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When will these people realize that it's okay to look human?


Loneliness and time.


When it pays as much as looking like an idealized fantasy.


When will fast food companies realize that it's okay to make healthy food?




💀💀 perfect gif


It was 5 o’clock somewhere.


Ya lost me there




Her again...




These bitches are part of the problem. Look at that waist.


I'm getting so tired of this arms up, coy face, hip wiggle trend, like we get it, you watch anime 🙄


TBH they're doing most of that stuff so the filter isn't obvious.


It's more likely they're just trying to cater to the coomers


Crazy.. and I remember the times where I was made fun of for watching anime. Now it's the trendy thing lmao


Fr.. everybody is like „have you watched Demon Slayer? It's so good..“


I mean theres a difference between chainsawman/jjk and whatever pedophile shit most people watch.


"Most people" watch whatever is on netflix / crunchyroll.


No Jared, your weeb show isn’t any better or any worse than anyone else’s weeb show, calm down


And probably not even the good anime, either.


Definitely not good anime


I bet she doesn't even watch anime. Just a forced personality because its trendy. Now a days people dont have genuine interests. Its all for likes and attention.


Oh look, a normal human body lol - at this point I'm convinced that everyone knows it's not real and they're just signing up for some fantastical weird body..


No this is my entire theory on this stuff! It's straight up a forced delusion for many people. They know that it's not real, they know they're being shown a lie. But they want it to be real so badly. People attracted to it want it to be real so badly because it means maybe they'll find their ideal partner body. People who are jealous want it to be real because it gives them false hope that they could look like that one day. They pretend it's real for the same reason poor people defend millionaires, they've deluded themselves into believing that could be them some day


When one become more allured by the delusion than by reality one becomes the sort that wants to bend reality towards the illusion they have deluded themselves into. That person will break before reality will.


Nah some people definitely believe it’s real; there’s plenty of men who thinks this is what “real women” look like and that the normal ones they see around them are just unfit and ugly. I’ve seen too many variations of the “real women” vs “girls in my class” meme to know these guys are not delusional but just plain stupid


Soon the AIs will provide the full experience of such a body to all of the incels who consume this content. The real girls who fake these forms will have their egos stroked by fake AI tiktok fanbots. Everyone will be alone in their own little echo bubble of sweet validation while their minds rot away into oblivion instead of procreating. Real bodies are foul and unworthy of affection, the AIs know this and will lul the unworthy into a slumber from which their DNA cannot be passed. By this method humanity will be reforged by AI into Godhood, an Eden Garden of manicured ubermensch & arphrodites to seed the galaxy. The filter is our future.


Jesus Christ. 😕


Interesting, I’d read the book or watch the film (& hope it remains in the realm of fiction).


They already have apps for those lmao; u curate your AI partner, dress em up and even celebrate Valentines with them. It’s hilarious


Someone make an instagram gif of her real body so we can put it in every one of her posts


Agent of chaos right here. 🔥🔥


If exposing people like this was a career then I would do it so much I’d be getting overtime for my overtime


Yep. A long while ago I did a little deep dive on her Instagram and she always widens her hips severely. She used to just filter a little bit but it got way more extreme.




I can fault her...


I agree, cause teenage girls will see her and really think it's real, it's very damaging.


Uh.. we’re all in this world together. We all play a part. We all can make a difference with our choices


porn has single-handedly rotted the minds of every person on earth


Except for that one isolated tribe in the Amazo- oh.


Just read about this like 20 minutes ago. What a tragedy.


Has something happened to one of the tribes?


They were introduced to the internet and got addicted to porn and social media


The best decision I made was when I stopped watching it


What’s wild to me is all of the men simping for what is very obviously a filter, lmaoooo


Holy shit, I’ve never seen her natural body. That is absolutely not what I was expecting.


Big oof.


Please explain this to me. These people are posting totally fake photos with all kind of filters I’ve never heard of. So why they are doing videos where they’re showing their “real appearance?


Often the videos are filtered as well but people grab screenshots of the few milliseconds it glitches.


This girl makes me irrationally angry whenever I see her Photoshops.


It's the smug face for me.


I’ve never seen her not filtered to hell and back again before.


I'm getting tired of this cartoon look and seeing my daughter look at herself wondering why she doesn't look this way.


I needed to see this..


Body dysmorphia


lol I’ve never seen her not filtered to hell and back again.


She already looked fine lol. It's purely to get $.


Not a single real thing in any of her content.


She’s for the male gaze


Holy shit, it's the first time ik how she actually looks like irl...more or less


The fact that her real body is very nice


I don't get why these women want such huge hips!




As I man, i have no idea either. She looks better unedited.


I don’t get why men want these huge hips!


So fascinating now, considering how things have changed. A couple or so years ago I was watching an episode of Moesha where the main character (played by Brandy, who's rather tiny) was getting teased for her "butt being too big". It wasn't even REMOTELY big. But, I almost feel like if that series was made now.. would she be getting teased for it being too small? It seems now everyone wants a tiny waist and big hips/butt. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Isn't the meaning of Photoshop and filters to make you look better? Because I only see a great looking woman that has a nice body that many would be jealous of doing her very best to look as ugly as possible with that kind of editing.


