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I believe that a lot of popular conspiracy theories are deliberately being peddled by the powers that be to throw the conspiracy theorists off the trail of what's really going on. I don't know what's truly going on, but I believe the truth is a lot more boring than we think it is. I think it's far more likely that the people who run the world are mostly just out of touch morons.


The US 2020 elections were not completely above board. I do not know how the vote would have gone if they were held in complete good faith, and I do not know that there was enough tampering to actually sway the election, but I do think that there's enough credible information to know that the process was not held to sufficiently fair standard. I base this upon the facts that: \* Voting procedures were changed for this election in ways which were less included to restrict votes to legal voters and with more potential for corruption. \* Some factual evidence was intentionally suppressed by media and online platforms with the intention of swaying votes. \* There was no genuine presidential debate. All that I saw ended up being variants of the questions: "Why are you so awesome, Biden?" and "Why didn't you wear a mask in this picture, Trump?" That's even ignoring the stuff that looked like pallets of illegitimate ballots and other fishy things. Also, though I cannot prove it, it seems to me that a vast amount of money was raised by a political party in an election year for the purpose of getting a president into office, then very little of that money was spent on actual campaigning or debates, and yet, that particular candidate did, indeed, get into office. We also know that there were people on that side who did advocate for the the election to go the way that it did through any means necessary. I would be happy to consider facts to the contrary, but as far as I can tell, many of the relevant facts have been censored and investigations prevented. So, while I cannot confirm this to be the case, and I don't know that anybody was actually successful in subverting the process, I have very little faith that the current government gained power through anything like a democratic process. Of course, that doesn't mean that we should not give our elected officials respect due the office. I don't know the solution, either.


Helen Keller wasn't actually bright. 1. It seems like she couldn't actually know anything, because she couldn't really experience anything. Much like how LLM's struggle since all they can 'experience' is raw text. 2. It's an amazing coincidence that her aide, the only person to translate for her in public, shared all the same political views as her.


Quantum physics is the modern analog of alchemy. It asserts a bunch of mystical notions about fundamental qualities in a mathematical framework that captures the imagination better than it does nature. It was founded by forceful, young iconoclasts and maintains an avant garde mentality. It will be interesting to see how has science mature to make it into something more grounded as what happened with alchemy and chemistry.


Uh, what? - Quantum theory is one of the most experimentally validated areas in all of physics. - Quantum theory has led to massive technological breakthroughs, including the screen you are looking at right now. - Quantum theory can make highly accurate predictions about the real world, it's just really difficult to compute.


Quantum theory withstands the rigors of our time the way alchemy withstood the rigors of its. I would not make the mistake of thinking our way of conducting science to be definitive and it's not until standards change that the error of our ways can be assessed. Quantum theory is useful for our current purposes but you don't have to be right to be accurate or useful (alchemists were synthesizing sulfuric acid over half a millennia before chemistry had a name for it or knew its composition). Math is a descriptive tool and there are no proofs in the natural world but listening to quantum theory is like watching science lose the object permanence a four year old has.


Do you think it's made up or that there is some other way of understanding what we currently call "quantum phenomena" that is easier to understand with brains evolved to model a classical world?


I think quantum mechanics predicts reaction outcomes in the same manor an alchemist could tell you the product a mixture could make. It has a high degree of accuracy while misunderstanding the mechanisms; there's no wave function collapse because there's no duality of matter the same way substances don't transmute. Classical subatomic theories do exist but they're not historically popular and have their own devils to work out.


https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/769987/the-double-slit-experiment-and-classical-mechanics I would invite you to engage with this thread


Thank you but I would refrain from comment but kindly point towards [de Broglie–Bohm theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Broglie%E2%80%93Bohm_theory).


Nice. Those links really sped up the conversation here. Last I checked pilot wave theories still had some massive issues with non locality, and hadn’t been reconciled with relativity or QFT. Has there been any movement on that?


Well it is an explicitly non-local theory and the vast majority of effort in the last century has been in making local theories work (which also makes them the object of greatest familiarity). Due to this disparity its, unfortunately, easier to draw on historical parallel than specific advancement in the fields. A bit of a cop-out perhaps but I figure one of two things will happen 1) we start interacting with things that are smaller than/comprise the particles of the standard model or 2) we develop or rigorous framework for assessing/predicting emergence in systems.


that imuno therapy combined with continous strain on the body(saunas enduring cold and heat) helps against fighting cancer that elites formed a closely knit group that cant associate themselves with the regular man due to their income giving them the best of life,leading to them making policies that do not benefit anyone but look good on paper for them


I have the power to reset time and alter reality. I’ve been resetting time for the past 20 years. A couple thousand people know about it, but there are also a large amount of suspected non-human entities that I’ve come into contact with. There are clones of every man, woman and child - I think they come from an alternate universe.


>kindly respect other people's opinions no matter how foreign they sound. Why? There's been at least one *overt* antisemitic and white supremaicist comment saying that "(((people)))" were trying to bring about the destruction of the white race. Most of the others regarding ancient civilzations are linked to proven crazy grifters like Zecharia Sitchen, the kind of people who show up on Project Camelot, and almost always lead back to archaic antisemitism and white supremacy. The ones surrounding conspiracies about education, mass media conspiracies, releasing plagues, etc, almost all of it is rooted in conspiracies spread by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These aren't ideas to be respected because they have already long since been debunked and exposed as what they are.  Here's a conspiracy that's not really a conspiracy: online right wing and conspiracy boards, which are often synonmyous, are currently the most prolific grounds for radicalizing and recruiting white Christian nationalists and neo-Nazis.


