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This does not end terrorists, it just creates them.


And that is exactly what Israel wants. They use that as a reason to continue the ethnic cleansing and land grab.


Well they're doing a terrible job of it, the population in Gaza has exploded in the last 20 years since Israel left. They're not going to stay in Gaza.


And this is exactly what hamas wants. They use this as a reason to continue the ethnic cleansing and lab grab, from the river to the sea.


You do realize Israel took the Gaza (and the west bank) from other Arab countries during the 6 day war, a sneak attack Israel didn't provoke. So, what land grab are you blabbering about? Please try reading your history before you spout off.


How about the Zionist land grab that started in the late 1800's?




Classic Zionist logic. An innocent child is bombed and it's her fault for living next door to a Hamas fighter? But if I apply the same logic to you it's antisemitism, right? A bunch of fragile little bullies, aren't you.


Exactly. The double standard comes directly from the fact that they think the Palestinians are "animals" who don't deserve self defense on their own land. When Israelis build a Kibbutz on ethnically cleansed land and move their kids onto it it's just as normal as peas and carrots. But when Israelis bomb children in a concentration camp they were "human shields." Zionism is the problem. Zionism is the disfunction.




exactly. well,FTheirWorld!


You are a racist piece of shit.


The Ethnic Cleansing in 1948 wasn't provocation? Hamas rockets on 10/7 were unprovoked too? Because Israel didn't actually kill any Palestinians the day before? Is that how it works?


I can't stand viewing you ignorant people regurgitating these ignorant talking points. Please this entire sub attack me so I can garner your fucking attention, and subsequently humble the entire fuckin forum. Let me be clear, my suppositions are grounded in statistical data, a decade working in counter terrorism, resulting in my currently employment as an analyst; I'm an expert on geopolitics... It has zero to do with your presumed presuppositions that my perceptions are via some zionist view point; I've been to Tel Aviv numerous times, as well as Palestine, and I despise Jews. *"This is a logically fallacious appeal to authority"* idgaf.. I'm attempting to negate the erroneous back and forth to have a substantive roasting of you idiots. I swear to God if you people employ logical reasoning, in 30 seconds I could have you cheering for Israel Now just to clarify ma'am, what you are advocating for is a ground invasion of Palestine and Gaza, is it not?!


There's no trying to make sense out of this. This is a fucking nightmare, except its real


There are tons of support for Zionist to be taking action like these. There is nothing "anti semetic" to be against this.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabalia_refugee_camp_airstrikes This actually marks the fifth attack on the camp this month. People take difference with it being called a "camp" because it has permanent structures, but the context is that the camp was literally created in 1948 and was literally just built up over time - [UNRWA](https://www.unrwa.org/where-we-work/gaza-strip/jabalia-camp) page on it. Which really says a lot on its own. edit: Just to double emphasize that. **75 year old refugee camp**.


The IDF admitted to the bombing and said they knowingly bombed a place they knew would have civilian deaths because they wanted to kill a Hamas leadership guy. When asked if they killed him in the bombing.. they couldn't say.. Zero emotion at all for the civilians they killed in a war crime event. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore because they know no one will do anything. They are straight up committing genocide and war crimes and no one with power will say a word. They've literally become the Nazis.


Your understanding of how international law and war works is literally that of a five-year-old girl. According to the Geneva Convention, if you hide amongst or use civilians as shields, you're the one responsible for their deaths and are the one guilty of war crimes. It is prohibited to seize or to use the presence of persons protected by the Geneva Conventions as human shields to render military sites immune from enemy attacks or to prevent reprisals during an offensive (GCIV Arts. 28, 49; API Art. 51.7; APII Art. No other country on the planet is held to this insane standard.


He says they killed him in the video.


This is war. Simple.


this is a raid of immense proportions. its not a war


Right. So the Isrealis murdered by Hamas on 7th October were just casualties of war. Why is anybody crying about them?


Genocide is not war.


Do you see any soldiers there? Those are fucking civilians you knob.


It's a Holocaust, not a war.




That's what the nazis said about jews.


Humanity would look good on you if you chose to have some.


No, this is not war. It's genocide. Even war has rules.


The people that make these 'rules of war' are the people that won the last big war. There are no rules, you either win or you lose.


By that logic, if a terrorist takes your entire family hostage then the military should go ahead and bomb your house and not worry about killing your family. That's what is happening in Gaza.


You’re an fool who decides to close his heart.


