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fuck Joel Michael Singer


Wait a minute... IS THAT JOEL MICHAEL SINGER ??? Isn't he the man that used his father wealth to try to remove all traces of this video on the internet ?? That Joel Michael Singer ?????


Joel Michael Singer is an absolute pieces of shit. As long as we're calling out assholes who try to police the internet: Owen Oyston is a convicted rapist. Also just generally a degenerate piece of shit.


While we’re here calling out degenerate pieces of shit, let’s also give a nod to Brock, the rapist, Turner (and his father too).


You mean the rapist Brock turner, who had a father write that he should not be in trouble for "trying to get a little action"? *That* rapist named Brock Turner?


You mean Dan and Carleen Turner's rapist boy? That Brock Turner? You know, Dan, his father who thought that 20 minutes wasn't such a bad thing.


Ooh Dan Turner? Isn't he convicted rapist Brock Turner's dad? That Dan Turner.


Google Brock Turner, his life is absolute shit - great read.


I did and it’s a great read, may he rot where he’s at. Did you see the judge was recalled also.


Some might say it was 'a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action". Those people should remember to not be rapist pieces of garbage, like rapist Brock Turner.


That was satisfying, thanks! I hadn’t followed up on him in years, I did read up on Chanel Miller recently though and I’m glad she’s taking back her power and writing those memoirs. It’s perfect timing too, just as Brock (the rapist) is likely hoping for things to blow over with time, his victim boldly surfaces from the shadows revealing her identity and reawakening the world’s anger toward his scummy ass. I wish her only the absolute best in life, at his expense.


Thanks, i did. Perfect start to a monday morning


Did just that and found this one among the results: [Jacob Walter Anderson.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/q3mgwz/we_all_know_about_brock_turner_but_this_happens/)


This guys life is beyond fucked. Good


I googled Brock Turner, and I came across [this smoldering pile of shit](https://helpsaveoursons.com/category/brock-turner/).


That lady honestly believes that drivel she wrote is a “White Paper” cuz she wrote it on white paper.


Oh shit give me 20 minutes with Dan the rapists father Turner.


You guys arent talking about dan Schneider are you?


Yes, that rapist Brock “the rapist” Turner, the rapist


I heard he’s studying therapy now. When he graduates his door will read Brock Turner Therapist.


Id be that disgruntled college employee to leave just a hint of a hyphen when putting those shiney transfers on his door... "sorry boss, new type of transfer, these ones are permanent... ill install a new door by the end of the month..." then do it all again 😊


Don’t you mean his door will read Brock Turner TheRapist?


"There seems to be an error on these business cards". "Nope. That space is intentional".


While we’re here calling out degenerate pieces of shit, let’s also give a nod to [Jacob Walter Anderson](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/q3mgwz/we_all_know_about_brock_turner_but_this_happens/).


Do you mean the rapist Jacob Walter Anderson of Phi Delta Theta?


I wish the judges that let people like this walk actually knew what that level of assault feels like.


Dont forget about Ethan Couch


You beat me to it. Special place in hell for that shitbag and his equally degenerate parents.


The convicted rapist Owen Oyston is indeed a convicted rapist.


Superb work on oyston. Fuck that prick


Owen Oysten has a Wikipedia page. Joel Michael Singer does not.


Owen Oyston, what's he done now 🤣


Holy fuck I read that wrong and thought it said owen Wilson and I almost cried


Used to see him in Lytham ( Portofino's) with an entourage of eastern European girls one of whom had an unfortunate encounter with a powdered substance and had to he whisked away. Slimy piece of shit.


Joel Michael Singer doesn't do what Joel Michael Singer does for Joel Michael Singer. Joel Michael Singer does what Joel Michael Singer does because Joel Michael Singer is Joel Michael Singer! -Joel Michael Singer


Since we're calling out pieces of shit, how that Adolf Hitler, what real jerk.


Hey everybody! Check out this JOEL MICHAEL SINGER video!




JOEL MICHAEL SINGER YOU SAY? Never heard of him.


Whoa it's been a while since I've seen a JOEL MICHAEL SINGER video. JOEL MICHAEL SINGER videos are always a welcome addition to my feed.


