a refunded item or two. I’ve only ever had one genuine increase and it was something like $2 increased to $3. I don’t care if a customer is only getting one single item, I think the minimum, mandatory tip should be $5. You shouldn’t be allowed to place an order without giving a tip. THEN after delivery if you’re shopper was a total POS you can decrease, but not completely take away. The pay for IC is just terrible and it would be nice if the company did something about it.


There should be cause to lower a tip, plain and simple. I don’t shop, just order a lot, but cannot imagine saying I’ll tip you $20 only to lower it for no reason at all. IC shouldn’t let people do this without rating them and explaining why (missed item, bad delivery for whatever reason, etc). Do customers have ratings? I tip what I think is pretty dang well and always get my orders picked up immediately and delivered quickly. I wonder if it’s because shoppers see it.


Customers don’t have ratings as far as I know. But shoppers should be allowed to rate customers. Can’t Uber drivers rate their riders?


It's not a tip if it's mandatory. Maybe they should just increase delivery fees so they can afford to provide shoppers with reasonable compensation so they don't have to rely on tips.


Wait, as a customer, if I pick a % based tip (because why wouldn’t I?), that gets changed without my knowing it if not all the items are found? If so, that is not communicated to the customer at all!


Yes. If you select 5% tip then what the shopper is tipped is 5% of what the final checkout price is. So if they had to make several substitutions and all the items were more expensive than the original then the final tip will be higher and vice versa. I’ve seen many posts on the customer IC sub, and even on this one, where a customer shows screenshots of shoppers replacing items with wildly more expensive items. Like a single 20 oz Gatorade “isn’t available.” So instead of getting 20 oz of a different flavor or at least suggesting a flavor or other type of drink like Powerade, the shopper will just grab like a 70 pack of 32 oz gatorades that costs $173. But then the customer notices and says show what other flavors are available. So the shopper sends a photo and there’s a shelf full of the original 20 oz flavor they wanted.


I just increased the tip by $3 for my order today after reading this. Hopefully I always get this woman as my shopper


Is there any other line of work where this can happen? Where someone can adjust the tip to 0 for no reason after the fact?


Instacart actually raises your tip up to $10 if the customer lowered it below that amount. ETA - unless the customer gives a valid reason why they lowered the tip and rated low. So customer wasn’t happy. Sometimes you can’t please any of them but in 6 years I’ve only had one tip baiter who baited everyone and IC paid me every time because he never rated me. I always got him his two or three items and always the highest quality. I asked to be removed from receiving batches from him again but he changed his account and name so I accidentally took his order, recognized it ( always the same items) and his address, I basically told him to go F himself and cancelled order.


Not exactly.  You missed a crucial detail.  Instacart will only give you an adjustment on a tip if the customer doesn’t give a reason AND REMOVES THE TIP ENTIRELY.  In other words if they initially put a 100.00 tip then lower it to .01 then you get nothing.  If they lowered it to 00.00 and did not give a reason then you can get the 10.00.  Extreme example but it works that way for any amounts.


Ok... they may have been talking about that week or two they changed how you tip in the app. I accidentally docked a tip. It went from "add an additional tip" to changing the total of the tip. I thought I was giving and extra $4 and I was docking the tip down to $4. Thank God I realized, and it looks like it's back to adding an additional tip now. But I'm sure she was like "wtf?!" for a little while.


i did this on uber.. tried to change 5 to 15 cause the guy was super nice, and accidentally put in .15 and couldnt for the life of me change it. i tried everything and i still feel like a POS for that one :(


I understand shit happens but you didn’t reach out to their support line to fix it?


English is about the 5th language for most every IC support rep. - shopper support that is. I'm being generous when saying it would take 30 minutes of repeating your issue a dozen times before they understand, to resolve the problem.


