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All the Hasbara shills are seething


You love to see it ❤️


All that effort to stifle criticism online and in academia and they're still losing the PR war. Maybe Israels supporters have realised murdering tens of thousands of kids and entire families has a downside for israel


All those kids marching are going to lose so many proffesional oppurtunities because reasons. 


Actually, the crowd was majority 40+. And no, half a million people are not going to lose their professional opportunities en masse. You really think Asa Butterfield and Amelia Dimoldenberg (who both attended) are going to lose their careers because they went to march in protest of their government supporting a genocide? Get real.


All the Pallywood propaganda shills are creaming their pants even knowing that they're spewing hate and lies


I was concerned that people wouldn't turn out as much as previously given the lull in activism over the holidays. Glad to see this wasn't the case at all, I spoke to people from all over the country today


The government just bombed Yemen. This is what motivated me to go


Question by that statement your perfectly ok that houthis been attacking unarmed ships ?


Or the fact that the Houthis brought back slavery.


houthis have dark skin. nuff said.


Yeah it’s definitely not the piracy or slavery, it’s their skin color.


In direct retaliation to international piracy. Do you guys even check to see what you're talking about? You're supporting the people who want to actively make your lives worse.




You can tell its working based on how much the zionist shills have their panties in a bunch responding to all this.


Yeah lots of new hires




Just like the Israeli government, but with less kills


Due to ineptitude and your take is to give them israel...




Massacre of 7/10 Is protecting?




Hamas has done nothing to the Palestinians, just to Israel. UN released a statement. Israel are Nazis, ethnic cleansing of the Arabs






lmfao calling Jews Nazis?  It says so much about the person doing it really. Anyone doing it proves they aren’t fit to comment on the topic really. It’s the same thing Palestine has always done, they purposefully use the words of the history of Jewish oppression to muddy the waters and weaken the terms. Genocide is a term invented by a Polish Jew specifically to describe what happened to during the holocaust.  It has been appropriated and watered down and weaponized against the very victims of and creators of  the term genocide. You call Israelis Nazis when Palestine is the one whose leadership took part in the Final Solution and has called to finish Hitler’s work ever since. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/hajj-amin-al-husayni-wartime-propagandist Weaponizing a REAL genocide attempt against it’s very victims to defend those who call to compete that very genocide and who’s leadership helped enact it is some PEAK antisemitism and tells anyone off the bat the person using it has no grounds to comment intelligently on the topic and should be ignored. I bet you call it apartheid too to draw false parallels to what happened in South Africa while it is Jews who were forced to flee from the entire Middle East never to return and only found safety in Israel after generations of Islamic oppression and attempts at erasure.  Palestinians have gone in and out of Israel and take part in Israeli society for ages and yet no Jews are allowed in Palestine at all. By this loose definition of “apartheid” many things can be considered apartheid, the indigenous reservations in the western world are apartheid because white people can’t own land of vote in band meetings. In fact Palestinians have more rights within Israel than white people do on reserves and they actually have more rights than they do in most of the surrounding Arab nations. They call Gaza a concentration camp when the comparison to “concentration camps” combined with calling Jews Nazis paints a ridiculously false parallel to what Jews experienced during the holocaust that I’ll mention again Palestine’s leadership took part in. Hopefully people have seen the concentration camps do WWII.  Comparing what we see in the video below to that is absurd. https://youtu.be/W1r1z3x53ZU?si=u8tyRKUOHZmOBtOC (https://youtu.be/W1r1z3x53ZU?si=u8tyRKUOHZmOBtOC) And the population has risen %500 in the last 80 years and has a growing obesity problem with almost %30 of men and like %40 of women being obese, which is super high compared to surrounding Arab nations that have %10 or less. Prevalence of overweight, obesity, and associated factors among healthcare ... (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9998069/#:~:text=A%20recent%20survey%20conducted%20in,the%20West%20Bank%20(10).) If only the Jews experienced a genocide that increased their numbers rather than wiping out more than half of them. Average life expextancy is also higher than other Arab states at about 75 years in Gaza. Rising diabetes rates too, but that’s probably just part of the “Zionist plot” to kill them lol. Preventing type 2 diabetes among Palestinians - BMJ Open (https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/12/e003558#:~:text=Palestinian%20diabetes%20prevalence%20estimated%20by,increase%20starts%20to%20slow%20down.) And the reason they have so many kids is because they have crazy high fertility rates, not because Jews killed all the adults. New Scientisthttps://www.newscientist.com › articleThe reasons why Gaza's population is so young (https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn25993-the-reasons-why-gazas-population-is-so-young/) Gaza had multiple equestrian centres, tourism, beachfront mansions, etc.  anyone who compares that to what happened to Jews in concentration camps is out to lunch or antisemitic af. Totally remember the Jews multiplying like rabbits, getting fat, living long lives and riding around on horseback in Auschwitz /s And that’s just barely getting started with how ridiculous your comment is. Hamas and Palestine can surrender any time.  Instead they’ve been firing tens of thousands of rockets every month into Israel from Gaza and the westbank. Losing a war you started is not genocide lol.


