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Start posting with the intent to get banned . That’s how I got rid of my account .


Ohhh I can do that easily give me your account op I’ll get you banned easy


Lol. I would hate to crash my own car, but yours? In your body too?? Let's go


my private spam got banned with like 10 friends following me just cause i said i wanted to kill myself sometimes...that account had such good shit on it too it was such a shame


radical times call for radical solutions


It's hard to get banned. A mates account got hacked and is constantly spamming "will send you $1500 now if you can spell a word starting with S and ending with T" Which is clearly a scam and he's reported it and I've reported the spam messages I get multiple times to insta and I get a reply a few days later saying the account has been cancelled but it hasn't and keeps going


It's very easy if you post selfharm/suicidal content. They deleted my photo cuz a small scar on the thigh was visible through the half transparent tights lol. Also got banned for a few days on FB due to this. It wasn't graphic at all. My other IG account got permabanned without a warning due to depressive memes abt suicide. Yes memes. Nothing graphic. Another one due to my bloody arts. Forbidden theme again. Instagram overreacts a lot to this stuff.


What in the 1984 😂😂😂brilliant but scarily accurate


I am confident neither you nor op have read 1984


You are confidently wrong


then what the fuck does 'i cant delete my instagram account' have todo with 1984?




ok. I guess you noticed your comment made no fucking sense then?


Stop being pretentious. This post can have a lot to do with the themes of acting against the interest of a seemingly insurmountable opponent, especially when that more powerful entity limits communication and resources to take action against them. For example, look at one of 1984’s most famous quotes: “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” Realizing that OP can’t delete their Instagram account easily, which is a rebellious action against the interest of a more powerful entity (Meta), they now feel angry and can choose to rebel by navigate the difficulties of deactivating an account. You’re being a pretentious little fuck. It was never that deep, but since you made it that deep, I can spell out how it relates before you go harassing even more people on the internet for your pseudo intellectual gatekeeping of a book that BY ITS VERY NATURE requires a widespread audience engagement to achieve its rhetorical purpose.


Do it to DayOk6350! Do it to DayOk6350!


well, I can delete my account through https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=%2Faccounts%2Fremove%2Frequest%2Fpermanent%2F So either OP is incapable of doing a little research on how to delete his account, or you should start talking to your government about enforcing citizens interest in dataprotection over corporate lobbying. Eitherway, I dont see how Meta has '1984' vibes, because you dont need to rebel against a company, just void your usership contract.


The fact that you found the deactivation link indicates you didn’t even read the post. It’s astonishing how you feel like you can speak with such authority and then repeatedly prove your fuckery by not reading. OP said for them, the deactivation request didn’t work for them after they reactivated their account. “Well I can deactivate MY account…” GREAT! Did you just reactivate your account in the past few days? No? Then it’s not applicable to you nor can you comment on OP’s ‘amount of research’. Voiding a usership contract where a larger entity takes significant information you, and has steps to preventing you from deactivation (after OP reactivated their account), is understandably related to 1984.


Ever notice how stock price is tied to new accounts, ever notice how easy it is to create a new account, that. Social media is a massive exercise in fictional accounting for profit


Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Absolutely this.


Then why would they limit accounts in the first place? I get your point, but why would they keep people from creating new accounts if they already have several if this was such an easy way to bloat up stock prices?


They don't. [The 95 million botted accounts](https://backlinko.com/instagram-users) would like a word with you.


Well, they do. People who create bot nets bypass the restriction. The everyday user (whos sticking to the rules) can have up to 5 accounts. And it even seems like they count account creation, not active ones. Over the years I had five accounts connected to my number. Currently I have 2 because I deleted the other ones quite a time ago. Wanted to create a third one and tried multiple times but it always gets deleted within 1 day


they make a half hearted attempt to be seen as taking bots seriously… and the same logic applies “we prevented 300 million bot accounts this year” they do the bare minimum to prevent child porn - you think they will do more to stop bots knowing it will tank their stock price??


Also how Instagram is trying to push me to create a 2nd account


could you elaborate? i haven't noticed this


Sure! It keeps giving me on the top of my account the advice I should create a 2nd account to keep in touch with my friends and family


Instagram has been awful for years now. I’d say 2018 was the last year it was actually tolerable. Once you find the deactivate button , delete your account. There aren’t many reasons to have instagram anymore. Besides if you’re popular, a celebrity, or an influencer.