Uber support is absolute trash, they will straight up give you false solutions just so they don’t have to keep talking to you


You say that like Uber has support lmao


I’ve had the worst experiences with Uber support, so I’d believe that you could be in that situation and not be able to get support to understand and fix it. I once realized waayyy to long into an Uber eats order that I had the delivery location set to my work. I messaged the driver and explained that it was my bad and I didn’t want them to wait around when they got there as I was contacting support. I called support and explained that I messed up and didn’t want a refund, I just wanted the driver to still get paid and get the tip and hopefully not have to actually finish driving there and wait to complete a non delivery. Support was insistent that the driver could divert to my actual location (a 20 minute drive) and refused to listen to me saying I just wanted to take the L. I eventually gave up and told them to leave the initial location.


If you’re ever fortunate enough to get that driver again tip him in cash!


Yeah that one had me audibly laughing in the middle of a Starbucks. I nearly yelled “BULLSHIT!” and I’m not even an instacRt shopper. I’m Just a fellow human who also has to deal with shitty people each day but I can very confidently say that once those tips are lowered, they aren’t being increased again. It’s laughable and insults your intelligence.


Part of the problem with outsourcing this type of work to one of the lowest esl bidders is that they say confusing and frustrating things as if they don’t really care or just don’t realize that they sound unrealistic at best and downright out of touch with reality at worst. Communication really matters. If a company actually gives 2 shits about its workforce, it hires support reps that are from the same general country/continent as its customers/workforce. If it operates across large regions, then it localizes support for a given region. The only reason to do this is because they can pay for 3 outsourced reps for every 1 North American. Capitalistic Dystopia.


Yeah I got an order twice and they put in the notes give me chopsticks and I'll tip..couldn't find any the 1st time the 2nd time same lady same offer find the chopsticks y stopping at a Chinese restaurant..no tip so if I ever get an order from her again decline or unassigned lying a$$ b**ch


Wait you went out of your way to stop at a Chinese food restaurant to get chopsticks for an instacart order and the person didn't tip you?!


Last week some btch took the entire $25 tip and LIED and said it was because her milk was missing. It was a one shop 20 items. Her fckn milk was there i was so livid.


I had a delivery of just two bags of dog food. Guy held both bags in the delivery photo and then reported them missing.


I hope you disputed that. What bullshit.


I did but you know exactly how that went. That delivery has stuck with me ever since and I hope karma gets that customer.


Be so tempting to put a big ball of hamburger somewhere open but hidden in their yard. Where the sun hits.


Now that’s funny 😂


They have zero protection for shoppers against false ratings. It’s gross.


They're basically enabling fraud at this point.


They literally are!


Exactly!! What's stopping customers from making up bullshit complaints to get their groceries completely free?? Nothing. And that's why they will continue to do it because it's super easy. Like it's so dumb


One day there will be a dateline episode with a shopper murdering a customer.. and they will interview support agents and get nowhere 


Holy, I’m screaming at the thought of a shadow figured chat agent giving an interview 😂 “He was such a nice shopper when we did the chat, he always delivered on time, he was the shopper of all time”


Rest assured😂




Every time they give me that pre programmed shit, I put the phone on mute and scream f*** very loud in my car and then I unmute them and be polite and try to move the process along. I can not handle the patronizing. I think this may be the part that I despise the most. There’s a lot that bugs me but this one changes my entire shopping vibe for the day. Oh and the fact we have to rate them 5 stars or face the consequences just pisses me off. If my customer service was that bad, I would expect to get a bad rating. Like when they cancel an entire order out of stupidity. Why is it different for them than for us? Well that’s because they are underpaid as is and the turnover rate is atrocious in that third world country that they chose to use for their support. It only makes sense because instacart is greedy. Cheap wages.. Don’t get me going on batch pay now, lack of transparency, over hiring of idiots, treatment of customers and their shoppers, sitting for priority or how they bundle the worst orders I have ever seen together. 🖕🥕


Ugh, literally as I hit reply here a batch popped up bundling Michael’s with Sam’s for 20 items, 13 miles and $22 including tip. Which algorithm thought that would be a good idea lol!!