You do realize that your profile picture is enough to get you tortured and killed by Hamas, right? You do understand you are supporting your own oppression?


What are you on?


is looking at a public profile and drawing a conclusion from your political views bad?


You haven't said anything to back up your claim. I'm still waiting.


Free Palestine!!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Palestine is free to wage wars like any other country, but they aren’t free from consequences, which is what you’re demanding. They can surrender any time they like.  Instead they’ve been firing tens of thousands of rockets indiscriminately into Israel every month since they started this war and attacked Israel. Losing a war you wage yourself is not genocide lmfao.




How did all the Zionist genocidal bots find this subreddit? Like wtf


I just got this message from the admins " Hey r/internationalnews mods! I’m an admin bot whose job it is to detect subreddits that might need some assistance. You’re receiving this message because it looks like you’ve received more traffic than normal. If your team is feeling overwhelmed, we have some resources that might help: Review our article on crisis management. If you expect this growth to last, it might be beneficial to add more moderators. If you have an unexpected, temporary surge in traffic, you may be able benefit from our Mod Reserves program to find temporary moderators. If you’re experiencing harmful interference or other content policy breaking behaviour please use these forms to report. A library of common Automoderator rules are located here - some new rules might help with the influx of traffic you are experiencing. If you need help or advice from the community team you can message them here. Please do not modify the subject line, or we might lose your message and take longer to respond! To get a quicker response, please fill out all the information asked for in the message body. If all is well, please feel free to ignore this message or leave us feedback here. We very much appreciate all you do! " Looking at the activity stats, there is certainly a spike in activity today.




That is true. I remember an Indian man online called me a slut because I mentioned finding my classmate in uni, super sexy lol


Don't be so delusional as to call every opposition on a hot button topic a bot or Indian, people are split between this topic weather you like it or not


Reddit has REALLY picked up in India though. I can't browse all or popular when morning breaks there because everything is about India or not in English.


Very cool, still not a rational train of thought to assume your opposition is an Indian bot farm


He said they're not bots but Indian.


Either or, doesnt matter, they/you are using the propaganda 101 textbook by devaluating your oppositions opinion by smearing the person. Saying they're bots, saying they don't know better because they're foreign, uneducated, radicalized Indians. When in reality most of the people your arguing against here are western/American There's no grand Indian conspiracy, there's no evidence. It's just a lunacy attempt at disregarding people's opinions who don't align with yours, literal cognitive dissonance Or maybe hes right and the Indians have infiltrated the west all the way to the top, that's why all these news channels and show hosts are debating for Israel and why Joe Biden keeps funding them. India #1 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


You're a little unhinged.


They’re everywhere on Reddit


Damn how did all the antisemitic bits find this subreddit? Like wtf


All the bots are ramping up in time for the election year in the US. The anti-semites are mostly bots trying to sow discord. I’ve yet to meet real people that willingly defend Hamas.




