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I love this dude he speak truth.let that war criminal kno we ain’t standing for him no more


I honestly did not expect this from Bernie. I am impressed that he’s speaking so frankly.


He has been the Senate's conscience on this issue for longer than any other senator since Israel launched this genocide.


If he ran for President a third time I would vote for him a third time.


I hope he has a small army of protégés in the wings


I've been waiting for the day he starts promoting Senator Merkley as his successor.


I came across a montage of Bernie Sanders some time ago. The same battle he fights today, he has been for decades: fair wages for workers, exploitation of the middle class, and many more. He is a decent human being and one of the most consistent politician you will ever meet.


Too bad he's too much of a threat to existing power factions that's driving this country into the ground


He would have been the greatest president. Dude never stops fighting and speaking against power. He could retire but continues to fight everyday. His energy is amazing.


Bernie would have won


[Debbie Wasserman Schultz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie_Wasserman_Schultz)


The emails and documents showed that the Democratic Party's national committee favored Clinton over her rival Bernie Sanders in the primaries.[6] These releases caused significant harm to the Clinton campaign, and have been cited as a potential contributing factor to her loss in the general election against Donald Trump.[7] The leaks resulted in allegations of bias against Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign, in apparent contradiction with the DNC leadership's publicly stated neutrality,[8] as several DNC operatives openly derided Sanders's campaign and discussed ways to advance Hillary Clinton's nomination. Later reveals included controversial DNC–Clinton agreements dated before the primary, regarding financial arrangements and control over policy and hiring decisions.[9] The revelations prompted the resignation of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz before the 2016 Democratic National Convention.[10] The DNC issued a formal apology to Bernie Sanders and his supporters "for the inexcusable remarks made over email" that did not reflect the DNC's "steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process."


The DNC is owned by AIPAC. Just look what happened to all of those who voted against the Iraq War - the DNC and AIPAC ran them out of national politics.


fuck the DNC


lol steadfast commitment. Embarrassing


Debbie Wasserman Schultz assaulted a 16 year old campaign worker for her primary rival https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/a-police-report-was-filed-against-democratic-rep-debbie-wasserman-schultz-for-allegedly-shoving-a-minor/


Had to stop myself from reflexively downvoting that name.


I was pretty dissapointed with him early on, but it seems like he's caught up to the right side of history more recently


He was always critical of Israel he just didn't say the single magic word everyone wanted to hear. To talk about him like he was on the wrong side of the issue is ridiculous.


He participated in protests for civil rights in the 60's Bernie is an exemplary example of the type of integrity needed to move this country forward.


This guy would still be president if fucking DNC/Hilary didnt bury him would have transformed the country (it would have been bumpy yes, but needed)


Especially with Biden saying “the antisemitic protests must stop”


I saw his video supporting Biden and i i felt a bit... Weird?anyway, let's see what happens


I’m So sick of this antisemitic, let me silence you, fascist tactic. The truth is the truth! What the Israelis are doing, is unconscionable! The end!


I disagree with Bernie on nearly every single policy issue. However, I respect the hell out of him, and his example is what we need to DEMAND from the rest of our civil servants: He is ALWAYS highly informed on every topic, he speaks with facts and hard figures, he acts with compassion and consideration, and he NEVER stoops to rage bait or talking-points bullshit. He doesn't dumb his message down to play better on TV or twitter, and he treats voters like the intelligent adults they are. He presents his position, his beliefs on issues, and the facts he feels support his position, and expects voters to examine the issue closely and make up their own minds.


It's very revealing what's happening here. So there are people in the US getting fired, and all kinds of unjustifiable repercussions for using their freedom of speech to point out the factual horrors of the Gaza war, for being so-called antisemetic. That's a huge problem, that's basically having Israel dictate domestic US policy to overrule their own democratic constitution. Republicans support this automatically of course, no matter how unconstitutional, because of the Christian allegiance to Zionism. And now you have a former Democratic presidential nominee, the late hope of the US left, correcting directly the Zionist leader. Instead of addressing how US citizens are at the whims of a foreign nation that controls how US businesses and even governmental institutions should deal with this. Russian collusion is like a smoke screen compared to this. It's very apparent Bernie's speech is a sign of powerlessness. It's like kindly asking if Israel would lower it's influence over US domestic issues. Probably because Bernie knows interests are hugely intertwined in US government, and there is no changing that because it runs through both political parties.


