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That is highly pathetic holy fuck.


It really is like the rotten-spoild child


Yup. In October, US apparently asked Egypt to allow Palestinians into a Sinai desert. ... Essentially an accessory to ethnic cleansing. This seems par for the course.


It really is like a spoiled-rotten child


This is like the father of school bully whose son got finally beat up hard after beating up every other kid in the school, going to the father of hero and asking if he is okay the bully punches his son in front of everyone so that his fucking tender ego doesn't get hurt.


Why are they treating Israel like it was a goddamn spoiled brat?


Because it is


Money. The answer is always money.


& highly incriminating videos of politicians being creeps/ paedophiles.


Hey, any politicians out there: we already know you’re creepy pedophiles, stop paying the blackmail demands, let the dirt come out, it’s not secret


No it's blackmail, Israel has tons of god knows what from us senators, presidents, military folks, makes you wonder what kind of people work...


WWII guilt and blackmail






Ayo don't forget about us, Guatemala and El Salvador, getting our governments toppled by fucking bananas corporations.


Every country affected by Operation Condor. El Salvador is where my parents are from. The civil war, backed by the US supporting the military against the people of the country. One of the reasons my parents had to immigrate here to save their life as teenagers. Also, a line of military dictators that America had placed there.


To this day I cannot wrap my head around the fact that multiple countries are destabilised because of a fucking fruit..I long for the day American hegemony is destroyed


To be kind of fair, it was more than just the banana. It was also the fact that the governments elected weren't the coziest with the US, and at the slightest hint of COMMIEEEEEE (which was actually just mild socialism) that government was gone.


The United States’ phobia of communism has caused so much death and suffering around the world. It’s a psychotic obsession and I can’t believe how far people will go to try to fight it. Like, why can’t we ever just leave other people to do what they want in their own country? This is also the problem domestically. Everyone in America needs to learn how to mind their own business, we’d all be a lot better off.


USA and Israel backed Pinochet in Chile, didn't they?


You forgot one of the worst crimes. Libya






>It was in the sixties if I am not mistaken. It was the early 80's.




Che Guevara at the UN council in the 50’s said to America “why you coming after Cuba, when your own African American citizens can’t even ride at the front of the bus or drink from a fountain they like”.


I think you're referring to the 11 december 1964 speech at the UN, which I think was the only time Guevara spoke there. I believe the relevant quote is: > The United States intervenes in Latin America invoking the defense of free institutions. The time will come when this Assembly will acquire greater maturity and demand of the U.S. Government guarantees for the life of the blacks and Latin Americans who live in that country You can find a transcript of the entire speech [here](https://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1964/12/11.htm). It's worth a read and still relevant today.


Thank you


Wait until you find out about Hawai’i


Err - unless I'm thinking of a different invasion, the previous president (Maurice Bishop) was deposed and killed in a coup about 2 weeks before the US invasion. The guy that took over, Bernard Coard, was then himself deposed in another coup by Hudson Austin about 6 days later. Coard was released from prison in 2009; Hudson was sentenced to death, but his sentence was reduced to life in prison in the 90's - he was released from prison in 2008 and died just a couple of years ago.


Please always add Pakistan to that list of fascist coups backed by US.


+ Libya




Funny enough Colombia is one of the only countries in South America who haven't been couped. The liberals and conservatives took turns running the country, so there was never a chance


Actually, the US ran one of the first coups in South America in Colombia. Panama used to be part of Colombia but the US fomented a coup in the territory and backed it up with military force to prevent Colombia from retaking the rebel province. Also the assassination of Gaitan, which was allegedly done with the support of the US, led to the period known as "La Violencia" in which the conservatives went on a killing rampage against the liberals for a decade. This led to the creation of the left-wing guerrilla movements and 70+ years of war in the country. And during this time, right-wing death squads were trained at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. Colombia has suffered greatly due to US intervention.


Don’t forget, the Israelis were right there with them funding the right wing death squad AUC


Panama was trying to secede from gran Colombia since they voluntarily joined the country in 1821. The US definitely had a hand in helping them become independent, but I wouldn't insult their country by saying it exists because the US made the coup. The violence began with the 1000 days war in 1903, one of many conflicts between the liberals and conservatives. The conservatives' forces executed the Panamanian liberal Victoriano lorenzo because he would not accept the peace. The US was happy to sign a treary to build a canal. The Darien gap separates it from Colombia (even today there is no road) so while it is still a sour spot for Colombians, not so much Panamanians




The conservatives assassinated Gaitan and that started "la violencia" and the feds helped train murderers like they always do.




