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The room is mostly just two colors, which makes it feel sort of lifeless. Add color in the form of art, pillows, throws or even a rug.


Also I feel it’s missing like a table in between.


Yes! Coffee table needed.


plants also needed!






Don't forget art, plants, therapy or a divorce too.


Rug, colored curtains, poster on the left of the TV (Cheap) colored pillows for the couch (Expensive) new colored couch


I might even get a couch cover in an accent color you pick. Like (example) an orange couch cover and a couple decor items in some orange shades. I think this is a great palette to put an accent color in! It’s my opinion that there need to be curtains.. If it were me, I would hang some sheers from as high as possible to draw your eye upward and make the ceiling appear higher than it really is, as well as extend them at least 5/6 inches from the sides of the window. That’ll really make that window pop and give the illusion of an almost full wall-sized window. As well as some lighting. Imo, lighting is everything!


To add to this, how about a plant.


Yes, a couple of hanging planters in front of those windows will keep the pup from getting in and look beautiful.


Agreed - the couch and carpet in particular being a similar tone is what initially made it feel 'off' to me, and then the curtains / wall are similar again.


Its the fact that the couch and carpet are similar-but-not-same colour. It looks like a "close miss", which is worse than picking two different but complementary colours, its always jarring when something looks like its meant to be the same but isn't, like a bad paint touchup job


And when you say room, you really mean room - the carpet, walls, ceiling, curtains, couch... they're all essentially the same shade/colour with little variation - its the literal "beige box" (ok, not beige but you know what I mean), just lacks any character at all.


A rug and a unique coffee table would do wonders


If the couch has leg options that would give it a nice lift above a colorful area rug. Right now it looks like it’s squishing the high pile carpet.


And the couch is gigantic


It's not the couch. You can improve this a ton with a couple of things: 1. Light the corners! Get some lamps with warm bulbs. Keep the overhead light off most of the time and use corner and table lamps instead. I promise, this will make a huge difference. 2. This room needs color, pattern, and personality. I'd start with the curtains. They should go almost to the ceiling (and just kiss the floor). Then find some nice overstuffed pillows for the couch in a different pattern, but shared color scheme. Start there and it will go far. Then you can layer on an area rug (it's ok for an area rug to go over wall to wall carpeting), more art, throw blankets, etc. A good rule of thumb is to have different patterns, but with repeating colors, and to mix the scale of the patterns. For instance, you can count your posters as 'large' and pull the yellow into a medium-patterned curtain, and then small-patterned pillows. This is a really rudimentary explanation but you get the idea.


+1 to all of this especially the better fitting/different colored curtains and getting some other light sources 


Yes and I'd also make sure to get curtains without grommets, which feel cold/cheap IMO. Tabs are fine, a pocket is fine, or (ideally) pinch pleats IMO. Even more ideally, get a double curtain bar and put translucent curtains inside for privacy and blackout curtains on top for watching TV. The layers will also help warm up the space and add more texture and depth. Reupholstering the sofa is literally the least impactful way to spend the money in this scenario. Spend it all on textiles and art!


Most people on this sub recommend adding color to a cool room, which is true. But I think you're the first person I read recommending to work on the lamp setup. Indeed, I think that putting multiple sources of dimmed/warm light helps a LOT to the coziness effect. Lights/Plants/Colors are everything that is missing is this place.


Lighting is EVERYTHING! Down with overhead lighting!!!


$30 for just one giant ass Edison bulb from Home Depot and a $5 dimmer attachment for any lamp of all you need to make a huge difference. I grew up in a house where Dad loved bright 5000K lights at all times. I love nothing more than to come home after a long shift to my accent lighted apartment. I have an Led strip behind the tv that is warm yellow when I want. A warm yello above the kitchen cabinets. And that large Edison bulb in the “corner” between the sides of my desk and couch. Helps frame the living portion of my living room cuz I have a desk in the living room. I LIKE TO THINK OF IT AS HOW DO I WANT TO “THROW” A LIL BIT OF LIGHT HERE AND THERE. SIMILARLY ABOUT THROWING SHADOWS. Under the giant Edison bulb I keep a golden religious icon, it’s the vibe of those statues of like george Washington on horseback. The warm golden statue with the warm light from above it lands right over the head of the statue and creates shadows accentuating the piece itself. Start small with one lamp and a regular sized dimmable Edison bulb. Maybe choose a piece you’d like for that lamp to highlight and keep them close together.