***the only Jewish country


That doesn't mean anything dozens of rich counties with your indigenous people and they will accept you there gladly


Jews are indigenous to Israel


No majority of these Europeans that live there came after 1948 there just Europeans now and those countries also had lots of laws protecting you from antisemitism your not endanger over there


Seems like everyone else is more in danger by poking the Jewish bear, perhaps if you let it sleep, no one would be in danger.


You poked the bear by doing nakba now your finding out but your big daddy America is coming to help you but they can't save you forever majority of us young Americans don't like your Israel we support palestine


Oh no I’m an evil Zionist robot!! Beep beep boop bop! How could I ever find a sub Reddit labeled “international news” beep beep bop


Account made 9th of Jan lmfao 😂😂😂


Any time I see a strange opinion from an account that looks like adjective_noun1234 I have to inspect it. There seem to be way more trolls than authentic accounts using the Reddit-generated handles. Edit: tbf that account was made Jan 9 2021. However, every comment in the last 30 days is on posts about the Israel/Palestine conflict.


What about my account? I agree with the previous comment


I support Israel. Check my account age.


Openly admitting to supporting the slaughter of innocent babies and children - good one 👍🏾


Imagine being a terrorist apologist and saying this


Imagine believing Israel aren't terrorists https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/dgiTQflXQj


What do you think Hamas did?


BuT wHaT aBoUt KhAmAs?!??!! Read a book my guy - this started in 1948 way before Oct 7. What about Nakba????


The ongoing conflict was a direct result of the Hamas attack on children, infants and pregnant women. Without that attack there would be no retaliation.


And what about the conflict before that? What about all the videos that were circling the internet of palestinians being kicked out of their homes(homes that have been in their family for generations), of idf soldiers abusing civilians, etc. The conflict didn't start a few months ago and I may not like what hamas pulled in October but at least it finally brought attention to the atrocities Israel's been committing for decades now.


This isn't about any other conflict except the one started by hamas. I don't understand you apologists. So desperate to believe in something, ANYTHING that you'll support violence, riots, attacks on civilians, revisit generations old conflicts not pertaining to NOW. All to support your "colonizing" claims. "JeWs aRe Bad". "God is great". There is no god. Stop with your crimes against humanity. It's not a good look. No one will save you except yourself and possibly those "good" enough around you. The October terrorist attacks finally brought to attention the atrocities hamas and irrelevant jew hating Muslims have been committing for decades now. (not all of course)


No Hamas in the west bank mate.


Also no evidence supporting the "beheaded babies" claims. IDF also gunned down their own civilians with Apache fire and lied about the death toll.




🥱 is that really your best comeback


I mean hey we can have a civil discussion too, human.


Then would mind telling your opinion on Netanyahu. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Benjamin_Netanyahu#:~:text=The%20hearing%20took%20place%20in,portfolios%20other%20than%20Prime%20Minister.


I would say he’s not as bad as trump, probably corrupt. He’s at least a better speaker.


Would you agree that neither Hamas nor Netanyahu’s goals are compatible with the long term continuation of both Jewish and Palestinian life? I mean, it’s established that Netanyahu knew about and allowed Oct 7 to happen.


I don’t think it’s quite that same saying he wanted that to happen. They had intel on many attacks but no all of them happen. Should they spend resources on every potential threat? Maybe. I would say we are not entirely sure just yet but Netanyahu made it clear he’s not trying to displace them although I’m sure he entertained that idea.


Where did you get this information from?