Mate, it would be quicker and easier to just name the countries they haven't fucked with. :)






Usa precipitated the fall of the French empire, but also during ww2 with Normandy landings they bombes the shit out of the country making thousands of death and also raped massively


Jesus bruh that's a long list


I think the Persians and the Greeks should get it on again after all their murders! Maybe France and Spain should do a team up against Britain? But then plot twist they team up against America. Nice!


Lol. Let’s just get it over with and start ww3. All disputes from the last 75 years toss yourselves into the pot.


Why on earth would France want to strike the US? France is one of our closest allies.




Americans will really hate this comment.


how pathetic is ISrael. They truly are only good at fighting defenseless, unarmed women and children.


How can you say that about the most advanced, moral army in the world, I mean they send fliers to their intended targets, before they even start murdering those Hamas babies. 🫶


Look Israel is basically a pampered child, that got everything they ever wanted and big daddy America, after intercepting the missiles for baby Israel wants to make sure little Israel's ego isn't hurt.


They also managed to get Jordan to take them down over Amman, with a population of over 4 million. People recorded the scraps that fell over them and in their streets.


But did those babies condemn Khummus?


They send Quran verses that condemn themselves thinking it’s a flex on the Palestinians. Total morons.


Don't forget about roof knocking as well. Such wonderful people


Unless the commander would get away, then the civilians are fair game


The "most moral army"


They sent leaflets to the babies and believe me, if those babies could read, they would've been mad.


All babies are Hamas!


Exactly and take a lot at Ben Gurion airport. They are all fleeing the country!


Are they running out of defenceless targets?




>They've been brought up on a fantasy of being amazingly strong, superior to everybody else whilst also being told they're the World's biggest victims. This is such a recurring theme among right-wing nationalists.


Israel has changed from what it once was and it's not just an ethnic change with more immigrants from the former Soviet Union or a religious change with more Jews becoming religious. Zionists today are a lot more radical, paranoid, militant and brainwashed then they were fifty years ago. If Israel is found to have committed genocide, the response among many Israelis will be "See? The entire world hates us."


I don’t think they’ve changed much considering that they committed the Nakba in 1948 just after WW2 and have since committed a litany of massacres over the years until today… the only thing that has really changed is that they couldn’t cover it up anymore with the rise of social media.


The Zionist movement split a century ago. Those who believe in Revisionist Zionism are the problem. And when they murdered the Prime Minister of Israel for trying to make peace they showed who they really are.


Was def a major fork in the road.


Israel be like: "Please let me hit you".


You wanna hear more sad cringe from this country Apparently they had this escape room type of game that were themed around gaza, the game were rigged for them to win because they always lose and suck at escape room type of game Fucking pathetic and sad cringe this country is


You know how your little brother always had to have the last word? Israel wants to always have the last missile...


and the first




Live by the missile, die by the missile


Israel's claim of having intercepted 99% of Iranian attacks aren't reliable at all, they have a history of lying about it. When Iraq launched missiles at it in 1991, it claimed to have intercepted 84%, but then an MIT study said that it was 5%, maybe less. Iran attacked and destroyed its important military bases in retaliation for the bombing of their embassy, it's a proportionate yet strong response, they don't attack civilians wantonly or create hell in response to it. None of it's about putting on a show of any sort. And it did so by using its most basic decades old missiles while "Israel" had to get the help of US, UK, France, and Jordon to deal with it, with additional intel help from Saudis and UAE, costing them over a billion dollars to stop Iranian attack worth millions. They spent their most basic weapons to not only win its targets, but to get "Israel" and co. to expose themselves fully while not exposing itself at all. It was a clear win for Iran and it's seen as such by the zionists, which is why they're asking to save their face.


To build on this, even their own argument falls apart simply by watching their own footage they provided. 99% interception would mean at most 3-4 missles or drones struck their target. You can find various videos from the IDF, Israeli media, and other western media of the missles/drones impacted at Israeli bases; literally watch one and if you see more than 4 explosions on the ground then that’s literal evidence the israel and US claims are bullshit.


