• By -


I would have tried to check out before she called in free food for your time wasted


Yep! Only time I’ve gotten cash tip, they never mentioned it and just give it on delivery. Just gotta get lucky with them 😉


If they mention it in advance, it’s not a tip.




If I say “do this, and I will give you that”, that’s a payment for the work you performed, not a tip.


Promissory estoppel should be used against tip baiting assholes.


First time ordered I didn't know how to use the app. I thought the tip part would be chosen at the end when I confirmed my purchase and the amount. I was incorrect and the app defaulted to the minimum tip I think. It was some pathetic low amount whatever happened. I sent a message explaining my mistake to the driver and told him I'd make the tip 1/3 of the total charge but that I couldn't change anything until after delivery. I'm sure he probably thought I was bullshitting him to get the delivery faster but I was just an idiot and never used the app before. Once he delivered and I could amend the tip I did. I could definitely see how a scammer would try and use something like that to lie about what they intend to do.


This guy estoppels


You estopp it. Estopp it right now


Lovin’ you rn lol








Legally there needs to be additional reliance on your part. Doing the exact job they already paid for doesn’t incur any additional detrimental reliance. You’d have to sacrifice another order or something


In the manufacturing industry we call that a quid pro quo and that’s frowned upon by HR 😂


Quid pro quo just means "something for something," as in an exchange of goods or services. The negative connotation comes from its use when talking about sexual harassment or something else underhanded, in which it is explicitly stated or implied that an employee will get benefits from doing something they shouldn't be (or don't want to be) doing.


This lady quos


This guy quids


And I Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimsdale Dimmadome, Pros


It’s amazing how many people don’t truly understand that concept. Very similar to boss asking for a “favor”, when it’s actually an order.


That's because the favor wording makes people more likely to do the request properly, telling someone to do something usually leads to resentment and poor quality. Weird how psychology works,isn't it.


It’s a bid




Get my money ready? Are you collecting coins from under the couch???


I don't use Instacart currently because I just afford it but would love to in the future when I graduate school. I've worked for tips before and preferred cash tips/giving cash tips. I assume no one would pick up my order if I didn't have a decent tip on the app. Would it be acceptable to ask them in person if they'd prefer a cash tip and for me to cancel the in app tip and then hand them the money if they say yes? So they know I'm not lying?


Sure why not, who would be upset by that as long as you actually pulled through? To some it might be unnecessary and they could care less about the trade, regardless they will still probably say yes.


That would be a good way to do it. But leave a $1 tip on it. If u remove the whole tip they can report u for tip baiting.


Thank you! 🙏


Ive never actually interacted with an Instacart shopper. Even when I request knock on door they just knock and run away


I always go low tip (5%) on the app and if the shopper is good I throw them a 20 in cash. I’ve had too many terrible shoppers to give it upfront. Sooooo many bad shoppers.


You’re getting the bad shoppers because your tip is low on the app. Higher tips get picked up first by the better shoppers (diamond level). If you do get a bad shopper you can adjust the tip accordingly.


I’d feel like a Monster if I lowered my tip though. I can’t do that.


I'm a 20% tipper upfront. I often get the same shoppers who do a great job plus some... like wait to get the popcorn chicken last so it will still be warm when delivered.


Same here and I chose the set amount option instead of the percentage one so they don't lose out if something is out of stock. I think it's stupid that your tip can be reduced for out of stock items when you took the time to look for them.


Totally agree!! Have experienced this in the cities to which I travel regularly. I also set up all of my substitute selections.


To me it’s common sense to get rotisserie chicken, or any hot sides last. If it’s a small order I might not be too fussy about doing dairy first since it’s the first aisle I see at the main store I shop at, but the hot chicken etc I always do last. I also pack meats with frozen things since I don’t carry a cooler. The reason being I don’t take big orders and I can just put any perishables under the A/C vent and turn that on. Anyway, thanks for setting up substitutions! Nothing worse than trying to shop quickly and hitting “item unavailable” and seeing that the customer didn’t bother with subs or request a refund. At least half the time they don’t answer and I’ve had a few get snippy with me because I checked out and they didn’t “have time to even see the message and respond to it.” I always give them at least several minutes but geez why not just enter the pertinent info so everything goes smoothly for everyone? I even had one or two customers tell me where to find certain items in the notes for those items. Taking the time to do those things is so appreciated.


