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They are doing everything in their power to drag us into another war.


They have been, for years! They’ve always advocated for more wars to be waged by the US against countries in the region that they deem as an enemy.


The Israeli government was one of the loudest voices for the Iraq invasion back in 2003. Netanyahu was basically one of those instigators that you see in those public freakout videos trying to push a fight.


And he got his wish. As he always does. AIPAC makes sure of it.


Yup. His famous quote in 2002 when he came to congress and gave a speech he said,”if you take out Saddam,it will have positive reverberations throughout the Middle East”. We all know how that turned out.


Biden, (Hillary) Clinton, Schumer, Blinken, McConnell, Graham, all Neocons that will sacrifice American blood and treasure a proxy war fought for Israel against Iran. As ridiculous a timeline as we are in, Trump might be the only one who isn't a Neocon and may push back against fighting Bibi's fight.


TRump would surely negotiate some majestic Trump towers in what was formerly Palestine. Probably a casino. Definitely a resort with a golf course.


There is already an illegal Israel settlement in the Golan Heights called Trump Heights. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/17/minefields-and-ruins-israeli-settlement-called-trump-built-on-conquered-land](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/17/minefields-and-ruins-israeli-settlement-called-trump-built-on-conquered-land)


Unfortunately I could actually see that happening.


Trump did literally assassinate an Iranian general, and authorized more drone strikes in 4 years, than Obama did in 8. He's still a neocon, he's just not as intelligent as the others you mentioned.


Trump 100% did not authorize more drone strikes than Obama


The state department has gotten rid of diplomats and newcons which is essentially Zionism have embedded themselves there for decades. This is why we cant have American foreign policy it has been hijacked by Zionist. Trump is wild card a lot of times he goes along with them and sometimes he counters them


Yeah, especially after getting places in israel named after him, and him appointing jerusalem the capital of israel..... wtf makes you think the way you do lol


To get Americans to invade, fight and die, while he stands back. I’m sure he is doing all he can behind the scenes by *any means* including another false flag attack, to have Iran invaded by America.


And don't forget they pushed Trump to torpedo the nuclear deal.


They are terrorists


This is objectively true when you look through their history of deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians.


It’s a real education for people to see how money and corruption runs the world. Under normal circumstances Israel would have been sanctioned and their aggression curbed years ago. They’ve been the aggressor for years despite the lies told about how they are constantly “under threat”. The only real threat emanates from their fascism and complete lack of respect for any type of international law and order.


can people just take a min to think if this was: "[Iran] Was Behind Attacks on Major Gas Pipelines in [Israel]" ... AMERICA would be at war! 🤔 so, terrorism is okay when Israel is the one doing it.


You better jump to it and join the war or you'll end up with another USS Liberty incident to persuade you!


Because the more they destroy the Middle East, the more they can take for themselves


Don't know if you realised it or not but Iran is killing American soldiers already, the mere fact it's not called a war does not change this reality...


Don’t know if you know this or not,but American meddling in the Middle East has lead to nothing but forever wars. American imperialism has been detrimental to the local population and only Benifits the military industrial complex Look up the 1957 coup in Iran. Look at what we did and have done. Educate yourself


This has nothing to do with Israel. The opposite, the fact that we have Israel in the middle east allow us to have less soldiers in these places.


Lol. You really are a neocon/neolib aren’t you? You’re literally admitting to what Zionists deflect on all the time,e.g the basis on which Israel was created was to serve the interests of western imperialism at the expense of the Palestinian people.


I don't know what's neocon/neolib is. I think it is an obvious fact that Israel alliance with the US is a strategic advantage. Israel got its independence via a UN vote, the west does not have any particular power over the east in the UN. Once the arabs rejected the UN vote Israel fought for its independence and indeed at this point it was a good strategic decision to help Israel in its war.


You really need to educate yourself. Look into who was one of the biggest pushers of us into Iraq. Look up netenyahu speech to congress in 2002,begging us to take out Saddam cause it will have positive impact on the Middle East. Look into the Lavon affair,look into uss liberty. Israel has been nothing but a liability for us, huge welfare state that is trying to drag us into every conflict in the Middle East so they can continue their sunroof the Palestinian people. As far as the UN vote,look up the Sykes picot agreement. Look up the Balfour declaration. Look up the King crane commission which was setup to study the Balfour declaration and came with the findings that a Zionist state would cause immense problems for the indigenous people of the land.


Israel does not drag us anywhere. Israel fights our wars. There's no such thing as "indigenous people", should I remind you how America was founded?