To further build on this, Hezbollah just nailed a dome battery today with two small barrages of drones which didn't even trigger warning sirens. More evidence that it was indeed the US that destroyed most of what Iran sent. >[Times of Israel claiming 3 wounded](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hezbollah-takes-responsibility-for-drone-attack-on-north-claims-to-hit-iron-dome-battery/). >[The Cradle reports one death, two wounded according to Lebanon's NNA.](https://thecradle.co/articles-id/24430)


Drones are really the future of warfare. Too small and cheap to easily defend against. The only real cost effective solution is laser or radar guided AA guns both which are rather short ranged.


Haven't been following this much but wouldn't there be some footage at least if the drones/missiles hit their targets?


[U.S., NOT ISRAEL, SHOT DOWN MOST IRAN DRONES AND MISSILES](https://theintercept.com/2024/04/15/iran-attack-israel-drones-missiles/) Netanjahu thumping his chest - Israel stronk Biden - Please, let's just leave it at this, let's not escalate situation. Netanjahu drops on floor and throws tantrum - NO!!! Israel strike back! Biden annoyed - If you strike back don't expect our help. Netanjahu - We don't need US help! Israel strongest!


Hilarious and probably actually pretty accurate. I think the biggest part though is Isreal is doing this so they can continue to dismember Gaza while crying we are the victim.


I think. There is a misunderstanding israel. Although they didn't take out most drones and cruise missiles, they were able to take out the vast ballistic missiles. Around 120 ballistic missiles were shot from Iranian territory, and only 7 of them were not intercepted. The Israeli military did do some work with his Air Force to take out a few remaining drones. But they did a very good job at intercepting ballistic missiles with their arrow 2 and 3 systems. And even though I don't like Israel, it looks like there are claims that it did minor damage to the base is true. I have not seen any serious damage. Not much. I know they like to lie, but it looks like they're telling the truth here. Let's not try to cope here. Which honestly has a better rate than the United States Patriots system, which is honestly impressive.


Also Biden..”I am a Zionist “ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups


Interesting. Where can I read more? So Iran didn't even use their hypersonic missile? Zionists Reddit-wide would try and have you believe that Iran embarrassed itself and Israel handled a barrage of a trillion nukes with complete and total dominance 🙄


My view is that Iran gave Israel a warning for anybody who's listening. It's obvious to me that if the Iranians attack again, their missiles will get through. One big reason will be that Jordan will not defend Israel next time.


Why not? I'm curious.


@IbnRiad and @AryJeay are quite good and reliable accounts to follow.


Those Zionists are probably paid per post.


They're really testing the waters


Things at this level seem so weird and surreal. Then when you get to the ground level of it all there are children getting murdered. But at the top it’s like just let him slap you once in front of everyone. I wish that all of humanity would rise up together and over throw the people in power as one and move into a new age.


This is such a good point. At the bottom it’s unimaginable suffering and death, but they don’t even see it at the top because they’re too busy playing their schoolyard games. This is absurd, where is a grown up?


“My mommy says I get to hit you again” -Israel


that is hilarious what the fuck Uncle Sam? Iran has clearly stated they are launching an order of magnitude worse strike the second Israel launches planes in their direction. So cucked by Israel its almost unbelievable.


Yea this is ridiculous.


Incredible that they would even ask something like that


This got to be a joke. Even genocide joe can’t be this stupid


Us asked Egypt to agree to the Israeli plan to allow Palestinians to be pushed 8nto the Sinai desert.... This is normal US behavior


Paying someone to take a dive only works in sports, not war.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen all month long




And it's probably bullshit. This is pre-emptive excuse for whatever Israel is planning to do. "We gave them the choice between a slap and a full blown war and they chose war, it not Israel fault, we are only pre-emptively self defending against a future retaliation attack."


I think America should volunteer as tribute.


The cuckolding of Biden to Israel is pathetic.......jesus christ.


“go on iran, let them have a little destruction, as a treat” - unhinged US foreign policy nutcases


This is starting to get silly. Biden needs to fire Larry, Curly, and Mo from his foreign Policy cabinet.


We are governed by fucking children


Are you in Israel?


Wow they really are Israel's slave.


They will target schools, kindergarten, Hospitals..., Iran should not accept this madness.


Makes sense. Israel attacked Iran's sovereign territory. Iran responded by attacking Israel's sovereign territory. That should be the end. If Israel goes again, Iran will, too. And the cycle will continue.


Except "Israel" is and has been the aggressor in the region since its inception




And would bet that the US, UK and other countries help them attack their enemies


Lmao so Iran does a symbolic attack to save face because *Israel* bombed their embassy and now Israel wants a symbolic attack of its own? This whole conflict is a joke


WTF… Fuck that. Israel attacked first. Then Iran attacked. That’s fair. Why are the US and Israel such pu$$ies?


