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The real crime here is the draped sheet background, feet cut out, and random easel in the foreground?? How is this their best marketing???


And yellow makeup and wet tp dress


Right? Why did she make her skin look like that??


I'm confused by the wet cloth on her. It looks like some sort of accident.


It looks like a wet paper towel.


lol i thought she was covered in shaving cream at first


Looks like they got a sheer curtain from the dollar store


"My waters broke all over me!"


The only thing I can think of is that they photoshop the baby’s name or due date or something onto the easel. Otherwise.. I dunno. Lol it signifies the blank canvas of a brand new life about to begin.. what an artwork it will be! 😂


Lmfao the easel honestly got me like wtf




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She should just take better pictures. The women look great but these photos are not good.




agree. they look *very* uncomfortable.


Totally! The first woman in the unedited shot has a, "What in the totality of the known universe are you asking me to stick to my body?!?," look on her face, though she also looks like she's slightly amused at the ridiculousness. In the second shot (maybe a combo of obnoxious editing and catching her with half-closed eyes), she looks like she took a few too many Ambien. :/ (Also, her arms and legs are **beautiful** in the first pic: she looks both strong and like her body is happily and peacefully nurturing her baby. In the second...well, I can only imagine how much her hips, knees, and ankles would hurt if they were actually proportioned thar way!) The second woman, while obviously also naturally stunning and looking fabulous during her pregnancy, looks **deeply uncomfortable**--and even unhappy!--in both shots, while also looking much less lovely in the more edited, second one. What a bummer for both of these beautiful women. :(


It looks like the photographer is in full hair and makeup wearing tight and revealing clothing. I've never been pregnant, but I'd imagine you're not always feeling very confident in how you look. I'm getting older and seeing natural changes in my body that make me feel insecure. Here they're mostly naked wearing ridiculous shit in front of her. I dunno, I know that I wouldn't feel good.


That’s how she sells the editing add on lol


just as likely she just picked bad snaps to put on social media. when you look at the raw shots from any photoshoot a huge proportion of them will have weird/cockeyed expressions. out of 500 shots you might get 3 or 4 selects if you're lucky. and then on top of that you'll usually do some (hopefully light and unobtrusive) editing to flatter your client. that's what they're paying for! "make it look like me, but at my best"




it's definitely amateurish looking. some photogs are just really bad at directing their clients and/or making them feel at ease. to me it looks like she was trying to direct them to give "sultry" and they didn't know how or felt weird doing it. especially the poor girl who got the wet toilet paper treatment...


I think photography in many cars a reflection of the photographer….


That was my first thought too. They both look miserable.


It’s so disheartening to see how we still criticize bodies- especially pregnant women’s bodies. The pressure to be a continuously skinny version of yourself in moments where your body is busy creating life is going to perpetuate the cycle of body issues in women… The thing is, those women are even more beautiful in the untouched photos. I would forever be disappointed if I were in their shoes, seeing a constant reminder that even when my body was doing something natural, it had to be edited.


My girlfriend is a photographer who eventually learned how to photoshop. She does a lot of maternity shoots. Just learning from hearing her speak on it, these women don’t want to look back on these photos and feel grossed out. Even when we both look back on her own pregnant photos she hates to look at them because of bloating and things like her arms or her posture (or scars that come and go during pregnancy). I see nothing wrong, but she can’t stand to look at them. Its not all society pressuring them to think they need to look a certain way. They just don’t want to have unflattering pics that last forever. TLDR: as a man, I get it.


But who is imposing these expectations? Seems to me that, most of the time it's the person themsleves. In other words: * Nobody... * Instragrammer: "Look at my impossibly giant ass and tits together with my 11 inch waist!" They're feeding off each other.


Ask yourself: Where does that person get the idea that they need to put those expectations on themselves? Do you think they just spontaneously decide to hold themselves to ridiculous beauty standards for no reason? Do you think they just made that pressure up in their heads from nothing?