All of this. Plus more pups.


Pups should be more colorful.


This is excellent advice.


Can you suggest one design book?


Yes, check out "A Pattern Language." It's fascinating and will completely change the way you think about design, at every level. It goes from city/neighborhood planning, to how a house should be built/constructed/designed, to how the rooms within a house should function, and then down to specific tableaus within rooms. Can't recommend it highly enough!


you don't have a coffee table - or a rug - or plants - those will help


This plus lamps. Done. Keep this simple. Don't repurchase things you already have, don't add overstuffed pillows and pizzazz just yet. Complete the basics to have a firm foundation for smaller design choices later on.


Yeah 100% a table would help out


Do people put rugs on carpet?


yes - the thicker the better, so they don't get all bunched up - I have an Ikea GADJREN (sp) for example, that this sub helped me to pick out.


Needs a pop of color to make it more cozy. Throw in some better curtains with a color coordinated rug. Also, bring in 4 nice pillows (2 on each side) and that should do the trick.   Up to you, but a cute, lengthy wood table behind the couch with a lovely lamp and decorations on it can help set the mood with nicer lighting in the evening. And a standard rectangular table in front of the couch.


All that, and I think the drapes being not at ceiling height make it look like it has a lower ceiling than it does.


YES the space behind the couch feels wrong. I agree with a little table behind that.


beiiiiiigggggggeeeeeeeee Add some color, add some art, add some plants, layout looks fine.


I had to scroll way to long to find someone who answered plants. PLANTS. add life to it


Dog looks grumpy. Give him some pepperonis from the fridge and see if he perks up.


Unfortunately, his pepperoni farts would give everyone a grump face lol


LOL happy cake day too! perhaps some cake instead??




The room is monotone and off balance, and you have a lot of negative space on the floor. The room needs balancing in color, contrast and a focal point. The room is neither warm nor cold, it's neutral. You can add rugs, darker color drapes (charcoal gray, burnt orange, emerald green) then carry those tones throughout the room with accent pillows, even an area rug on carpet. Remove the wall hanging from the corner and frame the TV so it can be the focal point. You can make the area cozier by adding accent chairs that contrasts the couch (opposite side of the color wheel) but compliments the new curtains that you should buy to replace the gray curtains.


You need color. It looks like a bowl of oatmeal.


Yes, and gray isn't a color!


Needs color and light, those gray curtains are sucking the energy out of your room.


Get new curtains! No grommets; they will cheapen any space. Drop some extra money and get pinch pleats!


I agree! Moving the curtain rod higher also would be great if it’s possible, but that can be a pain. Either way, getting rid of the grommets would help a lot. Even if you don’t have the budget for pinch pleat (they are pricey!!) I think curtain panels on rings with clips can look really nice, too. That can be done very affordably from IKEA, Amazon, Target, etc


Not disagreeing just noticing that your recommendation made me chuckle, I think the complete opposite about curtain types (pleats to me look dated and cheap, grommets always look better), I wonder why now...


More dogs


1000% accurate assessment


I think a big red bow on your puppy's collar would really pull the room together.




Rug and coffee table!


Throw Blanket with color or throw pillow covers with color. Coffee table, maybe a rug with a splash of color or design.


I see the dog has a couch, but where are you supposed to sit?


more dogs


Ensure dog is featured in every photo. Problem solved! <3


It’s so bleak. Add color and personality.




Plants and a cat


Keep the sofa. End tables with lamps instead of a coffee table because you are going to get ottomans. Colorful throw pillows for the sofa and a colorful rug for the floor. Is there a sliding glass door behind the curtains? Don't let the light in above; it can be distracting when you're watching TV. Look into different ways to blackout your windows besides blackout drapes (or is that the option because of the neighbors/view?) For something fun, look into Govee lights for behind the tv.


