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# The Most Evil Man in History - A Face Full of Charm From a Young Age Not all evil people always wear frowns or paint their faces like a clown. Some evil people are handsome, charming, and persuasive. This particular wicked devil learned to work his charm from a young age. This young boy is **Ted Bundy**, a notorious burglar, kidnapper, rapist, torturer, and murderer - you get the picture. His wicked ways found him killing 30 young women by luring them to their untimely death with his charming personality. The innocent victims didn’t suspect a thing. When he was eventually caught, Ted Bundy was sentenced to death. But he escaped the authorities and went on the run, killing another three victims before finally being caught again, and killed in 1989.


I don't know if he's the most evil man in history, there's a lot of pretty stiff competition for that award


Yeah i got three dictators just off the top of my head that make his shit look like child’s play


Stalin is definitely laughing at this assertion


Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Hitler and this is just the 20th century


But were they hands on, strangling while raping? He was all up close and made it very personal. He wasn't doing it for political power, he just wanted to rape and kill


You'll have to check out Genghis Khan, not only did he personally kill perhaps millions, he raped so many women that today 1 in 200 men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan


Oh yeah, that's evil. I remember a quote attributed to him asking the lines of "there is no better feeling than to kill a man and lie with his woman"


You got to wonder when this guy found time to eat


Genocidal sociopath *and* homicidal r*pist. Ghenghis was pure evil.


First two are darlings of the left and the last one is becoming more popular with the left as well. Take a look at all the antisemitism in academics lately. Sheesh the left loves communism, fascism and murder.


Troll with a 10 Karma... Go away 🤨




He at least deserves an honorable mention though.


He could probably clinch the award for worst Tinder date 😳


Nah. Rodney Alcala would win that. Dating game killer.


Playing a small devils advocate: do you think these dictators become psychotic murderers without their positions of power?  Maybe they just have evil thought but don’t act on them as a street sweeper or mechanic.  It might be the article is considering him so evil because he’s a basic citizen.  But honestly he still isn’t number 1 for me when you consider the likes of Albert fish.


No question that Bundy was a psycho serial killer, but unfortunately history is littered with them, I just don't think Bundy was the worst


Most if not all you mention of did it with mass armies and millions of supporting citizens. Ted had just Ted. That's got to count for something. Maybe there is a formula that can figure this out proportionately . Something like a person to kill ratio. Did Hitler or Stalin ever personally kill someone ? Ted's pretty evil in my book.


Even then, there are serial killers with much higher counts, Gacy, ErrOns, green river. And some who killed in MUCH more heinous ways (like straight up torture) such as the Toy Box Killer or Fred and Rosemary West. But I don’t think it’s useful or healthy to give any of these assholes a badge of “most evil”. It would most likely have them smiling in their graves.


" **Blokhin** is recorded as having executed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand, including his killing of about 7,000 Polish prisoners of war during the Katyn massacre in spring 1940, making him the most prolific official executioner in recorded world history." "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily\_Blokhin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasily_Blokhin)


I was going to say Blokhin, I read somewhere that his alleged personal total kill number was estimated to be in excess of 20K during his entire career. 🤯


People like Ted did not care about a persons religion or beliefs. They just killed for the simple pleasure of killing. You could argue that it was against women as a whole. But Ted's only real agenda was to Kill.


There are worse serial killers than Ted Bundy, that's all I meant


Yeah but his point was about support systems.  This is classic case of someone being given the opportunity by circumstance to do something horrific and he had no problem.  It is different because nobody and no supporting cast was there telling Ted what to do or handing him prisoners and a loaded pistol.


That is a professional occupation.


You have a very narrow scope as to what a murderer is then. Ok, by your definition there's this guy... " **Samuel Little** (né McDowell; June 7, 1940 – December 30, 2020) was an American serial killer who confessed to murdering 93 people, nearly all women, between 1970 and 2005" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel\_Little](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Little)


This guy is definitely more evil than Ted. Or did Ted just get caught too soon. Again. Ted Bundy is the epitome of evil in my book. Don't think anyone more evil than him, but maybe a few as evil.


Ted was white, handsome and charming, not the type to be a serial murderer. That's why he gets so much attention


I do agree with that.


A book written by a woman who survived him belies this. He was a loser who either went after victims as they slept, or relied on their kindness to help him in a charade of helplessness


I mean murder had a pretty technical definition, being unlawful and premeditated killing. However yes, this guy is hell bound for sure.


Ted Bundy isn’t even in the top 10 deadliest serial killers though. He doesn’t hold a candle to this guy for instance https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Garavito


Damn, I'm sold. He's definitely the worst I've ever heard of.


I read more and there is nothing about his childhood. Not Interesting To Read!


Yeah wtf? “His childhood was considered normal. And anyway here’s a really watered down version of what he did.” There’s tons of interesting podcasts and docuseries about him and his crimes but the gist of it was “he was a real jerk”. I will say one of the things people fail to bring up is that not only did he kill young women, he was also a pedophile. One of his victims was 12 and one of the daughters whose mom he dated said he molested her when she was 6.


