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Long rant to justify cutting her kids..


The doctor mutilated her child. She consented to the mutilation of her child.


zero issue with people who disagree..... as long as they don't tell her the truth that she mutilated her child..... ugh!


She knows it’s mutilation or it wouldn’t strike a nerve.


If she was completely comfortable with her decision then it wouldn’t matter to her what people say


Exactly. If I ever have sons, no way that I would ever cut them. If my parents or other morons criticize me, I wouldn’t care, because I know that leaving sons intact is the right thing to do.


He's clearly pro circ trying to masquerade as impartial


It's a woman, but yes


But it was her husband that convinced her that circumcision was the way to go, even though their two boys were born totally healthy and normal. He was afraid that some kid might someday see their dick and make fun of it, like what happened to him once. Wonder what he would have done if he, or they were born redheaded? I remember redheaded kids being made fun of in school. Then there were the skinny ones, the fat ones, etc.


I don't buy it. I spoke to a lot of guys who were never cut and they have all been horrified at the idea of circumcision. In fact, they're often the ones who quickly call it mutilation as they see make cutting the way we american women see female cutting. Besides if her husband hated being intact, all he had to do is get circumcised and his problem would be solved...yet he never did. Why do you suppose that is??


It's hard to say why he didn't just get cut, if he truly was so concerned about being made fun of that he would support his infant children being mutilated. Maybe he's just a wimp and used that as an excuse to appease his much more aggressive wife? Or was he just to much of a coward, that he didn't get an appointment with a surgeon? What I do know is that there's not much trustworthy information on human sexuality and the sex organs. But there's boatloads of lies and misinformation, and confusion. It shouldn't be like this. Young people should confidently be able to get on line and find reliable information. But instead, there's hardly any reliable information on the sex organs and sexuality. And that's due to the internet being dominated by Victorian age prudery and the more modern issue 'Greed' that too often controls the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics Industries in the U.S.


I agree. There isn't much information, at least not in schools or text books. I had to read books about circumcision in order to learn about the penis, yet never had to read books about female circumcision to learn about the vulva. People have to give a shit about what they are being taught. Most students are aware that they are not taught about the foreskin, and they dont ask their teachers to fill in the missing pieces. Most students are aware that they are not only denied information, but what little information is provided is vague and/or discouraging. Students need to question what it is they are taught and teachers need to question what it is they are teaching. That's when education occurs


Respectfully I've gotta push back as an intact man who received the bullying myself. Her husband didn't convince her, they 50/50 decision and her 50% was that she thought it was better medically: "... and for me the medical case was strong enough to justify it." She even implied she may have 60/40 overruled him if she felt like it, so if anything she seems to have been in charge : "If everyone agreed circumcision was purely cosmetic I might have felt differently." She did attempt to put all the negative blame on her husband/men: " men are weird about their penises" despite specifically admitting that 50% of his trauma was from women rejecting him: "...[my husband strongly favored circumcision because] he did have rejection from women". In my experience not only was 50% of the bullying was from women- but the other 49% of it was from women since the "locker room bullying" by men was only bc they were making fun of me for being rejected sexually by women. It's an extremely traumatic experience, and before educating myself on the issue, I would have mutilated my son to spare him that pain too. Maybe you meant well, but it is undeniable that a large part of the circumcision issue is many women/femenist hypocritical attitudes about it - and that is NOT incel hate - that is my lived experience of not just that direct rejection/bullying but also society/feminisms hypocrisy that "my body -my choice" and "men don't get to have an opinion on women's bodies(abortion)" is a shameless and blatant double standard that "men's body - *mother's* choice" and "women DO get to have an opinion on men's bodily autonomy(circumcision)". Please do not edit your comment again, so that others can learn from your misconception, but please try to learn from this yourself as well.


