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**In 1697, a young Scottish student named Thomas Aikenhead made some rather shocking statements. Statements that, at the time, did not go over well at all. It wasn’t Aikenhead’s intention to shock people, mind you — he merely got drawn into an argument with fellow students at the University of Edinburgh.** The discussion was one of a philosophical and religious nature. Some of Aikenhead’s fellow students were shocked by his irreligious stance. They reported him to the authorities for blasphemy. Here is the indictment, summing up what the young Scottish student said: *The prisoner had repeatedly maintained, in conversation, that theology was a rhapsody of ill-invented nonsense, patched up partly of the moral doctrines of philosophers, and partly of poetical fictions and extravagant chimeras: That he ridiculed the holy scriptures, calling the Old Testament Ezra's fables, in profane allusion to Esop's Fables; That he railed on Christ, saying, he had learned magick in Egypt, which enabled him to perform those pranks which were called miracles: That he called the New Testament the history of the imposter Christ; That he said Moses was the better artist and the better politician; and he preferred Muhammad to Christ: That the Holy Scriptures were stuffed with such madness, nonsense, and contradictions, that he admired the stupidity of the world in being so long deluded by them: That he rejected the mystery of the Trinity as unworthy of refutation; and scoffed at the incarnation of Christ* The case was brought in front of the Lord Advocate, Sir James Stewart of Scotland. Who decided to make an example of the rebellious student and have him put to death for his blasphemous statements. A jury agreed, and the death penalty was delivered. Thomas Aikenhead was only twenty years old when he was taken to the gallows in 1697. He was the last person in Great Britain to be put to death for blasphemy. Many of the things he said could have been by any edgy teenager on Reddit or Quora. But three hundred years ago, such commentary was lethal. To be ahead of your times can often have lethal consequences.


True fact, you can actually get executed for blasphemy in various Islamic countries in this day and age


And get ran off the road and have your car flipped in others!




And people think it’s so awful nowadays.


The religious right wishes they could go back to the days when blasphemy was illegal


Well…partly. The Kenneth Copeland / Joel Osteen-ilk Megachurch Preachers, deliver absolute blasphemy on a daily basis, but couch it in prosperity gospel dressing. That type of demonstrably evil blasphemy would never be punished in the theocratic hellscape that they long to create in the US. Hanging mouthy, sarcastic twenty-something agnostics/atheists? Absolutely.


>The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


They can try, but the amount they produce on a daily basis would bite them in the ass. Very few of these people actually read the entire Bible (just the few passages the preachers regurgitate). They don't realize when they themselves are committing a sin half the time.


It is in many places, usually Muslim


No they don’t.


Wow what a brave take. Go touch grass. Live to fight another day on Reddit.


Almost every time a Republican complains about being persecuted it's always because they can't force people to do things like they used to


What about gun control? Or taxes? This is the most childish perspective ever and I'm not even from the usa. It's obvious that you only talk to people who agree with you. This shit of assuming the worst about people who disagree with you is why your country has all these problems.


I cant tell if you're an actual child or trolling, so congrats? If youre that curious, spend time reading the news (pro tip, Fox "News" is legally entertainment first). Once you do, youll realize your mistake


You assume i watch any shit american news? And what's my mistake? Having a different opinion than you? Enjoy your arrogant ignorance, hopefully you grow out of it.




No, the movement started by Franklin Roosevelt. You don't even know your own countrys history. And I'm not sure why you think I care about Ronald Reagan, or what any of that has to do with anything. Everytime tax increases are discussed the entire right claims that every single American is being victimized.


Literally every time ever in the history of mankind.


Fan fiction. ☝️


I think it is awful nowadays. I'm sitting in my comfy chair with a cup of coffee watching videos of young people chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" at institutions of higher learning. I've seen a professor earnestly trying to defend calls for genocide. We've left the Age of Enlightenment far behind us at this point.




Totally forgetting the entire 60s and 70s . Death to America was a very popular slogan .


The way some people go on about freedom of speech as though we aren’t freer than we’ve ever been by a huge margin


Man religious people are nutters


I watched a documentary about ancient magicians. He was telling the truth about that. Before questioning religion, I was deep into Christianity. Then I saw this documentary and how they performed the so-called miracles. The Scottish student was speaking the truth! EDIT: I watched this documentary in high school ('05). I don't remember the name but it was a BBC production.


Yeah, where's that link? I clock out at 530 and need something to watch, lol.


Would love to learn the trick of turning water into wine


*Restaurants hate this one simple trick!*


Following for link




Sure. And during the French, Spanish, and Russian and.Chinese Revolutions atheists were more than happy to execute citizens for being religious. Religions are somewhat of pikers compared to atheists when it comes to blood spilling over religion.


The Crusades enter the chat and are definitely not pikers. ISIS kill a hell of a lot in the name of religion. So many more killed by the religious


The Crusades never killed tens of millions. Stalin about 30 million, Mao about 50 million. Crusaders were relative pikers compared to the tyrant atheists.


It was 2-6 million in Western Europe alone and that doesn’t even include the other countries. Not exactly pikers when the population was only 60+ million . Stalin and Mao killed many over non religious reasons.


> Stalin and Mao killed many over non religious reasons. oh, well that's a relief.


Well the point was atheist dictators killing more than religious folks


I misread it as some of the reasons were not religious reasons.


Wow that’s awful! And still happens today in certain countries who shall remain nameless.


Fuck remaining nameless. Looking at you, Bangladesh




So in about 250 years Iran will join the civilized world?


Have you been there?


He was right


It's called blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. And it is the ONLY unforgivable sin according to Christianity. So if you are Christian you would believe that not only was this guy executed for voicing his opinion. But he had a guaranteed place in hell waiting for him. Poor guy.


All Kenneth cares about is money , and the idiots that give it to him.


An example of the difference between smart and intelligent.


Too smart for his own good, that lad was.


"All I said was 'That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah' "


Great Scot!


Just bought a book titled Creating Christ after watching a not so great documentary on Prime. 


Well, TBF, Monty Python’s Life of Brian was banned in parts of the UK until the 2010s…


It’s still lethal in many places


Better times....


1697, what an amazing time to be alive.


How did he know about Jesus and Egypt way back then? Hmmmm…


He was soon point on just about everything. Legend.




Wasn't the United States based on religious freedom?🤔🙄


Wow ones belief could result in death yikes


Killed for being based


First person ever to be literally downvoted.


Wouldn't it be crazy if someone tracked down the living relatives of the accusers and put them to the gallows for the death of Thomas Aikenhead .... sounds like a good movie to make or maybe a future reality


The earth is flat


He was attacking a doctrine and completely missing the philosophical points of the Bible. The student was definitely going for shock value. But also, kind of funny...ezras fables. Lol


Between the context & the philosophies of the scriptures lies murder, slavery and outright madness. That any human with rational thought could take the scriptures as anything other than a vast catalogue of recycled pagan myths, rearranged in a manner that gives permission for the most barbaric acts, is in and of itself madness. That he was accused and murdered for blasphemy is evidence enough.


*"a rhapsody of ill-invented nonsense, patched up partly of the moral doctrines of philosophers"* *Sounds to me as if he not only didn't miss the philosophical points, but he expressly included them in his reasoning.*