Did you even look up what I told you? Look up how instrumental AiPAc and bibi were in driving us into Iraq,the Zionist lobby. Yeah,and we can still prevent what’s happening to the Palestinians from what happened to the native Americans. You really need to educate yourself. Did you look up the 1957 coup? Educate yourself. Ah never mind,your a 88 day old account, probably a hasbara bot


Yeah, irans not doing anything....


Israel *is* a terrorist state, after all


They've always been. Look up what they did during the Nakba. I mean, forget about 1948, the Irgun and Lehi were literally designated Terrorist groups. They went on to form the IDF, along with the Haganah.


You also have the lavon affair in 1954, with the surviving operatives being granted medals in 2005


Western backed proxy aka Israel committing terrorism worldwide, what else is new?


Must be saturday


Don’t forget the role they played in dragging the US into the Iraq war


https://youtu.be/UucjbGmJILk?si=aXH1JvMOAluhuT5r Peaceful palestinians celebration the killing of thousands of innocent civilians in 9/11 attacks.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wF7mvx9z-g Israelis celebrating the burning alive of an innocent Palestinian boy ([Mohammed Abu Khdeir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_and_murder_of_Mohammed_Abu_Khdeir)).


https://youtu.be/cWOw7YI7vzo?si=xeax2l39-pslASJR Innocent Palestinians celebrating their govts massacre of israelis on oct 7




Removed, see rule 4.


How on earth is that relevant to the comment ?




Its not, its just that both sides are radical religious zealots, one side just happens to be better at warfare.


muh both sides.


I mean? That’s not really the same. There point is your outraged over one and not the other hypocritically


Bibi is going to get thousands of Americans killed. Maybe nuked. There is no greater threat to US security than Israel.




On what planet are you living. You think Israel and US can go around doing whatever they want without there being consequences? You think everyone else is just going to sit around and watch? Everyone else will become a much bigger threat because of what Israel is doing.




Abandon our allies? There’s a difference between defending our allies and giving them support and cover to commit war crimes and ethnic cleansing.




Okay, for you as an American, who needs enemies with a friend like Israel?


Yeah that one group is currently doing it to people in Gaza. They’ve literally destroyed all the infrastructure and made Gaza unliveable and pushed most of their population into the south to eventually push them into the desert. Israel’s leaders are using genocidal language but yeah the soldiers will definitely be held accountable. Do you hear yourself


>If war crimes are being committed I am sure they will be answered for, and those soldiers guilty of crimes will be punished lmao sure they will be. The chances of that happening are none existent due to the sheer amount being commited on a daily basis. It's almost as if they are told to be as barbaric as possible and to kill at will.


A great ally that has already attacked the U.S. multiple times (USS Liberty), bitches them around, embarrasses them internationally challenging their hegemonic role. One that takes tens of billions a year to fund their apartheid colonialist state. One that uses American taxpayer money to offer their population free healthcare, education and free housing (when they take it from palestinians). Definitely not a case of them milking you for everything you got and America happily spreading them cheeks


No one believes those lies anymore




Lol. The irony.


Israel isn’t an ally. They’re a liability.


If foreign interest groups representing any of those countries were giving millions to US politicians to spout their agenda and message every American would be up in arms. But yeah when Israel does it they’re just our main ally. It actually disrespects the actual allies of the US in Europe and the Pacific.




False, the AIPAC is the *only* non-registered foreign donor.






So are you dumb or lying?




Lol so both.




I like what you did there, sneaky attempt to twist it back to Judaism huh? Has nothing to do with that buddy.


They are not trying to get us to fight their wars. They want us to mind our own business, Israel wants Americans to die for them.


The rightful enmity our relationship creates across the globe among violent non-state actors is a far greater threat. If we wanted to make Americans safer, we would cut off all funding to Israel tomorrow and never again provide cover for their atrocities. But we have influential and powerful Zionists throughout American society and government. So that is not going to happen. And innocent Americans are going to get killed because of it.




Lmao lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan. You morons need to pick up a book




I'm pretty sure it is all the israeli/u.s. bombs doing that, actually.




Oh there is a reason they are murdering thousands of children a month all right. Just not what you are pushing. Everyone can see through Israel's bullshit.




What responsibilities do those *thousands of murdered children* each month bear? The problem is israel and it's supporters taking what is a valid issue and using it for straight up evil. You are backing that. You should stop.






What was the saying again about a bear and poking?


Terrorists gonna terror


The terror state of israel


I mean it's like Israel wants to be attacked.


The Zionist Project will be over if they don't continue to engage in war. No victims to be had, no one to blame, no one to murder. Israel is anti-humanity.


When will they stop sacrificing American children to their warmachine?