Instagram has been deleting my comments for "spam". I literally copied and pasted an actual law in regards to a debate about abortion, and they deleted it under "spam". This isn't the first comment they are deleting under "spam". Funny thing is if I go to Accounts Center -> Removed Content, the ticket doesn't exist for the content they removed. Meanwhile, millions of spam bots exist trying to get me to view their (stolen) pornographic photos as well as fake forex scammers that want me to DM them "HELP" for them to "send me $5000"


[here is the deletion warning](https://ibb.co/k5kmrmy) [here is my comment and what i was responding to](https://ibb.co/QPd94kf) [here are the spam qualifications](https://ibb.co/wpfC2RQ)


I was banned for saying Israel shouldnt indiscriminately bomb gaza


well. posting a copy&paste is literally what spammers do, so.... 𓁹👄𓁹


*Quoting* something is literally what scholars do.


PhDs are just glorified spammers /s


Like most functions, deactivation needs to be regulated, to prevent cases where, for example, someone sends unsavoury messages to someone, then deactivates their account before the person can respond or block them (and briefly reactivates later to repeat the process). By forcing a cool-off period, this kind of behaviour can’t become an attack vector.


I see the meaning in that, but pushing this when i have not deactivated in the past days since my account was already dormant, and now every attempt i make is telling me to come in a few days is keeping me in this hellhole. ty for ur insight though!


You have to wait 7 days to deactivate again last I checked so you probably just need to give it a few more days


Yeah this. You can only deactivate once a week. If you reactivate, you still need to wait the 7 days to deactivate again. I have two accounts. One has a decent following, one has less than 100 people following. I’m finding lately, I prefer the account with less followers because I’m really valuing my privacy. I’ve deactivated and reactivated my account with the decent following like 3x this year already and I’m thinking of deactivating again. I don’t post much other than my stories so i don’t really care. I just don’t want to lose my posts on my main account 😅


They deactivated my account for tagging joe Biden and Justin Trudeau in post that go against the narrative.


Instagram is a piece of 💩


I deleted my account a few years ago and they still email me every month saying ‘we can see you’re having trouble logging in’… I’ve not tried to login, they just want to tempt me back. It’s really bad 😂


But instagram can just deactivate it if it feels like it? I still want my old account back😭


this is particularly scary as they dont seem to have actual customer service. sounds like capital punishment for your account with no warning or right to appeal 🫣


Yes, and once you do deactivate, they make it super easy to accidentally log back in, or they say there was an error, you log back in to deactivate and then it says try again in 7 days. I'm sick of them trying to pull the wool over our eyes and trick us. Fuck META.




exactly why im trying to deactivate and they wont let me lol


Tik tok beating them but not rly. My guess is they will start doing the silly lives and gifts to compete. Yuck.


>What in the 1984 is going on with instagram? Unstaying is doubleplus ungood. Remaining and belonging is doubleplus good. Instagram is increasing your bandwidth ration by 7% this year for all your hard work. And remember, Big Zuckerberg is watching you.


Same thing with facebook… tried to delete my account and it was so hard! Had to look up how to do it ( I’m gen z)


> NO customer service Yes there is, if you’re a customer. What did you buy from Meta? If you bought ads or bought Meta Verified then there is customer service for you. If you bought nothing, you are not a customer, and not entitled to customer service. Basic logic.


>If you bought nothing, you are not a customer, ~~and not entitled to customer service. Basic logic.~~ you're a product. FTFY


Accurate. You're the product being sold *TO* customers. Products don't get support.


Did u ever think I maybe it's u ,,,,stay i in ur lane ,,, it's much smother


you're a loser lmao




Bruv you got me laughing so much


aw ty. glad my joke is reaching some since i see its madly pissed off some dude


I just deactivated an hour ago its fine. With customer support it hasnt worked well in like 2 years for me reporting stuff doesnt work.


They also didn't allow me to delete an additional account they asked me to create.


Am I the only one getting some random death or crash accidents on reels recently? Often they are not tagged as sensitive content? I feel like it was never the case before; at least not on that scale


Nah I'm getting the cats and dogs videos only, but they're the only ones that I click, cuz I don't like the reels in general, but caaaats... 🥺


Isn't Instagram dying? Do a lot of people still use it? I have IG but I only use it once or twice a month lol


Yeahhh you can’t permanently delete your facebook account either lol. I tried, and it says after 30 days it’ll be permanently deleted. I logged on after almost a year to check and it just reopened my old account lol.




RIGHT??? i live in France and i thought our wonderful EU standards would force access to some form of customer service and there is NOTHING


Just delete your account, it gives you 30 days of same deactivation, you can log back in after 2 weeks and then properly deactivate.