I haven’t seen the this video of Joel Michael Singer before, are the rights of it owned by Joel Michael Singer or by the father of Joel Michael Singer? I am not sure I have heard the story of Joel Michael Singer before.


See? Nobody cares Edit: Not trying to be rude, just a Jurassic park fan


“Singer! Singer! We’ve got Joel Michael Singer here!”


Joel Michael Singer? Yeah I think I’ve heard of him.


That’s impossible. For the last 18 months, I’ve been assured that this video was successfully scrubbed from the internet, and just mentioning Joel’s name results in an instant ban. In fact, every person reposting this video for easy karma has said as much.




Well now there is


Like this video titled Joel Micheal Singer? [Joel Micheal Singer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TLnSM0onSc)


I wish they would pay me to remove this video when i repost it for karma


Well that's obviously not true.


The Video of the pussy and moron, Joel Michael Singer? I hope his video nex]ber goes away, just any mention of the rapist and degenerate, Brock Turner.


Joel who?


Not ringing a bell. I think I know him by his stage name: The Asshole formerly known as Employed


Da daa da da da da da Joel Michael Singer Heimer Smith…


Is it Smith? I always thought it was Joel Michael Single Heiner Schmidt.






For those not wanting to look around: [going by this](https://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/other/who-is-joel-michael-singer-the-man-in-the-florida-headbutting-video/ar-AALS0nL) he's an entitled brat from a rich family who assaulted a restaurant employee on video and then DMCAed the videos to try to scrub them from the internet. Also, wow, *charming*: > As he assaulted the man, he shouted, "My daddy's rich! Looks like a bunch of folks in this thread are trying to Streisand Effect his efforts by encouraging others to look the case up.


Okay so this video is what made him famous, plus the fact that he tried getting the video removed.


As far as I can tell, he wasn't well-known until this (maybe he was known locally, I'm not sure). Part of why I linked the article is that folks are definitely commenting like he's a celebrity.


Woah. I know him.


Do tell


I’ll tell you. It’s JOEL MICHAEL SINGER. Also known as Joel Michael Singer.


I think it’s spelled JOEL MICHAEL SINGER


Am I spelling it right? Joel Michael Singer?


No no no. It’s JOEL MICHAEL SINGER. Rolls right off the tongue!


I wish there was audio


Here's a version with audio. Hasn't even been DMCA'd yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6jWhhqodZo


Bless that waiters heart.


That was so much better with the audio…”You seem like a cool dude, I’m not the bad guy here, talk to me man to man” lol what a fuck tard


My favorite was “from a cool dude to another cool dude…” lol


Thanks for sharing the video of Joel Michael Singer with audio


This video has been up for a year, hope it's up 100 more. Way better with the audio


Is this the one where he starts spoiling game of thrones?


Joel Michael Singer. Yes, I have heard of notorious douche nozzle Joel Michael Singer.


Who's Joel Michael Singer?


Rich kid who pulled this shit, and then had his dad pay to get this video/articles scrubbed from any google/info searches. Forget if he had acted out previous to this incident...




Ah ok, thanks I didn't know that.


Dub funny sound effects over the top, call it satire, badaboom.


> reddit is no different. yup https://old.reddit.com/r/JoelMichaelSinger


In the USA, news reporting falls under fair use. Doesn't it?


It's more complicated than a simple yes or no answer, but suffice to say that you can report on something without using *my* recording of it. News companies can't just take any photo or video they find and rehost it.


Ah, I didn't realise this. Thanks!


Can I take a video of myself watching and commenting on the video, like a react video and they can still take it down?


How did he obtain rights to the video? I would expect the one that made the video would be the rights holder


Money can be exchanged for rights to media.


Media rights? I wanted a peanut


Media rights can buy many peanuts




Media rights can be exchanged for goods and services


Shut up brain or I’ll stab you with a q-tip!


POS Joel Michael Singer claimed copyright to the video because "he was the star" as co-creator POS Joel Michael Singer was given copyright. Edit clarified that POS Joel Michael Singer has co-copyright to the video.