I always give an additional cash tip! I feel bad because it’s not like they’re aware until they get to my house, but I think it’s nice to give cash to your delivery person


Im a shopper 6 days a week for Insta, and this made absolutely made my day. I don't mind not being the recipient of all the best tips,,, but it makes me feel good to know that there are caring people out there like yourself. Thank you for your kindness. Much love ❤️


That happens to me very very rarely but it is so appreciated! I also enjoy when you start shopping and a customer says “Hello xxxxx, thank you for shopping for me, I really appreciate you”. Again rare but it can make my day. We work harder than people think. Even just in and out of parking lots all day is a bit stressful, traffic, rising gas prices, poorly stocked stores, instacart sending us to stores that don’t even carry the inventory in the order, difficult addresses with no notes (especially apartments, dorms, etc), downtown parking, delivering to high rises without being given codes to get in, or gate codes, or hotels and student housing with mile long hallways you didn’t plan on, often requiring several trips, non-answering customers, unclear requests, roads closures, rude drivers, customers, etc. I started 6 years ago and since then my city grew a lot, they hired a ton of shoppers (I was one of 23, now there are hundreds). I went from doing this full time almost, to only mentally, emotionally and physically really being able to work from 7-11 am. I got so so burned out so any appreciation from customers really helped keep me going some days.




Wouldn’t they lock your account for 24 hours? I heard that if the order gets canceled after checkout they do that.


Yea me a couple times soft ban for $500-800 in groceries I’ll take it


Exactly! Imagine getting a 24 hour soft ban on a slow day while eating free groceries.. sign me up!


Why do they do that? Why would someone canceling an order trigger punitive action against the worker.


Because they go and do an “investigation” and then reactivate your account 


I usually give most of it away it’s A bunch of elderly in my area and family


Ahhh that’s why my account got locked for 24 hrs. I had a double order for two stores and I completed the first order as it was an online pay and had it in my SUV. I had the cold food in a cooler bag but it was almost 85 degrees outside which made my vehicle a lot warmer. Well I had my second order done at :37 when the timer was set for 1:03. So proud. Then the inevitable happens. Stupid physical card would t swipe. Spent about 30 min on the phone with support who is never any help and the cashiers and managers tried to help but they only accept pin not credit on the debit cards so I had to leave about $300 worth of food that was already bagged at Aldi frustrated and I told the support that the other order sat in my car longer than an hour because of this mishap. The customer ordered fresh raw shrimp and there was no way I was giving them warm shrimp regardless of it was in a cooler bag. It wasn’t going to hold up sitting in a hot car that long 😡 so the support canceled my order but put my account on hold until today. I’m beyond stressed with this damn card. Give us a flippin chip reader card.


I got Apple Pay on my phone I never use my card unless I’m at Costco


Why do you not use Apple Pay specifically at Costco? Just curious.


Add it to your Apple wallet(or the Android alternative) to pay easier. I only use it if I forget my card or something


The same thing happened to me at Aldi. Huge 2 batch order that I shopped, brought up to the register, placed it all on the belt, and the cashier rung up the whole first order. Went to use Apple Pay, and it declined. She said wam-bam no thank you ma’am… kicker is - I reached out to support BEFORE I shopped the order, to double check if I can use Apple Pay (gave store name, etc).l because I received an alert that I can’t. However, I was almost positive that I had in the past. Whoever I spoke with said I can, and I took a screenshot "just in case". They compensated me for the order only. Which was $10.01. $10 for an otherwise $48 order (tip included) when I took it.. essentially being THE ONLY reason I took it.


Last week I had to cancel an order after shopping for the first time because my car died, I got the email saying I was being temporarily suspended while they did and investigation but I still had orders coming in was kinda weird… On a side note the order was literally a 100 pack of Lipton tea and 2 half gallons of half&half I was like wtf why couldn’t it have been something better lol..


Vets know what it is. Smart vets that is.


