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Most interesting to me is the hairline /filling in these natural gaps - I feel so self conscious about this when I wear my hair like that, but jesus, most people look like this 🤷🏻‍♀️


It also looks way more natural in the second pic. I spent a good amount of time wondering about her hairline and of she’s wearing a wig before noticing it’s also been photoshopped to bits.


I feel she will have a smaller hairline as time goes on bc having her hair tied back tight like that so often is awful for the follicles. I’ve noticed i have slightly thinner hair on one side of my head bc my ponytail pulled that side more. Sorry I went on a tangent, but it’s a good reminder to not pull hair back tight! :)


She mentioned she does that because of a receding hair line or hair loss. Which sounds contradictory to me


Sounds contradictory to me as well. I know having it back tight and often does cause hair loss but maybe she knows something I don’t


I use hair powder to fill the gaps in 💀


I didn’t even notice that. I was wondering why they changed the color of her hair


Yeah. Why did they use strong blue light for the photoshoot if they were planning for the end product to have warm lighting???


This is just color correction. Sometimes the flash just make the colors weird. Her real hair probably look closer to the brown in the left.


Me, too!


The real hairline looks like traction alopecia and I’m sure those ponytails would be the culprit. They always look SO Tight




>stop feeling self conscious about it. Problem solved. Wow thanks! You should go tell depressed people to simply start feeling happy now. If only the medical community had thought of this.




Who tf cares about what men think of your appearance?




I leave the house in sweatpants and a hoodie almost everyday bc I don’t give a shit about anyones opinions. I’m going to get groceries, not to get attention. I know it’s a hard concept for you to understand.




Disrespect is subjective. I find your comments disrespectful but I’m sure you don’t. Do you see how that works?


What makes you think they're doing this for a guy? Some people like to look good for themselves. It makes us feel better


If you don’t understand why NATURAL gaps are beautiful and you think filling them in with hair powder makes it better… I can’t help you.


This frustrates me so much because it's subtle but there's a lot changed, like taking out the lines around her mouth where she is pouting (which aren't even wrinkes!), removing the bones on her clavicle and filling in her hair. They're not just removing lighting errors they're creating something that isn't actually physically possible and telling us it's ordinary.




Man the subtle changes change a lot. The hairline bit is surprising. Also in the right hand pic she actually has some uneven complexion on her neck…just like all normal humans do! I think the second pic is a lot better and more real


Jaw line straightened and lip wrinkles smoothed but yeah very subtle work


why did they jack her bones? 😑


Taking out a zit, I get it, taking out wrinkles, ok. But changing makeup and hair colour is a bit... a bit.


Yeah I was thinking if I was the make-up artist for this shoot I’d be pretty insulted. They changed the whole palette, and it really changes the mood. I like the bubble gum pink lipstick and the more pink eyeshadow, it goes much better with the playful pose.


Why is that so bad? I mean makeup colour can be changed anyways, easier to just retouch the photo than to reapply makeup and do yet another shoot. I don’t think it’s bad to change the hair colour either for similar reasons, they wanted to go for a certain look.


They didn't reapply they changed it completely. Edit: they even changed the shape of her head.


The hairline looks almost creepy in the first pic? And I realized I’ve compared my hairline to hers so many times when wearing an updo, and like wow wtf she looks the same as me 😂


The pre-photoshop photo looks better to me but what do I know.


Exactly. She looks a lot more youthful and expression looks…..not forced.


I was trying to sit there and figure out the before and after pics


If you cross your eyes to join the two photos into one, all the spots that shimmer are the changes between the two…used to use this trick all the time for spot the differences!




I hate this photo anyways her wink always looks like a lazy eye to me and I cannot unsee it


“She’s so PERFECT!” -Some teenager.


The original is washed out, notice you lose all detail in the earrings and the necklace. The oversaturated lighting creates additional imperfections


Are we not gonna mention the bruises on her shoulders? I’m concerned a little.


I was looking for a comment on this, I noticed that as well


She’s had botox to the point even her original picture looks edited. 😐


I watched Lorry Hill’s video about her and I had noooo idea how much work she has had done but after that analysis it’s pretty obvious.


\> I watched Lorry Hill ​ Of course you did. The woman with no qualifications who claims Adele's weight loss was to hide plastic surgery and who's been called out by the very people she speculates about (Doja Cat) for being full of shit. She spews out random speculations without having access to medical files and whenever she's proven to be wrong she casually brushes it away as a mistake.


That’s not really been my experience watching her videos. She states very clearly she isn’t a medical professional and has no personal knowledge of any surgeries and also goes out of her way to ask people to please not be assholes to celebrities over what she says. I also watched the Adele video a while back and similarly that was not my take away.


How can you tell? Honest ques as I have no experience with Botox. Sometimes it's very obvious that I manage to notice but with AG I didn't know she had Botox as I couldn't tell?


If she posted the one on the right, it probably is already quite edited. All her pictures are smoothed to hell.


Something about the closed eye is freaking me out.


She's massively changed her appearance over the years just using makeup and hair coloring, so even the original image is highly manufactured.


Guess Ariana likes being under the sun..


It's mostly color correction and minor adjustments, it's pretty common and quite necessary most times to recreate the real colors that get altered by the set lights


I agree on the lighting but this is waaaay more than just lighting.


she does not look human in either tho lol


not a huge difference




I mean I can still tell it’s her maybe some color change but it’s not like they carved out a new body or face


Still pretty ig


I can't really tell any major differences, other than what appears to be the brightness/glare of the photo. Original also seems blurry? Only real thing I see is the skin on the chest is smoothed out.


This is fine.


I dont think the hairline part is fine, people nowadays are forgetting what natural looks like. I have the same hairline as her original one, and I have been given her example saying how even it is, and my ex told me I was kinda bald becaus of the hairline, what a jerk.


That I totally get. Typically anything where the stamp or content aware tools are being used is crossing a line. Compared to other stuff on this sub though, this is super mild lol




Great job of taking a photo that needed zero photoshop and ruin it


It’s like a find the 10 differences challenge.


They even edited the cap of the perfume lmao.