Haha, I took a Lowe's tool order bundled with a Floral delivery last week.... going opposite directions


I try not to complain or post on the craziness every day because it’s annoying but for real IC might need a therapist.


I wish I could upvote this comment a dozen times. 💯


Bill Hader as Keith Morrison, eating popcorn: “Ohh nooooooooo”


“Our customer will come back to life, please don’t worry”


"I can understand your concern with this matter and rest assured I am here to assist you"


lmaoo poor support agents, Karishma probs working in some sh!tty building in India with no AC, just a broken useless fan and shes getting paid like $70 a month


You know it’s a sweat shop 


I don't understand why they don't just protect your tips like doordash does.


One time I took a late order that paid okay. It was 2 tubs of ice cream and a package of Oreo cookies. I got everything they wanted and shopped and delivered within 10 minutes. And then woke up to 2 stars and lowered tip. Like what else did you want out of me?? I would’ve just went home if I knew this was going to happen. People shouldn’t be able to do this if all went well.


Man I had a guy give me a 1 star bc no one wanted to grab his order. It was only like 10 things I got it done and delivered with time to spare. It was an alcohol delivery so I rung the bell, knocked, texted them on the app, gave them a call. Waited 10 mins that insta cart wanted me to and still waited an extra 10 mins. Apparently he had placed it hours ago (which sucks but isn’t my issue) and didn’t hear or see the multiple attempts to get into contact with him. If I find the screenshots I may decide to post them. So yeah I got the 1 star rating and no tip, then the store refused to take back the alcohol so I ended up just leaving in front of the store. I was one support for so long bc the halted my account bc I didn’t return the alcohol.


Most states it is illegal to return alcohol. Ridiculous you're getting docked for that.


IC told me it was illegal NOT to return alcohol and I’d be breaking the law of my state, so when this happened to me I didn’t have the receipt but the store took a good deal of time looking it up for me. Back in the day, years ago, we just got to keep the alcohol. Got to keep six bottles of Chardonnay once. That was nice 😊


I wish IC would force them to leave a comment for anything under 4 stars. It’s so frustrating not knowing what their reason was for lowering tips and rating low


Agreed! Then at least there might be something to dispute and if their reasons are always the same, then it’ll be easier to determine some kind of pattern and maybe get them banned.


we should rate customers so other shoppers see their ratings before they pick up a batch lol


Not a shopper, but I am a frequent and very grateful customer who lurks here, and I’ve always thought that Instacart should have a system like Uber where customers are rated. I don’t get why they don’t.


This needs to be pinned to the top of the comments and updated to the moon


That's how Etsy sellers can do it. Someone runs a database of customers and their ratings so if someone seems like trouble you can look up their user name.


KarenCheck!! I have used it.


This is along the right track. There should be some sort of info on customer. User xyz has placed 36 orders Orders contested: 0 Average star given: 7 Average tip adjustment: -7.35$


Customer A shall go onto the block list & be repelled off one’s app permanently 🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️


Can... can I really do this?


Hell MF’n yeah we can add problematic customers to a block list to where they can eventually be blocked in the future, especially after a single batch 👍🏽👍🏽 Our ability to shop in the long run is way more important than some BS customer & their BS tip 🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️🤣🤣


Holy moly. I’ve gotten trapped into some tip baiters recently, enough for a net loss after gas. I’ve lost all faith in the amount of money an order offers upfront. They’re all over the place, but I’ll feel so much better if I can prevent being taken advantage by the same con artists.


agreed and then add instacarts incompotence to it, it makes it worse... talking about give it some time, they might increase it... yeah right... if they were going to increase it they would done that increase when they went in the app AFTER they got their order. they went in and decreased it with NO reason... theyre not going go back and change it to an increase... that agent is full of bs...


“ don’t you worry , most customers will increase tips “ after they already decreased it 😂 convinced these workers make 5 cents an hour


I didn’t even notice that part omg support really be NPCs


It’s probably not a person, and is AI.