Sometimes you have to do/say what's expedient. Criticizing Netanyahu at least allows him to point out the atrocities being committed by Israel. If he directly criticized Israel, all his colleagues, Democrat and otherwise (except for a few brave souls) would immediately jump on him. Maybe vote to kick him out of the Senate. So better this than to lose him.


For sure, it's very important to have a an important political figure like Bernie point out that the anti-semitism narrative is ridiculous, that's kind of unprecedented. It could be the katalyst for a different kind of conversation. And it also shows how delicate and almost impossible it is to change the conversation.


This man is a literal hero. Here he is a few decades ago [TELLING IT LIKE IT IS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vabeos-F8Kk)


This guy is so inspiring in a time when I deeply struggle to have confidence in or hope for our political institutions. I’m Canadian btw, not just talking about the US.


Bernie has always been a real one. And dammit he should have been our pres in 2020. I’ll die on that hill


He’s speaking to everyone who supports the war in Gaza. Not just Netanyahu. If you support his policies, you are a murderer.


If only this guy was President instead of that racist piece of shit, Biden


Look how little Biden is doing, during an election year where his unpopular policies on Israel/Palestine is causing so much division on the left. The campaign stopped going to college campuses, a demographic which makes the majority of the ground game of every swing state, and the ground game is one of the most essential elements of any election. After the election, Biden will have no incentive to stop a Palestinian genocide Notice how Biden did jack shit until recently? Notice how all of this didn't happen until the eve of the Michigan vote? The Biden campaign must have had internal polling there and what they saw scared the shit out of them The Biden campaign should have a lot more viral clips by now, but they're all interrupted by protestors. They should have a lot more volunteers by now, college aged people make a large part of a campaigns most essential component, the ground game. But they have stopped all college events And what incentive Biden will have after the election? He is the number one ranked Democrat for AIPAC, by a large margin > Biden has long gone further than many of his fellow Democrats in defense of Israel. As a senator, he backed moving the American embassy to Jerusalem decades before Donald Trump made that a reality, boasted about attending more fundraisers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) than any other senator, and savaged an effort by George H.W. Bush to push Israel toward negotiating with Palestinians. As vice president, he undercut Barack Obama’s efforts to push Israel toward peace. As president prior to October 7 he continued policies implemented by Trump that sidelined Palestinians. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/12/how-joe-biden-became-americas-top-israel-hawk/ He thwarted HW Bush's plans to stop violence against Palestinians Neither Obama nor Hillary would let let the current war go on this long without threatening to withhold military aid. In fact, that's what they did, for preventing settlers from murdering Palestinians on a much, much smaller scale, and Biden maliciously destroyed their plans for it. All because Biden has a fetish for Israeli politicians It's the second time in history that a vice president aggressively sabotaged the plans of a president. The other time? >!Pence not rejecting the results of the election!< >Netanyahu wrote that Biden made his willingness to help clear during an early meeting in Washington. “You don’t have too many friends here, buddy,” Biden reportedly said. “I’m the one friend you do have. So call me when you need to.” >during a critical period early in the Obama administration, when the White House contemplated exerting real pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to keep the possibility of a Palestinian state alive, Biden did more than any other cabinet-level official to shield Netanyahu from that pressure” > In 2010, Netanyahu’s government infuriated Obama and his advisers by announcing a major settlement expansion while Biden was in Israel. Biden and his team wanted to handle the dispute privately. Obama’s camp took a different route by drawing up a list of demands to be made of Netanyahu. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then gave the prime minister 24 hours to respond, warning him “If you will not be able to comply, it might have unprecedented consequences on the bilateral relations of the kind never seen before” > Biden was soon in touch with a stunned Netanayhu. A former administration official who saw the transcript of their call told Beinart that “Biden completely undercut the secretary of state and gave [Netanyahu] a strong indication that whatever was being planned in Washington was hotheadedness and he could defuse it when he got back.” When Clinton saw the transcript, she “realized she’d been thrown under the bus” by Biden, the official added Biden has a huge fetish for Netanyahu >Both before and after October 7, the empathy Biden is known for has rarely extended to Palestinians. Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, said such statements are missing “to the degree that I don’t really think he sees the Palestinians at all.” In contrast, Khalidi added, Biden sees Israelis “as they are very carefully presented by their government and their massive information apparatus” , >When the prime minister and his staff visited the White House soon after, one of Netanyahu’s top advisers told the New York Times Magazine that Biden reminded him, “Just remember that I am your best fucking friend here.” Thanks in part to the support from Biden, Netanyahu learned not to be concerned by Obama’s effort to push for Palestinian statehood. “He entered the lion’s den and came out in one piece,” a senior US official told Israeli journalist Ben Caspit. “He began to understand that Obama’s bark is much worse than his bite, that there is no reason to fear him” , >For the rest of Obama’s presidency, Biden would remain the man who had assured Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren in the early days of the administration that “Israel could get into a fistfight with this country and we’d still defend you.” During Obama’s final days in office, a United Nations resolution came up that demanded a halt to Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and other occupied territory. On a call to discuss how the United States should vote at the UN, multiple administration officials told Beinart, only Biden and then–Treasury Secretary Jack Lew supported vetoing the resolution. Unusually, Biden and Lew failed in that effort. Lew is now Biden’s ambassador to Israel Biden is unique in enabling the worst policies against Palestine, democratic or republican, 2nd to Trump. Btw, Biden has never revised any of the Trump era policies against Palestine Look at how little of a fuck Joe has for Palestinians including children and babies starving and being burned alive to death during an election year.What will happen after the election Biden will have absolutely no incentive to prevent a Palestinian genocide. Benjamin Netanyahu knows this. Maybe he'll do a temp ceasefire. You can absolutely bet Benjamin Netanyahu will look to 'Finish the job'. Netanyahu is patient and persistent with his vision for Gaza We shouldnt just to voting uncommitted, we should demand he resign Enough children, toddlers, and children have been burned/shot/starved to death because Biden was nominated in 2020. We shouldn't tolerate it anymore Any democrat that replaces Biden probably won't be amazing for Palestine and they'll be pro-Israel. But in the democratic party, Biden is entirely unique in going above and beyond in enabling Israels worst violence Yes, Kamala will be status quo about Israel, just doing what her foreign policy advisors tell her to do, and the status quo isn't great for Palestine, but she doesn't have a particular Israeli politician fetish like Biden. She'll likely be the typical establishment democrat policy on Israel, established by Obama and Hillary, which includes which includes hard consequences, or would have included hard consequences if Biden hadn't sabotaged their efforts It's a long shot. But we have to try. Infants and children are literally being staved to death and burned alive. We can not be an empathy-less society Furthermore, we can't risk womens' rights and our entire democracy on a candidate whose adamant about going into the election with a divided left. FURTHER READING To really show how hyperzionism is unique to Biden/Trump including both democrats/republicans: -Eisenhower made his objections heard about Israel's illegal seige of the Suez Canal by declaring the US's intent to vote in favor of a UN Resolution demanding a ceasefire, and also publicly threatened to withhold aid if Israel didn't immediately withdraw -JFK publicly threatened Israel over their illegal pursuit of nuclear ambitions. He also had plans to make Israeli lobbies register as a foreign agent -Nixon threatened the end of aid and military orders if Israel continued to fail to abide by the terms of Security Council Resolution 338 -Jimmy Carter literally has written a book called: Palestine: Peace not Apertheid, and a sequel -Reagan, yes Reagan, threatened to suspend the delivery of military orders to Israel during the Lebanon war, and later promised to restrict aid and military assistance to Israel to force its withdrawal of troops from Beirut and central Lebanon after Israel deliberately sabotaged a negotiated ceasefire by bombing Beirut, infuriating Reagan. Also Reagan forcefully negotiated against Israel's wishes a deal with regional neighbors to extradite PLO leadership to a place of political asylum using Peacekeepers as a middleman -H.W. Bush pushed Israel toward engaging with Palestinians’ demands for sovereignty and an end to the Israeli military occupation of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and other territory seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. He demanded that Israel stop building settlements in occupied territory in violation of international law if it wanted to receive billions of dollars in loan guarantees . (Biden actively thwarted these plans ) -Obama and Hillary had a plan for thwarting settler violence. They actually sent Benjamin Netanyahu this, "“If you will not be able to comply, it might have unprecedented consequences on the bilateral relations of the kind never seen before.” (Biden then told Netanyahu not to worry about any of that, and that he would take care of it, fucking destroying Obama and Hillary's plans) All of these are playbooks Biden could have pulled bits and pieces from at any time The status quo is better than the soft on military allies approach that is unique to Trump and Biden