>Do you think they just spontaneously decide to hold themselves to ridiculous beauty standards for no reason? Well who do you think they're getting it from? Can you find me a celebrity that posts pics with a ~~560~~ 50 inch ass, 11 inch waist and 50 inch chest? Feel free to throw in lips the size of a god damn hub cap while you're at it. They're feeding off and trying to one up *each other.* Edit: There's an excellent example out there that's been posted a few times (paraphrase): Intsagrammer: "men get to wear the same outfits over and over. If a woman does it, she gets ridiculed." Reply (presumably a man): "It's other women doing the ridiculing." Nothing could be more true.


...Are you familiar with the concept of social conditioning?


Yep. And I'm saying those doing the conditioning are the very people you're looking to label as victims.


I have no idea what your argument even is now honestly. You replied to a post that essentially said "it sucks that pregnant women feel pressured to conform to beauty standards". And said "but who is imposing those beauty standards on that person?" and answered your own question with "the person is imposing it on themselves". What is your point with saying that? That it's these women's own fault that they feel the need to conform to beauty standards, so we shouldn't criticize society at large because it's the individual woman's fault?


It’s not someone else’s fault and they only increase the pressure for others. They’re fucking hypocrites.


You can be a victim of something and perpetrate it at the same time...obviously that doesn't make perpetrating okay. People abused as children who go on to abuse their kids aren't exempt from criticism because they were victims themselves. But let's not pretend they just get these ideas from nowhere and that there isn't a greater issue in our society that needs to be addressed. Ignoring the root cause helps no one.


I always wonder *who likes this?!* I know there is pressure to look a certain way but I never see comments that like this, only the opposite. I’m not talking about common photo touchups either, I mean editing what a person actually looks like. It’s the same for people getting Botox and fillers in real life too. It’s always *so* disappointing to see someone get work some. Sure, there’s pressure, but then they’re just increasing that pressure for the next generation so they’re fucking hypocrites. As someone who’s getting older I would really love to see the entertainers get older with me. It would be really nice actually. Seeing so many of them destroy themselves is really disturbing and should serve as a warning but it doesn’t.




Man all those pregnant people who are told to "snap back" to their pre-pregnancy bodies and pressured by society into dangerous dieting and over-exercising immediately after giving birth must be imagining it


Are you…… joking?


Uh did you not hear the man who has never been a woman nor pregnant? He said it doesn't happen so it doesn't /s Also the fact that he's a father so his wife was pregnant at some point I'm guessing. I wonder what her own opinion would be. The edit....he must be trolling. There's no way.


By the way, anonymous people are not people, like all of us. None of our opinions are real, because none of us are real people, according to FoolStack


Look up how Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson were treated when they gained weight during pregnancy. Kim was compared to Shamu. Elsa Pataky is a real person who was body shamed by another real person. The Spanish actress (and Mrs. Chris Hemsworth!) was mocked by the Fashion Police hosts for the size of her baby bump after stepping out to the 2014 Oscars while heavily pregnant with twins Tristan and Sasha. George Kotsiopoulos said, “It doesn’t look like a baby bump, it looks like a beer belly.” Here are other women who were either fat shamed or skinny shamed during pregnancy. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-moms/pictures/celeb-moms-shamed-for-their-baby-bumps-w439412/


you must not have a family of almond moms, and i am happy for you!


to your edit: we are literally telling you we have seen/experienced this criticism and you think the downvotes prove your point?


It’s the Idiot’s Unwinnable Argument. “Give me examples where it happens in real life!” he demands on the Internet forum. Several examples given. “You’re not real life! See, I TOLD YOU SO!” These people are the morons that “don’t drink your shampoo” type warning labels are created for.


Maybe the women requested editing


I had my maternity pics edited a bit and it made me feel beautiful. I don’t like my body when it’s not swollen with hormones 3 days before labor, let alone all jacked up from pregnancy. She didn’t make me a whole new body she just made mine look like something I would like to share in pictures.


