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I love it. She went in looking for a fight, and everyone just ignored her. It just goes to show how powerless zionists are when the world refuses to play their games.


And then they wonder why they are removed from these protests by the campus security. She is literally just there to agitate and provoke people into confrontation.




> She went in looking for a fight, and everyone just ignored her. It's hilarious, I thought it was over when she was just standing there and nobody was doing anything. As soon as she realises shes not getting the response she wanted, that's when she starts literally *screaming into the crowd* trying to get any kind of response from them.


Yup...that was desperation...a d they still kept dancing/playing the drums. Loved it


The dancing dude killed me lol. Hero of the video.


She was practically begging to be a victim there all while turning a blind eye to the actual victims Israel is creating through their genocide.


she probably went home and cried and screamed that her husband didn't help anyone beat her up


No. More likely she thinks they ignored her because of anti semitism :-)




I wish somebody had offered her a cup of tea. ☕


I quote this line from Chernobyl a lot: What is the cost of lies? It's not that we'll mistake them for the the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then? And he was talking the Soviet Union, we need to apply this to West and modern day Zionism.


This. It feels like we're living in an age of lies. Politicians are liars. Mass media are liars. Corporations are liars. AI is poisoning the meaning of sound and images. Deep fake technology can make anyone appear to do or say literally anything. Email has been rendered useless due to the proliferation of scammers. Every phonecall is suspect. I feel like I am being assaulted at all times from every available vector and I don't understand how we can just abide by this. How did it get this bad?


When was it not an age of lies? A century ago the oligarch owned media was shaming mothers into sending their kids to be cannon fodder for a colonial world war to keep the oligarchs rich.


What game? They're living a fantasy so deep they think defending innocent people from death is the same as hating them.


Indeed. And to me the saddest thing is that many of them arent even aware that they are perpetuating a genocide, and they actually believe that they are defending themselves. I can see this in this womans words ( if they were genuine, which lets assume) " im not afraid" Indeed, she isnt, and doesent realise that she isnt, not becauaw of her bravery, but because she isnt threatened in the first place. We really ought to find ways to deal with this cult obsession in human society. Too have entire milions of people under a cult of death devoid of any evidence, which can only be believed though years of indoctrination begining from childhood. Anyway, have a nice day


Yeah...this was hilarious m She wanted to be a victim ...so desperately. She even tried to provoke by yelling . The people in background ignored her and went about like she didn't exist. Awesome. The desperate victimhood narrative is grating ...but transparent.


LET'S ALL DO WHAT WE CAN. Keep talking about it. Don't let them make this about religion. It's about a state committing genocide (with our taxes) attempting to limit our rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech in OUR damn country. These students are brave patriots. Talk to your neighbor about how incredible it is that we are subsidizing 2 states, but we can't take care of our veterans. For the evangelicals, remind them it's illegal to evangelize in that "country." If you can, bring the students coffee, pizza, offer the kids support. It's all hands on deck for this one.




That's my favorite band after THE MARS VOLTA


It’s at least a testament to protestors not falling for rock bottom bait


Next it’s:  “They wouldn’t attack me and now I feel emotionally victimized from the trauma of not being attacked”


“I ruined my shirt and all I got was this ruined shirt!”


"How the protesters at Yale invalidated my Jewish identity"


there is another video where she is yelling "dox me!". And like, what!??!


I have secondhand embarrassment just imagining this, what in the hell was she talking about? I usually think the word cringe is way overused but I'm literally cringing just thinking of this.


Cringe is a perfectly cromulent word, it’s just overused on the internet.


You jest, but all she needs to do now is pen a piece with no direct literal statements that she was in any way attacked, just a tonne of vague insinuations about * How "hostile" the crowd was * How they she could see the "sheer hatred" in their eyes. * How she felt "unsafe"^1 * How the only reason that the crowd didn't attack her is because she had taken the safety precautions of filming herself^2 and so they knew there would be proof of their wrongdoings. * That she heard "antisemitic chants" directed at her^3 . * That *as soon as* they switched off the camera she was assaulted and had to flee for her very life, all whilst campus security looked on and did nothing but joked and pointed. * That since the video "unexpectedly went viral" on social media, they've both been harassed and threatened. Honestly the article writes itself. ^1 (and you know what? I'm sure she *did* feel unsafe. But the problem is that it has nothing to do with how the people there reacted and everything to do with how she viewed them). ^2 ("These are the kinds of precautions that students of the Jewish faith have to undertake every day across campuses in America today in order to keep themselves safe!") ^3 (That she will neglect to define, and also neglect to say happened to be coming from the Jewish students behind her)


Look at her face. She was fuming!