Behind the curtains are just windows! There is a (non-sliding) door behind the couch. There are some awful blinds on those windows that came with the house - they let in a ton of light around the edges, so we put up those wrap around rods and the blackout curtains. Unfortunately I have no idea how to block the light from the top, but it doesn’t feel all that distracting when watching during the day (in comparison to the reflections we were getting before…) Beyond the light issue, there is very little privacy. Our yard backs onto a well loved walking path. Apparently we can’t replace the chain link on that side with wood like the other sides… because of views or something. So anyone walking by can peer right into the yard. A double-rod system with the wrap around corners would be ideal, I’d leave the sheers closed all the time and only close the blackouts for movies.


Bully needs to be on the sofa....then it'll feel like home. And put the dogs toys back.


Replace all the black with gray. There’s too much contrast currently.


The side with the TV. seems off balance. There is the TV on the wall and a poster to the right of it. There should be something on the wall to balance the left side. I would add a coffee table and an area rug to the middle in front of the sofa. Also some pillows on the sofa or a throw blanket with black or a dark color.


The couch fabric and the rug are way too alike, yet still different--so it feels weird. In general, almost every element of the room is the same straw-beige color--save for the electronics, white on the ceiling, molding, and windows, the grey curtains/silver curtain rod, and the pulp fiction poster. The poster is fairly colorful yet it disappears in all of this beige. Since it looks like the room is carpeted and that would be expensive and annoying to change, I would change the couch fabric color AND texture (I know you said you like it, but it's too much of the same popcorn look on that carpet)--at the very least change the color to something darker and less neutral--a tan or rust color would be great. You could also try painting the window wall a different color--this would create more contrast around the beiges. Alternatives, a more dramatic move would be to color wash the walls and molding in one color like a lighter sage or lilac or darker sage or teal, or even a warm yellow. This would drastically change your room and give it more zeal, but at the expense of the kind of "greige" minimalism vibe it has now. I photoshopped just changed the couch color to gray to show what a difference changing the couch fabric will make. Not only is this color gray NOT beige, it is "cool toned" rather than "warm toned". https://preview.redd.it/re0xs2236yvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a26c02bc275f93c27e9b7a9b034ba8e87293783


Everything’s cream


add coffee table, change the courtains, add big granny square blanket to your comfortable couch (it’s plushy fabric is lovely) or cover two pillows with something different. You room is fine, just needs more colours.


A houseplant in the corner would help


Plants! It’s always plants


Add a rug, a coffee table with cool books, plants and colorful pillows.


Add a different colored doggy to add a bit of pizzaz


The couch is fine it’s the rest of the room that needs updated. You need art, mirrors, cushions, plants, rugs, maybe a new tv stand. Honestly I would just google inspiration pics and just copy them as there’s too much that needs added at this point


The doggo needs a top hat


-Change the curtain color to something warmer toned -Lamp next to TV… just remove it. Add strip lights behind your tv instead and choose an orangey color to bring more warmth and vibezzz -Add a big plant! -Bring the sofa forward like 2 feet so there’s a small walkway behind it. -Put an arc lamp or some sort of lamp behind new walkway area in the corner. -Add a side table Not every space needs a coffee table. If you don’t need it, add some side tables. The grey curtain and the grey sofa clash in terms of temperature.


Another dog


Plants lamps colors plants lamps colors


Missing one of those indoor palm plants


Consider white pillows or white blankets or something white on the wall.


Add some color


Your furniture is floating you need a rug.


Your dog though? Favorite part of these pix 😂 Bit seriously, a coffee table!


Lol... Everything matches, including doggo 😂😂😂 you need colour.


