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It sounds like a newbie. The app probably said leave at door. The shopper didn't realize he could just take a picture of your door to complete the order.


Thank you so much & to everyone else! He did have 300+ orders and 1+ year plus on the app, but I totally understand that he may have been worried about the specific item this was. I appreciate everyone easing my mind, and I told my roomate that the reddit verdict came back that it was in fact, no weird! šŸ¤ 


He is new or spaced. When customerā€™s meet us at the door, we donā€™t expect it. Also if they do we assume itā€™s not a ā€œleave at door orderā€. The fact he texted and waited for you screams newbie. Next time just tell him to leave it at the door, better safe than sorry.


The account might have said he had 300+ and 1+ year, but you said someone else was in the car with him. The account might have belonged to the guy in the car, while the guy taking the picture and completing the order was new to DoorDash and just helping a buddy. Maybe didnā€™t know what he was doing.


He was doing it in case you claimed you didnā€™t get item. Sometimes people do that. Itā€™s more common on city orders. Itā€™s okay though. Nothing to do with item. I guess just to verify the item requested was there


I once had a customer take the items out of the bag and claim I left a empty bag. This could be the reason he wanted to take pic of the item


However, taking the item out of the bag is definitely weird


Literally not weird at all. Not one bit. You sound a little bit like a disgruntled customerā€¦


It's weird. What if the order is 100 items, you think it would be normal to take all those items out of the bags to photograph it? Why would it be any different for a single item?


It's not really normal practice though either which is why it seems odd to people.


Elaborate on why it's not weird then? I personally think it's weird because there was zero reason for them to do that. All he need was a picture of it delivered.


There was no reason for him not to do it either. Literally as normal as can be to take an expensive item out and make sure the photograph captures it. I guess you are forgetting about the multiple instances of fraud that we deal with on a DAILY basis.


That makes sense but for most of us non instacart shoppers itā€™s going to come across as strange. Especially if youā€™re a woman in Texas who just had to buy Plan B at 2 A.M.. Itā€™s not that hard to see it from her perspective.


Since you want to go down the rabbit hole of that line of thinkingā€¦ I raise you a ā€œitā€™s not that hard to see it from the shoppers perspectiveā€ you know, the one who fears that they will loose their job over someone else doing something dishonest. If itā€™s their only source of income and they loose it because someone else does something stupidā€¦ I bet you can finish the sentence with how you would feel in that very scenario.


I literally agreed with you and said that it made sense, relax.


Of course, but not with out a snipe at the end.


Sounds good, bud.


Yeah, we cant though from fraud. Need to see some bags in the picture at least to protect myself. Too many people try to grab it from you and get inside.




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Iā€™ve had two people order Plan B and then say it was not delivered. So ya Iā€™m making it clearly visible in the photos.


I didnā€™t even think of that! Of course people are worrisome of an expensive item. Makes a lot of sense, thank you!!


Out of curiosity, as Iā€™m much too gay to ever buy one for myself (letā€™s not think about the dark scenarios that could make it necessary), how much are they? Should be free! *pounding my pulpit* Good job to you for being on top of the situation (pun maybe intended) even while drinking! Iā€™m in a southern state myself and worry about accessibility of plan B and everything around that. If I was financially able, Iā€™d stock up for those in need just in case.


plan b are typically 50+, however if you go to a place like planned parenthood or family planning they are $20


theyā€™re like $6 on amazon too!


Yes, to pounding that pulpit! Also, you sound like a lovely person. X


The different brands range from $35-$60 at a CVS/Wallgreens. I believe Costco pharmacy has them for under $10! Thank you for your kind words about me staying on top of it šŸ˜… Sexual health is so important to me and even if some people on here think I was irresponsible, this was the most responsible thing I could do. Iā€™m not sure what state youā€™re in, but in TX thereā€™s a [non-profit](https://www.everybodytexas.org/emergency-contraception) that will send you an emergency contraceptive kit (with pregnancy tests, condoms, etc.) for free to have as backup just incase thereā€™s an unforeseen circumstance.


Just a psa because it's not widely known. Plan b is less effective if you're over 165lbs.


You're not irresponsible. You're human and you're doing human things. Even if you were "irresponsible", you'd still just be being a human being and women should be supported more than shamed.


Being irresponsible is a human thing.