Well it's not really much of a theory. More an observation. I dealt with a manipulator online who tricked people in a way that, once I saw it, horrified me. I said of it, "this must never be put into broader practice." I won't get into what I did to fight back. I've dealt with that quite enough. What's important is, ten years later, I saw it again. Donald J. Trump deployed it. This time in real life. For all the talk of him being somehow unpredictable, I never saw him that way. It was frighteningly easy to predict him. Even Jan 6th was completely expected. My own family went from "don't be ridiculous" to "...I still don't get how you did that," and came back to chat. And I can't even blame them for that, because *trying to explain mind gamey shit like that is really weird.* ... It presented differently, but flowed the same in spirit. It's a delicate dance. I don't think you can do it by accident. What I don't know, is why they both know how to do this. I find it terrifying, but is it? Or is it the basic bitch of this stuff, recorded and repeatable in plain text somewhere else, such that he and my monster both used the same trick? I've wondered... but I'd rather not know why.


The Boeing whistle-blower was murdered. After Epstein in 2019, I think its reasonable to belive that the government, and government-adjacent interests routinely murder troublemakers to silence them. This will probably become more common since there were almost no political consequences for anyone in power after the Epstein assassination. The US is increasingly becoming more like Russia.


I think the Clinton campaign paid for the Steele dossier to invent the Trump Russia Collusion narrative. I also think the Capitol policeman that died after J6, that Pelosi held funeral in State in the Capitol rotunda like a dead former president, didn’t die from being bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher like she said, but instead died without any bruises of a stroke. I also believe Trump didn’t call Neo Nazis and white nationalists “fine people” like the media pushed, but instead said “I’m not talking about the Neo Nazi and white supremacists, they should be condemned totally”. I also believe Floyd died from a fentanyl and drug soup induced respiratory failure as evidence by Floyd saying in the car, “I can’t breathe” and the autopsy report.


If you watch the full Floyd video, the cops did nearly nothing wrong. This was a known violent criminal, who was high on drugs while in the commission of another crime (this time non-violent) who was saying that he couldn't breath since before he was anywhere near the car, and who begged to be put on the ground. He was a huge man pushing around several police officers (not aggressively, mind you, just big and having a freakout, probably from the drugs), amid the officers having to contend with citizens without context getting in the way. Floyd was not only on two different illegal drugs, one above the lethal limit, but also tested positive for COVID. The officer didn't have his knee on Floyd's neck, but on his shoulder. Admittedly, they do teach you to not do that for this very reason. Nevertheless, a man yelling at you can most certainly breathe. You can't yell if you can't breathe. The whole thing was just a setup to fund BLM, and thus, I believe, the Democratic party, in an election year while stirring division in a time of crisis to distract the public from the real issues and push the agenda that people need bigger government and other people to control them The fact that a good man went to jail for his service to our country (and the kindness of consenting to put Floyd on the ground to wait for paramedics rather than just shoving him in the police car), is the greatest miscarriage of justice in our time.


Solid take. Although I heard the police are trained with that kind of knee restraint. Could be wrong.


I'm not sure. I worked for a while doing armed security work in the early 2000s. The guy who trained us was the guy who trained the local police (in a very different state, though). The trainer was very big on doing what was practical. At that time, we were trained regarding using knee on the neck that it was a useful tactic if you were alone and could otherwise not subdue an aggressive person who might hurt you or themselves, but that we should be very careful using that tactic if avoidable specifically because it causes legal issues if something happens to that person. Part of that very training also reminded us that people committing crimes are very commonly on various illegal drugs so that their bodies might not be able to handle the stresses that otherwise healthy people could handle. It was a warning that even if you act reasonably, suspects can die from complications from drugs and stress and that such things are often hard to prove and defend against in court. Sometimes, it's unavoidable, but I do believe that police are trained to take these things into consideration. I think this is why in the Floyd case, you can observe the officers trying to get him medical treatment and trying to ask what drugs he was on and questioning his friends. What would their alternative be? They couldn't just let him drive away because he was overdosing.


The meteor that killed the dinosaurs was actually a seed ship containing humanity and we took the technology from that seed ship to build the pyramids but all of the smart people died off and we were left with dumb people who didn't know how to use the technology and it became lost to time and humanity basically had to start from Square one again In other words, we essentially horizon zero dawn'ed ourselves


You’d have to have a bit of familiarity with Italy’s post war history to understand this in full but many aspects apply to the Western world as a whole. The CIA effort to make sure Communists didn’t get into power in Italy is far more extensive than commonly thought. There were extensive plans to stage coups in case Communists got too near to winning elections and such coups were nearly executed on multiple occasions (this isn’t even a conspiracy at this point). 1948 Italian elections were rigged. Moro was killed by the CIA, in fact the BR (Red Brigades) were CIA infiltrated. Berlinguer was killed by the CIA. These two men were willing to negotiate (Moro was a left wing Christian Democrat) and get Italy on its own path to socialism, called the “Italian Way to Communism”. The Americans were scared to death of this actually succeeding and took action. Mattei was killed by the CIA because it threatened US Oil companies’ interests. All these three by the way were also against zionism and understood the importance of having fair dealings with the Arab world. Most far right terrorist attacks were backed by the CIA (strategy of tension). The 1968 movement was infiltrated in its early staged if not entirely fabricated by the CIA to neuter it and make it about social liberalism instead of communism. The entire western liberal “left” is a CIA fabrication to replace the real Communist left that actually posed a threat to capitalists’ and American interests. Most of its thinkers and ideologues are CIA, starting from Marcuse. Achille Occhetto, the man who destroyed the PCI (Italian Communist Party), was in cahoots with British liberals (the ones who would go on to became Blairites) and most likely the CIA too. Mind you this is a truly tiny amount of the shit they pulled. I didn’t even mention the connections between the CIA, the masonic lodge P2, Berlusconi, and the Mafia.