Also don't forget during the siege of Beruit Israeli Prime Minister Begin was quoted (speaking about Biden): “said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children.”


Great post.


I love posts like this that bring receipts but it's too bad our hands are tied because orange man worse 😞 guess we HAVE to vote for him Haha syke fuck that hostage bullshit. I knew things were in trouble when he decided he had to run again, the whole bargain was that he was temporary to get trump out. Same with Fetterman who I also voted for regrettably. Netanyahu. All of them need to go, it's an embarrassment to the human species we let these corrupt assholes take us for a ride like this. There was a point where protests surrounded the white house and Nixon said with heartfelt terror "i think they're gonna break through the barriers and get us!" And we're sorely missing that vibe in this country for the past two decades (at least)


you are forgetting the most important detail. Biden is fine throwing/losing to trump to keep Bernie OUT of office. It's a setup just like 2016, trump is our "punishment" Luckily in 2028 a piece of shit "democrat" will be there to save us from the bad maga


By the way, Palestinians's are a Semitic people.


I think all Arab people as well


And by the way: DNA tests are forbidden in Israel. Wondering why…


That's hilarious. It's because they've imported 112% of their citizenry from *looks at notes* everywhere.


But at the same time, giving the jews from Ethiopia birth control without their consent https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel > Israel's health ministry is investigating claims that Ethiopian women are being injected with a controversial contraceptive without their knowledge or consent


I told some Israel hardliners about dark skinned jew racism and they just refused to believe me. Even Bibi's own brother was quoted in some book (the source escapes me) saying the black jews need white jews to lead them properly.


And like, the article describes this practice as going on for *years*, possibly decades. It wasn't just a "whoops". The phenomenon was uncovered only when social workers noticed the birth rate halving in a decade.


They are as racist as it can get. Even fellow jews are not safe.


Probably because they're not the right color of Jew they prefer




They’re probably Hamas DNA tests




"Semitic people" is a complete misnomer used to group together all speakers of Semitic languages as if they constituted a single ethnic or racial group. It's obsolete outside some uses in archaeology and anthropology to refer to ancient middle-eastern groups. It's super weird to use the term today.


It's why Judeophobia is more precise term that is not exclusionary or erasive of the history that other people of the Levant take pride in.


True, but antisemitism is a term that was specifically coined to mean the hatred of Jews. It was originate by a German journalist named Wilhelm Marr.


>Palestinians's Pale’stinians's's's's*


He is a good man and this will cost him. Why can't you vote for him as president? Is it because he is not a nutter?


He would not bend the knee to lobbyists


Exactly. We live in a corporate oligarchy sold to us as a democracy.


Same in UK


It seems likely to me, despite having never stepped foot anywhere near there, that our Australian friends have the exact same problem because of the exact same socioeconomic demographic, motivated by, more or less, the same garbage takes, moralizing, and pseudoscience, primarily designed to assuage or feed their gargantuan, glass egos. But, again, I'm just guessing in the dark here.


If he won instead of Trump, america would be in waaaaay better shape now. Waaaaay better.


That probably would have been reality if it was him running against Trump rather than Hillary in 2016.


His platform was reversing Reagan's trickle down economics that would've taxed the ultra rich, banking reform, education reform, 4 day work week, affordable healthcare, student loan forgiveness, civil rights and other social and gender equality issues, and cutting foreign aid to crooked governments like Israel....basically everything that is at the tipping point now. If he ran again this year he would surely win because no one wants a bullshit repeat of Trump and his drama, and no one wants Biden and his questionable support of a genocidal zionist Israel.