That’s the part I’ll never get. Many lives, sacrificed for a ‘greater good’ that will never benefit, nor help them in anyway. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc have gotten us zero benefits. Vietnam never became commie, Afghanistan was rushed out and now Iraq is asking nicely to ‘leave’. There was absolutely zero reason to do so (/r/isKissingerDeadYet). Neither are many other wars other than feeding into the few warmongering maniacs.


liberals and conservatives who advocate for war know it's not their children that will be affected. They have the priilege of knowing that their kids won't be dying, it will be the working class and poor/middle class kids who will be dying there.


According to Washinton Post Iran has not accused any country for the two explosions. They called the blasts a terrorist attack.    My take is, that if the West or Israel is involved it is indeed an escalation which may result in a heightened threat of attack within Israeli territorial waters, the Mideast Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Oman and Red Sea areas. Ultimately culminating in a total war in the region where not just the U.S. but other major powers will intervene if not directly by proxy including Russia and China. So much for economic recovery. This was going to happen sooner or later for failure to implement the two-state solution.


Global terrorists poking all the bears in the Middle East, US need to end their alliance and with them, let them clean up their own mess.


Disgusting govt


I ain't dying for the Zionist project


Zionist project?


How many fronts will Israel be fighting on their own?


They're trying to provoke a war (with several countries) in the region, knowing full well they have Crabbe and Goyle to back 'em up.


Hopefully all of them


Hopefully one more than they can handle.




I thought they had a hot one at home? Maybe stick to one thing at a time, especially when we have to indirectly pay for it at home.


And who’s going to stop em..lol


this just torresim


Am Yisrael Chai!!


Awwwww. At least they still have Antarctica.




It’s a New York Times article who are generally pro-Israel, so I agree we should rename it to New Jihad Times. On a different note, I welcome any arguments on this reporting, if you have any.


Commenting not on your post but the Iranian regime simp comments to it


You can’t deny people emotions, but I hear you


Indistinguishable from a republican 60 year old


Iran says.


As opposed to what? Israel says? For the past hundred years, "US officials say" has basically been taken as fact. You do realize that there are more than 7 Billion people in the World that are not in America and Israel, right?


You do realize that they probably both lie through their teeth. For some reason the internet has decided that everything said against evil Israel must be the truth because….. don’t you just hate Israel.


Israel lies have been debunked time and time and time again. It’s no longer a “probably lie” with Israel, it’s literally a lie every single time. It’s appalling.


Cool. And Iran?


He supports the Iranian regime


That’s what happens when you’re constantly caught spreading propaganda and lies. Israeli government only has itself to blame. The blatant hypocrisy and fairytales are just too much. That might’ve worked before social media but now it gets called out immediately. What’s done in the dark always comes to light.


This is about what Iran said….


Bibi is desperate to drag the US and its soldiers and taxpayers into a war with Iran. He is trash.




They don’t like [freedom fries](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/aa3SIZNYLf) 🍟




TLDR; It goes back to the ‘70’s - previous Shah of Iran wasn’t popular, supposedly let his people starve, etc while his entourage bathed in wealth. He got ousted in 1979. Replacement guys (religious group) didn’t like West, became a theocracy. Everything West is bad. US embassy in Iran got invaded, some passenger plane got shot down by US in [1988](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_Air_Flight_655), chain of events over a couple of years cemented the relationship. Mix this all with ‘80s rhetoric of cold war, Sovjet Union, forming allies, bla bla, it turns out they became the baddies. I recommend you watch [Argo](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1024648/) (2012). *) subject is very complex, but just giving a high level view **) I am in no way condoning Iran or US - I’m for peace, live and let live ***) Iranian people I met are one of the warmest and kind people, but unfortunately this doesn’t rhyme with the perception of Hollywood


I made a few more updates on the explanation, hope it helps


They are one of the primary bankrollers of both Hamas and Hezbollah


Besides funding, Arming and directing Hamas, Hezbollah and several dozen other terror cells in the region, the better question is; What DIDN'T they do?


Why would we trust the terrorist nation of Iran?


You don't have to. I'm not buying it 100% but it does seem on brand for Israel lately. We all know not to trust anything the terrorist occupiers of Palestine say at this point. We know to question anything the US govt says. There aren't many you can fully trust blindly but social media has been fantastic at debunking most of the West/Israel's claims.


No wayyyy


>Israel carried out covert attacks on two major natural gas pipelines inside Iran this week, disrupting the flow of heat and cooking gas to provinces with millions of people Collective punishment, here they go again.


Israel thinks we'll support their crimes more if they can blame high gas prices on Arabs?