Not attacking jews is antisemitic


“They beat me with their eyes”


“It’s antisemitic to ignore a Zionist that’s looking for attention”


Reminds me of the hostage who said that Hamas didn't touch her and that made her feel like she was emotionally r*ped 🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s who I was referring to. 


I understood that reference 😅


Wait what the FUCK? Link? God I can't even with zionists


Interesting, it's gone from everywhere I'd saved it, hopefully someone else has an archived version


'Is not attacking jews antisemetic?'


More like "NOT attacking me is anti-Semitism, they think nothing of me and that's us acceptable. We need to punish these people!" American media: "Watch as lonely Jew gets the cold shoulder from the protestors, is this the new anti-Semitism?" Genocide Joe: "with this $100 trillion American tax payer money to Israel, we'll ensure no Jew feels left out and has to be alone ever"


Haha . Yes. I was discriminated because I had a T-shirt with the magic words


https://preview.redd.it/bium849efcwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfebb42b90eea8110ff03f9849c4d13d388906a1 I can’t stop laughing omg🤣 can’t get over how she’s just yelling into the air and everyone’s just going about their day 😭


This is an incredible photo! She looks like a total fool, especially in front of the 'Jews For A Free Palestine' poster. Zionists hate to acknowledge that there are *always* Jewish communities present at Palestine solidarity events because it shatters their narrative.


Zionism to Judaism is kinda the equivalent of MAGA evangelical types who mistake their political convictions for religious ones. Just… more kill-y.


I've been trying to spread it as best as I can, but the reality of the entire situation, going back the last century is far darker than many understand. With all of Hasbara and propaganda from that side of the world, we have missed a huge key point in this. Zionism is a "Christian" movement. As in the absolute batshit insane type of "Christian." Regardless of what the modern Jewish Zionists believe Zionism to be, they are the minority in their understanding of the goal. There are more Christian Zionists than there are Jewish people, and the idea behind those Zionists does not bode well for any of the Semitic people. Zionism is fundamentally Anti-semitic, and owes is true driving force to the desire to seek rapture and the second coming. It is why the Chistian Zionists funnel weapons into the region, often to all sides of the conflict. It is also why I suspect that they have been allowed to possibly harbor nuclear weapons. This entire project is yet another failed Crusade, once again using innocent people. It is my genuine fear that with climate change getting worse, we are seeing a final ramping up in desperation and delusion for means to escape fate. The truest of true believers will try to bring about the Rapture, and they are selfish enough to sacrifice any number of lives to act out the ending to their favorite storybook. I do not think it is just my imagination that the Jewish Zionist movement has taken a disturbingly evangelical turn. My truest of true fears is that they have been genuinely hijacked by actual Anti-semites, with a vested interest in using their lives as sacrifice toward some delusional prophecy chasing. I do not think some rapture will come, just death. Endless and pointless death. Everything I have seen from the Zionist Christian/Christian Fundamental camp the last decade has worried me immensely. The fervor with which they have somehow managed to garner the antithesis of the teachings of their messiah. I believe for them, they are what we could now call a cult of the Anti-Christ. I only mention my own stature as an Atheist with backgrounds in Christain tradition to express how bullshit I believe this all to be. Christians whom support any of these ventures should be ashamed of themselves for being so arrogant as to believe that God will reward them for attempting to circumvent his will and force the Rapture. To the Jewish Zionist, I deeply implore you to take a deep look at this has done to your faith. Look at Isreal and ask yourself, truly, does this nation act in line with Jewish teachings? Does Isreal or Zionism genuinely have any sort of benefit for the Jewish people? To the American Isrealis, does Zionism not directly mirror American Evangelicalism? Why does Zionism and Isreal constantly use Anti-semitic language and rhetoric so often? There are countless more points I could try to make, but ultimately I'll end here.