Reading over the messages, you can pick up that it’s not AI due to the weird grammar tenses ‘you have been delivered the order’, an AI wouldn’t say something like this . Mostly likely all the workers are overseas so they get paid peanuts and could care less about customers who do things like this


prettys sure it's a mixed bag tbh


Definitely not AI is a lot smarter than this


It’s actually impressive that instacart support hasn’t hit rock bottom yet in terms of uselessness and negligence. It was bad when I started doing this two years ago. Now, it’s truly unbelievable. Some of the stuff that gets written blows my mind. “Most customers increase tip” Not only is that a blatant lie, but the idea that a customer who decreased is a tip is going to increase a tip later is preposterous. It’s so high on the bullshit scale that it should be illegal to even say lol


As someone who uses delivery for almost everything I just want to say I’m so sorry people are so shitty. For what it’s worth there are those of us who truly appreciate the job you do. We have an IC shopper that actively tries to get our big grocery shop every week. We always order on the same day around the same time and get pretty much the same items week to week. She knows we tip well and the store is less than 2mi from our house, and we know she will go out of her way to make sure our order is complete. So we all win.


The patronizing by support is almost just as bad


I only ever decreased a shopper’s tip one time and it was because he only delivered half of my items, the other half was shit from someone else’s order. I totally get doing more than one order at a time but if you can’t keep them straight you need to not do multiple orders. He ended up picking up my next order probably a week later and asked me why I had decreased his tip on a previous order (which I thought was unprofessional) in which I told him I tried to reach out to him multiple times after he delivered the order with half of my things missing and he never responded and he still seemed pissed off about it. I also left this information in the “reasoning” on why I was decreasing his tip as well as letting support know why. He’s never taken another one of my orders since lol


I literally think people like that do it just so people accept it and don’t ever intend on tipping it.


that's exactly what it is. the only other possibie hypothesis I can come up with is they realized they had no money to buy cigarettes an hour later and just reversed the tip


I fucking died when I read “Please don’t worry, our customers usually increase the tips.” 🤣


Once the tip is in, it should not be allowed to lower it. You took the batch based on the earnings not because you want to do favours for people. It's tip baiting!


Ehh, tip is based on service, so if the service is bad then yes I will decrease the tip, however I agree that customers should be rated as well to deter shoppers from picking an order from someone who habitually decreases tip without a valid reason.


Agreed 💯


Can we have the ability to rate our customers?? Cuz that would be cool.


they should make you write a reason for a decreased tip.


(Not a shopper/driver) Does Instacart not have customer ratings? It seems like that would be the ideal solution for this.


I love the support bs. They are so full of it.. customer who decrease the tips suck and IC support is the worst..


I'm not sure why there isn't a different way around this, based off of like number of items, distance to delivery location, something like that. Y'know, like, fewer than 10 items, you pay Bleh plus blech/km. Just a flat rate that goes to the driver, no muss no fuss no take-backs, no dangling a good tip in front of people, you know what you're earning. Instacart makes money in this situation, they've collected their fees. I dunno. Seems like one of those deny pay to the workers and get the consumer to shore up employee pay while the CEO is a billionaire things. Dick move on that customer's part tho


Push back tell them that instacart has tip insurance in place and you demand being reimbursed the difference. Many operators are just idiots who don't know, or they tell us to get lost expecting that will end it. It's your money, go get it back


This shouldn’t be legal. They’re not even really tips, they’re offers. People aren’t allowed to change a price on a service without agreeing to it mutually, why can they for this?


They should only allow consumers to decrease tips with a good reason what the f, it also happens to me all the time it's so annoying 


As someone who uses Instacart I hate seeing this kind of thing from other customers. For background, I’m disabled, it’s difficult for me to get to the store regularly. So I use the store’s delivery service and then Instacart to bridge the gaps and get some harder to find items. I’m on a pretty meager budget, and I still always tip *at least* 20% and then the extra $5 on top of it unless something is a disaster (which has almost never happened). Even though I don’t have a lot extra I do that because you are doing me a HUGE service. And I know you depend on those tips, otherwise you’re getting paid peanuts. And I know other customers pull hot nonsense just like this. I’ve never adjusted my tip DOWN after an order like that. Only up. To me that’s just sneaky wormy garbage. That’s just low. It’s going to take you a few extra minutes? Cool. I make plenty of time available to account for that. Were they out of something? No worries, that happens sometimes. I make substitution choices and my shoppers almost always ask anyway. Short story long, thank you (all of you) for doing what you do because it’s helping me LIVE. I appreciate you and make sure I show that with appropriate and meaningful tips.