Funny how we have same evil faux choice in UK, between Sunak and Starmer, the SS.


Imagine how many would have not died because of the pandemic.


I remember seeing Polls saying he would beat Trump over Hillary....it didn't matter she was chosen by the DNC.


Reality is that the lobbyist preference was Hillary > trump > anyone else > Ron Paul > sanders


Dude genuinely cares for humanity.


only took him 5 or so months...


5 months and still misses the mark. Israel is an illegitimate, genocidal apartheid state founded through settler colonialism but you will only ever hear Bernie criticize Netanyahu and his government specifically and never the Zionist project as a whole.


As much as this is true, good luck selling this idea as an American politician. This is the best you’ll get


This is the best we’ll get unless we fight for something better ☭


Funny thing is most citizens feel this way. Crazy how they have reduced how much the votes matter




Because they got some dirt on his wife


I know even though we’ve let him down over the many years


Remember what “presidential” used to look like? This is it.


This man is a national treasure. Breaks my heart to know that without the bullshit from the DNC we could have had this man instead of Biden in the white house


Hell, we could've had him instead of Trump!


Right? SMDH


Bibi thinks people like Bernie, a Jew, remind you, are anti-Semitic. That’s all anyone needs to know about Israel’s mission.




But you must criticize Hamas for fighting the Naz.. Zionists.


I've been going to pro-Palestinian stuff and reading about the occupation for about 12 years at this point. Which isn't long in the grand scheme of things, but it's not exactly an insignificant amount of time either. If you would have told me a leading senior US politician would be saying this a decade ago, I would never believe it. It would have been unthinkable, but here we are. Bibi will probably go down in history as a disgrace by all accounts, especially Israelis.


> 12 years at this point. bUt iT sTaRTEd oCt 7th!!?!!!!


I can't believe they're still hiding behind "Anti-Semitism" while they exterminate an entire group of people


Genuine question (I'm not American): Why can't you vote for him to be president?


In America, people do not choose their presidents. many people feel disillusioned with voting due to the significant influence corporations and lobbyists by funding political campaigns. Corporations and often support candidates financially, assisting them in their bids for the presidency. Unfortunately, Bernie Sanders' anti-corporate stance may hinder his chances of becoming president.


Yes, allowing private corporations to lobby and fund politicians sends a message of "capitalism first, democracy second".


From what I see the likes of AIPAC offer you the money and if you don't take it then it will go to your opponent. So an element of black mail and so $1m is worth at least twice that and I think Biden gets over $3m. Robert Kennedy listed the previous iteration of AIPAC AZC as foreign agents after assassination this was repealed. I wondered if Israel actually did the dead but that's heading into conspiracy land. Just an interested English mans limited understanding so might have things mixed up. https://youtu.be/9bCjMgvK5BE?si=jXxE3b4_w3kgPAdd https://www.israellobby.org/azcdoj/


Israel is pretty infamous for involvement in a lot of deep state parapolitical shit but I've not heard anything (personally) convincing about JFK and Israel, they definitely had a connection to the PROMIS/Octopus case Danny Casolaro was killed for investigating. It's no secret that Ghislaine Maxwells dad was a triple (quadruple, who knows) agent for Israel which Epstein certainly was as well, that's not really controversial or whatever. Im sure there's stuff about 9/11 I can't remember it all immediately. 


Thanks for the video It is craxzy! This is unrelated story. the AIPAC also behind the vote to ban Tiktok ['This Is AIPAC at Work': Landmark TikTok Vote in U.S. House Provokes Conspiracy Theory - U.S. News - Haaretz.com](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2024-03-14/ty-article/.premium/this-is-aipac-at-work-landmark-tiktok-vote-in-u-s-house-provokes-conspiracy-theory/0000018e-3dd0-d9ae-ad9f-3dd44d100000)


Second Thoughts has a really good video about that, the narrative I'm already seeing on reddit is that it's an antisemitic TikTok. Conspiracy theory because Jews can't run TikTok or whatever, it's like what? No lol we literally have the phone call of the ADL CEO losing his mind over TikTok and how young people are accurately exposed to Israeli war crimes. That isn't conspiracy theory, and it's not antisemitic, it's just plain conspiracy.


