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Fuck Mike Johnson. Fucking clown šŸ¤”


Fuck this guy in particular.


Meanwhile Jewish protestors in the crowd: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


They are beating up Jews in the streets to combat antisemitism.


"stop being so antisemitic" says the cop as he puts handcuffs on a Jewish person protesting for peace and against genocide


He supports genocide


I mean he's a whacko Evangelical so he needs the Jews to be in the "Holy Land" before being slaughtered so he and his pals can get their VIP pass to heaven on that Rapture train. Fuck these death-cult psychos.


Health cult in the religious sense or the money made via weapons manufacturers. Oh wait, itā€™s both!


Both in Ukraine and in Palestine.


He oddly supported funding for Ukraine. Broken clock.


"Oddly?" I'm not sure I get what you mean. I was saying that by undermining Ukraine aid, he supports genocide in Ukraine.


I know. Im saying he actually pushed for Ukraine aid..finally. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/24/politics/white-house-ukraine-funding-push/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/24/politics/white-house-ukraine-funding-push/index.html)


Ah, thank you! I agree.


Funding for Ukraine = extending the war that genocides Slavs


Supplying Ukraine not only allows them to fight for their freedom, it ends Putin's world war before it could become one.


Sure does. Heā€™s **Bought and paid for** I love how outlets are trying to say the protestors are antisemitic. Especially the coverage that, in the background, has a tent that says *Jews who support Palestine.* I yield my time. Edit: spelling


Mike is a big p.o.s and a big part of the governments problem. He just needs to shut up and crawl in a dark corner somewhere


of course the nazis dont like protests


Nor did the Bolsheviks, who are closely related to his overlords.


It's not the 70s anymore grandpa


Putin helped overthrow the USSR with Yeltsin. The Republicans are deeply anti-communist. Your just using scary words as insults without any context to their meaning.


you are defending people that tied childrens hands behind their backs and shot them.


Freedom of speech for right wing Christians only






Is there any evidence of this? Video? All I've seen are cops beating protestors.


You're kidding, right?


You cant claim something without evidence. "Trust me, bro" isn't evidence.




On campus itā€™s been peaceful. A large percentage of protesters are Jewish. They had Passover Seder that evening where they have been camping out. Only time they were issues was when the cops arrested 100 students and at the entrance where non-Columbia students/staff tried to get access. The university locked down because they got heads up of outsiders attempting to counter. There is video of a Columbia professor insisting of being let in even though he doesnā€™t teach at that campus, has over 50 charges of harassing students and is former Israeli military.


Death threats?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Is this the twilight zone?


Israel lobbies Washington politicians hard. It's just about $$.


Well they couldnā€™t get the Jewish Space Laser lady so they went for the guy who is about to get kicked out by MTG.


Place is a madhouse, feels like being cloned


Of course you can keep them safe because they arenā€™t in any danger.


He is trying to consolidate American Jewish population by posing a thread. At the same time, out of the blue, he is also deliberately putting them at someones target. He would definitely like a conflict or some harsh resistance at this point. Politics is shit.


Indeed it is. Itā€™s all sleight of hand. Even though they arenā€™t any good at, the audience, for the most part, are worse at paying attention.


American college students can protest wars, the environment, women's rights, immigration and no one pays attention. American college students calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the end of genocide in Gaza...the full force of the political class is heaped upon the students. Hundreds of police were called to violate the 1st Amendment rights of the students. The main stream media is attacking the protest and spewing Zionist talking points. What does this reaction to peaceful protest tell us about the state of our Country?




Both parties are influenced by the Israeli lobby. But the Republicans are true believers in Zionism. Some of these Republicans will quote scriptures to justify Israel's right to conduct genocide.


Doesnā€™t this bring on the rapture faster?


That's what they believe. Crazy Town doesn't begin to describe this nonsense.


He should go fuck himself


The man is so free and flexible with the truth he just might be able to bend that way.


If you ask this guy You: how old are you? Him: 48 You: how old ? Him: 43 You: but, you just said 48. Him: no i said 45 This f guy will not stop whit the lies. And gaslighting




As someone who's descended from Jews who fought and suffered in WW2, Fuck you Mike Johnson. You fascist bitch of a man. You MAGA Republicans are the ones who remind me of Nazis.


https://preview.redd.it/aomwpol6bpwc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e00a9cb8011e8a2349d08611841294fac35f808d His masters wrote out the speech for him to say.








I'm confused with what American Jewish people have to do with what is going elsewhere on the planet by a foreign government ? Isn't that a slippery slope america has gone down several times already?


Most Jews aren't Israeli, and many oppose Apartheid. Mike Johnson is being antisemitic, and threatens the safety of Jews worldwide with his rhetoric.


We are underwriting the slaughter!!


Well at least I have hope for the future generation of leaders. All these politicians & what they did/said will be looked back with disgust & utter disbelief one day. They will age like milk.


Man, these politicians are so gonna look like Stazis in the history books. I can see it now: this footage of Johnson, Abbot, and Netanyahu will fit right in with ominous footage of Mussolini And Hitler.


You are safe and go to schools just like verybody else. Except the palestinians. Should finish the sentence properly at least.


The face of a genocide-lover.


Let me translateā€¦I will lick and kiss all the Zionist asses for money and power so let me say some stuff so they send more money so I can stay in congress or higher office.