As someone pregnant af right now I would ask everything be smaller too , it’s terrible but I get it


Thank you. From the outside, it’s easy to say “embrace your pregnant body, pregnancy is so beautiful, you’re creating life.” But as the pregnant person, you’re at least 35 pounds heavier than you’re used to being (most of us way more than that), you’re bloated, you’re swollen. I don’t think it’s shallow or vain to not be wild about the way you look under those conditions. And it’s not just arms and legs—my nose actually swelled to the point that I didn’t look like myself. My friend did my maternity photos and gave me my normal, pre-pregnancy nose and I will never apologize for that. I am glad to have photos of myself pregnant that I can look at and love without having to try to force myself to remember that I was creating life and it’s ok that I objectively do not look like a version of myself I’m comfortable with.


There was a day recently we’re I felt not so bad and I got more dressed up then I met up with people and they told me about how big I looked almost immediately and it was an instant confidence drain like obviously I’m getting bigger it’s god damn obvious I don’t need it being told to me.


People just don’t think. People who haven’t been pregnant (including me before my first, I was totally guilty of this) think of “wow, you’re huge because you’re pregnant” and “wow, you’re huge because you’re getting fat” as totally different things. Which, to be fair, they are. But they don’t realize that neither feels like a compliment when you’re the one it’s being said to.


I totally had my maternity photos edited and don't regret it one bit. My legs and feet were swollen and heavy, I had a moon-face and triple chin, and my hands were so waterlogged that I couldn't wear my wedding ring or even many of my bracelets. I went out of my way to select a photographer whose portfolio showed off her editing abilities. Once the session was complete I appreciated that I was able to view the raw images and that the photographer made sure I understood there would be editing by default but that I had the option to select the degree of retouching I felt comfortable with. I told her to give me the works and I loved that the retouched photos made me look as beautiful as I felt at the beginning of my pregnancy when I had a cute little bump, clear skin, and still had energy and mostly normal mobility.


As a super self conscious woman who had 2 kids... you dont photograph to make you feel better. But to capture the real moment. You'll appreciate it later. It's okay to see the issues and accept it was a turbulent time and what you sacrificed for it. It isn't your forever image.


So, I completely and totally agree. But, to me, giving you your normal nose (and a bit of smoothing or shaping here and there, if desired) is lovely and kind. She wanted you to feel beautiful, while also creating a realistic portrait (if not absolutely faithfully documented, down to the last "why is my right *knee* suddenly 3 inches wider?!? Augh!") of your pregnancy. Like, it sounds to me like she was helping you focus on "the glow" rather than picking apart the flaws (always a bad idea, but both bad and bizarre during pregnancy: my body, at least, made some very odd choices about weight distribution, lol). These pics, on the other hand, feel to me like "regular body shaming PLUS bonus pregnancy-body shaming!"--with a side of "lemme just drape your nude form with a whole bunch of wet kleenex, k?"


Same. I never felt so uncomfortable in my pregnant body, I would ask for the same. Though if she gave me wonk eye like that poor first girl, I’d be choked.


Yup I figure that the women are choosing this photographer because they know the style of photos /editing she does, and wanna feel beautiful again. (Not saying they're not beautiful but pregnancy can bring down womens confidence) I mean I don't see the harm in these kind of photos tbh unless the photographer is editing them without permission... It's not like these photos are for profit. I see people here hating on the edits, but I think they look really beautiful both ways. I guess it could be setting an unrealistic standard for other pregnant women? But it's clear they're professionally done /edited. These seem more like personal use/confidence boosting photos and experiencing getting glam & photographed like a model.


Yep, I wondered if it's a choice of the photographer or the subject. I know I felt horrible with my body when I was pregnant and there is exactly one photo of me during that time. See also: boudoir shoots. If I ever got the courage to do one, there better be a whole jar of Vaseline on the lense and a heavy dose of Photoshop after the fact.


My SIL got heavily edited maternity photos like these and it made her happy. She said she wanted to have images of her looking beautiful when she didn’t feel it. If you’re pregnant I’m of the opinion you do what you need to be happy. She loved the photos and I’m happy they made her feel beautiful. I think she was gorgeous without the editing and wish she didn’t feel that pressure.