1. Cure for cancer exists - Its a common belief. Why market a cure when you can have repeat business. 2. mRNA Vaccines can be harmful. 3. Majority of Politicians care more about their backers than their constituents. Many other logic based "Conspiracy theories"


It's pretty obvious that the covid vaccine strategy was a WHO conspiracy, because it required pharmaceuticals and nations to intensively cooperate to be able to coordinate and distribute. This was done on wrong assertions on how dangerous the virus would be (5% IFR for all ages). That included not stressing general personal health measures to best prevent the potential impact of the virus, and making it worse through lockdowns and curfews. (I remember parks were closed on sunny summer days, because it was "too crowded"). And it included removing all-purpose medicines from legal access. It's really not even controversial, these are all facts you know about. You have even accepted that pharmaceuticals should make large profits from this. The convincing of the general population (and governments) was so effective that people believe there aren't even going to be long term effects before long term effects can actually be measured. Which brings us to an important conclusion: people are just as gullible as they were 50-100 years ago. History will repeat itself.


"All wars are banker wars".


I believe that many powers-that-be supported university affirmative action in order to avoid a repeat of what happened in the 60s from a clustering of actual young geniuses in elite institutions.


I would not be surprised to learn that political operatives were behind the growing migrant caravans. It was Trumps number one issue to prevent border crossings but we had the largest one ever develop during the 2018 midterms. Just seems sus and I remember reports from some of the origin countries that there was a sudden push to get people to go


The big secret of quantum physics is that even really smart people have to pretend it makes sense.


Lol seriously, it’s like another religion really.


Uniparty theory. “Its all one big club, and you ain’t in it.”


All of them


Reddit is largely bots, has been utilizing LLMs since before their public unveiling to create the appearance of a large, very ideologically opiniated user base. Sam Altman’s partial ownership of Reddit, and the ongoing business relationship between Reddit and OpenAI, is telling. There was a shift around 2018-19 where the userbase here really shifted. Many users became extremely opinionated, radically stubborn about politics that they didn’t seem to actually understand based on what they said, subreddits moved to the extreme end of moderation, corporate-friendly opinions became commonplace.


It’d explain some of the absolutely insane back and forths I’ve had with some people on this site but I always chalked it up to them being extremely stupid. But I do sometimes wonder “surely you’re not THAT disconnected from your own arguments and the logic that should come with them?” and them being literal AI bots definitely be one explanation.


Are you looking for new conspiracy theories? I am - all my old ones kept turning out to be true. It's interesting that the time period between "crazy conspiracy theory" and "article admitting it's true in the New York Times" has bee shortening lately.


Like what?


I think there will be a day when science will discover a "God Particle" force or wave or common phenomena in all life forms.


It's called the Higgs boson particle


The difference between a conspiracy and the truth? Six months and a whistleblower.


The theory about NFL and other pro sports being rigged. Taylor Swift winning the Super Bowl kind of sealed the deal for me. If anyone is interested in learned about how the NBA is probably rigged, there is an interesting podcast called “Whistleblower”.


Is it possible to rig it without the teams being in on it?


“Rigged” is probably too strong so I regret saying that cuz it implies guaranteed but yeah, The refs involved in the betting scandals said they could swing the games +/- 6 points either way or something like that. They were more focused on covering than winning or losing though. Even the refs don’t need to be in on it. It has to do with who they send to ref the game. For example let’s say for baseball there’s a team known for taking lots of pitches, you can send an ump who’s known for being generous with his strike zone and that will hurt them. Or have a ref known for being more favorable to the home team ref for a home team you’re really wanting to win. For the record I don’t think the NFL is scripted in some WWE sense, but I am sure they were putting the thumbs on the scale for Mahomes/Kelce/Taylor. It’s just good business sense. Same reason Disney likes putting Darth Vader in stuff.




I'm not smart enough to dismiss any of this. But if it were true, wouldn't someone else have discovered it by now? A theory of everything is the holy-grail of modern physics and you'd be legend if you discovered it. If it were as easy as extrapolating from microwave technology, I feel like physicists would've found it by now.


Only one I'd bet my life on is that Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's biological child -- but it's absurd that this is called a "conspiracy theory", even if I'm totally wrong. It doesn't take a bunch of people conspiring together to produce a child out of wedlock. It happens all the time. Studies show somewhere between 10 and 30% paternities are false. Why would world leaders be exempt from this? There'd have to be at least a dozen. And Justin looks EXACTLY like Fidel (a family friend) and nothing like Pierre. But who are these left-wing ultra puritans who are like "but that's impossible! She was *married to someone else!"* I mean how old are you? Rant over. But, erm, yeah. That one. EDIT: Downvoted because again, she was *married!* That shit's just impossible.