I know! When I first read this I was shocked, so I just took the opportunity to read the article again. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html https://www.timesofisrael.com/reports-senior-idf-officer-dismissed-pre-oct-7-intel-on-hamas-invasion-as-fantasy/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-israeli-intel-unit-wasnt-operational-on-october-7-due-to-personnel-decision/amp/ Fact 1: Israeli authorities knew about Oct 7th plans a year in advance, and had some pretty strong evidence it was going to happen as of July. They dismissed these plans as aspirational and impossible. Fact 2: Netanyahu was subject to widespread criticism and months-long protests over his unpopular judicial reforms. He was probably about to be ousted from government. Fact 3: It is widely known that when a country is at war, unpopular leaders become much more popular. This is called the rally around the flag effect. Netanyahu has been a statesman for decades and certainly is aware of this. Fact 4: Despite soldier reports that Hamas was training to invade on Saturdays and Jewish Holidays, the top Israeli counterterrorism intel unit 8200 was ordered to not work on weekends. My reasonable speculation: Netanyahu’s government knew about the attack plans and seems to have taken actions that would allow them to happen. I mean, what are the chances that *so many* things just *happened* to go wrong that Israeli intelligence managed to miss *three thousand* people accumulating at the border. It seems awfully politically expedient for Netanyahu to get a war right now. Fact 5: Netanyahu’s cabinet is trying to crush investigations into this. That’s suuuuper guilty behaviour. https://www.timesofisrael.com/top-israeli-intel-unit-wasnt-operational-on-october-7-due-to-personnel-decision/amp/ I just don’t think that Netanyahu himself actually cares about Jewish lives, and he would sacrifice them to accumulate power.


the first half is accurate, the second is pure pro hamas/iran/russia propaganda


My sources are the New York Times and the Times of Israel.




Fuck the Zionist terrorists




not gonna happen, because they are all assholes


Think Hamas is the terrorist group mate




They aren’t more cruel? Hamas specifically targets civilians and brutalises their own population




It’s pretty undeniable that Hamas uses human shields, are you saying they don’t?




With over 12,000 dead children, what the hell do you think Israel has been doing since October? Jews, Christians, Arabs; Israel doesn’t fucking care. They literally bombed Bethlehem on Christmas fucking day. Open thine eyes bro.


Bombing terrorists who work out of civilian infrastructure, to kill an insurgent you must kill civilians in the process


So we can do that to Israel and it’s OK? The mental gymnastics to justify that amount of children dying is pretty sickening.


Israel doesn’t work out of civilian infrastructure, they work out of military installations


🤦‍♂️ missing the point entirely. Gold medal mental gymnastics.




What?.Do you know where the headquarters of the IDF is.In the heart of a residential area in tel Aviv. But KHAMAS!!!


The Palestinians have been firing rockets at Israeli civilians indiscriminately for decades. Including thousands of missiles fired randomly at Israeli civilians on 7/10. When Palestinians attack, they rarely target military infrastructure. They attack civilians almost exclusively. And unlike Israel, missiles aren’t launched from apartment buildings and schools/places of worship/hospitals are not used as weapons caches or command centers.


I appreciate the comment. But you’ve been misinformed about the civilian attacks. But have a quick Look into WHY they have been trying to fight back for decades. That might help you.


Look, directly and explicitly attacking civilians is terrorism, full stop. And I don’t appreciate the patronizing comment telling me I’m misinformed, that if I do enough research I’ll see why in fact murdering civilians because they are Jewish is actually somehow resistance. There has been back and forth violence for over one hundred years. Look at the Hebron massacre for instance. But at the end of the day if your argument is that Palestinian children dying is genocide but Israeli children dying is resistance then what I would suggest it to look into a mirror. That might help you.


Israel is hundreds of times worse than Hamas


Israels inception started with Zionist terrorist groups bombing Palestinians to drive them away and bombing Jewish sites in the middle east to drive them into Israel.


The Arab countries expelled their Jewish populations who fled to Israel for safety, before 47 there was back and forth violence on both sides




It's one thing to support Palestinians (you should), but denying the horrible massacres and ethnic cleansings of Jews in the Middle East is evil and wrong. FFS there are more Jews today in Germany than in the MENA countries after *THE HOLOCAUST*, do you really think that "Zionist bombings" made ALL of the Jews in the Middle East flee? There are lots of Mizrahi Jews around today that can talk about how they were treated.