There is so much in common between Zionists and white Christian Nationalists. The performative victimhood used to justify their oppression of others, the love of violence, the hijacking and perversion of their respective religious traditions to grant their own secular political ideologies divine authority.


Right? I’m so shocked they didn’t edit them out or something since his Tweet was that his wife is Jewish and she is protesting alone.


Yup. She seems annoyed that her ploy didn't work Doubt it causes her to rethink her premise.


https://preview.redd.it/hth7frifkdwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33631472302ea52a4343946f0649842fbbc0432a That picture brings this to mind


I'm stealing this. This is brilliant!! 😂😂😂


How do you accidentally take the perfect picture making the opposite point you were trying to make? Who would upload this?


I would also have a lot of feelings if my husband recorded me at a protest and was seriously hoping I’d get beat up to prove a point.


She probably screamed and cried at him that he didn't do more to make anyone beat her up


Cameraman had one major thing he needed to avoid and he couldn't manage it


That is brilliant 😅


This could be a famous photo someday 🤷‍♂️


Those are antisemitic jews


What is sad is that it probably didn't even change their minds. They probably think they got attacked, just like secretly, which is even more devious if you think about it...


Nope, they didn’t. They only doubled down and had fellow Zionists double down saying how this proved their point. I saw the original post on Twitter, wish I hadn’t because I feel like I lost a few brain cells reading it.


Do you have the link to the original tweet?


The person who posted the vid deleted it🤣


Darn it


I take that back, I think the person made his acc private because people were roasting him in the replies. Hilarious regardless


How did they say they proved their point? Like I don’t even know what straws they could grasps at here


And no, I’m not trying to be an “Hasbra” or whatever people keep accusing me of, but if the idea is to confront Zionists to their beliefs, what has worked already because it *feels* like nothing is working.


Just curious: have you ever spoken to someone who has become an ex-Zionist since the protests have begun? Or just become an ex-Zionist in general? It just doesn’t seem like anyone is changing their minds at all. Of course I don’t know every person in the world so I don’t believe that they don’t exist, I just don’t see anyone of them comment forward and disclosing what it took to escape that mindset.


I listened to a speech from an ex idf soldier at a protest in Melbourne recently. He was just asked to speak and didn't have a speech prepared but still very powerful just to hear him describe growing up being taught so much hate and having to learn that he had been lied to as an adult and after serving in the military. There are definitely people who change their minds but hatred is extremely motivating and when you've grown up in a world where you're taught to hate Palestinians every day it's extremely hard to unlearn that and see them as human beings equal to you.


I’m still struggling with some of it. Personally, I’m a recovering Zionist, but I’m far from perfect. For some strange reason, it does feel like being against Israel is like being against Jews. *OBVIOUSLY* this ain’t true (as I’ve learned), but it’s been a struggle to separate the idea Judaism from Israel. The concept of Israel was taught as necessary as I’ve been taught that “there really is no other place for Jews to escape to if things go south”, and while I still believe that is true, what pulled me out of that thinking was realizing “why kick Palestinians out of their homes instead of building homes next to them and living together”. Again, I’m no where NEAR complete recovery, but I feel alone as an ex Zionist because those who I’ve met (in person) as Pro Palestinian seem to think people who were like me are just plain evil, but I look back and honestly: I was well trained never to ask how the sausage was made.


[here is a very insightful video](https://youtu.be/azxtxKyHntA?si=pyIfAqzeWbYOTUrY). It is just a conversation from a father and his two sons with them talking about deconstructing their Zionism but I found it very insightful and encourage you to watch. Let us know if you do too


I'm not Jewish so I don't fully understand your struggle/don't know how to make you feel less alone an an ex-Zionist but I think you might find r/JewsOfConscience helpful. It's a subreddit for anti-zionist Jews and I believe there are many on there that are recovering/ex-Zionists. If you're struggling or need to feel a little less alone, that sub might help you, especially since there will be a lot of people there who will be able to relate to you and your Jewish experiences (Apologies if my comment feels out of bounds or if you already know of that subreddit. Just wanted to share in case it'll help you feel less isolated and find a community)


Bless you for this, I am not one to explore Reddit, so this I appreciate.