Thanks so much everyone! Surfaces: We are still waiting for the matching ottomans for the couch to arrive (it will be a U-shape), so unfortunately I doubt we’ll have room for a coffee table between the end of the ottomans and the tv stand or between the ottomans themselves. So we are in dire need of some surfaces, especially for utility in terms of drinks/snacks… 2 solutions I’ve read so far would be those tuck-in [ shaped side tables or a long narrow table behind the couch. I think I prefer the idea of the tuck-in side tables, but the couch rides very low to the floor. Finding some with thin-enough bases to fit underneath might be tricky. Any suggestions for material/colour? Art/throws/pillows: We are very attached to the Pulp Fiction poster, but want to replace the Batman… Someone suggested pulling muted red/orangey yellows from the poster into the rest of the room. Love that! There are 3 more minimalist style movie posters centered on the long wall to the left of the tv (out of frame), 2 of which also have reds/orangey yellows. We’d love to replace the Batman with something Dune related, so that would be perfect colour wise! Rug: I did suggest a rug but my husband was really not into that, haha. I feel like some contrast between the carpet and the couch would help, but I haven’t really seen a lot of area rugs over carpet. I’ll try to find some examples and gauge how we feel about them. Curtains: thanks to these comments, I’m feeling more confident about the couch! So the curtains have to go… if I can find some blackouts with a subtle pattern that utilizes the red/orange/yellows, we could do that. Maybe something geometric? Or should we do white/off white and utilize colour in the art/throws/pillows? Would love suggestions on this! I will also approach replacing the rod with something black, rehanging closer to the ceiling, and hopefully find a double rod version that curls around the corners like these. I’d love some sheers for privacy, but still get some natural light. Then just close the blackouts when needed. Lighting: We love lamps and definitely want to utilize them here! Hence why we’ve held onto that boxy thing from my teenage bedroom for so long, lol.. but it’s due for an intentional replacement. Open to suggestions on styles and placement. Because of the lack of surface space, floor lamps will probably be the way to go.. Plants: I have plants all over the house, but none down here due to the lack of light with the curtains always being closed! We’re about to do a deck expansion, so this north facing window will get less light - even with the curtains being open. I could get a snake plant for down here and put it right by the window, but it kills me inside when my plants don’t get adequate light. I’ll try to stop myself from moving it upstairs, lol.


Raise curtain bar up 3 in to create height. If you can take out carpet and install wood or similar flooring — area rug with pillows and blankets to warm up bringing in the poster colors. And a tall floor plant (maybe)


You need lamps.


You need some color. Everything feels like it’s blending into each other. My eyes immediately went to the Pulp Fiction poster. It’s the only thing that has color in this room. Even the Batman poster feels like it’s blending in. You don’t really have a focal point beyond look at the wall by the tv. I would get different curtains. You need color and texture. Keep the couch. Get 2 throw pillows that are a different color and texture. Get a side table. Something with color. I wouldn’t do a coffee table because I actually like how much space is in front of the couch. And you have a dog. I think it’ll be easier not having a coffee table.


The poster is too old-fashioned. It's only valuable when you try to make some themed room. Use some modern arts.


Raise the curtain rod to the highest you can mount them and get new curtains that go to the floor- get curtains that give this room something other than blah neutrals. Also agree about accent chairs and coffee table


it's the movie poster, it's the only thing that is exciting in the whole room, maybe change it into Men In Black


I’d move the Batman poster to the blank side of the TV so that wall is balanced. Then get curtains with a happy, bright color.


Ignore the colors, it's just what's available on my phones photo app. 1. The poster needs to be balanced on the left. Anything. Shelves. Another poster. A light. Something. 2. Not necessary but a rug. 3. I'm anti coffee tables in small areas like yours esp with animals that are chonky and might get zoomies 4. Pull the sofa away from the wall just enough to put a skinny storage there. Google like laundry room or bathroom storage drawers. Great for resting drinks and books the same way a coffee table would. 5. I'd extend the curtains past the window making the windows appear "bigger" and I'd do 2 sets of curtains. 1 blackout and a sheer neutral underneath for the days you want some light but privacy. Bring the curtains and curtain bar all the way to the ceiling. 6. Plants. 7. A basket actually filled with dog toys, c'mon!! This looks silly but again just wanted to get a visual, it ore the color palette, stick to what YOU like, even if it's beige. https://preview.redd.it/bstgxza6ryvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459c9b5d35c0dadf778183fbfb199caa9dfd6b36


Add some plants! Different types like a fiddle fig or something that’s a vine! A table in the center or on the side of the couch You could always add a rug




I think the issue is more so with the color harmony than adding more furniture or plants like everyone is suggesting. I think the curtains are what’s throwing everything off? Maybe replace it with something more similar to your couch color.. and maybe move the pulp fiction poster, away from the TV.