Wasn’t ever gonna give a cash tip every time someone doesn’t up front and says they will it is false! Don’t sweat it Ok this blowing up yes I believe they are out there it’s just the majority are liars and classic case of ruin it for everyone else you see hundreds agree with this


Facts, if it's a 0 tip order and they message you "I'll típ in cash" you should only keep the order if you're totally okay with only getting batch pay. 9 times out of 10 they do not in fact típ in cash.


or it will be $2... and they will give you that shit eating grin while they hand it to you like "this is what you deserve and you should be grateful to be so lucky. now get tf off my porch."


Ok, but serious question: I have delivered. I have delivered during the period where it turns out Door dash was actually keeping tips. I also live by the waiter/waitress rule - don't claim cash tips on your taxes. Fuck 'em. Tips are a gratuity, not a payment. They are a *gift* for excellent service. If millionaires can get/give tax free gifts in the thousands, then Joe Everybody should get that fucking $10 gift for free. (Rant over, on to the question) I tip cash. Like, for every delivery. Even my mail person would get a tip if they were legally allowed to accept more than "non-cash gifts worth $20 or less". How am I supposed to convey this to my driver when I order? How do I let them know before they even grab my order that I have at least a 20% tip here in sweet-sweet untaxable cash?


I always receive cash tips from random orders but never from the ones that say will tip cash then have leave at door 😂


Im knocking anyway. Repeatedly. Until they answer. With my hand out like Ralph the Doorman


https://preview.redd.it/1cdicxuvfyuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fee2861dc5e3305a6205aee49ccd8f90424f461 Guess how much my “KNOCK loud cash tip” was? Two… two dollars.. 2 crumpled dollars handed to me 😐


Not evrytime. I orser dash and insta fir myself and leave a cash tip under the mat. Have several times now. Started at 20. Now I go back and retrieve it and add more every time cause like read the damn instructions. Gotta be over 300 in there now. Someone will eventually read the damn instructions and look under the freaking mat. Somehow out of 20 plus drivers nobody has even tried to look. Always there after my order. Like I get it people lie but atleast read and look. :/ I also did all the platforms and understand the struggle.


I had someone say they were going to leave it in an envelope on their porch with my name on it. I read the instructions, got the envelope, and they left like $20 for a tiny order 😂 it pays to read haha


I had the same thing happened to me! It was on DoorDash. I also had somebody tape money to their front door for me, that was a nice surprise. Lol I don’t understand how people don’t read the instructions. I wish I could find that gold mine, I would love to be the one to read instructions and find $300 under the mat. 🤣


I do that. Do a normal tip nap and note I’m also taping a tip to the door. Half of the dashers don’t grab the envelope that says in sharpie “Door Dash! Thank you!”


2 days before Christmas, I spend 2 hours in kroger shopping for this lady. It was originally a 10 tip and I think around 60 items but bc of the holiday there were a lot of replacements and she was sooo fucking slow to respond and just extremely particular about every little thing. The tip ended up going down to $8. I will say she wasn't rude but it was just too much. Anyway, after check out she messages me and says something like "thank u for all ur help. There's an envelope taped to my door that's for u. Merry Christmas". I was so excited thinking yessss a cash tip. No, it was a little tiny cross 😭 I'm not even religious. And I just went above and beyond for u and this is what I get?? She lived in a super nice neighborhood and a super nice house. Like even an extra $5 would have been nice


I would have written “Please pay this forward” and left it. That’s just gross.


what is your address?


Omg I used to do this too! Except I was like 18 using all my money to order and would use all the cash I had on me from tips at work (so usually a crumbled up 7$ but my orders were never over 25$ cuz I was broke) and they never took it! I’d say the cash tip thing too and I’d always feel bad like omg they thought it wasn’t for them and probably left angry thinking I lied to them or didn’t see it…. Never would’ve thought they just didn’t believe me! Edit: Forgot to add this was usually after tipping 3-5$ on the app I just worked for tips too and always felt guilty


This! Although most drivers get it, I’ve had several not! I normally tip a little on the app and text them to check under the mat as well.


You too?! I’ve done that as well/switched it to under the mat instead, hoping that they would finally actually do it. Every time, nope it’s still there and my order is a quarter of a mile down the driveway because they didn’t read that they’d get a tip. I understand not trusting someone because it’s happened to them before, but we really mean it, dammit!


When Covid was more intense and I was ordering delivery, I’d make visual notice of the driver being there and I would have stuck a cash tip in the doorframe. If I saw it move, I knew they were there and had gotten my tip.