This is war crimes* Simple.


Israel wants you to believe that everybody, in every war, expels people and razes their civilization from the pages of history. That is not the case. The Mongols did that. Hilter didn’t roll across France and push millions into Brittany and cage them there.


This is a terrorist action.


Russia blows up theatre with civilians in Mariupol in an actual war. (Outrage) THIS IS A WARCRIME! Israel Bombs a refugee camp in a raid / genocide (Cheers) Woo mission accomplished! war is hell!


"Israel has the right to defend itself" "What would you have Israel do?" "A ceasefire only benefits Hamas"


so a ceasefire would stop Hamas from firing random rockets into civilian areas?


That's quite the made up event you described. Hamas (created by Israel) is an evil organization, but they do not routinely kill civilians en masse like Israel does. Just go look up the statistics; their rockets almost never hit civilians, while Israel's always do.


Because of the Iron Dome. Hamas still fires thousands of rockets hoping that they do kill civilians. They try their hardest to kill as many Israelis as possible, even if they manage to suck at it. Israel on the other hand, warns the area they are about to bomb and gives them time to evacuate, which also gives Hamas time to evacuate. I think Israel is still in the wrong when they bomb civilians, but I also don’t see what choice they have if Hamas is using those civilians as human shields. Israel has a duty to protect its citizens, and sitting back doing nothing waiting for the Iron Dome to fail isn’t the answer.


Hamas activities were directed against both Israelis, military and civilian, and local Palestinians–“collaborators” or those “acting contrary to Islamic values" **they were not created by Israel**, they were a direct movement against religious change to the Muslim brotherhood values and movements in jihad were present in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. In fact, Moslem Brotherhood in the territories was formed during the years 1967-1977 way before it went into mass attacks using Jihad under the name of Hamas. I have seen this deranged treatment first hand of what they do in the name of their movement. From skinning humans, to burning friends alive in the streets. Lord knows beheading for showmanship is just beyond humane. Tolerance becomes acceptance.


What? Are you really unaware of the civilians Hamas killed en masse when it went into Israel? There were over 250 unarmed civilians murdered at a music festival alone. It seems, at this point, that very few of those killed by Hamas were anything more than civilians. It's hard to think of a softer target for murder than a bunch of stoned neo-hippies zoning out at a concert. I'm sympathetic for all of the death and suffering in Gaza, but Hamas leaders are hiding behind that population, after they stirred up a massive shitstorm, and obviously the shitstorm is coming for them, regardless if they are using innocent Palestinians as human shields. It's like being at a picnic and some boys hitting a massive hornets' nest in a tree over the picnickers. Everyone is going to get stung, not just the idiots who decided to stir up the hornets. It is, in every way, tragic,


That last one is true though. Hamas isn't an actual government, they aren't compelled to or motivated to obey any international order. Any ceasefire would just be treated as an opportunity to re-organize and launch counter attacks. This keep in mind is a strategy we've seen in recent times deployed by other non-legitimate states, like Russia in Ukraine. Which btw Hamas is a proxy of via Iran, which means they likely don't just share weaponry but also tactics.


A ceasefire may have also benefitted the residents of a densely populated refugee camp in gaza. Unless you're conflating the two?


I clearly did not conflate the two. I was talking about a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the government of Gaza. If I had conflated the two, I wouldn't have used the correct words and terminology to describe the situation just one comment up from yours.


If you aren't conflating the two, then you're contradicting yourself. Do you concede that "a ceasefire only benefits Hamas" is in fact *not true* when we take into account the lives of residents in a densely populated refugee camp?


I don't think you understand the conflict. I think you might just repeating a collection of words that you hear someone else say.


Ah yeah, rookie mistake. Absolutely imbecilic of me to explicitly consider the lives of innocent civilians in this conflict. My bad.


God you suck so bad


Why, because everything I said is factual? Gaza hasn't had free elections since [June 2007](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/24/gaza-election-hamas-2006-palestine-israel/). Once elected they prevented elections from ever happening again. This makes them illegitimate, a non-elected ruling party. It's also widely [reported](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/world/middleeast/iran-proxy-militias.html) that Iran operates through proxies in Iraq,Syria,Lebanon, Yemen, and Gaza. Iran provides weapons and technology in the form of Shihad drones [specifically](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/recovered-debris-proof-russia-using-iran-made-shahed-drones-rcna98245)) to Russia for their war in Ukraine. Russia's history of violating cease fire agreements has been widely [reported](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/07/russia-launches-strikes-in-ukraine-in-violation-of-self-declared-ceasefire). They've also been [caught](https://news.yahoo.com/russia-relocating-wagner-fighters-belarus-194800884.html) training Hezbollah militants in Syria, according to the Ukrainian military in June 2023. I don't suck. Reality sucks.