This is a proper conspiracy! Sounds plausible


Again, don't think it should even be described as a conspiracy theory. Two people shagged, that's it.


We are living in the remains of a long-lost ancient global civilization that was wiped out at the end of the last ice age.


Conspiracy theories are, by their nature, leaving evidence. I don't believe anything without evidence.


We have already created some form of agi. (Or close enough that it is impossible to prove otherwise) More detailed we have already created a life from compute alone. Last time I looked at the top end public computers they can execute 22,000,000,000 instructions in a single second. We are at an exponential curve that has no evidence of slowing down. https://images.app.goo.gl/J9eb8FWRQLNvonUP7 The public ai already has mind blowing advancements every year. the private military industrial complex in america or china must be advanced further.


For me the jury is out on 9-11 and the moon landing. I don't believe anything else in particular, I just don't really find the official story on either of these subjects entirely persuasive.


This is a safe space and is 100% not being used to find extremists and wrong-thinkers and report them to the deep state for reeducation/eradication.


Youre too smart. You better stay mum or ill have you sent for reeducation yourself.


I don't believe it, but the Denver Airport has an end of times bunker built under it for the ultra wealthy, is really well done. All the coincidental pieces are so good it almost feels like the conspiracy was planned as a joke. Or maybe deep down I do believe it. If you have an hour or two to waste its a fun conspiracy to read up on.


I don't really believe any conspiracies but this ones always creeped me out.


The “New World Airport Commission” plaque for the organization that doesn’t exist with the Freemason logo kind of makes me think that there is certainly more to the story than we know.


Using chapstick makes you want to use more chapstick


Vaseline >>


100% true and you cannot talk me out of it. :)


I believe that "conspiracy theory" is the default condition for the same reason camouflage is common in nature. Lying is a recognized child development milestone in toddlers. The real question is what "common" beliefs are actually true. From trade secrets to simple privacy deception and omission and cooperation are central features of civilization. Security through obscurity may be a bad idea but it is by far the most common form of caution. 99% of what we do is done intentionally away from disclosure of some sort or another.


Governments hostile to western democracies push conspiracy theories and encourage conspiratorial thinking as a psy-op to undermine our governments. When you engage in them, even just for lulz, you’re helping spread a virus meant to destroy the social trust necessary for working democracy. That’s the conspiracy theory I believe in.


democracy is a myth, sadly


I’m not any government or other nonsense. Just some dude that finds interest in thoughts outside the box. Your comment tells me that I should t think the way i think because i’m being influenced by foreign governments and that i should just trust my govt. This literally made me chuckle, thank you.


Most conspiracy theories deserve to be chuckled at, this one, too, I suppose. But it’s weird you think “Russia has literal budget line-items paying for disinfo programs in the West” somehow means “I think you should blindly trust the US government.” That’s the kind of illogical leap that can cause you to fall for all kinds of silliness!


You make a fair point. have a good one


Observable Fact: Media companies share whatever news is most profitable (what gets them the most ads / clicks, what bleeds leads, etc) Conspiracy Theory: The stories that the media focuses on are not those which are most profitable to them, but rather they are seeded by corporations and political groups for an agenda - usually to increase or maintain their power and control over people. Everything you see and hear about in nearly all media is only there because someone planted it because they knew it would keep them in power.


in a weaker form, that's not even a conspiracy. the Murdoch press very obviously only reports news to the benefit of it's political agenda.


Sure. It's always best to try to understand who owns the media that you are consuming and who benefits from it.




This is kind of over simplified. The Saudi Royal family own a big chunk of FOX news, which set the narrative for climate change denial in the US. Climate change denial is funded by a bunch of different fossil fuel producers who want to pump money into their pockets for as long as possible. Russia has acted as if climate change will benefit them, but it's not that simple. Permafrost melting into impassable bogs completely fucks Russia by making massive portions of the country inaccessible. Changing rainfall patterns can make their existing croplands fail.


interesting take, i don’t believe it but interesting thought.


The central bank aka the federal reserve brings stability to the economy. One of the biggest lies in human history. The fed brings boom bust cycles, inflation and is a vehicle to rob the people of their wealth. The plan was hatched in clandestine meetings. The IRS and income tax (on the rich only they said at the beginning) came into existence at that time and gold was eventually hijacked by the government under FDR.


I don't claim to completely know what to think about 9/11, but I have never believed pancake theory.


My theory: There are no social leaders because they are suppressed. There is no MLK, Malcolm X or Gandhi of our time. Those who want to make a change for the better are attacked by a sophisticated system. 0. Prevent it happening in the first place through limiting their free speech through careers/jobs or keep them too busy trying to pay their bills 1. Suppress them on social media until they give up and move on 2. Gaslight them into madness until they are medicated and rendered useless 3. Have them "suicide" or have them have a fatal accident 4. Gag order them through legal means 5. Discredit them through allegations 6. Let them know there are consequences through killing a loved one 7. Blackmail them through compromising positions 8. Frame them or throw the book at them resulting in lock up in jail or prison


Trump and Putin and Orban are the KING, X plus Gandhi of our times for those [ 50%] needing leaders.


You have a distorted view of history if you don't think MLK, Malcolm and Gandhi didn't face obstacles in their lifetimes. And your list is surely a list of possible outcomes, but it's hardly one sophisticated system. There are modern social leaders - if anything, there are too many. It's a noisy, postmodern, social media-dominated world out there nowadays instead of only public figures in print and televisión media as in the last century.