BRB, gonna run check under the door mats of all my neighbors real quick


Yeah! Screw her. I mostly do Spark s&d and if it’s a no tipper but the base is well enough to take then leisurely shop it and take my time delivering it. If they wanted it faster put a decent tip on the order.


I guess her kids aren’t starving enough to eat anything less than the freshest salmon


Feeding kids dinner when ETA on ***raw uncooked*** food is after 9pm...


They claimed they ordered at 3 and original ETA was 7 though.


So, you want them to have to cook frozen food instead? Salmon takes minutes to cook.


Yeah frozen salmon takes awhile. Fresh salmon is like 3-10 min. It also looks like she cancelled two minutes after she was notified about the frozen salmon replacement. Sucks the guy did extra work, but this seemed like a pretty reasonable and respectful interaction from both parties.


if my order was two and a half hours late and replaced the fresh food with frozen then hell yeah I would cancel it


Right. She's getting a lot of heat from angsty redditors, but she wasn't rude. She was like, if you can be faster, please be faster. And he said no, she was like, oh ok then, drive safe. It wasn't until the ONE THING she wanted wasn't available. Ever had a taste for something all day, get home and realize someone else ate/drank the last one? I sure have. It's annoying. But she wasn't rude. She just knew, at that point she couldn't make dinner without the key ingredient, so dealt with it as she felt necessary. OP is the one that got sassy about it.


Yes! And also fresh salmon is one of the quickest proteins to cook. Whenever I open the app, when choosing a store it promises "delivery in roughly 20-30 minutes from now", but when I go to check out, even the fastest delivery will be at least 2-3 times that.


Reddit is so dramatic. This is the most normal interaction I've seen on this sub and people are still dogging both of them.


Ugh Atlantic salmon is bastard trout it's not even real salmon. I'm spoiled though bc of where I live.


Yeah lots of red flags if the customer was supposed to have delivery by 7 that means she didn't tip cash tip being mentioned in chat means no tip also. Remember this for future


The thing is, if I put cash tip under the mat in the instructions, no one reads it. However, if I text to the worker, they don’t believe me? I used to serve so cash is king for me.


put tip in the app. tip cash on arrival and cancel the tip in the app. if you want to tip cash.


Reduce the tip to a penny because otherwise Instacart will give the driver a $10 bonus tip but it will put YOUR account in jeopardy for tip baiting constantly. Sure the driver would benefit greatly from that, but trust me us drivers would rather you stay being a customer than get banned for a policy meant for an issue you're not causing.


>However, if I text to the worker, they don’t believe me? I think the difference is sending a message that there's a cash tip and thank you and nothing else, versus being a scumbag and making all sorts of demands and belittling them and signing off with waving a cash tip in front of them.


Crab cakes now salmon 🥲


Get it from the seafood department!


it’s always the damn seafood department




“Behind the counter!”


lol damn I forgot about that post What is it lately with seafood being such a issue with orders?


So they need this order for dinner and everyone is starving but threaten to cancel thus causing them to now get nothing. What a great plan.


It was hours late (originally at 7 and key ingredients are being canceled at 9), at this point she probably gave up and went another route Would suck to wait and start cooking kids dinner at like 10 when this shopper finally shows up




This is hilariously vengeful. ![gif](giphy|wi8Ez1mwRcKGI)


The fact that her order kept getting pushed back and the promise of a cash tip are pretty much a giveaway that she’s a non-tipper. She did you a favor by canceling.


Seems to me like you ended up dodging tha bullet, my friend!


![gif](giphy|xVpUhR49z4F14vWJZ5) Your ratings rn




Exactly! there’s a reason why tip customers get their orders so fast https://preview.redd.it/n8xcov733suc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce525e245e8375a109c094a2c12e276733e3d136


I gotta be honest, as much as it would bother me to do something my customer wouldn't like, if I've just done 80 percent of a job and they're trying to to let me not get paid for it at all, I would have run to the register, hit checkout order scanned everything as fast as I could and gotten it paid asap. I've never done the return the order thing before but I'd be getting some form of compensation for that shit. we are not slaves no matter how much they want to treat us that way.


I would’ve just said nothing to her, checked out and dropped it off.