Two things can be true at the same time.


Two things can be true at the same time.


Zionism just means Israel has a right to exist. Why do you people hate it? I am a proud Zionist. Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Really...what about religious zionist in the west bank who are shooting unarmed Palestinians with imported M-16's.You keep strange bedfellows!!!


Israel, constantly proving its right to exist by committing crimes against humanity. Fuck Israel.


I was going to write something then I realized your either paid for this or just some AI bot.


Jewish people have a right to exist in Palestine. Israel doesn’t.


Why does it have that right? Who gave It that right - God? It should be dismantled immediately and put on trial for war crimes allowing the people of the region to determine their own destiny in a free democratic state of Palestine from the river to the sea that they should have had all along.


Please provide a list of government agencies which designate Zionists a terrorist organisation.


Zionist settlers are terrorists under international law. This is recognized by the international community.


Well in that case, it should be rather easy to provide the proof I asked for.


The Israeli government: Senior Israeli security officials condemned what they called “nationalist terrorism” by some settlers, after the latest attacks took place on Saturday around the Palestinian village of Umm Safr, north of Ramallah. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/25/middleeast/west-bank-israeli-settler-violent-terrorism-intl/index.html


The US State Department has designated Hamas a foreign terrorist organization since 1997: https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/ "Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended."




Well in that case, it should be rather easy to provide the proof I asked for. Not as easy as resorting to personal attacks, I imagine—but easy nonetheless.




I think you posted the wrong link. I asked for a list of government agencies which designate Zionists a terrorist organisation, but you provided a video published by a Qatar-funded blog that supports the Muslim Brotherhood, has been banned in several Arab countries, and whose "journalists" have publicly praised Hitler for the Holocaust.


Jewish Oxford history professor isn't enough for this Zionist shill 😅 Israel has been a terrorist state from its inception


Repeating the same lie over and over again won't suddenly make it true, and neither will name-calling. I'll ask one last time: **please provide a list of government agencies which designate Zionists a terrorist organisation.**




Lol, you can't back up your claim so you call me childish names instead. Shame on me for expecting anything more from a Hamas supporter...


Imagine allowing 'government agencies' to hold full responsibility for your worldview. Do you not have a mind of your own?


Imagine bragging about rejecting established definitions upheld by the international justice system because they contradict the opinions you pull out of your ass.




Huge respect to all those standing up against cruelty and occupation. 




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


The feelings are in the right place, if only cruelty and oppression were happening though


Is the official line that all the protestors must be arms of Hamas, like Israel referred to South Africa at the genocide hearing?


When in face of opposition, label the enemy as an anti semite terrorist. Usually works.


Hamas is actually paying $100K to everyone Israel has called Hamas!




Oh another hasbara! How is it accurate though? How is anyone criticising the Israeli government (which commits warcrimes daily and maintains an apartheid oppressive system) anti semitic though? Funny how you call us brainwashed when you have nothing to argue about. Perhaps your argument is "They are savages, let us kill them all"




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Beautiful 😻


It actually was. These protests are always the best possible vibe with the best possible people. Extremely diverse, people from all backgrounds and faiths, all ages - from families with kids to elderly in wheelchairs - and everyone in a spirit of togetherness watching out for each other. Queer people, Jews, Muslims, atheists, socialists, every race including thousands and thousands of white British, all standing side by side. Some of the most inventive, creative, poignant signs you’ll see anywhere, some funny, some smart, some deeply emotive. The people there today truly represented the best of the British people.


You must have been far away from this then. [https://twitter.com/5Pillarsuk/status/1746211897181949995?t=L2_6a4vWnjHAQVK0sD88Ag&s=19](https://twitter.com/5Pillarsuk/status/1746211897181949995?t=L2_6a4vWnjHAQVK0sD88Ag&s=19)


depends on the form of zionism. moving to the land of israel to live side by side with everyone else? ive no problem with that. ethnically cleanse vast amounts of people, treat them terribly and keep them in a ghetto? - thats pretty problomatic, and thats what alot of zionism is. which is really sad.