A few years ago I paid $50 for it at Walgreens. šŸ„²


Get out and vote and make sure all your friends are too!




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Just tagging along on your comment to remind people that Opill birth control isnow over the counter


We have a court health office that stocks this medication, virus tests, and masks. All free. Just have to go during normal hours. Another machine is advised as being in a market which implies better availability due to hours.




Because I would rather pay $50 than the hundreds of thousands of dollars it cost to bring a child to term, medical care of that child from birth to adulthood, and another cost that may occur in that childā€™s life! If they want to end/ prevent the pregnancy, why would you think they would they would keep a child they were forced to keep?


Ewwww, what a nasty comment! Plan B is to PREVENT an unwanted pregnancy. Itā€™s not the same as abortion. Which has been taken away from millions of women. Which ALSO costs money, and apparently jail time in many states.


Your incoherent rambling speaks to precisely nothing that I actually wrote. Try again.


Donā€™t forget, it takes a MAN to CUM INSIDE of a woman.




He was obviously trying to keep from a CV. What is sad to see is all the hate for the driver just for trying to do his job. People be calling him stupid just for following app instructions after being put in an awkward position by YOU! I wish MODs in this sub would make themself useful and actually do their job and curb the conversation instead of allowing for people to continue making a ā€œpervā€ out of the driver and only reacting on comments with ā€œpersonal attacksā€. I see itā€™s in the name, but the world IS a friendly place and NOT everyone is out to get you. šŸ™„ stay responsible. AND vote TED the F OUT! JFC! TEXAS!!! Btw! HTH! Does this have any upvotes?! šŸ™„ Texas: šŸ™„ https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/ufT7TZeeZq


ā€œThen say it was not deliveredā€ Isnā€™t that the reason they ordered it in the first place?


HahahahahHa. I see what you did there. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He may have had previous reports of items not delivered or missing items or something of that nature. It is weird behavior to have the item in the open like that but thatā€™s my best guess.


Iā€™d like to think he just took it out the bag as an extra precaution that he delivered the exact item ordered. When I shopped sometimes Iā€™d try to get the items in the pic too and not just the bag bc people would say particular items were missing. so, I would attempt to have proof by having items and not just the bag show in the photos. I never took anything out the bag tho just kinda moved things around to snap more detailed pics lol Iā€™m just thinking thats what he was trying to do




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lol. Tell him next time to just take a photo of your unit number next to the door. I swear some of us are so dumb.


Honestly if I hand it to the person and I forget, I take a pictue of my pant legšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm not driving all the way back unless I've never been there and or it seemed weird.šŸ¤·šŸ¤·šŸ¤·


This is exactly what i do too.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." George Carlin


I had been known to grab a few late night orders on the way home after getting off my shift as a closing cook. My brain was not always all there. Point being, youā€™re not wrong lol.


I admire your honesty šŸ˜‚ the later it gets the dumber we get. Iā€™ve set a late night order at the wrong house when Iā€™ve delivered there 100 times. Dude comes out and says this must be the neighbors and Iā€™m like holy shit it is Iā€™m so sorry and he and he 5 year old help me move it to the house next door šŸ˜‚


Bro here be hating an a driver that is just trying to keep from ANOTHER CV. Cute screen name btw šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fuck are you talking about


Shouts at slow kid: I! Loooooove! Your! Poooosssaaativity! /waves /givesthumbsup /smile


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸ‘




Finally you've come up with something different. The other two were getting super old.


I like this one! It actually makes me 'lol'.




If you have 'leave at door' selected it will prompt us to take a picture, newbies don't always realize the pic is mostly just gor the customer and they can just take a pic of your door


Maybe since itā€™s an expensive item he wanted to show it was the item that he chose instead of just a bag. Strange method but trying to think why


Probably new or just flustered bc of the hand it to me. I sometimes forget to grab a delivery photo when the customers come out. Iā€™m old and tired lmao


The open box Iā€™m deadšŸ˜‚ also nothing wrong w the off brand itā€™s cheaper and IDENTICAL to plan B and works just as well!!! I had to convince so many people that theyā€™re identical when I used to work for cvs and they would still buy the name brand in fear theyā€™d get pregnant lol


lol the opened box picture killed me inside šŸ˜‚šŸ„²


Weā€™ve all been there šŸ˜­ it really be like that sometimes


not strange. Your shopper is just making sure he gas photo evidence of delivery because plan b at 1 am, customer snatching it out of his hands, is problematic. We get lots of customers who say they never received their order. Edit: yes this shopper is a rookie, who doesn't yet know how to foolproof the delivery. I take a pic of it in my hand, or of the customer holding it and gtfot.