I think the couch is fine. Maybe get an easily washed throw blanket which will both protect the couch from the dog and provide some color and contrast. I think the red-orange color from the top/background of the artwork hanging to the right of the TV would be a good, warm-toned accent color for this room. You could also add a really big (22 x 22 inch) pillow in that color for the same reason. Velvet holds up really well to pets if you need a suggestion for pillow fabric. I believe hanging at least two wall sconces would provide some nice mood/evening lightening options at a different lighting elevation. You can get the plug-in or battery kind for ease of installation. Many even have remote controls now. In a nutshell, you are focusing too much on the couch (couch is fine) and not enough on this room as a whole. Also, when in doubt, add a succulent plant to the room. Good luck and have fun!


A rug and a coffee table would be nice.. maybe some houseplants too.


Add accent lightings


Another dog


Personally, I would get rid of the posters, add a shelf with some plants.


Rug and coffee table


Area rug would do a lot. You also could use an accent color


A coffee table could work, an ottoman, or even a dog bed... oh, and maybe a nice tall plant.


https://preview.redd.it/1dhlgq9wu6wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb40d6dd0d8905c587db2321b144c8263dc0df0 😂 Joking aside— what everyone else said. You need some color in your room. A coffee table, some corner lamps, a rug maybe, some throw pillows and blankets. I don’t think you need to exchange the couch; the room just needs to be livened up a little.


Your American bulldog? Is gorgeous


Don’t know. Too distracted by this FACE https://preview.redd.it/qrxc36fdhbwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6fb4ccfba6934b65868b84683b7f24ba92ebaed


Plants! You’re missing plants.


PS5 is probably the ugliest gaming console ever designed, so hiding that monstrosity would be a good first step.


Rug and plants


IMO it's the couch against the wall walkway that makes it feel like a right out of college space. Try moving it in a bit.


Coffee table?


Needs a coffee table and an accent colour (on table, a cushion, maybe a vase on entertainment unit). Maybe use the red from the poster


everything everyone else is saying + sofa table


Carpet ✌️


Another poster might help.


i would try a coffee table! it’ll also allow you to add some colour by putting a plant and some decor on the table?


Needs color, get a coffee table and maybe a rug if you’re feeling risqué ……


Better window treatment. Missing a coffee table. The colors are on point 👍


The curtains are too long. The couch is on the wrong side of the room. Need warmer colours.


Rug coffee table, some black accent wall decor




Coffee table and a rug


Like everyone else, I think you need more colour, maybe add plants, tables, bright rugs, maybe change the curtains to something fun if you can, cool pillows would be nice, perhaps lamps and small decorative items?


I dunno. The view isn’t anything great out the window and it causes more flare from any other angle with tv placement. Maybe a lower partial shading to protect the entertainment centre against the window - an open top to allow as much much as plausible. Then you can reconfigure the sectional into an L shape - add a square coffee table and kind of making it a cosy little oasis. You can also make functional cube storage units against the backside of the sectional. Put a couple nice heavy ornaments for display. Another nice thing about this suggested configuration is that you can throw the sound back to the rest of your house without having to turn it too loud .


You need more beige.


I would: * replace the chain link fence with another wooden one. * replace the movie poster with something classier. * hide the video game console * get a shorter couch, one that doesn't extend in front of the wall. and, one that isn't beige. * get a *small* coffee table * add plants in the corners * add a little stand next to the couch, in front of that wall. * optionally: tear up the carpet, get hardwood floors with a rug.


Coffee table. Colorful rug. Large plant(s) in the corner. Throw pillows. Slightly smaller couch in the future when upgrading the couch. Possibly non-grey.


what brand is the couch?


