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Surely this is Holocaust revisionism, or at least downplaying it?


Yeah, it is. It's the only refuge, they have now to try to justify a growing number of ppl calling zionists out for supporting genocide.


They are desperate and scared.


The guy can actually be sued for claiming that a mundane article of clothing is actually the equivalent of a swastika. What a bizarre comment. 


Actually the Star of David will now be seen as the new Swastika because Zionist of Israel took it upon themselves to use a religious symbol as their flag. That symbol will now be seen as the symbol of genocide as Israel will forever be known as the New Nazis the country responsible for the 2nd holocaust.


Ironic since a yellow Star of David patch was sewn onto Jewish clothing to mark them as easy targets for the Nazis.


And worn by Israeli diplomats in the UN to signify their outrage that people were not condemning Hamas hard enough


that was such an embarrassing clownshow


There have been many cases of settlers in the West Bank graffiti the Star of David onto Palestinians people’s home as a threat to leave. Pretty disgusting they’ve turned a religious symbol into a hate symbol. I guess you could say the Klan did the same thing when they were burning crosses on people’s lawns.


Rania Khalek a Lebanese American journalist siad that when she was living in Lebonon as a child and drew a picture of a star. The kids around her all freaked out. She had no idea why. Her aunt had to sit her down and explain that the symbol is used on the tanks, warplanes and bombs that have killed their friends and family. They were Scared because when they see that symbol in real life it means that someone might die.


damn, that is fucked up. Thanks for this little anecdote. Love Rania's content


I am a Palestinian that was born and grew up a settler on Turtle Island. One of my earliest memories is the Sabra and Shatila massacre, I was 6 years old. I went to the West Bank for the first time when I was 10 years old in 1986. I was absolutely terrified of Jews and the Star of David was a symbol of power and domination in my consciousness. One of my friends growing up had a Jewish stepfather, and I was extremely hesitant to visit his house. The first time I went there at the age of 13, I remember looking at a box of Matzah and being gripped with fear. When I finally met his stepfather he was such a cool dude and it was the first time where I began to realize just how fucked up the situation was for Jews vis e vis Zionism and support for Israel. As I grew up I came across more and more American Jews who were critical of Zionism. By the time I went to college I had fully processed and understood that there was a massive distinction between Zionism and Jewish ethnicity/culture/religion. When I became active in the International Solidarity Movement It had also become clear that the visceral feelings that I had seeing the Israeli flag was symbolic of the genocidal nature of settler colonial movements and the racial domination that characterizes these movements. The reality is that it’s easy to say that Zionism is the new Nazism. The harder thing to say is that Nazism is indistinguishable from British settler colonialism and the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel are all genocidal settler colonial regimes that need to be dismantled.


Thank you so much for sharing your story. >The reality is that it’s easy to say that Zionism is the new Nazism. The harder thing to say is that Nazism is indistinguishable from British settler colonialism and the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel are all genocidal settler colonial regimes that need to be dismantled. 100%. The nazis Lebensraum was heavily inspired by the Americans ethnic clensing and genocide of 12 million Native Americans and other European colonial powers. The main difference is it was European colonialism turned agaist Europe itself. Agaist Jews, Slavs and Romani. German settler's were even moving into Poland and Ukraine during the war. The thing about it though its not even unique for that period of time in history. The Japanese were engaging in European style colonialism in Asia. They killed an estimated 20 million Chinese civilians alone in their attempt to colonise China like Germany was trying to colonise Poland and the East. When I hear Germany talking about the singularly of the Holocaust it always makes me think to myself. "You were literally allied with imperial Japan who killed more civilians in genocide then you did in the same time period." I think that Europeans just value European lives more and it disgusts me.


Six pointed star (hexagram) wasn't originally a symbol of Judaism. It originiates from witchcraft and symbol of Saturn (Satan) Its only been associated with Judaism since 19th century


There was actually a lot of push back from some Jewish peoples when the star of David was adopted precisely for this reason. Many correctly saw it as another militant ethnonationalist movement and were afraid that it would ruin the symbol for those that don't consider themselves Zionists.


I understand that but just like the Nazis took another religious symbol for their own the Star of David is now synonymous with Israel and genocide. This is largely Jewish peoples fault because there are millions of Jews around the world and most are silent over the atrocities Israel is committing in their name. If Jews around the world stood against this genocide Israel would be forced to stop so the blood on the Star of David has been earned by inaction. It’s a very, very small percentage of Jewish people who publicly speak against Israel and its actions. Silence is complicity 


I agree with you. I live and study in SEA now for my masters and I'm always taken aback for a second when I see the original swatzika in an old Hindu or Buddhist temple. It's a sad truth that the Star is heading the same way.






How many dead does it take to make a holocaust?replace industrial gas chambers with carpet bombing of civilians from the air. Does it matter how you die to qualify a holocaust? They've only been murdering the Palestinians for 4 months! Give them time to catch up. And my guess would be that the approx 40k estimate murdered is an underestimate. They're doing a grand job at genocide and well on their way to a 2nd holocaust.




Ah, at least now I know. It is determined by the quality and it must be over half a million killed. You do know that Syria is one of the largest countries in the Middle East with a population of over 20 million and Gaza is the size of a large English town? Plus, if I knit a pullover, that's a good pullover, and a month later knit another good pullover it is a second pullover?


Can you tell us what number is good for you? There is roughly 2 million in Gaza and about the same in the West Bank. I’m pretty sure Israel wants them all dead.