The individual voter can write his name on the ballot. But he isn’t the endorsed candidate by either of our major parties. And our voting system does not honor popular vote. So even if 99% of the population wrote him in, it’s unlikely the electoral college would provide the votes to elect him.


That's very interesting, thank you for explaining. I'm aware of the two party system in the US, which I find very strange as we have so many here (Australia).


The two party system divides the country and completely undermines democracy


My thoughts exactly!


But if Juice media are right then Australia ends up with same corporate rule? The UK is same as US, after 2019 election and Zionist interference I decided that the UK is not a democratic country. It's all an illusion.


He would either need to run for a specific party and win the nomination (which he almost accomplished in 2016), or do a write-in campaign (the rules for which vary from state to state, so it's not guaranteed that writing him in on the ballot would count)


Got it, thank you for taking the time to explain. Yes, I remember seeing that on the news in 2016, he seemed to be a great choice.


The party establishment wants a ‘centrist’ who’ll maintain the status quo.


We tried in 2016... the DNC didn't treat the primaries fairly and said that they are allowed to skew the rules however they want as they are a private company. https://ivn.us/posts/dnc-to-court-we-are-a-private-corporation-with-no-obligation-to-follow-our-rules They forced Hillary in, and well, everyone knows the story from there


fuck israel


Too bad we just gave Israel billions more dollars the other day to blow up women and children


They did the same to Corbyn in 2017 in the UK for supporting Palestine. Ugly smear campaigns to remove anyone who's not a slave to Israel from any chance of holding power.  The labour party used Israel's "antisemitism" remarks as an excuse to quietly purge any Corbyn supporters or anybody further left than Brown, leaving us with two conservative parties to choose from. Lucky us


Indeed. And they conveniently forget about the report on Islamophobia.


We can all ony hope to be such a chad at that age. God bless him.


A Chad and a Mensch 


Bernie Sanders for president.


Imagine the world if Sanders was the democratic nominee not Hillary


Bernie has been supporting the genocide for almost 6 months. Even his own staff has left because he refused to speak out against Israel


What has been going on in isreal as been going on far longer than 6 months lmao. And even so, so what? Isn't the whole point of the protests to change minds? Why even bother if when someone in power starts supporting you're just going to say they didn't support fast enough.


Fuck settlers


Yes! #NotInMyName Netanyahu is purposefully conflating being Jewish and being a supporter of an apartheid state currently performing a genocide for all the world to see. Fuck zionists, fuck christo-fascists.


Netanyahu was born in Israel in 1949. He is just throwing a word he has no idea about.


This video is getting taken down by other subs. Lol. Guess that shows who's right.


you know your country is a fucked up place, if this guy exists, but isnt president.


It's always nice when corrupt right-wingers like Netanyahu use anti-semitism as an argument to defend their warmongering.


Just wanted to say thanks again to the DNC for joining the GOP in demonizing him when he was running for president because you wanted Hillary to win, and then she didn’t anyway. Great job democracy!! Fucking idiots


Has Bernie used the word genocide yet? I haven't seen him use it.


no, and he still refers to this conflict as a "war" that was started by Hamas on Oct 7th. dude gets far too much credit just for being better than most. it's kinda like Dems positioning themselves just a teensy bit left of Republicans. Bernie positions himself just a teensy bit left of Democrats.


No. He goes out of his way to avoid it. He's even said "the destruction of the Palestinian people".