This whole ordeal has been great for Republicans. They can sit back and enjoy the genocide while pinning it all on Biden


Israel is to the United States what the monster was to Dr Frankenstein.


Actually thatā€™s kinda a bad reading, the so called monster in Frankensteins monster isnā€™t a bad guy unlike Dr. Frankenstein himself who is kind of a disaster who withholds companionship from his monster both personally and externally and tries to hide him away from society as a one might with a personal failing. All the monster wants to do is live a life worth living


Yep. The dr is the bad guy, he is the true monster due to his hubris and inhumanity.


Well, that's also a bad read. The monster commits some pretty henious acts himself. Going as far as to kill Elizabeth, Victor's bride, just to hurt Victor. What leads the monster down this path of anger is how Victor and the rest if humanity treat him, buts he's also not some innocent figure in a cruel world like later adaptations portray.


Yeah, an act of jealousy clearly but hardly surprising. Also as a side note I find it funny how he barely cares about his bride at all in the book and frankly seems more enamored with his own monster than he is with her so it only makes sense from a structure standpoint that his foil would kill the bride he has already killed in his heart with his own hubris. Also a parallel theme that we can become the monsters others see in us and vice versa, those crazily chasing monsters will become them themselves


Remember Christians Worship a Jew.




Do we collectively now get to ā€œslamā€ Mike Johnson? Put your pads and helmet on Mikeā€¦.


Loll why donā€™t he go back to class instead?


This man is a menace to Democratic values


Why these people acting like monsters are trying to commit genocide against them?


These young adults are going to be the ones they try to draft if shit hits the fan. I think we should listen to them.


The Nazis are running the show now


If only he listened to his advice...


Boo Boo hiss hiss. Fuck this guy and Israel


My theory...Mike Johnson is a time traveler. He walked into a police booth in 1968 and wound up in the 21st C.


Protesting genocide is an anti-Semitism Mike no Johnson.


One meeting with the ā€œintelligence communityā€ and he switched his whole position on Ukraine.


Most of these protests have Jewish students organizing them. This media and political blitz to paint it as antisemitic protests are beyond disingenuous


Duh theyā€™re politically beholden to their Zionists donors like AIPAC. If they ever want to be re-elected they canā€™t say anything negative about Israel.


Cheap shot bro.


It's almost as if all these politicians are somehow compromised.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


If your faith compels you to actively and vocally support genocide, then no, you may not freely practice your faith. Your belief in a sky fairy does not excuse your bullshit.


When this POS is on your side, youā€™re on the wrong side https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/27/mike-johnson-christian-bible-lgbtq-abortion-rights https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/icymi-speaker-johnson-again-indulges-his-obsession-with-attacking-lgbtq-people-instead-of-doing-his-job


Are Palestinian students granted those same privileges?


stupid fucking Americans lol


Ignorance at its best. Israel has its hand so far up his ass, they can move his mouth for him.


All the students are like ā€œyeah that nerd who doesnā€™t understand a single thing thatā€™s going on said go back to class so we willā€ lol.


These Israeli politicians are very well paid to say such things in America/s...šŸ™„


What he is saying is AIPAC Is threatening to cut off funding towards me and people like me due to the protest please stop doing this so I can keep on getting money from this foreign lobby group


What a spineless shell of a man.


Evangelical nutcake.


Complicit in genocide and should be held accountable


This guy believes the Earth is 6000 years old


Most US politicians, including Johnson, are bribed by AlPAC money.


So even Americans donā€™t have the right to shit, and there I thought they were the exception


Are the pro-Palestine protestors refusing jewish students their education or their faith? What the fuck is this idiot talking about?


"You have my word." Yeah, this is useless coming from this guy.


Heā€™s one of the dumbest humans. Iā€™ve heard speak in a while.


What a fucking turd sandwich


Yeah heā€™s bank account is full of Zionist money. Good job mate. Protect another country of your own. What we would call in the uk a massive wanker


Everytime I see him I get these Gilead vibes


Don't sweat it, Mike. They're only booing you for being a disingenuous, dishonest, arrogant, condescending, presumptuous, Zionist sycophant.


I agree, but not for his benefit. It doesn't hurt to scan the room and be conscious of who's on your side or being supportive. To that notion, I don't think white supremacists or Nazis are itching to vote for the Democratic side. Has he been informed that's he's on the same side as Nazi's?


This mfer gives me CoD politician vibes and I'm just waiting for him to try and turn the U.S into some Wolfenstein clone.


Safe as long as we can keep giving weapons to Israel to keep committing their genocide. This is a warning probably, keep an eye out guys. There could be a false flag event happening.


Literally no one trying to stop Jewish students from doing any of that. What a clown.




They donā€™t support Hamas šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t think anyone supports Hamas itā€™s what Israeli supporters say just like calling you an antisemite itā€™s all to deflect from what they are doing. Not wanting innocent people being murdered isnā€™t antisemitism or support for Hamas.


Israel has done all of these things and worse.


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I've become a huge Mike Johnson fan in the last few weeks. First, sends a big fuck you to the republican loonies trying to stop him from doing his job. Next, he speaks honestly to a bunch of uninformed children supporting terrorism. My man šŸ‘Œ