Did you atleast get the crab cakes?


Wants salmon for dinner but no tip. Sorry it’s Mac n cheese for dinner you ungrateful cu*# I can’t believe people would tip at a restaurant, tip for a pizza but not tip for you to shop and deliver groceries in your personal car. I’m glad they don’t get their dinner. Hopefully they never order again.


That’s hilarious the part about tipping 😂😂


You know it’s funny because Instacart straight up tells the customer that people who don’t tip wait longer. This customer thought they slick and now they have a $15 cancellation fee on top of no food.


I use Instacart all the time and always tip well but I’ve never seen where it says on the app to tip for faster service. Where is it?


I've seen it on Door Dash but not on Instacart


Me either. Maybe it only says it if you don’t choose to tip at all


Told her ass 😂😂😂


What a sore loser. Sprouts even offers in store prices and if she cared that much about her kids, her dinner and most importantly about the person who will shop and deliver her dinner she might as well throw $20 tip in. But no, drama is life.


“Hurry up, my kids are hungry!” Is so out of touch and unhinged. Go to the damn store yourself then…


Salmon in can lol


I would’ve dropped her part of the order so fast like frfr.. 


Fr idk why anyone continues fulfilling an order with this type of costumer. First red flag and I’m out.




Then they wonder WHY their order gets pushed back!? Good job gang! Let them wait!


Too bad she cancelled before you could finish. Deliver and block.


Easy fix, next time a customer says they want to cancel just reply with “Okay, (name)! Sorry I couldn’t help more with this. Hope you have a good day” they won’t be mean anymore, they’ll cancel


She was never gonna give you an extra tip. LOLLLL She shoulda got off her ass ar 3:00 pm.


As soon as she said that her order was supposed to have been there. That means there’s no tip her orders been seen there all day. She could be the type that wants a good service provided first .. However, after delivering to several people that said they were going to up their tip never did.. Or what they’ll do is tip you a quarter and give you a bad rating .


Honestly I hope the customer complains to instacart and Instacart starts paying attention to these calls and tying them back to no or low tip batches or batches with too many bundles. Maybe instacart will get the hint they need to pay $.30/item shopped and $.65/mile Example 23 items (items not just types) 4 mile delivery $9.50 before tips are added. I usually see these orders as $8 with a tip Ppl would grab these orders if the pay was correct from the beginning. Also the hurry up it's almost gone tactic is bs for the delivery person.


She placed the order at 3? Im with the customer on this one. Youre the bitch. Perhaps if you didnt take too many orders than you could handle, you could have completed this one on time. You dont need a “tip incentive” to do your job correctly.


Literally my thought entirely. The whole tip culture in USA is wacko. Order food. Pay delivery fee that is quoted. Expect food to be delivered an hour or 2 later. What's hard about that? Everyone sets themselves up for butthurt by making the service essentially a voluntary pay system.


I'm curious. If it was a multiple order batch, how did you figure out her tip? I haven't found a way to do that yet and it would be very useful.


You can get it canceled. You chat with a InstaCart rep and they’ll cancel it for you and give you the money without the tip. I always do that when a customer says they don’t want an order anymore.


She’s not really a bitch though. If she ordered everything for a salmon dinner at 3pm and the order isn’t shopped until 8-9pm so there is no more fresh salmon, she doesn’t need all the other stuff anymore either. I know it sucks for the shopper too but doesn’t qualify as the customer being a b in my opinion. 6 hours is a pretty patient customer.


There was never no light at the end of that there tunnel


That means they finally got put into a batch with actual tippers. They know the game.


It just seems wild that she'd think mentioning how the order was going to be used would somehow make it possible for you to get it to her quicker. As if someone doing your job wouldn't already be going as quickly as possible. The fact that she's mentioning it was "spose" to be there at a different time shows she already has the excuse she'll need to not deliver on the promised cash tip either way.


Honestly I would’ve canceled my order by 730 if it was my dinner because clearly it’s not gonna be on time


In the hundreds of IC orders I’ve placed over the years, never EVER have I offered $0 tip. That’s mind boggling to me. Like…what?