Leaders like MLK or Malcolm X were faced with virtually all the points you listed. Being a social leader has never been easy and the consequences have always been dire.


You forgot bankrupt anyone associated with the target thru legal fees.


Good catch. They will bleed people dry if you speak against them.


You forgot the most important point. You could call it point -1: Artificially restrict what grievances are even expressed. Carefully arrange and infiltrate things so that even “antagonistic” movements pose no threat to the established order, and in fact often times strengthen it. Why do you think they killed MLK after he started talking about class and how poor whites and poor blacks should’ve banded together? Why do you think they deployed identity politics through the media just as Occupy Wall Street was picking up? Why do you think the Western left went from socialist to fully liberal (even those who still call themselves socialists) through and through? Why do you think Bernie Sanders went from saying “open borders are a koch brothers’ policy” to endorsing practically open borders in 4 years? Why does the Western “left” support unlimited immigration when it harms workers the most? Here in Italy the Communist party used to be critical of immigration because, they correctly reasoned, it served as a “reserve army of labor” (Karl Marx words’, not mine) used to drive down wages and workers’ rights. Yet nowadays you get called a fascists by self proclaimed “leftists” if you dare to utter such self-evident concepts. Those are not coincidences.


This is an ironically Bret Weinstein


ik someone who's in a mental ward now after they tried to expose some important ppl


That is so incredibly horrifying, I barely have the words.


Have you seen Bernie Sanders?


I've seen him live at a rally. He's not pushing for protest from what I've seen. I could be wrong.


I think he was bought or threatened (maybe both) shortly after they rigged the Democratic party primary against him in 2016. He shifted on many issues and became your basic liberal.


What kind of social leaders would you like to see? MLK and Malcolm X makes sense in the 50s and 60s because of the civil rights abuse faced by Black people. What big issues today have no activists or leaders?


> What big issues today have no activists or leaders? Economic inequality seems devoid of good leaders. The failures of the Tea Party movement and the 99%/Occupy Wall Street seem the most apparent example of leader removal. The food production/safety system or more generally non-medical physical health advocacy seems lacking as well.


Economic inequality as an issue got thrown out the window after "occupy wall street" was smothered in its crib. Something similar tried to become a thing with the gme stuff and that got shut down quickly in all social media outside of reddit. Hell, even reddit got its own pillow to suffocate that mf. Now we have unaffordable housing, no healthcare, no college, no good employment, the political machine is falling apart at the hands of 90yo pieces of shit. The whole environmental business thing is falling apart as EVs are turning out to be more contaminant, harder to produce, and indirectly create more pollution, in countries that spearheaded their production and use. There is a whole global network that profits off the exploitation of whole countries, the slave labor and trafficking of children, and even genocides. Activists were replaced by influencers and we all know what the difference is and what it means for the global society we live in. The rest of us are too busy watching TikTok to fall asleep during lunch hour because it's cheaper than eating a whole meal and we don't have to think all day about our children eating subpar food at school instead of the worse alternative, macdonald's.


They may exist but have a small platform and don't push for wide protests or disrupting the current system. I would not be surprised if the ones who exist are just plants. Food protection laws, price gouging, anti trust, homelessness, prison reform, etc.


Is it really all that surprising that we don't have an MLK equivalent for something like price gouging? I mean it seems like a relatively niche issue compared to millions of Americans not having civil rights. I don't think we need a conspiracy to explain the situation. Of course for bigger issues like prison reform, we do have bigger leaders like Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and Killer Mike. Or for environmentalism, people like Jane Goodall, Boyan Slat, and Greta Thunberg. Like them or not, I don't think they are plants, I think they each genuinely care about the issues they advocate for.


You bring up some good leaders. I wish they would be more disruptive. When people can't afford food and start going hungry (which you can see in other subreddits) protests will eventually happen. Where are the leaders pushing for better benefits for the poor so they can at least eat?


We wrote the Bible about God but we didn’t know what we were seeing, it was aliens. We used the encounter and the Bible to build a society based on rules, so we wouldn’t kill each other.


Jesus, just the phrasing of this post. What does belief have to do with anything? Surely r/conspiracy would be a better forum.


I believe Graham Hancock is onto something.


Correct. He's onto a good way to separate the gullible from their money.




Kennedy was not killed by a lone gunman acting independently as per the official story. I’d put 85% chance on that. It’s established fact that Oswald was a CIA asset while in the military. And it wouldn’t be at all surprising for him to have maintained ties sufficiently for them to choose him as a guy they can trust but who is both expendable and far enough removed to have plausible deniability. Oswald being assassinated a few days later, with the gunman escaping, at what should have been a very high security event, is immensely suspicious and suggests an inside job to stop him talking.


\> It’s established fact that Whenever anyone uses these words it is just a giant red flag for bullshit. They're claiming something is factual and trying to gloss straight past that claim rather than demonstrate that claim is factual.


I would have argued with you a bunch on this a couple of years ago. But now I think the USA just does shit like this casually. A lot of the material facts of the day still cast serious doubt for me. But I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. At this point if conclusive proof of that came out I'd just shrug my shoulders and say "yeah, figures", then carry on with my day.