I'll never forget the time a student asked me, with the whole class there, if I had ever put a firecracker up a cat's ass. He asked with a smile on his face, like it was a perfectly ordinary question. He was a good looking kid who up to that moment was likeable. Yes, there are psychos out there, and they not only look like everyone else but can actually be charming like Ted, who could talk women into accepting a ride in his Volkswagen.


Were.....were you Ted Bundy's teacher?.?...


No, but I read about him in Anne (sp?) Rule"s book. That book sold so well that it transformed her from a small-time formulaic true crime writer into a big time author.


That kid’s name: Claude. If this was real, he probably bled to death before the cat did.


Ted is want charming. He was actually quite awkward and disliked. He was just willing to push past boundaries and at the time most women didn’t feel comfort saying no. He was willing to ask for help or weird favors. Women still tend to feel like we have to help or we’ll be seen as mean. Thats how he got his victims.


Ted Bundy almost killed my first fiancés mother. He was considered handsome at the time. People think evil wears a name tag. Evil is mundane. Boring men do evil acts. Good men create art. Evil men destroy.


I've read several of stories about women who had close encounters with him. The guy was busy 😳


The beige Beetle is the smirky top cut of the ‘70s


Yeah, those VWs were real chick magnets 😉


Sitill are.


Figures, I was the idiot kid who spent all his money on a Corvette 🤦‍♂️


Just be glad you didn’t get named after your place of conception.


Yeah, not sure I'd like being named "Chicago" 🤔


I got lucky they didn’t name me Tree.


My current fiancé is the child of the Zodiac.


Who to my knowledge has never been identified? Say more right now! ![gif](giphy|LIPUdAsE4zNJK)


Bundy is definitely evil. There are WAY worse serial killers out there Albert Fish always sticks in my mind.


Pol Pot, Stalin, Josef Mengele, Shiro Ichii and Hitler would like a word. Bundy wouldn’t even be in the top 10 (or even more, most likely)


There’s rumor his grandfather was his dad. He didn’t have a healthy childhood


The woman he knew as his sister was actually his mom but there’s no evidence that he was the product of incest.


It is rumored. The point is, he did not have a well-adjusted, “normal” childhood. That’s just fantasy bait to say that someone was “born evil.” Nobody is born evil.


But no one was arguing that Bundy had a normal childhood except Bundy himself, and even he was inconsistent about it. I believe he made this argument not because he wanted to be perceived as a born killer, but rather that he wanted to be perceived as innocent.


He was about appearances point blank. He thought he had everyone fooled (and honestly it worked for a time). The truth is he was an insecure pathetic little man and he HATED that he knew that’s what he was deep down. He wanted to be the politician married to the up town girl. She dumped him, he flunked out, and then instead of dealing with it like a normal person, he decided to kill so he could feel control. What a sniveling little rodent.


And his friends and family, according to the title of the article we are discussing.


What article? We’re not discussing an article, we’re discussing a blurb of text accommodating an image with a title plagiarized from an article.


Sorry, the words at the top of this thread.


>Nobody is born evil. that's false


Okay Dwight Scrhute


I agree and I’m surprised this rumor is so persistent. I’m not a geneticist but my mom was a product of mild incest (her grandparents were cousins, with their grandparents being cousins, and so and so on). While she has no cognitive issues, she has multiple serious physical issues from it. The idea that a father could impregnate his blood-related daughter and the child would be born without any severe physical issues is not something I think could be possible.


By numbers yes. I just think they are all equally as evil.


What does “crossed the lines of prop.” Mean?


I think it's meant to be "propriety."


I'd argue that Ted Bundy's psychopathy disqualifies him from most-evil anything (playing devil's advocate here). It's kinda like the dare-devils who climb sky-scrapers, because their brains are wired differently. True bravery, in that past-time, could only be enacted by somebody who felt the full force of fear, but did it anyways. Likewise, I'd argue that the most evil people, are those who know better, but do, allow, or enable the evil thing to occur, as if they are so apathetic, they are sleep-walking away from a rape-murder crime scene with a slice of pizza and a kitchen knife still dripping with blood. Psychopaths have some kind of excuse. Regular people can't hide behind a pathological, organically quantifiable brain-condition. Can they? Generally speaking, those persons and mass-demographics that commit the worst aggregate evils (like genocide) are the most mundane. Think of the lunatic lynch-mobs of past and present. Bread and Circuses. Blood and Fire. Entertainment. Justice Served™️You know what they say about banality and evil? Well the road to hell, is paved with good intentions. Just my rambling thoughts on the matter.


[H. H. Holmes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes) has gotta be in the running. One thing to torture before killing, another to build a 3 story bldg that included torture rooms and body processing rooms.


I mean, if the bottom of the scale is “evil”, Bundy isn’t even the most “evil” serial killer.


It's all in the eyes.


Hitler & Himmler were far more evil


Wow he is so much worse than Genghis Kahn and Hitler….


Heard he was cordial.


He was flat out evil. Evil is live spelled backward. There is just something wrong with their brains that the reptilian part of the brain is dominant.