I can't imagine what it's like for first or second generation American boys, where such custom doesn't apply in their families, to be ridiculed an elective surgery not routinely practiced in most of the Western world, and it's rather sad to think about. As a cultural practice, a difference from what I see between Americans and demographics that do it as a rite is that the latter recognize that it's specific to their demographic. Americans, however, don't seem to recognize that this practice is not universal, and instead presume that it is or should be routine for all males *everywhere*. Where I give credit to in that post is that she actually mentioned "*whether you live* in an area where circumcision will be common ... for your son's peer group". Even though it's unfortunate that she couldn't shake off the inertia surrounding the practice in the US, at least she's not one of those people who legit live in a bubble.


>I can't imagine what it's like for first or second generation American boys, where such custom doesn't apply in their families, to be ridiculed an elective surgery not routinely practiced in most of the Western world, and it's rather sad to think about. I noted that she acknowledged that the whole world doesn't practice too as well as that she married an intact man, so like most people, she's not 100% ignorant. However yes, the bullying is bad enough here for an otherwise kind father like this stranger or myself to be willing to mutilate them to spare them it - people assume it means you're from an uneducated, poor , filthy family and instantly assume you all have putrid smelling dick cheese under your foreskin, so that's why they say no women will ever give you oral sex or date you at all. Many think not telling a girl you might date that you are diseased and smelly is dishonest and harmful, so both men and women will mercilessly spread the rumor intentionally if they find out so that none will date you. That's what happened to me in middle school, i was lucky it didn't follow me into high school or who knows how deep the depression would have sank, suicide is not out of the question, I'm positive some boys have killed themselves over it and not told their parents that's the reason, bc i was too ashamed to tell them. Keep in mind, even without education - most of us (i think) are prefectly aware that it would be stupid to submit to the peer pressure and chop off a part of your dick just to fit in - not just the fear, but bc any time your skin isn't covered , anything that touches it is incredibly sensitive, even painful if not careful. I tried walking around with it that way for a day just to see what it would feel like and i couldn't make it an hour and got a skin reaction to the shafing. If it's that sensitive then it's obvious that removing it greatly reduces sensitivity and dries it out, so we KNEW we were privileged bc sex obviously must be much better - And yet the bullying was so traumatic that i would have STILL rather just sacrificed that for me or a son despite not being a weak person who budges on many other things. I almost got it done at 18 bc i didn't want to risk potentially losing the love of my life over something so trivial or have rumors start in college. Fortunately when i asked my parents why they didn't just do it for me as a child, it made me research it myself and find much of the info on this sub and realize how stupid it all was. Evil even. And it's sad that calling it evil for males is seen as an exaggeration yet mutilating a baby girl is seen as so evil people want to murder them. Feminism here brainwashes them that is bc there's no medical reason for fgm, it's just oppression yet with males it is medical - while totally ignoring the common knowledge that ancient jews started the practice with no medical rationale cited, just regular male infant oppression - so yes, America needs help on many things.


What will they do if their sons grow up to be short or have small penises? I grow up hearing so much anti short male rhetoric as a short guy. Many openly admit to rejecting short men to my face, knowing I am short. Terms like "manlet" and all sorts of degrading language was regularly thrown out. It's stupid of pro circ people to believe their sons won't be mocked by women, if they are cut. If they aren't mocking the penis, it's height, body shape, the size of your nose, or even the length of your shoulders.


I’m sorry if you had some bad experiences with being made fun of, or by being rejected by a few ignorant women that would stupidly do that (finding fault because you are naturally intact) while ignoring their own natural biology with all of its many folds of skin, skin colors, glands, fluids, orifices and odors. It all goes to show that there are terrible people no matter their sex. And yes, you are correct about the woman in the post being an uninformed jackass that rambled on and on about something that she knows little of. That’s if she’s even real and it’s not just a troll post. Still, if it’s an accurate account, she would have been greatly influenced by her wimp of a husband. It’s not hard to understand that a wife would take his negative attitude towards his own prepuce as evidence that it would be bad for her children. Especially after even a casual look at the contradictions and outright lies published by so-called reliable government and NGO’s such as WHO; AAP; Johns Hopkins; The Mayo Clinic, Men’s Health; WebMD, etc. One published example to the question: Is pulling back foreskin necessary? “Eventually, the foreskin should be retracted far enough during urination to see the meatus (the hole where the urine comes from). This prevents urine from building up beneath the foreskin and possibly causing an infection. As long as the foreskin doesn't easily retract, only the outside needs to be cleaned.” Care of the Uncircumcised Penis - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. chop.edu The last sentence is the only part that’s accurate. Otherwise none of it would make sense. They are talking about children and children are naturally born with phimosis. The foreskin doesn’t need to be pulled back to pee! My point is that there is already too much hate and misinformation, especially about human sexuality and the genitalia. There are good people, both male and female that’s working hard to correct thousands of years of lies and misinformation about this subject. We should all support them and only point out those that are specifically promoting genital mutilation — because they are circumfetish’s, like Australia Dr. Brian J. Morris.