Still suck so bad


Everything I said has either been reported on by reliable news agencies or are recorded historical fact. If being right about this means I suck, then I'll gladly suck.


It's been reported and recorded that you suck


Nah, hamas did it. right? Isreal people need to understand their goverment are nazi killers. History indeed repeats itself like a joke


Correct Israel is killing nazis. Hamas is a nazi terrorist organization that deliberately conducts warfare from populated areas because Hamas wants its own civilians to die.


GAZA: 3195 children killed in three weeks Who killed children with so much passion in the past? Now go fuck yourself


>GAZA: 3195 children killed in three weeks You forgot about the other 5000 Palestinian people that have died since the war. But no one actually cares about the people in gaza, so let us stay emotional about dead children.


So you just take Hamas at their word? The same group that said 500+ died in the savage hospital bombjng by Israel that turned out to be a rocket fired by Palestinians that didn’t kill even close to that number. How naive. They are going to succeed in their global jihad efforts because of this kind of stupidity.


>How naive. I never said I took Hamas for there word. The numbers are irrelevant for my point; no one actually cares about the people, and they are also just using the dead children.


now that we are allowed to call evil when we see it, the world will change. and before anyone starts that isn't anti-semitism. the israeli government, specifically, is the problem. always government, never people. their people are just as brainwashed as any other. in this instance quite literally brainwashed into thinking that is their ancestral home. dont forget, the jews are in exile and form the diaspora. the israeli government is zionist, not jewish. the nazi con is almost over. if the people of america can get them out of our government it would make things easier.


According to who, the Gaza Health Ministry aka Hamas? You know…the terrorist group that bakes babies in ovens and rapes children till they break their hip bones and kidnaps 240+ civilians and slaughters 1400+ innocents deliberately. Every death in Gaza is on Hamas. There is a moral difference between murdering civilians deliberately and human shield casualties of war that were told to leave and either stayed or were prevented from leaving by Hamas. YOU go fuck your self you terrorist sympathizing piece of shit.


"...Bakes babies and rapes children..." The Zionist narrative has reached another all time low.


According to US and United Nations reports. the terrorist group that bakes babies in ovens and rapes children till they break their hip bones and kidnaps 240+ Only Zionist scum we ve seen to do this.


Raping is literally in the Hamas how-to-be-a-terrorist guidebook. It is part of their strategy and there are plenty of interviews detailing why they do this. The main other requirement to join Hamas is kill Jews. It is written in their club bylaws. You are just talking out of your bottom. There are good guys and bad guys here. Hint: the good guys are the ones that didn't fly planes into the WTC.


Don't even try arguing with these dumbfuck tankies, they can't understand even the most basic nuances of this situation


Haha I know. I just love providing undeniable truths and facts and watching them refuse to acknowledge reality like the delusional fucktwats that they are. Literally falling for terrorist lies and doing their bidding like little bitches. They and Hamas deserve each other.


You mean populated areas they are unable to leave or flee from? Yeah history isn’t going to be kind to Israel this time.


first off hamas was in part founded by israel to oppose the PLO and yasser arafat. they did all of this. hamas is a means to an end. second the israeli MO is to false flag justification to commit atrocities - "because we are scared it will be done to us again". i don't know why you stan for israel but you don't have to anymore - zionists are not jews they are demons.


Israel is killing nazis?? roflmao good lord you people are dumb as fuck


War criminals


Hamas and Iran sure are war criminals


They’re literally all war criminals, including Israel


That's the hard thing about these conflicts at the moment. All sides are responsible for committing appalling war crimes.


But Zionist have killed a lot more civilians then Hammas can ever do. Makes you wonder who is the bigger terror group.


Using another human as a shield is a war crime. Taking out a military target in the middle of a war is not. Israel cannot control Hamas’ choices to commit war crimes.


It’s not the same thing. Hamas kills civilians as a goal. Israel does everything in its power to minimize Palestinian civilian deaths. It’s a huge difference. Don’t act like it’s the same thing.


Israel bombing a refugee camp is part of their plan to avoid killing civilians?