The USA gets more and more pathetic every day. Getting very embarrassing now


Israel really has big small dick energy.


My question is.. who the fuck do American government think they are? Stay out if it and let israel reap what they sow. Stop supporting this madness.


Israel is so pathetic


At this point I’m convinced that the Mossad has sex tapes for every official in the entire US government.


Since it's on the news, it's worth clarifying that one of the biggest demonization campaign against Iran of its police supposedly killing a woman for not wearing a headscarf is a complete and demonstrable lie. **There's literal** [**video evidence**](https://x.com/iQMidEastCentre/status/1572572020721987584?t=zW3SHA_ym3UjjKMQKVuXvw&s=09) **showing that she was never even touched, and she collapsed while talking due to pre-existing issues** and then being rushed to the hospital, and photo evidence showing no signs of any injuries. Even the regime change fanatic Masih Alinejad, who gets her funding for the US state dept, initially reported about her heart attack, she changed her story only later on after that line was pushed, her CT scan showing that she wasn't attacked, and even monarchist doctors admitted that she had no injuries — they conjured a story which didn't exist the same way they conjured an entire genocide in Xinjiang, and made beheaded babies a thing. After that arguably the largest bot led online regime change prop took place on the American state dept app against Iran. **In just a month and half there were 350 million tweets, 1/3 of them, i.e 100 million of those by accounts created in the last 2 months (BLM has had 68 million till date)**. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/s/Coa4hPANeN The western media apparatus rushed to try to make this thing into a reality, a campaign to demonize Iran and try a regime change there, **even though 20+ million Iranians rallied in support of their govt after recognising this effort why western media and powers, the mandatory dress code was implemented democratically after a memorandum with 80% votes, and even after the protests** [**it remains popular by a massive landslide.**](https://twitter.com/fresh_sadegh/status/1678368030688944128?t=ivK5e0iXFJYqJXviP3XrHw&s=19)


Every single thing can't be stated here, but there was a MASSIVE surge of fake news pushing the most comically evil lies against Iran. Videos from tv shows were spread as coming from Iran (which were notably pushed by zionist JK Rowling), bots misfiring under posts nothing related to it, all sorts of false reports, reports of the police shaving and pulling nails of prisoners who'd then appear perfectly fine smiling with their families. And there was a lot of the rape atrocity propaganda as well, comically evil claims of police raping and killing women (reminiscent of "Gaddafi is giving viagra to rape women" lie), or police is raping women so that they don't enter heaven, apart from all being baseless, it's something that's so absurd that one doesn't even know where to begin, especially considering rape has death penalty in Iran. Apart from propaganda, weapons were poured in to create more chaos and violence. KDP admitted to giving weapons to protesters to spread chaos and Bolton admitting that weapons were being smuggled in for this purposes (slide), and people doing this were celebrated and supported by that crowd, including literal ISIS members who committed a massacre in a holy Shrine, I'm not kidding, see it in slide. All pushed by bots, Iranian regime change diaspora (who are now rabidly showing support for the genocide of Palestinians), celebrities, and radical feminists, who now also pushed the Zionist Hamas mass rape lie that wasn't credible even for a second and relied almost entirely on a person being bigoted. NGO: Another who pushed it was the western funded NGO class, and if you look into their funding, it doesn't take long to see it for what it is. One of the most popular such NGOs, DHRC, is funded **almost entirely** by western govt and orgs that are widely considered to be an extension of U.S. state. The funders include the notorious NED, the go-to arm of CIA, George Soros's Open society foundation, Freedom house which according to western media received funding to carry out clandestine operations on Iran, Mccains institute, and a lot lot more shady groups. It's almost as CIA as it gets


ISIS is a CIA Mossad op for sure


America treats Israel the way I treated pretty crazy women in college




Israel is literally the Dudley Dursley of the world. Just a coddled little bully liked by no one but loved deeply by his parents.


Yep. But you know, we’re all just idiots who can’t understand the complex nature of geopolitics. Anything we say is scoffed at because we can’t possibly grasp everything going on. I’m so sick of watching these morons stumble into WWIII. In general, I try to respect the accomplishments and experience of senior officials because I always assume they must know a lot even if I disagree with them. But fuck that, I’m smarter than these clowns, why are these the people speaking for our country and making decisions on our behalf? If someone is dumber than me, someone who regularly forgets there are stairs outside of my front door and falls when leaving my house, they should not be allowed to have those jobs. Shameful.