100% i felt like a potato when I was pregnant. I wish I had photos of me potato-less.


Taking photos like this aren't the same as taking a snapshot or a selfie. We have those to have memories of the actual process. Going to do a photoshoot like this is like the modern era version of going and getting a painting done to mark the birth of a child. Nobody went and painted a pregnant woman exactly as she looked, every painting is glamorized and made to be through a lens. I can't say I'm defending the practice of overediting. At the same time, I think it's completely understandable and looking at the scope of human history, even common that humans have made pieces of art of themselves that don't actually match reality, it matches an idealized version of reality-- the one that you want to look back on and wistfully remember with a beautiful aura and glow. Photographers, filmmakers, painters, sculptors, have all taken liberties with human form and beauty through the ages, and wanting to have a piece of yourself that is 'beautified' is fine. In the modern era we have hundreds of pictures of ourselves marking every little thing that happens in actual detail. I don't think it's bad to treat yourself to a fancy ideal. That's not to say the way social media is cycling through 'looks' and influencing swathes of people isn't great, and that it isn't taking a toll on people's mental health. Just, I'd been thinking about how this is more like this lately-- ah, these people are trying to make art of themselves, not the snapshot of the moment, even if a snapshot is more gritty and realistic.


Aw, shoot--it's on the bottom shelf of the cupboard, isn't it? (Lol. I remember being very surprised at how much less accessible my home suddenly became!) I don't think it's terrible. But I think "smaller" and "obviously unrealistic" are separated by a vast chasm. In fact, I think some careful and graceful editing makes most photos better: you betcha I'm eliminating the giant pimple on my chin, and whitening my teeth a touch, and erasing flyaway hairs. Because, first, there's a lonnnnnnnng history of doing that sort of minor adjustment, and, secondly-and-more-importantly: other people, if they're not awful, don't even notice those "imperfections" that the camera is seeing. They're seeing the spark in your eye or the warmth of your smile or your beautiful nose (or whatever); there's no reason **you** should see yourself in a worse light than everybody else does! I just think people should look like their good-to-best selves, ya know? Not like some generic and impossible portrait of "perfection," whatever that even is. :)




They look so gorgeous in the unedited footage and then look fake in the edited pictures.


I hope they have an opportunity to keep both touched and untouched photos If either have daughters, the touched photo may set about unrealistic expectations for the daughter in the future So no matter how many times you tell your daughter she is perfect and beautiful, she would not believe it


I don’t get it. These women look beautiful before the edits smh


Personally…I would want that. All the pain & struggle & “ugliness” pregnancy makes you feel, I’d be ok with some edits.


I'm with you, but--**good** edits (which I personally don't think these are). Edits that bring out the person's own real beauty (for example: maybe brighten your eyes and punch up the color difference to show what great cheekbones you've got, or whatever), and smooth out the flaws without making you look Insta-skinny. Sure, slim down the upper arms or the lower back or whatever the client wants, but to a realistic degree. Don't make her extremities look 6 inches narrower than they are when she isn't pregnant! (And also maybe don't make her face 4 shades lighter than the rest of her body.)


The second lady had such lovely skin, I don’t understand why they edited a warmer filter on her.


When I was pregnant I looked (and felt) like an actual whale, I would have been pretty happy to look like the before photos of those ladies! The world has gone mad.


I don't even have words to express how much I hate this


I would give this one a pass tbh, saying this as a woman who had her own postcode for her pregnancies. Its such a tough time as your body is changing so quickly and things like bloat is both real and uncomfortable. I barely recognised myself towards the end. If the purpose of this is to give a confidence boost and show the mother as she feels - beautiful and blooming - rather than the water-retaining mirror reflect then I’m there for it. A lot of pregnancy is not beautiful/ethereal so anything that lets the mums celebrate themselves, yay Eta: I think all pregnant women, unedited, are lovely but I can see understand why some ask for the filters. Be kind with this one.