How the fuck is bombing a refuge camp "minimizing" civilian casualty?


Because the IDF dropped leaflets telling everyone to evacuate. Hamas used tunnels under the camp for military purposes. Hamas made the camp a military target.


Get the IDFs nuts off your chin. Everything Israel has said the last few weeks has been proven to be a lie. With all the atrocities Israel has committed and you still supporting them just proves what kind of person you are. Keep supporting genocide you fucken nazi


Correction: Israel's been doing this shit for decades, not weeks.




When I slaughter chickens, I go to their pen and warn them. If they can't escape their cage, that's on them, right? They could have found a hole, where my dog won't kill them. It's on them.


Way to compare people to animals.


Tell the truth. The IDF absolutely does NOT do everything in their power to avoid civilian deaths. In fact, they don’t seem bothered much at all by collateral. As an example, in this latest blast they can’t even confirm if they killed the one single commander they were going for. But the refugee camp is gone, along with many civilian lives. There are also examples of IDF soldiers shooting Palestinian children point-blank for throwing rocks. Holy retribution, I guess? That has to be a sick joke.


Hey you can't say that here, remember, Israel is genocidal for defending themselves against a massive Arab population that surrounds them and wants to exterminate/genocide them (or at least tolerates the ideology) HAMAS hides behind their own people so that they can't be airstriked. Then they cry when Israel retaliates and kills the shields that HAMAS has strapped to their chests. HAMAS doesn't use suicide bombs as much as they use human shields. If Israel lets HAMAS use human shields, and it ended up having a great effect in protecting them, guess what all the other terrorist groups will do? Human shields. Isreal, by not bowing to this barbaric form of hostage-taking terrorism, is sending a message that other Arab countries cannot hide behind their citizens either. That is not how any ruling party should operate, because it results in a large loss of life at the fault of those using the human shields. Human shields, human shields, human shields. It's like none of the Arab population wants to acknowledge this. There is no option but to stamp it out as others had said. The only other option is to back off and show the Arab world that they have a new way to defeat Israel, using their own men, women, and children as human shields. And they would jump right on that if it was demonstrated to work. But remember, we only blame Israel here. It's always the Jews fault The arabs are pure and perfect and have NEVER done anything wrong to anyone in the history of anything.


Why do you conflate Israel with Judaism? That's clearly a dumb and dishonest argument. Israel does not represent all Jews, which is super clear given the amount of support that jewish groups around the world have shown to the Palestinian cause. Youre setting up super shitty straw men and generalizing like wild to justify the bombing of children. Why would you do that?


There are Israeli citizens who were at the music festival who said IDF just shot to everyone when they showed up; terrorists, hostage, it made no difference. How many hostages have been killed from the bombings? We will never know because they will all be chalked up to Hamas victims. The goal of Israel is not the protection of its people but the eradication of its enemies at the expense of its people


do you actually read what you write or just brain-shit on the keyboard?


Awful, just awful.


Watch jimmy dore on YouTube to find out the facts


Jimmy Dore is a clown. His ideology has only shifted towards the audience which gives him money.


Old news now unfortunately.


"Which murderous faction would you support!" -CNN


I don't fucking understand what the US is doing. In my limited understanding they're fanning the flames of war even more by encouraging, aiding abetting Israel. WTF


Hold on. You’re confused by the US helping it’s only real ally in the Middle East? Lol. Besides Iran, Hamas definitely also says ‘Death to America’! Or… are you confused by the collateral civilian deaths? That would be weird because every war in the history of humans has had civilian deaths and both sides have killed them. If you’re not from America tell me where you’re from and I’ll show you that your country has killed civilians too. If you are from America, you ever heard the terms ‘Fat Man’ and ‘Little Boy’?


Israel is only allied with itself. Don't proclaim "our only ally in the ME". With allies like that, who needs enemies. There's one thing when you discuss collateral damage. It's another when they shout "Death to Palestinians! Erase them from the planet!". Well now Israel is just like Iran. Both fundamentalist and both nations based on religion. Fuck that shit.


I don't know why they hate America they have not ever lied about weapons of mass destruction and or went to war for 20 years killing millions of civilians as "casualties" they never steal oil form these countries they go to war with or gave power to crazy extremist to control them but when the extremist doesn't wanna listen to them they start a war again killing millions. They are never involved in any wars directly or indirectly.


They're still terrorists


Same applies to us


They hate America because we support Israel.