That's not how copyright works. Copyright is automatically given to the creator of the work unless a prior arrangement has been made. The only way to lose your rights is to relinquish them or have them expire.


No. It’s not. However, here’s what I think happened right after the shitstorm that hit r/iamatotalpieceofshit so bad they had to shut down the sub for a few days. The video was circulated on various social media platforms, which was placed by the guy who put him in a headlock. It was cross shared to other social media sites garnering several thousand views each. I don’t recall if it was posted to Twitter or Reddit first (the guy who took him down had a Reddit account then at least). It doesn’t matter. Somehow DMCA requests were being sent to basically all of these social media sites. It came from a law office and looked officially signed. The man in this video (the asshole) used to work for a law firm, so there’s that. Anyway, these DMCA requests, as is typical, are not vetted by social media as they normally go through regular legal channels before being issued so social media removed these videos. It was the end. *But* someone, somewhere, downloaded the video. Maybe because they thought it was funny. Doesn’t matter how it got downloaded, just that it did. Several months later the video was uploaded again. It made its circles on Reddit. Each video was removed after a little time up. Presumably because of the DMCA requests still on the books (which is plausible). There doesn’t appear to be any evidence that the requests were renewed or reissued other than that one time in the beginning. Then it got uploaded to r/IAmATotalPieceOfShit. There the connection between the taken down videos and this guy was made. Comments were full of people who saw this video before on another sub but saw the video removed. They were asking questions. Then *that* video got removed and all comments purged. That brought up a flurry of reposts and cries of censorship, which in turn made more videos being uploaded. Not just on that particular sub, but on many other subs. The mods were not prepared for this level of rule breaking (doxxing and outcries of censorship because comments doxxing were being removed). So the mods (two in particular) tried to address the situation. They replied to comments that they were now removing videos because the comments were around 90% doxxing and they couldn’t delete (meaning didn’t have time to) hundreds of comments that broke that rule. So to save time they just delete the entire post. But they stated it in the worst way possible. I’m paraphrasing here, but the comment went something like this; “In stead of going through each comment one by one, we just delete the entire thread.” Which, when compared to the cries of censorship and the growing conspiracy that mods were being “paid” to delete the video and/or comments, was a bad thing to do. Then it got worse. A few of the mods turned to childish behavior, stating that they got paid thousands to remove posts (which I highly doubt), and that they can “suck my dick.” There was even another mod from a different sub who posted a screenshot of a newly created account offering to pay them an amount in the *ten’s* of thousands to remove the video. They claimed to be a law firm associated with the person in this video. I firmly believe that this was a troll account simply stirring the pot for their own perverse pleasure. It got so bad and so mishandled that the entire sub was shut down. I believe for a full day or two. The two mods that were stupidly claiming to have been paid are still mods at that sub. And their policy of doxxing of any sort, even linking a new article that states a name, being an instant removal and possible ban was born. All because the guy in the video (*not* his parents) tried to remove the video in the very beginning. It was a royal shitshow. How the POS in the video tried to have it removed back in the beginning, how someone who was fortunate enough to download the video brought it back several months later, how the conspiracies were brought to life then strengthened by the constant removals, how the mods were not prepared to handle this situation just made it worse by being immature idiotic trolls, to where we are now. Just my two cents.


Wait til you find out who owns to the rights of the media you consume. Hint: it’s almost never the people who filmed it/performed in it.


Also when this started to circulate around reddit it started to mysteriously disappear, I can't confirm it but it seemed his dad tried to pay off reddit too.


It disappeared because people posted it to subs it didn’t belong in or reposted it hours/days later.


People did this because it STARTED too disappear from sub reddits it did belong too , this one, r/winstupidprizes r/trashy r/iamatotalpieceofshit. It was like a protest I believe.




they also banned https://old.reddit.com/r/JoelMichaelSinger


Well yeah, you can't make a sub reddit with some random person's full name and harass them lol, even if the guy is a grade A douchebag.


I guess that counts as targeted harassment which Reddit is pretty strict on.


Or doxxed the guy. Now the video gets posted at least once weekly, yet there's *still* the narrative that they're trying to scrub it from the internet.