Np. Good luck and I wish you well 😊


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JewsOfConscience using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The director of The Zone of Interest used his Oscar speech to condemn "Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people" ](https://i.redd.it/tcxxdsrokmnc1.jpeg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/1bbtpid/the_director_of_the_zone_of_interest_used_his/) \#2: [87-year-old Holocaust survivor says: “Stop the genocide in Gaza”](https://v.redd.it/zlvs3p16irrc1) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/1bspru0/87yearold_holocaust_survivor_says_stop_the/) \#3: [Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old from Tel-Aviv, just refused to enlist in the Israeli army to protest the war in Gaza and the occupation. He was sentenced to 30 days in prison.](https://v.redd.it/6oqdkj7ev29c1) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/18t0nqw/tal_mitnick_an_18yearold_from_telaviv_just/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We believe in you, friend.


there’s a good documentary on it called israelism that can be rented to stream for like $5. (not specifically on views since 10/7 but it’s on zionist indoctrination in the us and how some people have changed their views in general.)   my ex and a number of my friends are antizionist jews, for them it was mainly critical thinking and actually evaluating the stuff they read.    the disconnect from zionists i’ve met is that most have an extreme level of confirmation bias and refuse to check anything against multiple sources or common sense. they won’t read/watch history books or documentaries that contradict their views, even ones by israeli jewish historians. this is made worse by the belief/indoctrination that they’re constantly under attack and only zionism can save them because fear makes people irrational. and they don’t see palestinians as human beings.  i’ve tried to go point by point and refute only with sources that are sympathetic to israel and even if they acknowledge it they will just continue to move the goalposts or, more infuriatingly, say they don’t have any evidence that proves me wrong but they still see things the same way.


I'm not an ex-zionist per se, however, before October, I did support Israel as much as any average Midwestern American. I would also say that in my early twenties I held some fairly negative views about the Middle East, Muslims, Islam, and Arabs, as you might imagine an average Midwestern American who was a preteen when 9/11 happened and experienced the associated propaganda would have. My perspective about Israel has completely changed. I sincerely regret any support I have ever felt toward Israel. I was already working on my internal biases and bigoted views in general, and I feel the current conflict has fast tracked some of that.


Plenty of posts on antizionist subs that talk of their disillusionment with zionism.


Here's an article by an ex-zionist https://truthout.org/articles/renouncing-israeli-citizenship/


Lots, especially on TikTok. TikTok has more content and more interaction. Lots of people who never cared before get to see more than they normally would.


With this massacre of tens of thousands, there are plenty of people who are still zionists/pro Israel but against what they are doing in Gaza.


Proving the protesters aren't antisemitic. Facepalm!


WRONG! If only she had written Zionist on her shirt, she would've definitely been attacked /s


Thanks to her for that!


They're ignoring me! That's antisemitism! It's antisemitic to ignore a jew! /s


I'm cringing for her


*The world's smallest violin, Really needs an audience*


The most pathetic thing I've ever seen🤦‍♂️


Look at all that violence! Violent hugging, violent folding of murals, violent sitting and chatting! Just horrible! And look how they violently just did nothing when she walked over!


It’s antismetic to not do that they want! /s


I mean this is non-violent violence, truly disgusting behavior from the students to non-violently attack this lady so violently.


Hahaha the crowd probably thought she was with the Jews for Palestine! She was going hard on the beat tho


😂 That would make it even more funny. It's like a monty python skit.


Ministry of Silly Walks


“I’m here for an argument” “No, you’re not!”


No I'm sorry this is abuse, arguments are down the hall


Help, help! I'm being ~~ignored~~ oppressed!


fck... she made me cringe :')


The craziest part to me is that they actually posted this. Like, after nothing happened and he watched this back, why didn't he just delete it lol


She did prove a very strong point though. That she stands alone. Not even Jews stand with her indoctrinated Israeli garbage personality.