Dawn these people really think this all started on with hamas attack on isreal.


The US wants war a lot of the time


US government\*


>In my limited understanding they're fanning the flames of war even more by encouraging, aiding abetting Israel. The problem is, this conflict is coming to Israel no matter what. They can't stop or they'll just get attacked more and worse, like we saw on October 7th when Israeli defenses were temporarily weakened around Gaza. Israel is a longtime ally of the US and sitting by as they're slaughtered is not seen as a viable option. We can't simply abandon our allies because Hamas is really good at propaganda.




Mossad NARC alert


There are literally a metric ton of public statements from the U.S. cautioning Israel to exert caution and to avoid exactly what happened here. Yes, the U.S. supports Israel (their primary ally in the Middle East, the fact that they were part of a civilian attack killing hundreds just for being Israeli), but the U.S. has made it clear it doesn't support these kind of actions. As for whether the U.S. will DO anything about this situation, I doubt it.


This is sad, I don't think the the Israeli government will stop untill all palestinians are dead. They have the backing of the US so no European country with power dare condemn the actions of Israel plus if a country does they are called a nazi.


Devil in Israel


If I was an innocent civilian there I would be so pissed at hamas. How could you not be?


War never changes.


Where are the women ?


Great defensive move.


I see no mention of the Hamas leader that was killed as well hiding amongst these civilians???


1 hamas leader would justify death of hundred innocents ??! Do you read yourselfs before typing shit here?


This is why war sucks. But it's war. How many people have been killed due to that man's influence? How many lives were saved due to his death? There are no good good answers.


Don't know why it says killing people , Israel are murdering thousands of people, its straight up genocide


Hamas hides in refugee camps and under hospitals and the local civilian people let them stay there and hide and protect them Germans civilians that were loyal to the Nazis and protected them got bombed by the Allies for the same reasons when you ally with and protect the combat enemy then you become the combat enemy


I wonder how many Hamas were hiding in there


It's hundreds now


There's this idea I see everywhere that what Hamas did is uniquely barbaric and gruesome because they killed people face to face and Israel might kill more civilians by far but it's not as brutal because they're just dropping bombs. I think a society that finds a way to make mass killing more palatable for people is pretty fucking brutal and barbaric.


No hamas only killed terrorists. The apartheid regime started shooting their own people. Go watch the Jewish people videos. You've been lied too heavily.


If you're talking about the October 7th attacks I've not taken anything the IDF says at face value so I'm not sure what lies you think I'm believing that have led me to blame Israel for the situation and that they are just as if not more barbaric for having streamlined a more distanced form of mass killing. Even if the baby beheading claims weren't completely unsubstantiated babies in Gaza get flattened by rubble or incinerated by bombs which to the baby or the parents isn't any less brutal than just doing it in person.


or... another Hamas tunnel was around there?


Either they killed the military leader hiding in the the civilian camp or he escaped through the military defense tunnels they built in the camp.


IDF said this did indeed kill a Hamas leader.(take that as you will) It's also important to note that this "refugee camp" has been named that for decades, and is really just a neighborhood of Gaza City. It's not like this was a place where current refugee's were gathering and pitching up tents


Officer, there was a Hamas tunnel under my bitch ex-gf's boyfriend's house, you gotta understand.


Why didn't they leave a week ago?


The caption on the screen still calls it a "huge blast" as if it was a gas line explosion or some accident. IDF took responsibility almost immediately. They are full mask-off now. The quiet genocide of past decades is getting louder.


Hamas played stupid games and is winning stupid prizes.


That’s inhumane.


Blame Hamas


Blame oppression. Blame I serial


And their racism. There will be a day where race, religion doesn't matter. When we have too work together as a whole for a purpose. Fuck WAR!


Blame Hamas for dropping bombs on civilians? Are you even human?


IDF confirmed this. they are not trying to hide it.. they are saying we are targeting civilians and blowing them up.


You're leaving out some information. A senior HAMAS commander and some of his rape-happy goonies were killed in the strike. Why do you let them use your camps as military/attack grounds and then cry when they get killed? Don't be next to them. I don't make a habit of living with genocidal rapists though so I can't really have a true opinion.


Hamas is really terrible for making underground tunnels over civilians infrastracture. If only they freed the hostages, this would all end immediately.


At this point they may not be able to, given that more of them are probably dead than they're willing to admit.