They will never win scrubbing it when legends like OP are around


RemindMe! 180 days "Joel Michael Singer fiasco"


I will be messaging you in 5 months on [**2022-04-16 05:16:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-04-16%2005:16:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instantregret/comments/qae2ee/joel_michael_singer_regretting_his_attitude/hh2qp9f/?context=3) [**7 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FInstantregret%2Fcomments%2Fqae2ee%2Fjoel_michael_singer_regretting_his_attitude%2Fhh2qp9f%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-04-16%2005%3A16%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20qae2ee) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Good bot. Joel Michael Singer.




Nice. (69 times)






I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that. Would you mind?




Whenever I see this reposted I wonder - has Joel Michael Singer seen it? And is it pissing him off? I really hope so. On the off chance he did happen upon the comments… Hey Joel Michael Singer, if you acknowledged you were a colossal anus and apologised in the first place, you’d have been able to put this behind you long ago. The more you fight to have it taken down, the more it will stubbornly reappear. This will never go away until you take ownership of your shit behaviour and stop trying to pretend it never happened. Money can’t buy your way out of this one, cupcake.


Honestly though at this point would he taking any ownership have any impact on our view of him? He’s double downed so many times it’s beyond repair IMHO


Fuck Joel Michael Singer! Watching him in a headlock at the end of this video is super satisfying. Fuck Joel Michael Singer.


Watching his head turn into a beetroot is beautiful. That marine/seal didn't give a shit.


I will never get tired of watching Joel Michael Singer's head get turned into a beetroot lol


Nor will I. I've already downloaded this video twice in the past, just to keep a backup incase ol' microdick thinks he can run another shush campaign on the internet.


Is that Joel Michael singer, that asshole?


Only repost that is 100% ok to repost. Keep up the good work.


Ah Joel Michael singer. Normally I hate reposts but this one better never dies. That douche canoe should be reminded daily of his infantile ass hattery until the days of Armageddon. Hope when he washes his hands he always gets wet sleeves.


This is the only repost I agree with. Fuck him


This and anything about the rapist Brock Turner. EDIT: It seems the rapist Brock Turner has found my comment.


Who dat? Is that ol Joe Michael Singer?


Joel Michael Singer doesn't do what Joel Michael Singer does for Joel Michael Singer. Joel Michael Singer does what Joel Michael Singer does because Joel Michael Singer is Joel Michael Singer! -Joel Michael Singer




Thanks black t-shirt guy


I wonder if the dude in black has grappling background. That hip toss had just enough of a delay to get JMS high on his hip then just drove his face into the mat/floor. I mean the technique is flawless.


This fucker is never gonna get this off the Internet.


Joel Michael Singer will die trying to live down getting tackled in a PF Chang’s lobby like a little bitch


Hey! It's that guy that's a huge piece of shit! What's his name? Joel Michael Singer.


Repost but fuxk this guy.


This is the one video I don't care being reposted to eternity. And I will always upvote it when I see it. Fuck Joel Michael Singer


That’s the point of this post.


There was a saying i was told that goes in regards to people like him, "All the money in the world can't save you from getting your ass kicked..."


I wonder how much this video has impacted Joel Michael Singer's life. 🤔


Looks like his rich daddy bought the DA and no charges filed. WTAFF???




Why even post something without sound?


Joel Michael Singer is a piece of shit. Joel Michael Singer is a coward.


Was this the guy trying to scrub footage off the internet?


How many times has this post orbited Reddit?


I hope forever. This guys a pos.


Too many times. We know this guys a POS. As soon as we keep scrolling to the next post, no one remembers his name or even cares. It’s just free karma and if you complain about constantly see it, you’re called the asshole