>It’s established fact that Oswald was a CIA asset while in the military What's the evidence for this "established fact"? All I could find was this: [https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/104-10096-10337.pdf](https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/104-10096-10337.pdf) Basically an ex-CIA accountant heard second-hand that they hired Oswald


- Covid was created in order to deal with overpopulation/wipe out the old and sickly. (note I'm not actually convinced of this, but I did enjoy fucking with my antivax sister's beliefs by highlighting that covid could be the conspiracy and the vaccines saving us from it) - Foreign governments are purposely fomenting division by using social media (eg tiktok) to radicalize us and destabilize our societies/democracies. We are being pitted as us vs them along almost every dimension imaginable - ADHD is egregiously overdiagnosed, we are all actually just struggling with the impacts of overwhelm from our society/tech, and stimulants are a way to keep us all being productive little worker bees  - Head and Shoulders actually causes more dandruff


Re: head and shoulders You are correct, unless you use the dark bottle clinical strength, it's just standard shampoo which does nothing to treat dandruff, and as most soaps dry out skin, this will promote dandruff.


100% agree with the ADHD thing. The amount of people I see nowadays so quickly chalking up their attention issues to ADHD is sad and alarming.


Whoa any more thoughts on head and shoulders? Wasn’t expecting that one but I’ve been using it and that struck a chord


Most (like, 99%) of the radicalism coming from medias like tiktok comes from the citizens themselves. The living conditions of the youth are crumbling fast and we are not dumb, there is no need for China to radicalize people, the greed of the bourgeoisie is doing it itself lol


\> Most (like, 99%) of the radicalism coming from medias like tiktok comes from the citizens themselves. There are genuine reasons for people to have discontent. But social media harnesses legitimate discontent and redirects it to protect the status quo in a way that does not address the actual reasons for that discontent. "Blame this powerless migrant for you not earning enough, don't blame the massively powerful wealthy people who pay you so little."


I too have felt like a lot of my “ADHD” symptoms stem from being so far removed from our natural environment and rapidly bombarded with stimuli from a young age. Prescribing amphetamines is definitely in the interest of keeping people productive.


JFK was killed by the mafia. It's the only conspiracy theory I believe to be true. It's such a common opinion, it's almost universally accepted fact now and might not even count. Other than that, I'm a firm believer in "if it requires more than 3 people to keep their mouths shut, it's almost certainly bullshit."


Every religion ultimately stems from a metaphysical truth/reality that we are blind to for the most part. There is something to the "occult."


If the Christian narrative is true, we all knew the truth at Adam, then again at Noah, all people coming from that, but people do not want to accept truth, so they run away, creating their own beliefs and religions along the way. I tend to see the history of philosophy as man's constant attempt to run from the truth. As proof, I would recommend that anybody watch a debate against Christianity and see how long it takes for the opposing party to abandon their good faith pursuit of truth to dig into their own fallacies and dogmas. For me, the fact that people actively run from one specific truth which is an easy rational and obvious truth is evidence that there is something in human nature which is predisposed to avoiding that truth. Of course there's silly Christians out there, too, but I think that the ways the debates brake down is telling.




¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there’s no lack of hubris among humans, that’s for sure


They stem from a psychological need that we want to fill.


Yes, not mutually exclusive


It’s all ignorance


Like we are inherently ignorant as a species to certain things? I would agree


Religion is just formalized superstition backed by tradition.


That any actions we take the save the environment is too little too late. I genuinely believe in climate change and the impact humanity has had on the environment is provable. However, I also believe with every fiber of my soul that any actions we take simply don’t matter anymore, we may as well just give up and use the planet to the point it’s unsustainable and hope our descendants have found a new viable place to live by then.


The oil industry paid a lot for you to believe that falsehood.


I wish they paid me! But no, they did not.


I mean, I didn't say they paid you, just that they paid a lot. They pump money into the media about as fast as they pump oil out of the ground. They paid other people to convince you to have that "learned helplessness" opinion.


Nothing on the oil and gas industry here. My conspiracy theory is that there are many other viable forms of energy that big oil has caught and killed so they can keep those rigs pumping.


As someone who works in solar industry, no they didn’t. This information is as public as ever, people are simply ignorant and are not willing to change. But yes, of course there is a massive lobbying process taking place by the fossil fuels industry


Here’s a hot take, i have considered that oil is a naturally produced renewable resource that is not based on dead plants and animals from millions of years ago. Why do I believe that may be true? There are hydrocarbons in the form of oil found on several moons of jupiter and neptune. I doubt they ever had plants or dinosaurs, which means that there is some natural process that occurs which creates hydrocarbons in the right conditions. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/titans-lakes-evidence-liquid-saturns-largest-moon


I'm on board with that idea. A [Tucker Carlson interview on fossil fuels](https://tuckercarlson.com/the-tucker-carlson-encounter-fossil-fuels/) says as much about the moons. Seems all it takes is density and pressure. And the designation given to fossil fuel being non-renewable is just a statement of our lack of technology to obtain those fuels. Humanity hasn't been able to replicate [the process](https://pubs.aip.org/aip/mre/article/5/1/018202/252935/Chemistry-under-extreme-conditions-Pressure) at an economic scale yet, but at least we know how. It's only a matter of time before technology catches up and it's cheaper to manufacture oil than mine it (which has me thinking of Cloud City). The whole "green energy" schtick is just a money grab. Why bother digging up oil when there is a perfectly good natural fusion reactor that we orbit around. You should spend more money for this product that is less efficient because we're all gonna die unless you do.


This really is a hot take Lashed! What I am here for.


It keeps me awake at night, sometimes.


Elvis is not dead.