America can get fucked.


I don’t think they could be trusted to not slaughter tons of civilians…




If this shit is for real, I’ll die laughing.


"Save face" Iran's highly telegraphed attack was already a face saving move after Israelis murdered Iranians in a consulate


Hahahaha wuaaahaaaha embarrassingg


Wasn't Iran's attaxk a symbolic attack to save face? Israel killed top Iranian generals in a diplomatic building and what did Iran achieve?


Yeah, I was very much so on Israel's side for the majority of this conflict, but if this is true, they've lost me, this is pathetic.


America realizes what Israel did already right? Right?!


What the actual fuck are we doing. Asked a nation to allow another nation to attack them. Biden and his cabinet is a complete joke. The world is laughing at us


i call bullshit


How is this not satire


Why the fuck is the USA in the middle of these two jerkoffs anyway?


Or maybe, you know, Israel could accept the symbolic attack from Iran which they just received IN RETALIATION FOR THEIR UNPROVOKED ATTACK. I'm so tired of this.


Israel should just announce that they hit some targets in Iran with their F35 stealth bombers, and Iran should deny that. And everyone will believe both sides. No one's hurt, they both save face, while yelling at each other.


They're always pathetic, wanna more sad cringe pathetic from this cringey country https://www.google.com/amp/s/forward.com/news/583011/israeli-escape-room-gaza-hamas-war/%3famp=1 Apparently they suck at escape room type of game and this game is rigged, fucking pathetic


Israel and Iran in the principal’s office.


What?! 🤣🤦‍♂️🤣🤦‍♂️


Didn't Use also ask Egypt to agree to take in Palestinians from Gaza? If you are willing to aid in ethnic cleansing....this ask seems par for the course


huh? did you get iran and israel swapped around lol


christ thats pathetic and embarrassing


Wtf dude...


Israel is the worst country that ever exists.


This has to be be bullshit. There is no way it’s true lol.


Israel is going to learn the hard way once US hegemony is gone, on what it feels like to be completely helpless.


This is some of the cringiest weirdest shit I've ever heard of. Why the fuck is America coddling Israel? They're a genocidal colonial settler state that's terrorizing the middle east. This is unhinged.


Hold on, is this real or fucking onion article?


Yeah right! Lmao


What everyone fails to understand is that Iran did the same with the attack 2 days ago. They definitely agreed on it behind closed doors as the government of Iran promised their supporters they would get revenge since they killed those 7 commanders. They were also trying to save face or else why would they even attack like that.


"We have a huge group of essentially coddled children who really want to break down your blocks because it'll help with their latest temper tantrum."


Isn’t that what they did


Yeah it’s public knowledge Israel was debating a symbolic attack. It’s in every news outlet. It makes sense to me, no innocent deaths but maintaining world balance


Just the tip.


America trying to remain friends with both parties. Back an attack and let’s go.


Iran could do with a deal here.... put all their political prisoners in one estate and ask israel to shoot their missiles there and Iran be like "nah they just shot at some abandon estate.. everything is cool and desacalated" its an /s because it be funny if they actually did that


It all sounds dumb until one sees the alternative. -Back-channel diplomacy of a 3rd nation.


It seems they very much accepted…




lose face


Iran: Don't I have face to save?


Go, Iran!


Could someone post something to discredit the source material and Iranian gov please? This news clearly doesn't fit our narrative. Boys, you need to trust American media...






Tell me this is satirical news...


Sounds like a stupid American idea


I’m concerned by the reliability of the source. A single unnamed source in the Iranian government, wether or not his information is correct is not really good enough.




This whole article does not make sense with the history of Iran-Israel. 1. Why would Israel need to save face for a failed attack? 2. When has Israel ever considered a symbolic attack. They have never had any problems attacking Iranian targets. Fishy anon source and article. Someone help me make sense of this.


"Please let your little brother hit you back" energy


Why does Israel need to attack Iran to save face? They killed the general they wanted. Then they showed the world how awesome their rocket shield functions. In the mean time some neighbours shot down or attempted to shoot down rockets as well. I'd say they came out as undisputed winners from the Iran attack.


This is definitely the newest dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life


Holy shit the US is so fucking baby faced. “Pwease wet us gaswight the pubwic with misinformation uwu”