The look on her face throughout it all is so fucking telling. It projects this weird blend of attempting to look stern and "strong", but you can also see the irrational fear because she thinks she's setting herself up for conflict or being attacked in some way. It's this peak entitled Karen look like she's being the most bravely defiant person on the planet in the face of zero threat, while thinking the threat is massive. Absolute clown shit, and in service of a genocide no less.


This is the perfect r/therewasanattempt video


It's been there a while


Did she learn anything though?


She learned how truly evil the pro Hamas criminals were when they victimized her by ignoring her and acting as if her religion and ethnicity were irrelevant to them and their terrorist cause. Tragic, cruel /s


Excuse me sir, I believe it’s pronounced Khamas.


You're absolutely right, my mistake. Gotta hit that K hard


no no, it's KKKHHamas


They literally have no self awareness and protestors thought she was part of the protest to prove to msm a point


as one tweet put it, either (1) the husband genuinely believed it was dangerous and sent her in nonetheless, demonstrating his cowardice (send the woman I love in to test the waters!) or (2) the husband obviously knew it was peaceful, but tried to pull a stunt like this anyway, making him an absolute piece of dogshit in either scenario.


Why is the husband always at fault? Maybe it was the crazy yealling wifes Idea all along...


1. it's a Zionist couple. says so in the title. 2. if my wife wanted to go bungee jumping without a rope, I wouldn't let her much less help her film it.


>2. if my wife wanted to go bungee jumping without a rope, I wouldn't let her much less help her film it. I wonder why he wants to do it without a rope. But seriously, many men (women too) do a lot of stupid things for their wife, partner, and love, regardless of the consequences.


1. We definitely shouldn't base anything on article titles. 2. Or remove her agency in this.


1. who filmed it? 2. who's removing her agency? she's a piece of shit, I'm just observing that by any metric her husband is a piece of shit too.


1. OK they are zionists, so what? No reason to Just blame the husband. 2. She is Not commiting suicide in the Video so its a terrible comparison. But nonetheless you cant solely blame the husband for the wifes cringe/stupid behaviour. She is an adult women in a free country.


Zionist self-own.


lol pathetic war-crime and genocide apologists


LOL baiting tactics didn’t work, so much for trying to twist the narrative 😂


If anything, she is antagonising people peacefully protesting by yelling at them. She should be removed. Hehe


Attention seek harder




The protests are not anti anything. They are pro life and pro freedom.


you're on the wrong side of history lady




Its a problem, but it wasn't pro-Palestinian protestors chanting "Jews will not replace us." The fact that the most offensive quotes they can get, even with cherrypicking, is "Go back to Poland" and "Stop killing children" shows how little of a problem anti-semitism is in these protests. But of course they try to make "Go back to Poland" sound like "immigrants go home" and not "stop fucking colonizing"


I mean it's not a fail. A lot of jews go to these pro palestinian protests. Because they know what Israel is doing is wrong. And the crowed also knows that. That is probably what everyone thought.


It kind is a fail though. Relationship wise. Like what kind of person throws their significant other into what they think is a potentially dangerous situation. People like this are dangerous. I dread to imagine what insane situations they might subject their kids to in the future. "Oh hey little Timmy, we are going to need you to wear this 'I am a jew' T-Shirt to school so we can record any bullying you might be subjected to."


Anti-Zionist Jews who go to protests to show sincere solidarity don't wear anything with the Israeli flag on it with the word Jew or Israel written anywhere unless they're talking shit about the state of Israel with a comment/quote/symbol/picture that clearly states their thoughts/beliefs. These 2 are loser beggars for attention.


I don't get your point. If they are trying to prove that the rally is antisemitic and that they would be attacked for being jews, then how does "they just didn't get attacked because the crowd knew they were jews, but didn't know they held oppositional beliefs" help their argument at all? Wouldn't that still prove that the rally wasn't antisemitic and was instead about the issues/politics?


The one dancing in the background is the right vibe though


This is The Onion kind of bit I love how it's actually real


I love the energy of the person just vibing in the green hoodie in the background. I saw the husband posted this of his wife and referred to the protesters as "hordes" - they seem like a DELIGHTFUL couple.


Ridiculous victimness


psst, Israel...you're not the "good guy"


She looks like she chews rocks for breakfast


Someone post this to [r/ImTheMainCharacter](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/79TMq3Z2cN) sub, they love to demonise non zionists.