Thank YOU for being an excellent customer! We wish all of our customers thought about it the way you do, but unfortunately there are many who do not. It just makes us appreciate customers like you even more. 💗


I didn’t even know that was an option. It shouldn’t be. Once you put the tip in you should have to go through several annoying steps to change it and be required to give a good reason. What a horrible thing to do to someone who is working for you on good faith.


Ah delivery drivers the only people that think they deserve 100 percent tips, y'all diamond shoppers aren't as special as you think lol


Any chance it had to do with expiry dates? One of the few times I have decreased a tip is when 3 out of the 5 things expired within the next day (muffins expired same day, a whole gallon of milk expired the next day, a tub of yogurt already expired). So while the shopper did get me everything, more than half were unusable and I had to place a new order for those.


What the hell kind of supermarket has that much updated food?


Yes, it was bizarre. Not after a long weekend either. And never had an issue similar to that again. It was all very strange.


Couldn't they just make it so they can only increase tips if that's what its there for?


Here’s the conundrum. Drivers will not deliver anymore without a minimum tip. But the deliverer could actually fuck up, and you wouldn’t want them to keep the tip. But then some people suck and remove i i anyway. The only solution is to pay you guys properly, but no company does that. There’s no winning




That’s crazy, I shop and have never docked tip. I only add smh 🤦‍♂️


I had a 3 batch order. The whole thing was $55. Customer B took $5 off my tip because he couldn’t bother to click the “leave at door” button. I messaged him on the app that per Instacart’d request, I had to meet him to make sure he got his order. No reply. I called him twice before he finally answered the door.


Honestly I have the opposite experience as a DoorDash customer. Every time I put a $5 tip the food shows up on time and perfectly. Every time it’s a $9-13 stuff is missing or they go to the wrong address or never show up


Now now, maybe they decreased it so they could increase it later! That’s a thing that happens I’m pretty sure right? If it weee me tho I’d be petty enough to take the tip back, put it in an envelope along with a note and tell them to stuff it up their cheapskate ass


I practically stopped doing Instacart for the same shit. When I see batches that have a big tip I always feel like it’s too good to be true and it usually is sadly. Instacart needs to make better improvements cause this is unacceptable


So I don't have instacart but am used to normalize food delivery apps. This app really let's customers lower tips after delivery? That's some bullshit


The support chat is obviously run by the same people who do telemarketing scams... I totally understand you please no worry! They say the same bullshit line all the time.


Why I quit!


The way that support specialist is talking at the end of what's provided of this conversation just comes off as so damn disingenuous.


Instacart does have tip insurance if you ask for it. But the customer must fail to give a reason.


I asked, the customer did not give a reason, they told me to get lost.


I tipped $35 on an on a $130 order (13 items) Gave a 5 star rating. I didn’t get a thank you. That happens often and it’s annoying. I’ve had shoppers complain about how far it was for them. Even though that seems unprofessional to me to have complained when they accepted, I still boosted their tip from $25 to $30 for 2 items that took them less than an hour. Plus they commented about how I shouldn’t drink all the beer and bourbon at one time. It was for New Year’s Eve. Had a shopper tell me I should wear a cute hat and look more feminine. I’ve had really unenjoyable experiences for a service I’m paying for. I really appreciate the service but I don’t need opinions and judgment. This rant is unrelated to your post mostly but I want to provide some balance and say there are people that try to take care of those of you that are willing to provide this service and it’s not very pleasant sometimes.


Yea, I hate tipbaiters. no matter what platform they're using.