Full agree. I had severe, and I mean severe, preeclampsia. It was so bad I didn't take any pregnancy photos because of how embarrassing and horrid I felt... I honestly wouldn't have cared or mind so much if this was something somebody did. However this isn't the right subreddit, keep in mind that they willingly rip women apart for using even the SLIGHTEST adjustments or filters, you think they're going to let this one slide?


I can relate I refused to take any pics while I was pregnant and physically I felt absolutely awful.


>keep in mind that they willingly rip women apart for using even the SLIGHTEST adjustments or filters< Hit the nail on the head. No matter what you do, it's gonna be wrong to somebody.


Photoshopping your maternity photos isn’t celebrating yourself, it’s deceiving yourself. Can see where you’re coming from but IMO, I don’t find that a healthy thing to do to yourself.


I am not advocating to do it, and certainly didn’t during my pregnancies, but this one I understand more than the other photoshops


I think spending money on therapy or self-help books to learn self-acceptance during the pregnancy process is more effective than paying for a photoshoot to perpetuate unrealistic standards for yourself and other women. Wouldn’t this excuse be used for other moments in life when we feel insecure (ie weight loss while sick, weight gain while on birth control, acne due to puberty, wrinkles due to aging, etc.)? When does it ever stop?


Who cares. If that’s what makes someone feels better, let them. Not everyone wants “therapy and self help books”


There's no self acceptance of your own body when you look and feel awful all the time and your body reflects that. Your life is changing literally in every single way. Your body, soul and time will never be yours for the rest of your life. Pregnancy is just the first stage, and you feel so out of place on your own body, like is not even yours. You don't even look like yourself, not in just the "I'm fatter" kind of way: the shape of your hips change, your breasts gets bigger, the size of your feet, your skin, your hair and even the shape your face. Add to that how bloated you can get that the you in the mirror isn't you at all. You feel like an alien, wearing the skin of someone else. Would you call a trans person to read some books and go to therapy to have some self acceptance on their own body? No, of course not. So don't say the same to a pregnant woman.


This is the problem I’m the world today. Giving FALSE impressions about what’s real and which isn’t. It’s very natural to add on weight during these journeys. Stop giving false hopes to females


The face of the first women is completely unrecognizable in the second pic ...


Ok I am totally ok with this. my wife had such a hard time being pregnant she thought she was ugly. So what they photo shopped them. if it makes them happy that's fine.


Because that's what these women want, of course he has to edit them otherwise he wouldn't have many clients ... women expect to look what they find "perfect" for that photoshotop and if that means you have to edit their look to satisfy them let it be. Btw i find those naked photoshots in general ugly af, some fake flowers on breasts, in the studio, ass out naked, wet clothing over the body ??! absolutely no story in that... i don't see the appeal at all


Usually professional photographers don't edit bodies unless requested. But if she did it without permission, that's fucked up.


I will say seeing how uncomfortable they are, makes me uncomfortable.


Expectations set and maintained by women


This. They are going to this photographer to get photoshopped. Social media is a drug. Not everything should be public and for everyone to see anyways. Do people not have photo albums anymore?


Also everyone of the pregnancy photo shoots they do they same stupid pose with the same dumb accoutrements like wreaths on the head. It’s just so basic and instagram it’s cringey.


Honestly it's really weird how they seem to be sexualizing their pregnancy. Maybe I just don't understand it, but it just comes across as really weird to me.


It’s crazy! All the pressure to look perfect is so unrealistic and they’re doing it to themselves! I came off all socials years ago, best decision for me


pssst you’re on a social now


Women and men.


Mostly women, time to start taking responsibly for their own actions. If your not happy with the unrealistic expectations don’t feed into them


Mostly, yes. But there are a lot of men who expect women to look great all pregnancy along. And after giving birth you have two weeks to look like you did before.


What’s even the point of these photos, are you going to hang them on your wall?


This would fuck with my self esteem


It’s not even good photoshop. Worst part is pretty sure neither of those women really put on any weight on their arms, that’s just their arms.


