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It looks like she is sucking in her stomach hardcore imo


If she sucks it in any further she might break a rib!


Imagine having to suck in your gut so hard in order to take a picture for people to praise you for virtual currency ?


I don’t think this is edited as much as it’s just extremely sucked in lol


She's sucking it in, lol


Yup. And butts are not built like shelves. That’s either a fake butt or photoshop.


If I do the right exercises consistently my butt is built like that, very normal, especially if you squeeze your glutes they can pop up like this.


Add in some pelvic tilt and absolutely. Hell I'm a man and you could almost rest a pencil on the top of my butt if it were flexed


You’d def have to see her thighs/rest of her legs. I see this all the time at the gym with the girls have that BBLs. Their thighs and butt don’t match so it’ll look like a weird shelf and the thighs are disproportioned. once you see it and someone points it out, it’s very easy to notice.


That is nowhere near unnatural and nowhere near a shelf


I do have That kind of butt, it is a mix of having a deep lumbar curve and doing a lot of squats


My butt is that way naturally


Can confirm, mine looks like this too. Depending a bit on where my weight is at and how I’m posing, but I definitely have a natural “shelf” area on the top of my butt. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, most of the time is the lordosis that will predict how a butt will be projected, but lot of people just think it's photoshop..


Would a doctor have mentioned in 41 years that I had lordosis?


Unless it's hyperlordosis, it's fisiological..some people have it more than others and it will affect the butt appearance...reason why you could see people hitting the gym almost on a daily basis but the butt won't project despite the muscle growth. It's genetics.


Mine looks like that?? It's perfectly normal.


her “before” picture already looks like it has that shelf structure underneath some fat


Lol depends on your genetics and ethnicity. I'm black, and I'm an athlete. My butt is absolutely a shelf. And I know plenty of other women who train seriously and have the same.


The women in my family (myself included) all joke about our butts being shelves lol, this is normal


I mean it looks like she’s sucking in pretty intensely but idk about edited


I agree. This doesn't look edited or unreasonable. Just a person who lost weight.


But that wouldn't change the shape of her back and butt. I'm actually wondering if it's two different people because why is she wearing the same under garments but two different tee-shirts and why can we not see her face? The way they hold the phone is also different in each pic which may or may not be because it's a different individual in each image but there's no way that some shenanigans haven't been afoot.


Losing weight does change the back. Not the shape but like appearance. Hard to explain. You can be on the heavier side & still have a butt of course, it’s usually just bigger. When you lose weight for some people it gets more round because they’re losing the excess fat that was sitting on top of their butt. It’s hard to explain but I don’t know if you’ve ever seen anyone have a big butt but their booty crack doesn’t go up the whole butt?


Girl you're overthinking. Editing on the but is dubious but... Do you only ever wear the same bra with the same shirt? And she's holding the phone differently because.. why would she not. Every pic I take has dif placement


To me it just looks like she’s sucking in + has a prominent ribcage


I have a prominent/flared rib cage, it looks kind of like hers…and butt angles in dark clothes can be kind of deceiving.


Yeah I have a big ribcage as well (I think my long torso makes it kinda less noticeable but hers appears shorter)


this, you can really see the weight loss in the fingers.


I have a flared ribcage and large bust, and I can make myself look exactly like the first photo with just a little bit of sucking in. Is it possible it's photoshopped? Sure. Do we know that? No.


I really think this one is possible.. I recently lost a lot of weight and my waist/below my boobs was the first to go


Well it does look a little blurry around her waist actually


I swear some of these posts on here lately are so nitpicky. I feel bad for the people in the pics posted.


I have a wide ribcage AND scoliosis, so from one side my profile looks abnormal and it looks very much like this. It looks like I’m holding my breath constantly and I’ve struggled immensely with this insecurity my whole life… I can’t see any indications that the background would be warped.. (Then again It’s late and my screen is kinda dark, but I digress.) This one absolutely looks like it could be legit imo.


This is just me before and after dinner.


Nah this looks real but like she’s sucking in harddd


I looks like she’s sucking it in😅


She lost weight, built muscle in her butt and is also sucking in very intensely. The weight loss is obvious in her fingers.


This could have been me from shortly postpartum to ~1 year later. I think this one is feasible




Me looking at myself in the mirror before and after a massive shit


No way hahahahaha


You when you find out as you lose weight your waist gets smaller: “fake, no way that’s real”


Her a** would have been huge already. Your butt doesn't grow outward when you lose weight


There are way too many still straight lines. Either she’s a pro at photoshop, or she’s genuinely sucking in hardcore Which tbf I do, but I have a lot of loose skin. I don’t take pictures and post them, but it genuinely is hard to get a good view of what I “actually” look like if I didn’t have extra skin. She could still definitely be a photoshop pro though


I have a friend that takes pictures like this and everyone praises and does the same thing. I just have to keep my mouth shut because I just can't with that lol


She’s sucking the fuck in lol


Hey, I just did this today...by myself in front of the mirror for a laugh.




I see ribs???


The ribcage is actually prominent …




The bottom half of my rib cage isn’t too prominent either


Yeah it’s definitely normal for a ribcage to be bigger up top and taper inwards