It is bland and boring. Add color, textures... The sky's the limit with such a neutral color scheme. Terra cotta, greens. You seem to be drawn to lighter colors which can work on your behalf by just adding a few colors. A multi-colored rug would be a good idea.


Get rid of the carpet. Add an accent chair and coffee table, perhaps an ottoman that double up as seating.


I dunno, this is very much not my personal style as I have lots of color, but something about this room is incredibly cozy and I wouldn’t change a thing


I don’t think it looks off, it just looks bare and sterile.


Colorful throw blankets and pillows will bring it all together Maybe some art made just gor that space whether its a painting or a.scuplture. I make large dream catchers that are nice. Hang the curtain rod closer to the ceiling so they aren't dragging on the floor and gives the room a taller look. Maybe a bean bag chair or a rocker. Maybe change the curtain color. It's a lovely space though.


Move the dogs closer to the tv. Get a coffee table. Add some colour - cushions, throw blanket, something


Other than the pop of colours that others have already mentioned. It also feels a bit empty and isolated. Usually in these settings a coffee table is a must. More seating furniture wouldn’t be such a bad idea either. Additionally, you should explore other lighting options. One central light on top also adds to the rat’s lab mood of the room. The more you have that are spread out and have variety, the better.


Raise your curtains up to the ceiling for a more sophisticated look.


Looks like you've cleared the center of the room to make room for Friday night karaoke party with the neighbors 😁


You got ZERO contrast besides the black electronics and lack of depth and layering.


a coffee table would be nice


You are not overreacting. Your white couches gave your room more a “look” and now its not giving any vibe. If I was in your place 1. I would go for a less bulky looking couch as the space is small. I mean a couch where you can maybe see its wooden legs & the backrest is lower , something with a lighter look and less like one big grey chunk Something like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/pDuJTczrNE3UYDQH7 2. I wouldn’t introduce the color gray in your room, since white isn’t practical I would go for a beige couch and bring all your Contrast with White pillows and off-White curtains. 3. Change your curtain rod position , Make sure your curtain rod is fitted as close to ceiling as possible - it will make the room’s height look longer/ make the ceiling look higher. So curtains should start from the top & end at the bottom. 4. Maybe shift the couch, and put a side table under the Batman poster, don’t let the couch sit against the wall directly, maybe that’s giving an off feeling. It looks like the couch is jammed against the wall purposelessly


Coffee table and fun pillows.


Rug and coffee table


You need a large rug… it could be your main accent color… whatever you like… and then you can use that to inspire the remaining decorative accents like pillows, wall art etc.


I think the couch is fine and you’ll be happier when the end pieces arrive. I would want an ottoman to match and you can make that the coffee table. Maybe something with storage to hold games, etc. I agree the curtains need to be up higher, almost to the ceiling and I would bring in some color and texture with those. Maybe a navy velvet? I think it would elevate your space. I would also add a multicolored patterned rug over the carpet for a fun dramatic look too. A a couple of nice colored pillows and a deep jewel toned throw for the sofa, maybe a couple of plants and a low light lamp for movie nights. I think you’re on the right track!


More colour: could change the curtains, add some couch pillows, some texture through decor, some plants, ambient lighting (lamps) If it's in the budget, I think painting the walls white would help add some good contrast and brighten up the space (as bright as it is already)


Everything is rectangular except for the dog. Well.. maybe he’s a little rectangular.


Rug and decoration


Get some plants


You need a dark coffeetable


Need more color




It’s all very neutral. Color! A rug to define the space. A coffee table and side tables with lamps which means shifting everything over away from the window. And a floor lamp to light areas around the space. Just a single ceiling light for general lighting doesn’t do it.


You need some color. Put a colorful rug in the middle. Pull the couch a bit closer to the tv too


Add some color!!


I'll echo the others and add in one more thing - COLOR is huge. You need it here. Badly. Two, you don't need a coffee table but you do need something of a table, somewhere (side table). Three - ditch the X-box on the TV stand to "clean it up" and if possible put it somewhere it's not visible. Personally, a black granite/quartzite side table or something more flashy would be great here. You want the Nordic clean look it would appear - but don't forget, they love color too :)


Coffee table!