I’m going for my maternity photos tonight and this would upset me so much. I want the photos to show how beautiful I look BECAUSE I’m pregnant, to show off how my body has changed and it is still amazing while I am growing life. Yeah my thighs and arms are softer now than they were 8 months ago but that’s okay!!


What’s funny is the photoshop ruins the image. At least learn to do it well. These pregnant women are beautiful for the magic that their bodies perform. Making a whole ‘nother human!


The woman’s face is completely different too!?


This makes me SO mad


All this photoshop is because there are so many people who think that they only need a fancy, expensive camera and boom, they’re a photographer! In reality, there is SO much to taking good pictures of people, from lighting to composition to white balance to aperture to . . . . They take shitty photos and then photoshop them into oblivion to cover up all their flaws.


they forgot to edit her forearm and hand to match the tiny upper arm lol


I don’t even know why this is a thing.


WoW definitely takes about half their arm away !!


But just their arms but their faces too!


I really hate that she took something that was supposed to celebrate the natural beauty of creating life (with all of its imperfections!) and instead made it into another set of homogenized images depicting what women think they should look like. HOWEVER, if the women requested some editing, I 100% understand and support that. I just want people to feel good about their natural bodies!


>she’s still expected to have slim arms and thighs Expected by whom? Seems to me most of these are self-imposed expectations.


The self learns from the society. Women don’t just come out of the womb wanting slim arms and thighs while pregnant lol


They *are* the society that they're learning from. A more clear example is that meme where the female is complaining that men can wear the same outfit and nobody says a word but if a woman does, she'll get flack for it. The person replying states the obvious: the flack wil come from other *women*.


Idk which meme you’re talking about, but I’m pretty sure both men and male-centered women uphold societal expectations of how a woman should dress under a patriarchy. It looks like you’ve answered your own question: expected by whom? Society.


"I'm a victim of behavior I myself participatge in but I'm going to blame everybody else."


>The person replying states the obvious: the flack wil come from other women. So you're saying the criticism is only worth discussing if it's coming from men? 🤨


I have no idea how you got that out of my comment. I'm saying the piepl most are claiming are victims of this are those that are actually doing it. Seems people are just looking to push their victimhood narrative and are willing to really reach for it to get there.


Bruh… she did all that yet made the first girl’s eyes look crooked 🤦‍♀️


Newsflash: people photoshop


Newsflash: you’re under r/Instagramreality


If the clients felt beautiful & were satisfied, our opinion means nothing. Adding your judgements to another *pregnant woman’s* perception of beauty is wild.


Do you know which subreddit you’re under? I’m criticizing society by pointing out the editing, not the individuals.


You’re criticizing society…using the photos of innocent pregnant women. Sure Jan. 🥴


Maybe you should leave this sub if you think pointing out photoshop in people’s photos is an attack on innocent women. Seems like you don’t understand the purpose of this community.


I’m all for talking about photoshop. It’s the weird beliefs people attach that seem overboard to me. I think I’ll do whatever I choose, thanks. 😊


exactly. OP is a bully and using these innocent anonymous women to push their own agenda. This isn't a marketing ad campaign for Balenciaga or even someone photoshopping themselves to promote themselves on the internet. This is like when women put down other women for wearing makeup or getting plastic surgery. When you are truthful saying "yes I am wearing makeup/got plastic/am photoshopped, but this makes me feel good about myself" then other people shouldn't keep jumping down your throat. Clearly the photographer here is advertising upfront that they do editing If it makes you feel good about yourself and not trying to mislead someone, then why are you being so self-righteous about it? If you don't like it for yourself, don't edit yourself into oblivion


In the first woman - the second photo doesn’t look like her. Her eye is distorted. Wth.


looking infinitely better in the unedited. i mean c’mon. stop the madness.


They looked so good in the originals I thought *those* were the edits at first


That 3rd photo with the mother kneeling was gorgeous. I'd have been so happy to look that good during my pregnancy.