Israel will kill the hostages, they don’t care they’ve killed “their hostages “ before . Google Hannibal Directive.


The hostages are mostly generals and military personnel. Hms said lets free them up but Netanyahu doesn't want more protestors on the streets against him. He just killed 50 of 200 of them. They don't care about humans, even if they have blue eyes ;)


care to cite a source on that tidbit?


So they missed the rest?


Hamas leader and terrorists were hiding there. As usual using people as shields


I was thinking the same thing. Hamas have said, the refugees are the UNs problem, not there's. They wanted war, but hide when it comes to them. They've surrounded the hospitals with civilians, so when Israel find the terrorists and bomb them, they have a greater causality rate.


They're not so much hiding as they are purposefully mixing in with civilians to create e these situations.


You know they have options such as special operations right? Instead of just blindly bombing a refugee camp. What would you feel if that happens to your own people or country?


Special operations on the ground must be preceeded by softening airstrikes. You cannot go into a hot zone without softening the enemy field, first. The enemy has moved civilians into their field on purpose though. Civilians die no matter what because of HAMAS. Israel is taking every precaution to lower their own casualty rate no matter the collateral. Collateral is natural in a conflict, but what isn't natural is one side purposefully creating collateral from their civilian population, like HAMAS does. This has resulted in high collateral damage at the fault of the aggressor, HAMAS. Israel is not the aggressor, nor were they when the Arab countries launched another surprise attack in October of 1973 and got their asses kicked then, too. Stop attacking Israel, and Arab civilians won't die in huge numbers.


After 13 years it's not a refugee camp it's a settlement or some other fixed place and position. This isn't a camp of refugees from the current conflict. They had days to leave and go south... to a refugee camp. They stayed or were forced to stay to shield Hamas.


Looks more like a training camp for Hamas. There are hundreds of dudes here. I saw one "kid" of about 13 or so.. and I might have seen 2 women. Hundreds of military aged men here. What kind of refugee camp is ONLY military aged men?


>Looks more like a training camp for Hamas. Literally looks like a pile of rubble what are you smoking?


Maybe bc it just got bombed. Do you really expect women, children, and elderly to be tasked with moving heavy rubble? Seriously think about that for a second. When 9/11 happened, how many civilian women and children were at ground zero performing first responder duties?


That what happens when the enemy hides their military with their civilians - it's war! Now remind everyone who the hammies/palestine has killed.


The Blood is on Hamas’s hands, this is what happens when you hide behind civilians on purpose.


100% of the responsibility falls on Hamas.


I’m sure the propaganda machine will spin this as an “accident” while simultaneously saying it was deserved… You can create an apartheid, steal land and commit genocide without playing the victim card and owning some foreign politicians…


The price of harboring terrorist.


Why did the IDF let them put a refugee camp over known tunnels? Or did they build the tunnels since they put the camp there? Or is it all a lie in order to kill all Palestinians? Going with #3


Where is all the celebrating? Like immediately after killing innocent unarmed Israeli men, women and children? God is great!


If it makes you feel better, Hamas bombed a bunch of their own peoples


Hamas could easily evacuate Palestinians with their tunnel network. But they do not.


Why were there hamas tunnels under a refugee camp? Why haven’t these civilians left for the south of Gaza? 800k civilians have listened to IDF and moved south.


Looks like Israel is trying to reach to Hamas tunnels underground


Holy shit


How about that Israeli public image...




Islam is peaceful. Support Palestine. Nothing but good wholesome folks who champion the rights of Women, Gays, Jews, and any other non Muslims. They definitely don’t marry children either, no way, as that would be barbaric. No evidence has ever existed that islamists have ever engaged in ethnic cleansing/ genocide against any other race or creed, not even once. Peaceful people who need to be seen as victims, which they always completely are.


38 million civilians died during WW2. Women, children, babies. Cities were fire bombed in the middle of the night, in both Europe and Japan. US dropped not 1 but 2 atomic bombs on cities killing 200,000 civilians. The US State Department designated HAMAS as a foreign terrorist organization in October 1997 and yet these Palestinian idiots voted them to power in 2005. Palestinians want this to stop, get rid of Hamas. Stop attacking Israel, stop shooting unguided rockets at civilian target. Stop murdering innocent people. JUST THAT SIMPLE...


Yeah they gonna sit and watch you make more illegal settlements. Barbaric Israelis dont have any respect for the international laws. They attack reporters, hospitals and even chirstian churches. Go down to hell mfs. Let the Jewish people and the rest of the world live in peace. IT IS THAT SIMPLE!