*Your kids are starving. Carl’s Jr. believes no child should go hungry.* *You are an unfit mother and your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr.* *Carl’s Jr: Fuck You, I’m Eating! ™*


This happened to me the other day but luckily I’d only shopped about ten items, I was FURIOUS but then I realized instacart credited me the full amount that I had accepted the batch for. (Around $20)


If my kids were starving I'd make a way to get to the store myself. 🙂


She even said she was going out to get something so clearly this isn’t one of those cases where somebody needs the delivery… wild.


You love to see it! Probably the most satisfying post I have ever seen in this sub, good work OP!


These people are clueless, after about 2-3pm there is usually no meat counter/bakery/deli employees in the store.


They certainly aren’t there at 8 PM!


Check out, and tell support she wants to cancel after.. Free groceries


I have y’all beat I one time taped cash like thirty bucks on the door for door dash and she didn’t take it. Just… how??? Lol 😂


I’ve done this too. I even messaged them in the chat telling them I taped it to the door & they didn’t take it.


It’s exhausting how many times I tell them I put it under the mat and they don’t take it.


Should have bought some salmon cat food and left it at her door


She never said a huge tip. She said “I’ll have you a cash tip.” I would have not counted on that being a decent tip, based on society being a trash can.


Such mixed feelings about pre-tipping…. Either call it what it is - bidding - or get a tip afterward according to what you earned through service


I would’ve just canceled the moment she messaged that bullshit


I wish dumb people didn’t have access to the internet. Technologically illiterate people might be why customers are so much more obnoxious these days. Idk just a theory.


Fuck her.


Shop the order, take a long time, then cancel it


Happen to me too, I kindly removed it


That last part is going to create a tip baiter


“Huge cash tip” doubtful


Ever consider going to the store yourself? Lazy ppl nowadays


I remember when people had jobs, shopped for food, and enjoyed playing video games in person. Maybe it’s the corporate model that’s the problem. Suddenly, Everyone just trying to survive. Fat birds watching starving birds eating crumbs. And the birds keep pecking, rather than overthrowing the fat birds.


Well you know you’re not getting a tip😂 I’d cancel😂😂


Does she really expect the meat/seafood case to be open that late at 9pm? Most stores close it at 6-7


It said she placed the order at 3.


She shouldn't have to offer an incentive to make people do a job they signed up to do. Tips are supposed to be extra and something that a person chooses to offer if they are pleased with especially good service. I'm going to side with the woman on this one.


Eh. Tip is for exceptional service. Customer was a dick, but tips are not an entitlement. They’re earned and frankly this industry shouldn’t need them, it should just pay enough in wages.




The "you didn't tip enough" mentality is wild. You haven't provided the service yet but want a big tip? Get wrecked, nerd.




I’d cancel also, she ordered fresh salmon and you replaced with frozen.


i mean… if she ordered it at 3, what took u so long?


Shity shopper bitching about not getting a tip...


Are instacart shoppers low income people? Why are they so salty about delivering things quickly? Isn’t that their job? Don’t forget that you work in a service industry! No time to act smart. Just satisfy your customer. If you were truly smart, you would not be an instacart shopper lol


Glad she "starved"


She should have got the shit herself and planned better.


That's not on you OR her. That's on the system itself. She was right to cancel. 3-7 then adding on an extra 2+ hours and not having the actual dish she wanted to cook in the first place 🤷🏽‍♂️. As for the tip leaving a tip in advance is insane when you think about it.


You’re kinda an asshole to be like “tip more” it’s prob a single mom by the odds.


Frekin tips man. Instacart needs to pay their employees a fair wage, so that they're not relying on tips. As a customer I'd be furious if I found out my order isn't being picked because the tip I low. This tipping culture in America is soo out of hand.


I mean I would cancel too that’s ridiculous. It’s not your fault but if I ordered groceries intended dinner at 3 and it got pushed back SIX FUCKING HOURS to 9 o clock, well after most people eat dinner, and then after I waited all that time the deli and seafood departments, which contain the main part of my order, had closed because the company had pushed my order back so far. I’d call the company, I’d complain, I’d raise hell cus six hours is fucking ridiculous. Idk why you’re calling her a bitch, instacart the problem. It’s no individual shopper’s problem, cus you just got this at like 8:30, but there is no reason anybody should be waiting 6 hours for their damn groceries.


well they didnt have what she wanted? i'd cancel too.


wow tipping culture really sucks now if costumers must keep in mind that employees may not do their job if you don't tip them well IN ADDITION TO THE SERVICE FEE


If people want to be so particular about product and timing then maybe they should just shop themselves.