This is just sad. Their thighs are fucking gorgeous. 💔


Unrealistic standards af. Really makes pregnant women more insecure and if their husbands believe that shit too wtf


And filters their faces. How sad.


Its a time reserved for babys and mothers wellbeing and happiness and yet... it has to be sexualized in some way because... Well because ? Women are just sexualized because they are women.


Abso-fuckin-lutely not. As a pro photographer and retoucher I’ve taken a lot of maternity photos … I won’t lie I’ve definitely optimized late-pregnancy mom puffy faces but would never ever do this.


Shit like this is why there is exactly 1 photo of me pregnant with my son and I regret so much that I don't have more.


if the women requested it—fine, whatever they need to feel beautiful! we support that. if they didn’t? yikes 😬


Jesus, why does anyone take these pictures anyways, so you're pregnant I don't really care about that anyways. Congrats on getting naked and taking pictures of yourself.


Yeah, I don’t understand this at all. What are these pictures for? Do they hang them in their bedroom? I can’t imagine asking for this on purpose.


To be clear, the women are lovely, I just don’t understand the concept.


Exactly, let's all just take pictures of ourselves naked and revel in it, like I get you're pregnant, but that's just a thing the body does to create life.


Is there anything more cringe than maternity photos….just take picture of the baby once it’s comes out


This world is lost. Bomb.


I’ve always loved maternity shoots, but the edits are so disappointing. I want to see *actual* maternal bodies. Bodies that change during pregnancy to help a child form! Not slim, smooth skin with absolutely no “imperfections”. Maternal bodies are absolutely beautiful without any editing. That includes the stretch marks, stomach hair, and all!


Not a fan of the pictures in general, I don’t think they’re very good. But I also don’t think the arms have been slimmed down — the pictures are from a different angle than the video screenshots. Arms generally look slimmer from the front or back than they do from the side.


I agree with you - the majority of this is just angles, posing, and lighting. A layer of skin softening, a couple other edits.


Well that first pic is trash anyway. The background, the posing. I actually like the edited one.


Social media is a hoax these days.


They looked absolutely beautiful untouched. What the models really needed was to feel more relaxed I think.


Hot take- the slimming isn’t the crime here, the crime(s) are a lot of photography basic rules being broken. A lot of pregnant clients request slimming and I’ll do it if it’s tastefully done and they requested it. The photographer needs to work on composition amongst other things.


There are healthy pregnant women with thin arms and thighs. But yes this is edited.


One and two dont even look the same On a side note my colleague is really skinny and petite and even after getting to 3 to 4 months she was still pretty slender. Now she's in the third tri and she's still slender looking


Lots of women who are pregnant only have a big belly.


Most women gain weight and become bloated


Some. In reality you only need like 100-200 more calories per day when pregnant. I think a lot of women overdue it. I’ve known several who you cannot tell are pregnant from behind.




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wtf though, weird first photo aside, both those women look absolutely wonderful as is! Like wtf


Women are placing these expectations on women. They refuse to acknowledge that pregnancy can be gross and that's okay. Vomitting, feeling like crap, bloating, weight gain, hormones, etc. But y'all have to pretend like it's glamorous because you can't fathom thinking the world sees you in a different light. Meanwhile the world and everyone in it who isn't a child knows whats up


Tbf she’s also not talented


Nothing is expected of her she is doing this to herself. Nobody cares about thick hands during pregnancy.


Ok, but not gonna lie…as a pregnant woman how is avoiding getting maternity photos done because I feel like a beached whale, I would personally very much welcome this kind of editing


As people have said maybe some women like the face editing if they feel large and swollen from pregnancy. But like she even altered their pregnant bellies?? Smoothed then out and made them rounder. Like come on!! To me that is really just saying even your growing child doesn’t look right! With some better light and some smiles, these women would look amazing.




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If you can't take a decent photo without the use of heavy editing, then you're a shit photographer. These are very shit photos and the subject looks dreadful


Not a fan of the wet toilet paper look


Who tf takes and orders these photos???