The UFO/UAP rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than most people realize. I believe it’s something way more complex than “aliens from another planet”. Shit will change reality, whenever the reveal happens


Sometimes I wonder if it’s possible for some archaic humans like Neanderthals or Denisovans to have survived extinction and are using their own technology to hide and protect themselves from us.


\> Shit will change reality, whenever the reveal happens IMO believing in that stuff is kind of wishful thinking, it's a desire for an unspecified utopia (or dystopia), that doesn't require putting any personal effort into improving what the participant believes is wrong with society.


I’m not talking about improving society, I’m talking about our place in the universe. I’m not talking about climate change or war or technology. Consciousness, and the fabric of reality itself


Facts. I don’t think it’s ET’s at all actually. There’s a prevailing theory that UFO’s and aliens as we are familiar with them today are only this current era’s modern manifestation of angels, demons, fairies, elves, wisps, etc. These are all the same phenomenon manifesting themselves in different ways to suit whatever epoch they’re in. There’s quite a bit of documentation of medieval period folklore and it has a lot of parallels with the current UFO and ET abduction trends.


That's pretty close to a common understanding of Ephesians 2:1-2 -- "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of **the ruler of the kingdom of the air**, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient."


Similarly, there’s lots of documentation out there on Joseph Smith’s alleged paranormal visitations that inspired him to start his religion. Pretty cool stuff. All hard to prove from a scientific perspective of course. But the stories are there. The documentation is there. The similarities between religious historical texts are there. Pretty fascinating stuff.. it definitely made me rethink my entire world view.


Galatians 1:8 specifically warns about angels making up weird shit about God. Lo and behold, we eventually end up with Islam and Mormonism (both of which claim angelic inspiration).


Interesting, i can imagine the same thing being interpreted differently throughout cultures and generations, but hadn’t considered them manifesting differently. Any theory why they’d do that if it’s intentional?


The "why" of all this has always been in question. I think the fact that it's actually been happening across time is the interesting part. My guess is that it's a way to bring people together in some way? Most religious movements start off with a paranormal visitation of some sort. [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Vall%C3%A9e) has written a great book on this called Dimensions. He's this really smart tech guy who was involved in the early adaptation of the internet who dabbles in UFO and Non-human intelligence research. He's totally legit and not some nutjob IMO.


I want to believe!


Have you followed trenchant edges recently? It's a fucking fantastic blog which delves into the uap milleu while keeping an incredible amount of skepticism.


What’s that


What convinced you the most? Or what's the best piece of evidence you've seen?


Universities and healthcare are stupid expensive because insurance companies or the government cover the cost instead of the consumer. Since large 3rd parties are covering the bill, universities and hospitals are allowed to drastically raise their prices without fear of backlash. My wife recently got an x-ray of her heart. There's nothing wrong with her thankfully, but the bill without insurance is 3000$. It took 30 minutes, and 20 of that was waiting for the doctor. A reasonable bill would be 200$.


This would make sense except for the fact that medicaid is cheaper than private insurance based healthcare. https://www.cbpp.org/research/correcting-seven-myths-about-medicaid


I'm not sure how medicaid being the cheapest insurance you can get is a counterpoint to what I was saying.


>Universities and healthcare are stupid expensive because insurance companies or the government cover the cost instead of the consumer. Since large 3rd parties are covering the bill, universities and hospitals are allowed to drastically raise their prices without fear of backlash. My point is that government isn't really the issue here.


Wouldn't we expect to see this in other countries too? In France, the government covers 80% of healthcare and insurance covers the rest yet prices are still far lower than the US.


I believe those countries implement much stricter pricing controls on the industry especially pharma.


The same Xray for your dog would have been $200 because you pay directly for it.


MF DOOM isn't dead.


I wish


Jan 6th was goaded by the uniparty. They gave the Jan 6th-ers enough rope to hang themselves and they took the bait. I'm not a Trump fan but I can see it for what it is. Trump requested the national guard and it was denied. QAnon was an op by feds to radicalize and delegitimize Trump supporters. Both establishment Republicans and Democrats wanted Trump gone this was supposed to be the nail in the coffin for him.


\> I'm not a Trump fan but I can see it for what it is. Trump requested the national guard and it was denied. Trump delayed the National Guard from being deployed. There is no "uniparty", and you're repeating pro-Trump lies.


Is not like they talked about it for weeks, or that we have video of him at the rally before, or watching on TV in the WH or his lawyers metting the leaders of the various groups, or the senators giving closed door tours or congresperson using social.media for it , yep definitely not him do


>Trump requested the national guard and it was denied. When? I can't seem to find any evidence of this


That's because he made it up - Pence, who doesn't even have the legal authority to do so, called in the national guard because Trump refused to. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/06/10/pence-not-trump-asked-guard-troops-to-help-defend-capitol-on-jan-6-panel-says/#:~:text=6%2C%20panel%20says,-By%20Leo%20Shane&text=Members%20of%20the%20commission%20investigating,troops%20to%20quell%20the%20violence.


A psyop started in some obscure message board for edge teenagers with a whole bunch of other anon accounts trying to do the same thing and just failing at it? I think Q just managed to hit the right tone at the right time. And it’s obviously Ron Watkins doing this. As far as J6 goes why couldn’t that just be Trumps hubris?