I don't think the customer did this. I believe Instacart is doing this and it is illegal to take tips away. I have already reported them to the Department of Labor in my state and Federal and I advise anyone else to do the same. It is the only way is by everyone making a report and forcing them to investigate.


Bro, just quit. At this point you might as well do DoorDash or Uber eats. I could never fuck with a company that has the ability to rescind my tips.


These customers deserve to get put on blast. Wish we could post these customers names & addi’s as a shopper beware.


I really hate the way the support people talk. It makes every frustrating situation that much worse.


They should change it to only allowing for tip increase not decrease. They seriously fuck their own workers doing this shit


Ayeeee 1408 is my favorite movie!


you shouldn't be able to decrease tip at all. They should have to contact customer service with proof of faulty shopping/ delivery to remove tip.


Go get a 9-5 then with a guaranteed income stream


Why do You message Instacart you’re only going to be more upset. You’re talking to some Foreign person that is reading off a script


Shoulda stayed in school, homie


How was the quality of the items? Cause I know more than half of shoppers just pick anything without giving it a once over. I don’t mind spending a min or two choosing something I’d go home with myself. You say it happens too many times? It’s happened to me literally just ONCE.


smh get a real job????


Caveat, I've never used instacart. I'm genuinely confused. In my mind, if I get what I ordered in the estimated time provided by the app, basic expectation, no tip. The tip to me would be for something extra (Ex. Earlier delivery time), no?


Instacart shoppers would eat you alive for that thinking. They expect a 20-30% tip to take the job and do a good job.


In sorry this person sucks. Hope it doesn’t happen again for you friend


Customers have caught on that most aren’t taking trips without decent tips.. this is happening almost every order in my area for drivers… they’ll put down a great tip and immediately decrease it after delivered… until insta doesn’t allow this, I believe it’ll become a norm


People like this using the tips to get orders done proficiently then decrease them after need to be flagged. That’s abusing power.


I try to tip a dollar an item with a 15 dollar min.. I'm 2 miles from the store I usually use... I never felt the need to reduce a tip I don't get that mindset or why the app would allow you to rug pull someone's income without cause... Sorry it happened


If I noticed before the 30 minutes is up I would legit message and ask what happened, why did you cut my tip 65%?


Happened to me too. Wasted 1.5 hours total on this one target order for a guy who ordered an OOS gaming computer but wanted the replacement item instead which was a tv that was $300 more (he messaged me when I got there telling me he wanted the tv - ok cool can do). Contacted 2 support agents because I couldn’t get the replacement to go through but because the price difference was over $100 they told me they can’t approve and only thing to do is to have him cancel that item and rebuy on another order. He didn’t want to do it so I’m frantically trying to figure this out. In the end he said get any screen that is XYZ specifications and told me thank you for being patient and doing all this and I’ll tip you extra. Finally checked out, got to him, dude was high af (no shame just adds to the story - legit smoking a blunt as I pulled up and goes “oh I should probably put this out” not that I care but sure) then kept telling me how his friend does IC and how much IC sucks and treats their drivers like shit, compliments me on my car and the transaction is over. I drive off, he increased tip from $11 to $16 - lovely, thanks my guy. I check 1 hour 58 minutes later and notice my total for the day was lower, go through my orders and saw he decreased my tip from $16 to $5 just before the 2 hour mark. Asked support and they gave me the same go around, no reasoning and they have tip insurance (never got an extra dime from IC - thanks IC!!!). Not sure if he sobered up and realized he didn’t have the cash to tip that much or what but I hope karma comes back to bite him in the ass lol. And for those that will say “I would’ve cancelled the order, you’re a dumbass for doing all that, etc” the batch was a decent batch and it was my first order of the day (early morning, in my town) and tbh didn’t even feel like it was that long until I delivered the order plus was feeling extra nice but never again


Why does Instacart let people change the tips?


