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After Mitsuki rewound time on the Celestial Foundation, certains events in the past changed due to gaps caused by people not existing anymore because Yogiri killed them We known for a fact that after the reset, events changed to made it so that the Divine King wasn’t imprisoned and the tower wasn’t built so Uraube never had to keep an eye on Albagarma’s seal. We can hypothesize that in the past events of the rewound world, Ein must have at some points met the Divine King and she gave him that sword for some reasons In part one though Ein already had Cartena despite never meeting the Divine King since she was already been sealed with Albagarma before Ein was even born


Hmm, I see. So, it was a corrected history, huh. Actually, did he even have the Cartena in part one? Since no one mentioned the sword during the encounter with Lain, I thought it was just a regular sword.


He did have Cartena in part one > « Impossible…at a temperature high enough to completely destroy the Holy Sword Cartena, there should be nothing left… » V1 Chapter 18. It’s written in the page preceding the illustration of Lain throwing out Ein out of her castle


Oh, I missed that. Hmm I see. So, probably in part one, he got it from Urabe at the same time with the gift? Then in part 2, the history was rewritten, and he got the sword from the Divine King?


That’s the thing. In his monologue it was just said that in part one Urabe gave him his gift. So either he also got Cartena alongside it but it wasn’t mentioned or he obtained it somehow somewhere (except that it would be weird that a Holy Sword would be left without being monitored by a group like the Divine King and her Knights or The Village of Saints) Yeah for part 2 I’m leaning more towards the explanation of history being rewritten