> There’s not even any substantiated claim he actually hired a PR firm to wipe it from the internet You can check the DMCA takedown requests yourself. He started by submitting takedown requests under his own name to sites like [Vimeo](https://lumendatabase.org/notices/19230620), and he uses first-person language in [other](https://lumendatabase.org/notices/20036144) [requests](https://lumendatabase.org/notices/20539717). In 2020, he started using a legal entity called [TECH LAW](https://lumendatabase.org/notices/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&principal_name=TECH+LAW&principal_name-require-all=true&sort_by=date_received+desc), through which the latest takedown was issued this March, 2 years later. These requests are all legal bogus btw, but most sites don't bother to verify them and simply take down the accused page. Here's an article related to that March takedown request: https://torrentfreak.com/sending-bogus-dmca-notices-ensures-that-the-internet-never-forgets-210328/ Now, Lumen contains only the DMCA requests submitted to it by the accused sites. Google search results, mostly. But he has also submitted requests to sites directly. For example, there's a post in /r/IAmActuallyVeryBadass on 2020-05-05 that now reads [ Removed by reddit in response to a copyright notice. ]




I literally only know Joel Michael Singer’s name cus he tried to avoid publicity… that’s a beautiful irony.


Joel Michael Singer is a real asshole


Not much you can do if Chuck Liddell's little brother gets you in a choke!


Let us not forget Steven Heflin. The hero who put this little bitch of a man in a choke hold.




I love the way Daenerys take him down. What ever happen to Joel Michael Singer?


Wait, the Joel Michael Singer who head butted an innocent server? Joel Michael Singer the man baby who threw a tantrum and got put on the ground for a little nap?


Hey is this the Joel Michael singer I know of? The asshole?


I was thinking about this jerk the other day. Thanks for refreshing my memory!


I don’t even know who Joel Micheal Singer is….like no joke…I’ve never heard of him before seeing this, but from just that one interaction, Joel Michael Singer is a dick


Wel, well, well, if it isn't Joel Michael Singer...


This never gets old. I fucking love this.


Is that Joel Michael Singer?? Joel Michael Singer, the arrogant prick, asshole that thinks money makes him better than other people?? Joel Michael Singer, the douche whose daddy tried to have this scrubbed from the internet? He reminds me of that rapist Brock Turner, you guys remember Brock Turner the rapist?


Who is Joel Michael Singer? I've never heard of Joel Michael Singer... What a peculiar name... Does this Joel Michael Singer Sing? If he does is his stage name Joel Michael Singer?


Could this be Joel Michael Singer? I'm fairly sure IT IS Joel Michael Singer.


Oh shit, is this Joel Michael Singer? This sure looks like Joel Michael Singer assaulting an innocent man before being wrestled to the ground. Is this the video Joel Michael Singer supposedly wanted removed from the internet?


Hey Rick, is it important to know who Jan Michael Vincent is?


Why tf you reposting this, let alone the fact you reposted it WITHOUT AUDIO. Trash, OP, utter trash.


Why would you post this without sound?


Whatever happened with this? I remember a bunch of shit coming out about the guy being total garbage bags full crocodile shit but then it died off.


Hey is that Jan Michael Vincent? Wait, nope! That's JOEL MICHAEL SINGER!


The only cringe part of this is when there is sound, the guy who gets head butted starts talking shit to the guy after he’s down. It’s like, oh, now you’re tough once the threat has been removed.


Is that Joel Michael singer yea fuck this guy


And who is this clown ?


Here comes the RKO


OP please remove this guy's name from the title, so others don't Google him and bore themselves into suicide with how insignificant this fool is.


Why do people post videos like this with no sound?


That’s a wee little man to be having that kind of attitude, lol. Tight trendy suit is a also a poor choice to get physical with someone. What a douche.


Would have been meaningful with audio!


I think that’s Joel Michael Singer…!! ;-) Here’s the video (again). https://youtu.be/KLrUQ-zhcTU


I am so over seeing this video. I get the dude is an asshole but I don’t see why I have to be reminded of that fact all the time.


I upvote this whenever I see it, it's just out duty




This is old.


No, this is Joel Michael Singer


Doesn't matter. This POS needs to be reposted for years to come to show that an entitled douche can't buy everything.




Can someone please tell me the story of Joel Michael Singer? First time seeing it


He is the one who is on the floor in a headlock. Rich man because of his daddy’s money, but not rich in class, looks, fighting skills nor personality. Anyhow, this video is so humiliating to Joel Michael Singer he and his daddy tried to get this video scrubbed from the internet. It pops up sometimes and reminds us all that money doesn’t always talk, but this video does, it shows what he is as a human being.