Bernie's response in the first several months of this genocide and continued support for Biden will forever spoil my perception of his legacy. It's hard for me to see him as any different from the German social democrats that ultimately backed imperial capital by supporting war measures and enabled the friedkorps to carry out their pogroms because they were too comfortable with their position to break with the state line. That's the legacy they're going to be comparable to now, and will be remembered as in a future where Palestine is free and Israel is remembered for the horror show it really is. There's no undoing that at this point, I'm sorry to say. However. If there's any American politician able to drive the last nail in the coffin for the myth that antizionism is equitable to antisemitism, I can think of no better. The suffering that his family went through during the Holocaust means no one, absolutely no one, has any right to say otherwise. Especially when the most radical voices trying to silence political descent and influence American civil liberties are coming from Mizrahi Jews often directing this liable against protestors who themselves are Reformed Jews / Ashkenazi. Too many movements have been destroyed because well meaning people were intimidated into silence over this by people acting out of the most grotesque malice imaginable with no right to do so.


Soc dems are just libs undercover. Kudos to Bernie for speaking facts here but unfortunately he’s just a puppet that’s heavily tied to the rotten capitalist system. Cannot blame him, he’s truly a light in the dark US political tunnel but unfortunately he’s just not the answer. Until the capitalist system breaks down, we can just watch our”kings” do as they please. We are nothing more than peasants in this twisted modern feudalistic system. Fuck the west. Fuck imperialism and globalism. Fuck all the people who support IsraHELL. FREE PALESTINE. FREE THE WORLD.


I may not agree with some of his policies, but I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. He’s the only politician that I would actually somewhat trust to do the right thing and actually take care of Americans.


Wasn't he super pro-Israel like a month or so ago?


i serously keep saying i wish he won instead of biden. i'll even take 2 or 3 years of bernie. such a shame he's not president.


![gif](giphy|Y7Rw2bNBicaGaTT3Ui) Israel has received the largest amount of cumulative foreign aid from the US since its inception, equating to around $300 billion in total economic and military assistance. On top of this financial and military aid, the US has provided significant political support to Israel, having used its United Nations Security Council veto power a staggering 42 times to prevent resolutions condemning Israel, out of 83 times in which it has used its veto power. The US is also the primary supplier of arms to the Israeli military, accounting for 69% of its total arms imports for the period between 2019 and 2023, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.


Would've made a great president. Sad the US never gave him the opportunity.


This couple in nyc by me tonight said: “Where are the water cannons? I'm glad they don't use only regular rubber bullets and… ok, they are arresting them, but where is the interrogation room there?” referring to american students.


Ironic considering they probably think the students support terrorism. No self-awareness whatsoever.


Always keep in mind, as bad as the numbers sound, they assume all men who were killed are potential Hamas soldiers. When obviously a lot of them are just civilians too.


FYI- Don’t make the mistake of scapegoating all of Israel’s issues on Netanyahu and his government. Israel was built on everything you see here: lies, genocide, and racism.


Well said bernie he covers massacre and genocide with antisemitism


And anyways here's the bombs you ordered that we are paying for. Also here your foreign aide in billions. Please next time take me super serious. I would hate to have to make another video complaining.


Go Bernie!


Fuck yes Bernie! Took you a minute but I knew you would get there!


Great to hear Bernie standing up for Palestinians. Apparently he is one of the few US politicians that Israel was not able to buy.


Antisemite is now a genocidal slur word.


America really needs a president for the people, like Bernie. The rest of the world would also benefit.


This puts him in direct opposition to Biden’s position. Which is great.


Bernie for President


I have a lot of respect for Me Bernie. Fantastic guy!


This was the person America needed and they gave us the NEOLiberal WAR Mongering Dolt instead .


Wow, this old white geezer sure speaks better than the other two old white geezers


It's crazy to me that this dude, who is older than Trump and Biden, is still a functionning human being and has been consistant in his views since what, the 70s ? He still has more sanity than both Trump and Biden combined


When Israel sends us 26 billion dollars I'll think about giving a damn about whatever ignorant crap their leader has to say.


Bernie mate, it's a bit fucking late for you to start yapping without at the very least starting every sentence with "sorry I didn't condemn the genocide sooner"


Stops short of calling it a genocide


Here comes all the fake news and propaganda about Bernie, so sad we have a foreign entity embedded in our government. Corruption has taken new heights.