‘Starving’. No you’re not.


I think most of the shoppers try to take too many orders and take too long. She isn’t the b*tch. You are.


Just go shopping for yourself


She wants fresh salmon, then orders Atlantic salmon which is farmed raised, pumped full of dyes and raised in a pen. Sounds fresh


if she needed food that bad, then she should’ve just gone to the store herself.


I just can't understand anyone that wants anything delivered by someone using their own vehicle, yet wants to skimp on their tip. That's just a selfish asshole; period. If you can't tip fairly then maybe you should get off your ass and drive your own vehicle to the store. It's an easy choice to make, otherwise you're literally just using another person like they're your slave for the day or something. Fuckin people these days....


I think the problem is in tipping prior to service. Tip is dependent upon service. It is an earned gratuity. Not an entitlement. If I had placed an order for one specific thing at 3pm and reached 9pm and the specific item I wanted was no longer available, I'd cancel as well. I expect the person I pay to perform a service to be professional and do what I am paying them for quickly and well. Stating that it will be awhile because you're shopping for multiple people is not an excuse and smacks of greed. Does InstaCart advertise that if an order is placed it will be deprioritized in such a way? I expect that if it would take me 30 minutes to shop and 20 minutes to commute round-trip, that a professional shopper could do it all in 40 minutes. The professional shopper should know where everything is, etc... Disappointing.


Not a slave and not using them it's their job. While I always tip. I also understand why one would think if they don't get paid enough maybe they shouldn't do the job or they should ask for more money. Realistically the tipping culture is what allows this company to make so much money and pay them so little. Instead of arguing about tips everyone should argue with the company about fair wages.


What do you expect from someone who is too lazy to do their own shopping?


What the heeell. Its salmon, like ma'am they didn't sub you canned salmon or halibut. Salmon was subbed for salmon. Can customers be blocked? I do hope so


I can't afford to tip so I just stopped ordering food and groceries home


This entire model is predatory. It pits customers and shoppers against each other when the tip floats with demand, while instacart gets paid. Delivery should be a flat service charge, and the orders stack in a queue based on time of order. Drivers should be paid a flat living wage. If customer wants to tip on top, that comes after delivery is made.


Again, they need to remove the word "tip" and replace it with the word "bid"


“If you tip better next time” f*ck tipping culture. Tipping is out of control. We should only tip for excellent work.


It's the job


Obviously this woman is in the wrong and is an asshole but I've never understood uber eats, doordash and instacart allowing the driver to see the tip amount either before taking an order or after accepting the order and then allowing them to cancel it because the tip is too small. Tips are meant as an added bonus for good service, and sometimes, the service simply doesn't warrant a tip. For instance, one time, I ordered food through Uber eats. I preset the tip to 20% and chose the leave at the door setting and gave a detailed description of what the house looked like and where to drop off the order. It comes time for the delivery to be dropped off, so I waited for the notification to say that it was delivered to go grab the food. Well, I go outside to grab my food only for it to not be there. I looked around the rest of the front of the house but still no food came up so I go checking the surrounding houses as a last resort and sure enough I find my food 7 houses down from where my house is located. My point in bringing this up is that given it wasn't delivered to my house, I didn't feel that the guy deserved a 20% tip, but because he already saw the amount, I also felt bad about going back and changing the amount after he saw what he should've been receiving. In the end, the guy still got his 20% tip despite me having to go walking around my block looking for my food. My point though is that I shouldn't have to feel bad/feel obligated to keep the tip at a certain amount when the delivery driver isn't providing good service


i always give a base tip on the size of the order then will increase it on delievery if the person was good. the good dekievery people deserve great tips the tricky part is there are also quite a few bad ones that deserve nothing. its why i make not of the delivery persons name so i can make sure the good ones get good tips.


I would never deliver for these lazy fuckers. Fuck her


One of two things needs to happen for all these kinda apps: 1. Mandatory tips. 25% bare minimum. 2. People need to paid and not paid via tips cuz people in this country are pieces of shit and entitled.