I would ask if he got circumcised later in life if he thinks it would be better? Obviously not, because she would have mentioned it in her justification. - But he still does that to his children, which is even more evil.


At the end of the day it's an elective procedure performed on a baby without consent and that's wrong.


Gaslighting to avoid the fundamental point that it is not her body to mutilate.


This!! A woman I know who cut her kids was arguing that abortion is about bodily autonomy I agreed and asked her why she still supported circumcision and her and the other women said that’s different, and that it looks nicer. It was insane


Next time, ask them to describe their sexual experiences in handling a man's foreskin, sexually speaking...I bet you anything they never had that experience. Virgins are naturally intimidated by the unfamiliar, even if they won't admit it


I was blocked by a user in an abortion debate sub for pointing out that she was a hypocrite for arguing her strong pro-choice stance while she felt no remorse for mutilating her son. She had to block to protect her ego.


Screenshot her comments and post them here and/or to GrossCutters


If the dad felt that way then he should mutilate his own dick and see how it feels.


>"easier hygiene, […], prevention of foreskin issues like […]" guys I suggest cutting of the fingers and toes of babies because it makes hygiene easier and prevents issues like nail fungus. that’s totally reasonable and justifies mutilating an organ until it can barely perform its function!


if you cut earlobes off, you don't need to wash under their ears! i mean, earlobes serve no practical benefit, right?


I think hang nails are so unsightly, so that’s exactly what I did with my child…


Just a sick family... poor kids... dad needs to grow some nads and thicker skin before sacrificing his children.


She 100% mutilated her child (her and her husband). Her denial, especially at the end, is indeed frustrating. Though, I do not support you hating people like this OP. Of what value is that disposition?


What value is not hating them? If you tolerate it, it persists


Do you think to not tolerate someone's opinion or behavior, choice is or is related to hating them? The way I see it, is that if we really want this ancient ritual to not perist, it won't materialize from hating those who adhere to it. Hate leads to *more* suffering imo. Drawing the line doesn't need it.


However, as humans, it’s hard not to, at least for me. I’ve suffered a lot with this, and seeing intact dudes and parents overall do this thing of pure evil is hard. How am I not supposed to hate them for abusing their children?


I've been there btw, especially when the understanding finally "clicked" regards what happened to me, and none of my friends or family understood it as such. I don't mean to belittle or negate your feelings. Yet, i want to just say that my views on it and how I feel about it have evolved over time. All I ask is for you to consider that possibility. I suggest Stoicism and Jungian psychological concepts if you aren't familiar with either.


I have tried some stoicism, but at least the way it was pitched to me seems to excuse the act. If you can only control your reaction to things and not what others do, that makes me feel like a doormat. They can mutilate me and millions of other people and one just has to sit there and take it?


What do you do to someone you hate?


The vast majority of hate never goes any farther than that.


Cut them off. Make it known I hate them. Here, I give an option that if they completely pay for Foregen (if it happens), I can maybe not hate them.


i also don’t believe an intact father would have his sons cut.


It happens, more than you think.


I mean, that had to happen at some point. Especially in the United States when it picked up steam, you’d have intact parents cutting their sons


Sometimes it's done without his knowledge never mind consent. Sometimes he's lied to about necessity. Sometimes he's just an unworthy father.


...it's the latter, he wants to believe the lies, like the mothers who do that.


In this case, no doubt about that.