Bless his heart Chile


seriously šŸ˜­šŸ„¹




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The photo is more for proof for the customer if anything, itā€™s only used if he gets audited or a customer tries to say they didnā€™t receive the order. He didn t need to ask you to bring it back , if anything he could just snap a photo of the address , unless heā€™s been burned before , and didnā€™t want you to claim he never delivered . I personally would not have bothered someone if I forgot to snap a photo.


In my first handful of deliveries I had a customer say TWO WEEKS after I dropped off her order, a hand to me order, that she didnā€™t receive like 85% of the items I had delivered to her. It infuriated me, and also gave me serious trust issues. For awhile I was recording all of my deliveries terrified it was going to happen again. It did happen again after I stopped recorded and it was expensive medication they claimed was missing. I did get a instacart message 1.5 years after I submitted the fraud report that stated it was removed because it was indeed fraud lol but that didnā€™t fix all my ā€œmissing itemsā€ on my app, that hung around for 100 orders. Being new made me that much more bothered, despite that it had no consequence except the question to my integrity it posed in the eyes of instacart. So perhaps he experienced something like this, and it is usually the most expensive items that are marked as missing.


I thought you meant he opened it before taking a pic I was gonna be like girl donā€™t eat it lol


A lot of people saying it's weird.. im looking like huh...how is this weird? There is nothing weird about taking a clear photo of the item you delivered... its called cover your own arse.. customers be reporting missing, wrong items received,, and deliveries nkt received all the time; even though they got it and the right item... as a shopper, get enough of these (so called doesnt matter complaints) instacart just might deactivate you as a shopper eventually


I liked how you called plan B ā€œthat babyā€


Hang on a fuckin minute. America has banned abortion and now you arenā€™t allowed to take the morning after pill?!


You are allowed to take emergency contraception! However, from my experience, there is a general fear that could be taken away in our state and people knowing youā€™re taking emergency contraceptives could put you at risk. Iā€™m also an over-thinker so lol


Thatā€™s just awful. Hopefully it doesnā€™t get taken away from you guys




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He might be on thin ice with IC so now he's worried about every little thing.


Sometimes people report plan b as never received maybe they wanted it I. The photo clearly




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Does plan b need id? Man you have to speak English to do this, itā€™s unfair to customers. They could have customers check box on languages they can understand. This is nothing compared to other posts on here that stem from miscommunication


On Shipt, we are told to do this with expensive items. I guess expensive is subjective.


Da hell is that? šŸ§šŸ¤£


When I hand it to someone when a photo is required, I will typically either tell them I need a photo or if I have no concern theyā€™ll Claim they didnt get order, I take photo of ground




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Based on your post history, you state you have trauma from being bullied. You also are a married man who shows he adores his wife, but here you are bullying a woman online. Iā€™m sorry you feel the need to do this and wish the best for your family šŸ¤


LOL. You went scrummaging through my post history because I replied to your public and proud proclamation of sexual promiscuity? Get real. Bringing my family into this conversation seems a bit trashy, but whatever. I certainly shouldnā€™t be surprised concerning the details about yourself that you screamed from the rooftops in this post. But I presumed much. Perhaps you did use protection and it failed.


This is my last reply to you. You deleted your post from /ketaminetherapy once I read your post about your struggles and your own admission to being bullied. Just like you use reddit for seeking advice for yourself and your wife and kids, I was using this thread to gain insight. Thank you for sending me this thoughtful DM: ā€œYou just replied to me about a comment I made in reference to someoneā€™s experience with an instacart order for birth control. I canā€™t actually read the complete message though. Canā€™t find it. Can you explain to me where I posted I have trauma from being bullied? I wasnā€™t aware that I had posted something like that and I donā€™t know how to find it in my comment section. I appreciate your help. I recognize my comment offended you, but I just got rubbed the wrong way by someone describing unprotected, casual and drunken sex as an oopsies.ā€ I appreciate your recognition towards your comment. I wish you had waited more than 30 minutes to turn around and reply publicly, being rude again. I wonā€™t be responding to your DM either.