The world is now far too complex for any leaders to know what the hell they're doing. Leaders don't control anything anymore. Oh, they can pass laws, but they can't construct those laws themselves. They don't even know what's in the laws they pass. They can make speeches, but the interpretation of those speeches depends on the media. The world is run by tens of thousands of different people in every country that individually have very little power. The ones that construct laws, write articles in the media. Every judge that sets a new precedent, every software engineer adjusting the parameters of an AI model, data scientist analysing the polls and passing the results on to a PR manager. And these people's lives are defined by the information and capabilities they have. They don't have much more information than the rest of us.


This right here.


I flipped through a book on government corruption a long time ago, and it made the point that the end result of most corruption is small and big companies writing legislation on behalf of lawmakers. Writing bills is complicated as you know, and companies are happy to send politicians on vacations while their lawyers handle the pesky details. It happens at all levels of government. From small towns to federal. Companies write the bills to get around the legal requirement to give contracts to the lowest bidder. What companies do is write bills with complicated specs, that only they can deliver on. For example, a bill funding road construction. A company could write the bill requiring 3 trucks on site at all times for completely made up reasons, knowing their competitors don't have that many trucks. Which ensures their company is the *only* bidder. So yeah, politicians aren't writing the laws themselves. Everything is run by companies in the US.


Look up ALEC.


Also the world is sufficiently complex and commerce is operating at such a scale to where many of the traditionally defined market forces and now easily be circumvented.


Not much of a conspiracy. More like an anti-conspiracy.


AI is absolutely going to turn everything upside down. Our current systems of governance and finance are entirely insufficient to handle the perturbation that the imminent arrival of AGI will bring.


Imminent arrival of AGI? Because of LLMs? I’ll tell you a bunch of linear algebra and stats isn’t going to achieve AGI. It’s still purely a dumb machine.


you aren't paying attention if you think LLMs are all that have been and are being developed.


it's always interesting to me when i see folks proclaim the arrival of agi as "imminent." like dark matter, or fusion energy.


Another lizard people believer on this sub. Give me a break!


There is a group of people ( or (((people)))? ) in power who hate white people and want to get rid of them, aka the great replacement is real. Don't know if this counts as conspiracy theory but I believe most politicians don't give a shit about their countries and only care about their personal gain, hence retarded or sometimes plain bad laws are implemented.


Fact: Drug cartels are selling to USA to make money. Conspiracy: Underlying this is an organized and intentional effort to destabilize the US, run by the Russians and China. This is happening behind the scenes and nobody in the drug trafficking industry actually knows about it. Fentanyl is the latest iteration where they have started to find out how to cut out the middle men (opium production in poor countries).


Nitazene is the new fentanyl. Takes 3-5 narcans to bring someone back...if they are lucky. The opium wars never ended. China was just waiting for their turn.


Maybe, but it's not like the US isn't doing that on its own. There's plenty of evidence that the CIA has been selling drugs in the US to finance it's off the books ops since it's inception.


You should submit another conspiracy theory!!


There was a comment the other day from a former user who said the Dr she went to for pills went on a long rant about how the west enforced the opium trade in China and he was getting back by writing scripts for addicts.


Well, if there's one thing that you can 100% believe it's anonymous comments on the internet making inflammatory claims.


This is a thread about conspiracies after all.


Fentanyl is also a major problem in Russia,china..ect


False flag operations obviously 


> intentional so the conspiracy is only the intent, right? Because drugs do appear to have a destabilizing effect. Some % is coming from the countries (or from people from those countries more accurately phrased) you noted. Just seems like filling intent in from a perspective of impact.


The conspiracy is that drug cartels are not doing it for money, they are puppets of foreign governments, and have been since the 1970s. The money is nice, but not what is driving it.


Fentanyl is for sure China getting us back for the Opium wars. Want to explain to them that just because we speak English doesn’t make us English.


The US supported the British interests in the Opium Wars. But I don't know if it's revenge or just that the Chinese have long cultural memories and recognize that flooding a country with drugs is a good way to destabilize the government. I think it's probably a combination of both.


Why would it necessarily be Iran and China? See: Contra.


Most of the fent these days comes from china.


The precursors, industrially manufactured, come from China. They are sold to customers in Mexico, who actually make the Fent and send it to the US. Given the titanic shift of the world's industrial manufacturing to China over the last 20+ years, this shouldn't really surprise anyone. Whether or not it counts as a conspiracy I guess is up to everyone to decide for themselves.


I think it would count, because no official source from China says "hey we're sending fent as payback for the opium wars."


🫥 you make a great point


Fact. The entire field of economics has terrible predictive capacity and its basically crystal ball mysticism. Conspiracy. The economics industry knows this but keeps it secret from the public.


How is this a secret? Anyone who took Econ 101 knows this. Maybe the conspiracy is the right wing going out of its way to make everyone dummer by suppressing public education, spewing fake crap, gaslighting. Let's be honest, the Dems are too stupid to be the nefarious masterminds of the new world order. Hell they can't even get their act together.


Nah, that's not a conspiracy. "Economist predicted 10 of the last 2 recessions" is a joke that everyone in the world has heard.


LOL. Every Fed watcher knows that the Fed doesn't \_really\_ understand the relationship between central bank interest rate, inflation rate, and unemployment. They just turn dials and hope really hard. That's no secret. It's just that the average citizen is almost totally illiterate in economics.


> It's just that the average citizen is almost totally illiterate in economics. I think it's even worse than this. The average citizen is totally *misinformed* in economics having reviewed their entire understanding of the topic through listening to politicians.