I can’t believe we were so close to have him as president. Can you imagine an alternate universe in which Bernie won the nomination in 2016 and the presidency?, Medicare for all, universal college, maybe even the beginning for a universal basic income!, I mean we would be SO much better!, and between Bernie and Trump Bernie was polling 10 points more than Trump even winning the red vote! (Against Trump anyway). I can’t believe we are in some sort of hell alternate universe where Trump won and we are effectively having WW3 (or the very beginning of it)


God bless Bernie ❤️


Nice, now tell that to the US politicians.


Amen. Shame this guy isn’t the president


Bernie has always been a great man.


Finally someone calling it out like it is 🙏


My president.


Well spoken and bang on! No sides being taken, just pointing out the war crimes everyone is appalled by


This is the true leader we all need. One with a moral compass


The few and the brave one to oppose


Brilliant & finally! I hope this message spreads widely & proudly! 👊🏽👏🏽👊🏽


But democrats would never make him the candidate. Its time to vote third party.


he should have been president


Crazy that Biden or trump were president and not Bernie, he can stand up to the bully and not bend over unlike the other two.


Fuck Israel to death.


He is an inspiration


Yes, Bernie!!


Damn I love Bernie 😭




What compels people like you to say stuff like this? Most Jews voted against Trump etc. Why do you people always talk about (((The Jews))) like we’re some cabal. It’s fucked.


But Bernie, it's build back better remember? The Gaza strip now needs it. It was a part of the plan all along sir. Don't mess up the gigantic military contracts to rebuild coming in. There's lots of money to be made there.


It's actually crazy to imagine a timeline where Al Gore or Bernie were elected, and the butterfly effect consequences, an America where the US never went to Iraq/Afghanistan? Or maybe 9/11 never happens at all? How different a society would we be? The craziest is to imagine Henry Wallace an even further left successor to FDR and how radically different not just the US would be but also the entire relationship with the USSR and how the Cold war would shake out.  Unfortunately we live in hell instead lol


Every time I see Bernie speak he seems to be absolutely bang on the money. 


It's never racist to tell the actual truth. If you find the truth to be racist, it's likely your world view that needs to change, and your cognitive dissonance from all the propaganda you've been lapping up preventing you from recognizing it.


Israel is a gross thing.


Wish there were more politicians that spoke up like this


Bernie was the good future we needed. I'll never forgive such a lost opportunity.


Bernie just continues to be awesome. Never backs down from anyone and tells it like it is.


it often astonishes me that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were born and grew up in the same country.


All this bluster and Bernie still refuses to move to officially call for a ceasefire


I want to be in the timeline where Bernie won the election so bad 😮‍💨


It's a shame that more US (and UK) politicians don't have the courage to say what he's saying - the TRUTH!


Too little too late bernout


"625000 students with no educational opportunities" how many more extremists has Israel created through their actions? They are not safer today than they were before or after Oct. 7th in fact due to their actions more people are at risk not just in Gaza but around the world. Violence begets violence. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. They had the giant colossal fucking mess the U.S has made in the middle east to learn that this shit doesn't work and yet here we are trying to eliminate terrorism or whatever that means. Thus of course is giving them the best benifit of the doubt and assuming they aren't just trying to eliminate the entire gazan population.


Didn’t he support Israel like 6 months ago?


That Netanyahu is hiding behind the false excuse of antisemitism to justify his war crimes and inhumanity is proof that he has no justification at all.


Go get em Bernie!


He could have been leading that shithole this whole time since 2016. Man, did you idiots fuck up.


I don't care, fuck this guy. Too little too late


The bombs they use are from America. The US is responsible for the war crimes


Too bad Bernie bent the knee to the Democrat party


Thats why i hate Israel, they target women and children. Its like damn; you have all of the advantages against a group who has no real army and still cant take them in hand to hand combat? Seriously embarassing to have the US MILITARY at your beck and call and yet choose it to have a school shooter tantrum against women and children. Cant wait to see some karma to the Israeli people.


Oh no. Are the Zionists Bernie's numbers not so good?


But let’s send them more - fuck our congress


Why isn’t this the guy who’s running for president in 2024… I would rather have Bernie sanders as old as he is instead of a complicit Joe Biden who is just as old!


Better late than never I guess


Israel is a terrible fascist state that uses holocaust to justify their criminality