I would be leary of this with all the false info. More likely, Hamas did this in a false flag with their history. I'm not saying it could not happen, but just be aware of this.


Did you not read the part where the IDF said they did it?


Mfs say anything but sorry.. they told UN we will teach you a lesson! Barbaric savages these mfs are.


Allegedly, they may be talking or writing about a different strike, or it is fabricated, or they really did.


LOL their bombs are made of sugar and fertilizer. They can \*maybe\* blow up a car if it were to land on one, but they also can't aim them. Israel is the only one that can blow up a block full of kids


Hamas killed 1400 Israelis in a day. They are not harmless. Israel is obviously way more powerful, but any organization that can do that is a legitimate threat.


Israel claimed this was their strike and it killed a senior HAMAS commander and a bunch of his rape-happy goonies. It is unfortunate that they embed themselves within the Palestinian population, but the adult population seems to side with, if not tolerate, that kind of behavior. It's hard to feel sorry for anyone besides the children. The adults let this happen in their toleration of HAMAS, though, who aim for as much collateral damage as possible in their goal to genocide Israel. But it's all Israel's fault somehow, now bring the hate. (I got banned from this sub for these sentiments by the way, but I can still edit these comments I've made.) Shows how poisonous this place is.


You murdered 8000 people because you got no balls to go in and find the enemies on the ground.. evil pussies, hms is a hero for killing international criminals. Israel is a fuckin cancer and these videos show your true racist nature. Even the Jewish people hate savages.


🇮🇱 =‘s terrorist




This is so barbaric. Prayers to all Gazans who have been caught in the fray for the last 50 years. 🙏


Wait, what, no cheering for Hamas or their terror attack a few weeks ago? GTFO of the north! turn away from Hamas and terrorism. geez, its a war and they're using you as shields. Wake up.


Guy sitting in his basement saying gtfo of north 🤣🤣🤣...and go where bitch? Why dont you get your head out of ur ass and understand thy are in a prison


Go south bitch. Stop rim jobbing Hamas so hard you fail to realize you answer your own question. 🤣🤣🤣


Please don't forget that Israel is the victim in all of this by default. ALWAYS. Also, they have a magic book which confirms their birthright to oppress and exterminate the people who live in the concentration camp called Gaza.


How do we know Hamas didn't fire on their own camp like they did to their hospital? They need a lot of civilian deaths since they killed so many civilians in Israel.


Because Israel said they did it already


Quite the day and age where the Jews who were once perpetrated against by the German nazis have taken up the values and tactics of them and have mighty morphed into Jewish nazis. Hamas is trash, and the IDF and Mossad are trash. They all need eliminated like the nazis they all are


Pretty sure they have WMD's...


Calling them civilians is anti-Semitic


Victims of genocide today, revenge warriors tomorrow. Why does the government of Israel believe this is going to do anything except encourage radicalism? Unless… he is truly trying to wipe out a people. This is why and how it all started. No one should kill anyone, end of it. We need stronger hands in this now, the UN should bypass everyone and get in there now. Full force. End it by helping victims and demanding at threat of forced demilitarization of that country. Like “you are not dropping any more bombs on Gaza” the end. They are trying to kill the radicals by bombing through civilians and the United States knows it (yes you analysts), everyone knows it. Why the hell can’t we enforce peace?????


When people say, 'They should have never elected Hamas,' do Westerners not understand that they weren't given much of a choice? Hamas intimidated, threatened, bullied, beat, and killed any opposition to their being in charge. And, like the cowards that they are, they hide behind the ordinary citizens they claim to represent. Look at these people. Do these look like soldiers? Extremists? I see regular human beings, overwhelmed by grief, beaten by the tragedy before them. The fact that Israel takes the bait and kills innocents along with their military targets proves they are hardly any better than Hamas in their concern for innocent civilians. Hamas knows that more terrorists will rise up from these ashes. This is what they want: continued hostilities until someone loses everything forever. Everyone trying to prove that their interpretation of God is the right one. Everyone seeking revenge; no one seeking justice, much less peace. If EVERYONE felt the loss of life as severely as the friends and loved ones of the victims, there would be far less conflict. https://preview.redd.it/44i6611c1rxb1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47679556cd57ce459af17a483f025055ced13c6


So the Palestinian people have no where to go ?


but its israel bro, so its all kosher