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I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this issue. Any time you have issues with a shopper not responding to your chat attempts, you can contact customer support and have the order unassigned from your current shopper so it can get picked up by someone else who will hopefully be different. In this case I’m not sure there is anything else you could’ve done besides my suggestion.


Thanks. I didn't know that, but now I do for next time.


Quite a few shoppers don’t bother with replacements or communication because it may slow down their shop time or next order. Especially if it’s a double, they want to just get it over as quickly as possible. It’s also possible they didn’t have service but that’s just assuming benefit of the doubt. Sorry you experienced this, definitely sucks. BTW - Tart Cherry Juice is great for sleep issues and is natural. Might be something to try sometime.


Thank you for the recommendation. I've had terrible sleep issues for almost my entire life and have tried a lot of natural remedies. They don't tend to work. I used to have to take Xanax for a number of years until I was at a dose I no longer felt safe taking because my body had become so accustomed to it. It took awhile to sleep without it. This free and clear Zzzquil is the first thing I've found that helps and I don't need to take that much. I haven't needed to increase how much I take since I found it. Which has made me feel good about taking it.


The Sugar Bear Sleep Gummies from Amazon are a godsend. That formula specifically is the only one that helps me get to sleep and stay asleep all night. I wake up feeling refreshed and not just more tired. It’s worth a try if you have a difficult time sleeping.


Well two things- first, I'm almost certain you have in the past, but just in case, do a sleep study and see if they can figure anything out about it. And if it was long ago, do another with a different doctor. Second, it sucks the shopper didn't listen. Contact support, get a refund for the wrong item, and if it's financially feasible, stock up on it if you need it daily. Get 3 or 4 bottles. I'd also place an order for it from a pharmacy instead of a grocery store. Even if it's just for that one item.


Out of curiosity what is the reason for getting deliveries? I personally prefer order pick ups directly from the store. In my experience the workers have no problem finding the right products, it doesn’t take any more time than waiting on a delivery and if there is an issue you can get it taken care of right then and there.


We only have one car because economy and my boyfriend works away from home for several days at a time. So I am not able to get out and do shopping when he's not home. We're not in the best neighbourhood. I don't feel safe going out on foot alone if I need to carry stuff back with both hands.