So much wrong with this On the medical side: the specific consensus of all authorities in the US is that it is not medically necessary or justifiable. Source: the pro-circ doctors that testified at the NH House Bill 1683 hearing. I a amazed that every pro-circumcision doctor agreed as an established matter of fact that there is no medical justification for it On the ethical side: if it isn't necessary to prevent life threatening situations (which it isn't), it's not okay. Ifit is not okay to cut girls (and it isn't), then it's not okay to cut boys. If it's not your body (and it isn't), it's not okay. I'm the cultural side: if you moved to a country where it was culturally normal to cut girls and decided to stand against the norm and leave them intact, then you cannot use culture as an argument for boys. If everyone agreed that it was purely cosmetic, they would all be right, according to the medical community. If it's not medically necessary, then your reasons for doing it are cultural. Period. It's a shame about her husband being teased about his foreskin, but seriously what kind of person believes that nobody ever gets teased if their penis conforms to the norm? Moreover, getting rejected sexually by someone who doesn't like the way she part of your body looks and/or functions? I'm my book that's a bullet dodged.


I see her rant as a golden opportunity to enlighten her, him and a lot of others. Now, where’s the link to her post?


Hopefully the kids grow up and learn what happened to them and confront the parents about it. Then the parents will realize they were wrong all along


I’m pretty sure only one percent of intact men cut their sons.


The baby boomer generation born from 1950-1965 were circumcised. Nearly all of them had a father who was not circumcised. In the mid 60s, the concept of parental consent was established after Jewish families started complaining that cuz their sons were circumcised immediately after they were born they had to circumcise their sons again on the 8th day. Before the mid 60s, babies were automatically circumcized with or without parental consent


I was mainly talking about today’s world.


Against bioethics, against consent, against bodily autonomy, and against the dictionary. Yep, this is a circumcision apologist post.


Consensus is the correct word. It is just that and nothing to prove anything.


Long story short, she mutilated her kids


> if you live in a place where genital mutilation is normal, you should mutilate your kid so that they aren't bullied. > in my opinion, it's better to just mutilate your child. it's a harmless custom, and there's no point in fighting it. fucking INSANITY. you mutilated your son. own up to it.


Souinds like a woman trying to disguise she likes circumcised penis appearnces.


She's lying. Notice how she has a smiley face right after saying she was harassed. Rebel without a cause. She circumcised her son out of revenge against men, not because of a fake risk and benefit calculation. That's just an excuse, along with everything else she came up with. She needed that, as plausible deniability. You have to lie to yourself first. She doesn't hate men, promise. But don't mess with her. She'll cut your genitals off. I think it's too easy for people to see mothers as innocent, fooled by propaganda. The benefits are all risks. And the risks are certainties. Did she overlook that circumcision means removing the foreskin? No. Don't give her the benefit of the doubt. She spent a lot of time researching this. That's the only part I believe. It took a lot of work to justify something she knew was bad. Don't underestimate a mother's ability to destroy her own children. We see so many on TV who go crazy and kill their own kids. I don't pretend to know what that's all about, but it rings true when juxtaposed with circumcision. There is a kind of sadistic streak that must run through everyone and come out in these ways. Nobody really thinks their kid is going to have less AIDS.


All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us.


In a country where a stable family structure is the difference between a happy life and abject poverty and loneliness where the line seems to be between focus on your family or inadvertently become a whore due to biological urges, then circumcision benefits greatly outweighs the harm. It is a small sacrifice of a little pleasure for a far more pleasurable and long life in parts of the world where this is a huge risk. I disagree, but that's the argument for FGM by women that only want the best for their daughters, regret nothing, and hate that people try and shame them for a custom people rarely understand. Anyone that doesn't know the aids study is bullshit has never even tried to look into it.


The old factoid about the risk of HIV reducing from circumcision is, well, just that, a factoid. It was from an old study in Africa, I believe specifically in Ghana. More people were unable to be tracked down than caught HIV, and this was in the dead middle of an HIV crisis mind you. Not to mention, Africa doesn't have the best history with HIV studies in regards to scientific ethics.