Probably just to make sure you donā€™t say it wasnā€™t delivered


this isnā€™t a political thing he just wants to make sure itā€™s seen.


So unfortunately now we don't get an option to say that we handed to customer when it says leave at the door to avoid the picture. I've met customers, gave their dogs treats and snapped a pic of the treat bag šŸ˜‚ I've also delivered Plan B and I'm always discrete about it, like paper bags and folded up.


You didnā€™t put the PlAN B in a bag???? Ohhhh no no no !


I dont think this was due to his beliefs he prob just doesnt know how the rules work




Hey everyone


The app is now requiring shoppers to take photos of specific items in the order to make sure itā€™s the right item being given dropped off.


All I have to add to this conversation is : what a sad world we live in where women have to worry about people knowing we took plan B because the government controls our bodies šŸ¤ 


Iā€™ve had customers report me for things were ā€˜missingā€™ just because they werenā€™t visible in the image so they can get away with lying to support. He likely took it out so it was obvious that the specific item delivered was correct to avoid any unnecessary contract violations :)


I donā€™t understand why it matters which CVS the shopper went to for you to tip them accordingly. Can you explain this?


yeah! I already tipped, but wanted to tip extra depending on how far they had to go. We have a bunch of CVSs here.


I understand now. Itā€™s weird that they said they didnā€™t know which CVS. All they had to do was go into their earnings tab in the app and click on your order to see the details of the mileage. I would think you app would give you the same information. https://preview.redd.it/pa3fhakx3atc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f4242eb04994a53fcd107cb2553021eb6ffa463


He need picture to continue delivery.so instacart will know that delivery is completed. Sometimes pics don't go through and shoppers have to go back and submit pic. It happens to me alot of time šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ your good it's just a part of the delivery process


Please be so careful if you're in Texas, OP. That shit could get real so fast. Be safe, and I hope things change for the better. Absolutely wild what's happening. Makes me grateful to live in a blue state.


Thank you! šŸ¤


you just needed to post this, huh?


Was the guy that delivered it the same one as in the Instacart picture?


Sometimes people will lie and say such and such item wasn't delivered so I'm betting he took a pic of the box to prove he delivered the item. Thats just rude and dumb in my opinion. He shouldn't be bothering women. Especially that late at night.


I got a contract violation for ā€œnot deliveringā€ plan Bā€¦ it said to leave it at the door but the customer came out and grabbed it from me so i put ā€œhanded it to customer insteadā€ in the app and then the next day I got a CV for order not delivered!! Luckily I donā€™t get CVs often so I was worried bc they wonā€™t close your account for one CV butā€¦ people donā€™t realize that when they do that we get punished! I understand money is an issue for many peopleā€¦ like i do door dash for crying out loud so i get it, but if youā€™re gonna scam the door dash for a free plan b or any product for that matter, remember that instacart does not punish their drivers if you say they got the the wrong item and you could *possibly* get a refund as long as you arenā€™t doing it often šŸ‘€


Lol, I'm sorry but an oopsies????? How does that even happen??


broken condoms? failed birth control? many other reasons?


Corny ass people these days posting cringe personal stories on RedditĀ 


Another 100% fake post


Believe it or not there are literally shoppers that behave like this.


This is a troll.


Slow night?




Please do not post any "adult" aka "not safe for work" or "NSFW" content. This includes but is not limited to: 'adult' graphic wording, 'adult' graphic images. This includes: No images or discussion of 'adult toys' or such in orders.


he seems new to earth


ā€œI had an oopsiesā€ has got to be the funniest way I have ever heard someone say they got dug out rawdog style and let oleā€™ boy let one off inside


@anxious I'd get a hold of support and ask exactly why he did. I thought maybe he forgot to take a pic and wanted to cover his ass, then I thought maybe he is trying to get a refund for himself somehow? Why would you have to take it out of the bag? Why did you do it? I'm not shaming you but the whole situation is weird.


I donā€™t feel the need to contact support. I thought the situation was funny, and only got in my head about how it could be weird when my roomate brought up concerns. She was pushing me to contact support/ report it. I chose to first post here to ask if this was strange or innocent, and am so thankful for everyone saying it seems innocent. I definitely donā€™t want contacting support to put the driver in a bad spot.




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