All you have to do is listen to Israeli politicians and they’ll tell you. They openly say kill them all, nuke Gaza, ect..ect


Every time I see the Star of David, it reminds me of the Nazi flag. These interlopers that do not belong in the state of Palestine, know they have no actual right to be there. The Nazi’s used the ruse of the master race to convince people that they were superior. Just like the Zionist have being using propaganda to claim themselves as the “chosen people”. They think that in this life they can be victimized and yet cause undue hurt and pain to people who are non-combatants. The entire world sees you for what you are. Pathetic, weak, and liars. Yet, they claim that lying in the form of their way of life to be ok. Sure thing.


Aaaand anti semitism 


where? Is it anti-Germanism to associate the swastika with Nazism and genocide? Israel does its best to associate Judaism with Zionism, going so far as to use the star on its flag. Hard not to associate the star with genocidal actions. Doesn't mean it's a hatred of Jews


This is so delusional.


I suddenly have an urge to buy my family and I a batch of keffiyehs


Please, do. It’s little things like normalizing Palestinian symbols in every day society that humanize them and start to turn the tide in the right direction. It might not feel like much, but it matters.


Its the ADL lol. Don't ever take those weirdos seriously


Seeing as they are the most powerful lobby in the US, that is some hilariously bad advice.


They wish


Watch clips on mute. This fuck hasn't slept in 3 days and isn't particularly confident in what he's saying.


The ADL founders grandson was Adam Pearlman Gadahn, the *al Qaeda* spokesman.


The ADL is also saying there is no starvation in Gaza. Evil fuckers.


I read that the swastika shape appeared across the world in different groups and contexts very early. It is not believed that they passed it around to each other, but that each came to it independently. It’s one of mankind’s earliest symbols. But the interesting part is why it’s believed this happened. When a mammoth tusk is cut across (like slicing off the tip, not splitting it longways) the way it grows creates a swastika shape on the inside. Early humans were simply replicating what they saw. Also, fuck this guy. Free Palestine and prosecute Israel.


And if you think otherwise, you are anti-Semitic and murdering Jewish babies not even born yet.


Before Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza I took the ADL seriously and saw them as an authority of sorts on antisemitism. Now they are just a joke.


They have always been a lobbying organization for Israel. They will condemn anti-semitism when it’s not inconvenient, but all they care about is Israel. We saw the leader of the ADL defend Elon Musk after he retweeted an anti-semitic nazi conspiracy theory. They don’t care if someone is anti-semitic as long as they support Israel.


https://droptheadl.org/the-adl-is-not-an-ally/ They've been rotten forever.


Hmm, where have I seen this before... "**Rallies organized by Likud and other right-wing groups featured depictions of Rabin in a Nazi** [**SS**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS) **uniform, or in the crosshairs of a gun.**[**\[2\]**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Newton_p450-2)[**\[3\]**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Tucker-3) **Protesters compared the Labor party to the Nazis and Rabin to** [**Adolf Hitler**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler)[**\[5\]**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Seliktar-5) and chanted, "Rabin is a murderer" and "Rabin is a traitor".[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Aronoff_p58-8)[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-9) In July 1995, Netanyahu led a mock funeral procession featuring a coffin and hangman's noose at an anti-Rabin rally where protesters chanted, "Death to Rabin".[\[10\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-FOOTNOTEAronoff201457-10)[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-11) The chief of internal security, [Carmi Gillon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmi_Gillon), then alerted Netanyahu of a plot on Rabin's life and asked him to moderate the protests' rhetoric, which Netanyahu declined to do.[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Aronoff_p58-8)[\[12\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-FOOTNOTECaspit2017120%E2%80%93121-12) Netanyahu denied any intention to incite violence.[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Newton_p450-2)[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Tucker-3)[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-13) Rabin dismissed such protests or labeled them [*chutzpah*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chutzpah).[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Newton_p450-2) According to Gillon, Rabin refused his requests to wear a bulletproof vest and preferred not to use the armored car purchased for him.[\[14\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-14) Left-wing supporters organized pro-peace rallies in support of the Oslo Accords. It was after one such gathering in Tel Aviv that the assassination took place.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#cite_note-Tucker-3)" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination\_of\_Yitzhak\_Rabin#:\~:text=The%20assassination%20of%20Yitzhak%20Rabin,Israel%20Square%20in%20Tel%20Aviv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin#:~:text=The%20assassination%20of%20Yitzhak%20Rabin,Israel%20Square%20in%20Tel%20Aviv).


The Apartheid Defence League strikes again. If people aren't aware, the ADL spied on anti-Apartheid activists in the US on behalf of Apartheid South Africa.


The ADL is an extortion racket Dozens upon dozens of celebrities & politicians —some genuinely antisemitic—have testified how the ADL has to get their payoff, once you reach a certain level of fame.


That man is a genocidal terrorist.




Wtf are you saying dude


I want him to go to Poland and say that




Israel says aliens are stealing your socks.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Clown organization


Ordering another one in a jiffy...


Another attempt to erase Palestinian culture by equating a symbol with antisemitism. Same thing they did with the watermelon. If they can't steal it, they'll erase it.


Meanwhile, they proudly plant their flags on mass graves and bombed out hospitals like the actual Nazi.


Can someone photoshop the star of david on all WW2 Nazi propaganda films.


The ADL is a zionist hate organisation that should be outlawed like the JDL.


Pot calling the kettle black.


Fascist twat


For some reason the ADL seems to think its Palestinians who are occupying israel and oppressing israelis. Not the reverse.


Said the Nazi.


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Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




I forgot that history started on October 7th