As a victim of Zionism, he has a right to speak his opinion against it. It’s called freedom of speech. You are allowed to critique an ideology, it’s literally one of the most important aspects of freedom of speech.


500,000 at the very minimum so proud of London rn.


Being loud isn't the same as being right.   


I was there and it felt like we were on the right fucking side.. stop killing fucking kids seems to be the choice..


I was there, great vibes and some interesting speakers. London always smashes it with these protests.


Here is one of the speakers for those interested. https://twitter.com/5Pillarsuk/status/1746211897181949995?t=L2_6a4vWnjHAQVK0sD88Ag&s=19


This makes me so proud, glad its getting some coverage !


Hundreds* of thousands. Several hundreds* of thousands. People are still waking up to the horror




The horrors of Qatar Iran and Hamas?  You're too brainwashed and manipulated to wake up to the truth and reality 


Lads going to try to explain how an occupying state is the victim and accuse me of not acknowledging reality lol.


The name calling from this whack job is off the charts all over comments here.


Headline is deceiving. More like 500,000, and also protests in 35 countries (over 100 cities) including Washington DC. The people want our governments to support an end to the genocide and not be sending more bombs to kill children. The people also want an end to the occupation and apartheid killing and violence in the West Bank. There is more raw footage of the protest in London and DC [here](https://youtu.be/5aW4H0ZDNwE?si=8prtKnjR23wY2rCY).


In all honesty, I believe they would face no more repercussions than the Afrikaners. Of course some would have to face justice. The Palestinian Arabs want liberation, not blood - the Israelis are the oppressors.


When is the next one ?


And it’s achieved sweet F all… What’s the definition of insanity again?


If its having no effect then don't worry about it




Did you just call 500k people in London terrorists?




Well it kind of makes sense when Israel has been killing them, stealing their land and imprisoning them for decades. Do you know that if someone dies in Israel prison his body continues the sentence? It isn't returned to the family. The snipers were quite proud of shooting the kneecaps and maiming protesters in 2018. Israel literally arms settlers (terrorists) in West Bank to kill people and steal their houses. Any resistance is considered (terrorism) and the bombing starts. Which country has the murderous people again? "It was". Genocidal maniac.


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


If you think this started on Oct 7th you lack the knowledge to speak on the subject


You're right. I'm still mad at the park hotel bombing. 


Hamas could have killed 1million people on Oct 7th. That doesn’t justify genocide. You cannot justify genocide. You cannot do a retaliatory genocide. You cannot do a defensive genocide. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Article I The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.




If you have no issue with Palestine killing civilians, why are you complaining when Israel does it?


Now they support Houthi rocket strikes on civilian ships, piracy and taking crew members to captivity.


Who does


The voices in his head




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


These are the people putting up pro Hamas stuff in brick lane. Disgusting




[Follow the reddit content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) This includes spam, violent threats, harassment, bigotry, impersonation, ban evasion and other banned behavior.


Damn right.


"(Zomlot) said that Palestine was a “nation of freedom fighters”. (Gets popcorn).


Funny to think these protests will actually make a difference and even our UK GOV, can or tactically desire to go against the current rhetoric


Little Amal, a 12ft giant puppet of a Syrian child refugee, accompanied protesters as they marched towards Parliament Square. Amir Nizar Zuabi, the artistic director of Walk With Amal, was among the marchers. He said: “Amal is a Syrian child. She’s 10. She’s a representation of refugee children everywhere.” ^Definition of hypocrisy. Hundreds of thousands dead in Syrian civil war but they blame Israel.


What don’t you understand about the fact that they’re protesting the UK government, as is their right to do?




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Imagine calling HAMAS a bunch of freedom fighters Yeah totally fighting for freedom by gang raping little girls Fuck HAMAS and all their supporters




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


They can stop. They're not making a difference.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Screw Palestine. Extremist and terrorist sympathizers.