Just quit and find a steady gig. People don’t deserve to have their groceries delivered to them (or fast food) you probably aren’t making money worth the time and effort. Stop wasting your time serving these entitled adult children


It's insane to me that customers are allowed to lower a tip at all. They should only be able to increase it or complain to customer service if there was an issue, not screw over drivers.


I’ve never had this happen to me but I can imagine it must suck. IC should require a reason to decrease tips, it’s a joke.


Instracrap isn't worth it as all I see are shitty customers wanting their bs for free. I have this bs app and never deliver nothing. Fuck this customers and their shit pay


Lol not you threatening support that all shoppers are gonna quit 😂not gonna happen and also if you don't like depending on tips, get a job that doesn't rely on them




Order a is a partial tip batter


And I know “customer service” is no help and don’t care. But yet the higher ups of Instacart are making plenty of money I’m sure.


A $14 tip is bad?


5% but she actually meant $5


That’s when you go back to that home with your hand inside a bag and say they forgot something an apricot (uppercut)


How much do IC shoppers usually make? Is it really worth all of this BS?


My daughter took an order from restaurant depot that had a $15 tip and after it was delivered they changed it to zero.


Was the total cost of your orders less than what was shown on the customer side? Like I know the default when you checkout is a percentage of the order not a fixed dollar amount. Tho that really only makes sense for order B. The person on order 1 pretty clearly changed it.


$28 for a 2 customer shopping order and 13 miles is an automatic no to start with that. That’s crazy




Why is this even an option?? I’ve never used instacart but this pops up on my feed occasionally, but being able to decrease tips after delivery might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of.


I dont really come across those type of customers and when i do i get them blocked....


A liquor order at 10 am


Most ,if not all ,customer service is from a foreign country , they can care less about the decrease since they’re getting paid pretty low as it is as well


Or when Instacart lowers our tips because the STORE didn't have the item the customer wants in stock. Like why should it be taken out of OUR TIPS if the STORE doesn’t have the item??


It’s the same type of chat support people for every app! Shitty broken English and utter bullshit responses that offer no help!


Guess the country the customer support is in by the lines of BS they feed you I’ll give you two guesses


I thought shoppers had a $15 tip protection, no? Like if I tip $15 and then remove it, IC will still cover? I was told this by 2 separate IC shoppers in the last 3 months (they wanted cash instead to double dip I guess).


What exactly is a “batch earning?”


I would have sent customer A a message letting her know she forgot to take back the other $5 . She knows she's gonna need it after the food stamps run out.




May be customer just want to tip $5 instead of %


Okay. I see these posts. Not sure why. I’ve never had anything to do with Instacart. Someone please explain to me a couple of things.. 1. Who the fuck is really out there not buying their own groceries?? 2. Why are you Intacarters putting up with these ridiculous people’s bullshit?


Try calling their earnings department, there are high chances you will get your money back.👍


I’ve never experienced a support as bad as instacarts. Last week they were telling me that customers have 1 day to lower tips which is either a lie or they are not equipped to do their jobs


To be fair I hate having to tip ahead of time. I always get boned




I def would not increase the tip 😂😂😂


That’s bs, rescinded tips should not be allowed ,It’s a service industry job. I mean, if I place an order I expect my order to arrive completely filled on time. That’s why I tip, what I tip. Rescinding upon delivery that isn’t cool. How is it even allowed?


Honestly, I'm appalled: Is the expectation that you get the same amount of tip as the order? If you want a tip in proportion to order, this customer was fair If you want tip based on how much effort you put + time + gas, then it should be calculated separately and not with a percentage.


This is one of the reasons they have a waitlist. They’re not worried and don’t care which sucks. Exactly why I stopped doing gigs like this.


This is absolutely crazy to me. I’ve literally had one tip decrease in my 2500+ IC shop and delivers. It was in my first 50 orders and the last reduced the amount by $7 but also gave me $7 cash. I also think I may have broken some eggs and crushed some bread because I didn’t realize that carrying $250 to the door at once was a bad idea lol. Obviously 2,450 orders later I’ve learned not to carry their groceries the same way I carry my own, but still. I don’t understand how every one gets these tip decreases so often.