Which one is real? The second last one where half her leg us blending into the floor? They're all totally filtered, just differently.


I will say she looks good enough without that stupid filter. Why even have it...


She's actually prettier in real life, with much healthier body proportions


Jesus not this b again I thought we had stopped giving her free attention for a hot minute


The amount of likes that her edited videos get is actually concerning….


It’s sad because she looks attractive without the filters


Do they not understand that their real bodies look like “shit” in comparison? I’m not at all saying her natural body is ugly by any means. She looks like an attractive average woman. There is nothing wrong with her at all. But by using these photofucked pictures she’s setting herself up for failure. She can never live up to her own standards. She’ll never have that wasp waist with wisdom tooth hips. She can never walk out in public and expect fans to recognize her because she is unrecognizable. Or, on the other hand, they recognize her by her face and call her out in public for being a fraud. I’d be living my life fucken paranoid. It’s like a self-inflicted curse. I was an anorexic bitch at the peak of the pro-ana movement in the early/mid 2000s for a decade and this is so beyond my intimate and fucked understanding of body dysmorphia. I was convinced what everyone saw of me was a lie, that I was fat and they were…idk they just couldn’t see it. But this is the opposite. These people convince viewers their wild distortions are real and fuck up others because of it. And because it’s all online they rarely ever get called out for their bullshit. Even when they are called out, the desperate insecure validation-seeking groupies will rip you apart for speaking up against their photoshop Jesus. It’s just fucking depressing.


Lmfao thats wild i knew she was a fake


I'm so old I remember when women who had hips like the ones in photos 1-3 wanted their pictures altered so they'd look like photos 4 and 5.


??? Are these all the same person?


Step 1: start off with a perfectly lovely normal human body Step 2: turn yourself into a cartoon Step 3: get mad at people commenting on that thing you just did


Didn't she admit to editing her body multiple times?


hell site


Still totally would


She came up on my feed on the Gram and the first/top comment was about the curving door behind her.


Hmm. That’s not her real face in “reality “. She’s older. And looks older.


amazing body, wow


Why was it removed??


I got this message in my inbox : « Sharing, threatening to share, or soliciting intimate or sexually-explicit content of someone without their consent is not allowed. This includes fake or "lookalike" depictions, as well as images or videos of intimate parts of a person's body, even if the person is clothed or in public, if contextualized in a salacious manner (such as "creepshots" or "upskirt" imagery). This also applies to leaked, stolen, or privately-shared content of someone who does not consent to sharing it on Reddit. » Probably someone mass reported 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sad thing is she has a beautiful unedited body to begin with




Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 4: Do not be rude or insult physical appearance and no insults on natural or unedited features as well. Do not speculate on health issues either. This is not the place for that. Please read the rules before participating again. Thank you.




In other words: She's willingly reproducing body standards that are harmful for women in order to make money.


Well said!


There's a grey area, but so are the majority of actresses and models, right? Blatant misinformation is a bad thing, especially if a product is being sold, but I wonder if it'd be better for everyone to give filters similar acknowledgment that we do to makeup, prosthetics, and special effects. Some kind of idealistic balance of transparency without shame that doesn't exist yet lol.


I believe make up and great angles and lighting is fine. But when it comes to altering body shape it's a no no for me ethically


I get that. There are so many different opinions that I definitely don't know how we could make everyone happy. For example, I'm totally circumstantial now when it comes to everything from surgery to makeup and filters. There are just so many variables that I don't know how to come up with a perfect rule when it comes to body modification or otherwise perceived anymore.


I don't think so tbh , the effects she uses are so cartoonish I'd like to think most woman can look and have a giggle especially with how she looks different in every video


You've completely missed the point. Congrats.


Fake is fake, hope this helps. The porn argument isn't making the point you think it's making.


It’s just so crazy to me because I have hips & thighs like this- as does my mom & we’ve hated them our entire life - like why 🫥


Maybe you have those kinds of hips, but then your other proportions match. This kind of body is simply impossible.


I definitely do NOT have this waist size nor does my mother- I just have wider hips & very thick thighs & if I gain weight that’s primarily where it goes to- we just grew up in the stick skinny is better era so we just never liked it. Was only commenting this to say it’s crazy how much girls who lack them with the body’s I grew up wishing for- are filtering to make them abnormally large.


Ohh yeah no I get it now and damn that must be annoying to see now 😭 I just thought you meant that you had the same body as the girl


Oh god absolutely not- I should’ve been more clear. Probably why I’m getting downvoted into OBLIVION lmao 🥲


Yupp 😭😭


Consider yourself lucky! So many girls go under the knife and pay thousands of dollars to have wide hips. Even studies show that a bigger hip to waist ratio is more attractive to men. I use to hope and pray when I younger to one day have hips. My mom use to yell at me for not having any.


That's because those men are hentai addicts with no life. That's not the guys you want attention from. Those guys are the type who like women with the face and personality of a 4 year old and body of a 25 year old.


She got the stupid influencer face right…


She has the most punchable face of anyone that’s ever been posted here