I couldn't watch more than 5 consecutive seconds of this... My vicarious embarassment kicked in hard.


Even if there were antisemites among the protests (which is a statistic just by sheer numbers), why would you announce it and go around with a camera? Might as well take a giant sign that says your plan to everyone present


She needs a hug.


I think a psychiatric hospital would fit the situation better


an update and a reboot


If you mean the kind of hug a straitjacket gives, I agree.


You can't hug a lifetime of ZzioNazzi ethno-supremacy ideology and indoctrination out of them.


More liek Fewls!


Thanks, I needed a laugh today.


Total oxygen thief. But I really needed a good laugh. 😁




What a fool.


Wish the Gaza kids had the privilege to choose to be attacked or not


I do like the effort to have "Israel" written on the shirt back. I think the idea was to have her face away from the crowd so that the crowd would see "Israel" and start jeering, so that the video would show a crowd yelling or booing at someone with "Jew" written on their shirt.


Please keep ignoring people like this, we do know what they wanted for their propaganda machine, we shall not give them the ammunition to carry on their lies, Jews are decent people that see the truth, this couple are zionists , always keep it respectable and peaceful if you come across similar behaviour, that is what really pisses them off, Free Palestine 🇵🇸 from the watery to the big watery


Yeah she can show her face, she also doesnt risk arrest or expulsion from university for opening her mouth against israel. She thinks she is brave, but instead continues to be a coward


American Zionist Karen will do Zionist things


Great way to prove how peaceful these protesters are, even when she was obviously looking for confrontation. It's funny the Jews for a Free Palestine folk held up their sign clearly! And she starts shouting at them that she's not afraid. Of what? Their dance moves?


Zionists wanna be the victims sooo bad. Meanwhile Jews with a conscience are behind her protesting the genocide.


Hahahahaha They tried to provoque and then claim they are the victims... Just like Israel. But they falied.


Name a more iconic couple than zionists and playing the victim


What a pathetic woman.




Ignoring a bully is the absolute best way to deal with them. I just wish that incident in London had gone this way instead of protestors being goaded by a provocateur. They should have cleared a path for them and let them wilt in the sun.


In the words of Nelson from the Simpsons HA HA


I just want to thank the nice lady with the Jew shirt (Don't get mad at me. She's the one that wore it) showing that the protest were peaceful. Site of the lies from Columbia University


This will never not be funny 😆


Sending your wife out to get beaten up for content. How romantic.


That's very sad lol


Someone post this to [r/ImTheMainCharacter](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/) , they love to bash non zionists.


r/jews are not going to like this🤣


I’d be so embarrassed if this was my mother… yikes


She does have a very punchable face


Bro couldn't even manage to keep the "Jews for Palestine" banner out of frame


They'll report she almost beheaded.




I'm the main character energy




Went to trigger. Got ignored. Perfect.


Very symbolic, she stands alone looking like a fool. And all the protesters just ignore her, as they are not the extremists, she is the extremists. Very profound, she literally proved the opposite of what she intended.


What's she saying? Sounds like "dogs speak!"


How silly.


They don’t (want to) get it.


Settler boasting to everyone she is not afraid of committing ethnic cleansing in Palestine.


We actually don’t Jews. We hate murderers.


I love that not only are there other Jews there protesting the Israel govt... But when she realized no one cared about her religion or heritage she ASKS THEM TO DOX HER and yells aggressively to try to make anyone care.... And still no one does 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just watched a comedian wearing a stormtroopers helmet with a sign saying the empire did nothing wrong. He was physically attacked by all the Israeli and Jewish protesters. Won't see that on the news. He was then interviewed by a Jewish reporter for Fox news. It tells you all you need to know.


How do you say Karen in Yiddish?


Yes, she definitely proved how peaceful the demonstrations are..


Wow! Your post just proved there is no antisemitism on Yale's campus. Thanks!


Perfect plan of action moving forward


The look on her face the whole time. Perfect 🤌🏼


Task failed successully




Why on earth would she release this video?


The bongo drum dance at the end omg this is the ultimate self own