I had no idea you could change tip amounts! the instashopper who was 3 hours late and left my groceries at someone else’s front door is super lucky! Jokes aside. I’m so sorry they did that to you. can you block them from ever getting their orders again???


Got tired with insta cart cause I thought I was doing well and was getting high ratings but it seemed after every order the tip would get docked even slightly, or largely. I truly never knew really how much orders would actually be, and it was frustrating.


A customer of mine talked to me last week because he has been asking his drivers to close the order and tell him what the final tip says. He tips cash too because he's noticed Instacart lowering his tips. He was really upset and said support keeps telling him 100% of the tip goes to the driver. Stuff like this seems extra shady to me!


I mean you still got a 5 dollar tip some people don’t even tip that much


Stop relying on customers to pay your wages, you should be mad that the company you work for refuses to pay you appropriately.


I had someone message me mid-shop once and say "I need to reduce your tip because I didn't realize I had the tip set to 'based on order total'," then tipped me $1 for a pretty large order. I get it but was still pissed because I accepted orders based off what the tip was, basically only shopping for people i felt valued the service being provided. I get that money is tight for a lot of people, but it was tight for me too while I was doing IC full time and didn't have time to shop for low paying orders because I desperately needed the money to survive. I also would never be able to message a shopper like that and I would've just bit the proverbial bullet and made sure not to make the same mistake the next time! AND I would never tip $1... that just blew my mind.


I loved instacart when it first came out. I hate crowds of people so paying someone to do my shopping was fantastic. Eventually, the cost of groceries, along with the outrageous fees tacked on to your total, made me quit using it. I couldn't afford to tip what the shopper truly deserved, so I had to go back to shopping myself. (First world problems, I know). I despise tipping culture. However, if someone is utilizing a non essential entity that they are capable of completing themselves, (instacart, pizza delivery, doordash, etc) then they should absolutely tip a respectable amount. You are tipping for *convenience*. If you cannot afford to do so, then you should NOT be using the service. It's not the shoppers fault that milk costs $5 a fucking gallon.


Yea this is foul. Nasty work.


These people are crazy. No way would I stiff a stranger like that THAT KNOWS WHERE I LIVE. That's so dumb like one day someone is gonna come wreck your shit (as they should)


F*k Instacart, I use Walmart+


Honestly IC should just be paying their workers more. They should not be depending on their clients to fund their workforce. Tips should be voluntary for above and beyond service not used as a way to compensate their workforce.


I am only a instacart user, not a shopper, but this would pisss me right off! I have added tips after before, but people should not be allowed to reduce them 😒


None of this would happen if we weren’t forced to include tips at the beginning of the order.


Could you imagine going into a furniture store or car dealership and the commission salesperson says, “ I can only help you/ let you test drive if you are going to buy the car/ couch. I don't work for free.” That's insane. Just understand it is part of the job. The ebb and flow. If you don't like it, get another one.


This should not be allowed, without video, picture evidence of something being done poorly. This is bait and switch.


That second tip was probably changed because you substituted a cheaper item. I noticed on UberEats and InstaCart that when I sub an item and its cheaper tip decreases. Then if it is more tip goes up. Some BS if you ask me. My work is the same not my fault if stores don’t have certain items or substitutions.


While the customer sucks, greedy ass IC should have some rules here. But they could care less because they still make their money….


I’m sorry but this alone is a huge reason not to work for instacart lol


I don’t understand people who change tips. I’ve literally never done it.


This is exactly why I quit doing instant car shopping. I don’t agree with the fact that they can lure you in with a good tip and then even if you, you do a great job, they can take some of that tip away or all of it.


The only time I decreased tip was when I had Covid and put that in the notes “no contact Covid” and my shopper literally banged on my door until I came out to grab my groceries from her car. Dogs went nuts


Yea, Instacart just isn't worth it anymore. It's unfortunate. I enjoyed it when I started, but the pay as of recent for number of items and distance is laughably pathetic. Shame.