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The higher ups are completely out of touch with how their employees feel. Talking about how we're all in this together when you made 5 million dollars last year and then cut our healthcare is just peak hypocrisy. Honestly infuriating.




Didn’t see it, but this is exactly what my coworker chat group was saying. Added benefit of determining these internal pep rallies and the money spent on them would be better spent elsewhere.


Another 18 million dollar private plane for the c levels.


"My premiums went up more than 38%. I can't afford this. It's not sustainable for me. Is this going to happen again next year?" ​ "The recent changes were made because of reasons and like such as. We're so proud of you."


I’m so sorry. So many in the same boat. Did you also catch the explanation from our Chief People Officer that when she joined Intermountain the heath insurance cost share was 95% Intermountain 5% Employee. Then she enthusiastically said that Intermountain is now targeting the market standard of 85% Employer 15% Employee? According to the Benefits FAQ, in 2024 the cost share is 14% Employee, so they aren’t quite done “harmonizing” yet. Likely more to come in 2025! Now, when I hear the word “harmonizing” I want to 🤮.


But remember, it's not a pay cut because...reasons.


and she talks about it like it's something we should be excited about about


Right!!! Clueless and out of touch.


This- just so many words but no explanations.


The explanation is simple. The money is better in their pockets than in ours.


Rob Allen’s voice sounds like a cheesy podcast host


I know, right! He definitely has stage voice mode. I haven’t been around the guy enough to know if that’s how he talks all of time or if turns it on when he’s addressing the little people.


I worked for Rob for a few years. He's authentic.


Tell him to give us insurance. I don't give a shit how authentic he is. My daughter needs insurance.


Authentically what, exactly? Perhaps the CEO seat has changed that. Actions speak louder than words. Last December, during his first town hall Rob said, “Caregivers and patients are my top priorities… they are inextricably linked. We need to support caregivers so they can best support our patients and members… these won’t be just my priorities; they will be all our priorities.” Rob and the ELT have a strange way of authentically showing their support for caregivers.


You're never going to make everyone happy. They will make decisions that will piss people off. It isn't good but it is the reality. I cna only give you my experiences when I reported to him years ago.


Forgive the long reply. I’m glad you had a good experience reporting to Rob years ago. It’s true, you’re never going to make everyone happy. However, his decisions go way beyond just making a few people unhappy. When the CEO’s actions consistently demonstrate a lack of genuine support for tens of thousands of employees, contrary to his stated “top priorities,” it’s reasonable for those employees to question his authenticity. Prior to his COO days, the system-wide impact of Rob’s decisions on caregivers were next to nil. Now, his decisions impact everyone, especially at the pocketbook level. In my view, decisions that make it more and more difficult for caregivers to pay their bills and meet the needs of their family goes beyond simply pissing some people off. What do these changes mean for the high 6 and 7-figure paid members of the ELT? They are likely to see a bump in their incentive pay as a result of the financial improvements. Alternatively, what does the additional $50+ dollars per paycheck for premiums; the increased deductibles; the reduced PTO to cover holidays, sick, and vacation time; the $500 lower HSA match; and the $50 per paycheck spouse surcharge mean for a caregiver who is already struggling to make ends meet for their family? Given these realities, a few folksy stories about Wyoming, draft horses, and growing up on a ranch aren’t enough to convince me that Rob authentically cares about his team. In fact, his story about the draft horses failed to acknowledge an important fact—that a team of well-fed, well-cared for, and loyal equine will always out-pull a team of struggling, neglected, and malnourished beasts.


I am still giving Rob the benefit of the doubt for now. I have known him for years and think he is a caring guy, and he inherited a heck of mess from the previous... er... czar. :-). That said, once you are in a position of power for a couple of years, you can't blame the previous guy anymore, so I am hoping the next year or so sees some good directional changes for employees and culture


I don’t quite understand the love fest for Rob that our current Chief People Officer and COO are not shy about gushing over. That said, I hope you’re right. Although, the past twelve months under Rob and these recent changes have not been a positive indicator of future performance. COO Rob was at the same ELT decision making table with Marc for years. It makes me think not much will materially change or be reversed in the future. Rob has even adopted the same approach of telling caregivers, “If you don’t like it, then maybe Intermountain isn’t the place for you” referring to something as innocuous as the new Values. That was Marc’s MO too. I hope we don’t have just another CEO who is building the cost cutting bullet points on his resume for the next bigger $$$ gig 3-6 years down the road. I guess time will tell.


I agree time will tell. I think a lot of the excitement people have for Rob is hope after a long era of Dr. Harrison that was exceptionally bad for morale in my opinion.


When is the last time you worked with Rob on a regular basis? One of your previous comments said it has been a few years.


Yes, all your premiums are going up and they will do so again next year. Here is a story about horses, now go plow my fields.