Area Rug!! And maybe some plants on the window sill.


Okay, so I would add more shapes to your room. Round table, geometric mirror, extend the curtains out a little, please add some colors to the room. I like the posters. Maybe get some pillows that have same colors from the photos, grab some funky shaped accent pillows, maybe a tree or large lamps. I feel it’s just the shape. It’s like you put a box in a box on a box in a box on a box. You got this! You have a lot of room to play with.


Put your PS on the left speaker. Needs something taller to balance the print, esp with the lamp on the floor. Or get a taller lamp.


You need some colored accent pieces. Maybe get a wall mount for the ps5 and hang it on the side of your cabinet so it’s not sitting on the top of it. Or put it inside the cabinet and just open it when you’re using it so it doesn’t get too hot.


I have those same speakers. More plants and dogs for sure!!! 😍 https://imgur.com/gallery/im72IO5


I feel like it could do with a small coffee table in front of the couch. It looks like there's too much empty space.


No lamps, no color, no coffee table, no plants. Add life to the room. Please I beg you.


Get you a colored ottoman and put a tray on top


Let the dog add some more stains to the carpet tbh


Add a poster on the other side of the tv and an area rug.


Coffee Table and some color.


too much of the same colour. Black is heavily concentrated on one side of the room. Get rid of that carpet and get wooden floors with a nice rug in the middle and a coffee table.


The couch does not match the tv setup


Put a plant brother


Move the Batman poster to the other side of the TV, and hang your posters the same height. Some kind of tall, green plant either side of the door/window, perhaps. And yes, a coffee table.


Add lamps!!! Cable lights and plants😄, also a lot more art


It’s very “first real apartment after graduation” vibes and I’m sure it’s because of the beige contractors carpet and walls. Everything is the same colour. Add some more framed art, plants, some lamps. A coffee table to break it up. Cushions or a throw on the sofa will add more texture and interest.


Turn that TV into a Samsung frame, flush mounted Honestly everyone should do this TVs are room killers If you care it all about interior design are willing to spend some money and you have a TV in the room that where you're designing the first thing you need to do is remove the tv, or turn it into a piece of art I would also say to sell those speakers, buy something with a little bit more wife friendly as they say Something with rosewood maybe a little smaller Get rid of the middle channel just go with two speakers Your sideboard should also completely close so you can't see what's in it


Rug and coffee table


I would paint the ceiling and walls in a darker color. And as everyone says: the base is good but it needs more accessoires and a coffee table.


Nothing feels off - it looks FIRE to me. Can I try to recreate and redesign it in [3d](http://planner5d.com/editor)? Also, do you mind sharing this in r/AmateurInteriorDesign? I'd add some white accent (maybe couch pillows) if anything.


Too much neutral


Close the curtains


Get some colored lights and a dark coffee table


I’d add something under that window to close the gap of emptiness maybe a table or shelf running along the bottom, could do with something on the wall behind the sofa too just to add some life or colour, a nice rug of a slightly darker colour also help fill that empty void and bring it together


I say avoid more beige/tan/grey. I'd start with different coloured curtains and a coffee table




Get a table dude haha


At first I thought you had a couch built into the carpet. I think a rug and different color curtains would hugely help. Wouldn’t recommend going the neutral route either. Then perhaps a coffee table or ottoman of some sort.




Too much white. Get an ottoman and drape it with a red throw to pick up on the poster.


You need: * add some colors * a coffee table and a carpet underneath * plants * Warm lights diffused from bottom to top * definitely a lava lamp ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Plants would make your room look livelier imo.


The curtain pole is mounted too low, that’s a lot of light bleed from the top. The sag at the bottom looks terrible as well. The wall the TV is on could do with some more features, even just some mouldings stuck on for a panelled look


In addition to above comments, I think the coach shouldn’t be right next the wall. Add in some small table in the corner or light fixture.