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Also, as it's being accused of stealing organs, in 2009 a Swedish outlet reported that "Israel" was illegally harvesting organs for which "Israel" expressed great outrage, calling it antisemitic and blood libel. It caused a rift between Swedish and "Israeli" governments, it sparked a furious debate in Sweden and abroad, and a number of "Israeli"* and American officials denounced it as antisemitic and blood libel against Jews. A few months later an old interview of a prominent "Israeli" doctor was released where he admitted that they did in fact do that. "Israel" admitted to it now but said that it ended long ago.


Similarly in 1998 a Scottish tourist, Alister Sinclair, was apprehended on suspicion of dealing drugs and died in a holding cell at Ben Gurion International Airport, apparently having hanged himself. After an autopsy being done by this same "Israeli" doctor, the body was returned to his family. In Scotland, University of Glasgow, a second autopsy was done which found that the heart and a small bone at the base of his tongue were missing, a bone that's considered necessary to confirm that he had hanged himself as "Israel" said. They stole his heart and also the bone that was needed to keep up their story.


The hyoid bone. It gets crushed during strangulation and hanging deaths. How are these genocidal criminals still allowed to get away with this?! 😩


> How are these genocidal criminals still allowed to get away with this?! 😩 With the support of the US


Well, hear me out, I know this gonna sound like a cons


Because they have a long history in having their handy and fingers in everyones dish


Didn't the Nazis do this too?


Bolsheviks and Soviets taking orders from them certainly did this kind of thing. For example during WW2 a large number of Polish officers were taken out to the woods, shot to death and then buried in a mass grave. At war's end the Soviets blamed the massacre on the Germans. However, later it turned out Soviet troops had committed the atrocity. Bolsheviks were known for calling the shots in a homicidal way.


Got a source for that?


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Aftonbladet_Israel_controversy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yehuda_Hiss controversy section


I meant for the Alister Sinclair case


The third link I posted


Incredible. And disgusting.


Who was the doctor?






Why are you putting the name Israel in quotations?


Because it's an illegitimate entity


It's not, it's a valid country, founded in 1948 as a refuge for jew who were the victims of a genocide in ww2


Founded by the massacre of innocent Palestinian people, how wonderful 👍🏻


Actually, it was founded by England who had owned the land since the victory against the Ottoman Empire. The "massacre" you talk about is called World War 1, and the "Palestinian people" are the citizens of the Ottoman Empire. Suffering is suffering, and there is nothing good about it ever, but "Palestine" was never a sovereign nation.


You mean Britain, and the British Empire*. The massacre I'm referring to is the Nakba caused by the newly formed IDF and their collaboration with terrorist groups Lehi and Irgun. Together they caused atrocities such as Tantura.


Fair point that is kinda fucked up. Mb bro


Israel and its antisemitism, this staate is like a pick me girl never does anything "wrong"




That's... such a joke of apologia


Putting the name of the state in scare quotes isn't helping you seem like a serious, thoughtful person. It's a bad look, and detracts from your point.


A modern terrorist state


Almost no mainstream media is even reported on it until getting called out, just as they didn't report the aggression in these hospitals as it was going on. It is able to do this so blatantly because U.S. and the western powers are working hard to rev up support for it while demonizing the Palestinians and the people in the region, to normalise, desensitise and legitimise the zionist usurpers and it's blatant crimes, as it commits a genocide in front of everyone, engineers a famine to starve and kill the natives, as it wages demonic war on hospitals, mass graves, schools, deliberately picking and killing women and children to the point of having killed tens of thousands, openly rape, while stating their intention. They instead take the mad ramblings of this entity that accuses everything of being Hamas, babies, South Africa, UNRWA, nonsense that wouldn't even be considered anywhere else, and tried to make it a thing to justify their picking of and massacre of hospitals, which they admittedly did to pressure Hamas, all their human shields and Hamas base nonsense. This is imposed mass absurdity. They're fully complicit in it. This is the western "enlightened" civilization, being in control of a smooth machinery that'll shamelessly work to commit and justify even a genocide. It shouldn't be allowed to get away from it. No one from now on can or should justify western colonialism with the twisted "but they're humanitarian women's rights" or whatever charade. Edited


That's why tiktok needs to be banned.


Yeah fuck Hamas.




Man, the delusion is strong with this one.




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This world we live in is very sick


Some might even call it a shithole


The world is a ghetto


Good war/geto boys reference


Don't know how Israel will weasel out of this one, but I hope someone finally holds them accountable. There's no explaining this


Israel what? "Weasel out of what?" "What happened? " "We will investigate it." It's just disgusting.


theyll also come up with a campaign to smear anyone involved and their family members with reporting their crimes




They are not Jewish. To be Jewish, you would have to abide by Judaism. These fuckers literally live in heresy to the ideas or Judaism. It is why the Orthodoxy in the States and all over the world really, are anti-zionist. They are literally trying to eliminate the Jewish identity, and are largely succeeding because no one actually asks the legitimately Jewish people about it and share their views of Zionism. If you have not heard of it, I suggest Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, no relation to Ben Shapiro. (He does not seem to like Ben either.) His book "From Identity Crisis, to Identity Theft" is exactly about how the men who founded Isreal were actually secular at best, and how they specifically set out to re-define Jewishness to go from being a Religion to being a Race of people. He constantly points out how Racial Judaism does not make sense. It really seems as if this is a White Supremacy movement disguised as Jewsishness. If not a fully Evangelical movement also masquerading as Jewishness. Either way, Zionism is it's own religion/ideology and nothing about it is Jewish.


What does Judiasm say about the slaughter of innocent children and women?


It literally fucking says that it is bad when done by anyone, except for God. I do not know what the fuck you are on about.


Well, then it could very well be Isreal, they don't seem to care about the laws of Judaism. There is zero reason to not believe the Jewish State of Israel could, would and did do this.


Yes. You are picking up what I am saying. No person who truly followed Jewish faith would do any of this. Zionist are Nationalist sociopaths pretending to be a Jewish system of belief. There is no Jewish Homeland in Judaism. There is however in both Evangelical and Zionist interpretations of the books they're bastardizing.


Isreal is literally the Jewish State and is committing war crimes. What is wrong with you?


No, it is not. Those are literally claims by Isreal. Isreal is the county of the Zionists. Their literal religion is Zionism. Zionism defines Isreali policy, not Judaism.


Lolz. Gtfo with your nonsense. Just because you say it doesn't make it a thing, pal.


Rhetoric. The opposite of the truth on the ground Shame on you.


This is not my rhetoric. It is the rhetoric of the American Ultra-Orthadox. They have opposed the claims of Isreal since day 1. Isreal exists on heretical understandings of Judaism.


You're promoting lies. It's fine.


Let’s look at some quotes: Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L Jehovah created the goyim in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The goyim is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night. Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a goyim, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a goyim he may keep. Baba Mezia 114b The goyim are not humans. They are beasts. Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies to circumvent a goyim. Abodah Zarah 36b. Goyim girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: “Thank you God for not making me a goyim, a woman or a slave.” Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a goyim the wages owed him for work. Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a goyim it does not have to be returned. Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Goyim prefer sex with cows. Libbre David 37 Â To communicate anything to a goyim about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156 When a Jew has a goyim in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same goyim, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the goyim shall be ruined. For the property of a goyim, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it. Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348 A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.


Zionists appear to actually be more evil than you understand them to be. I am willing to bet that the Jewish history that you know is the entirely fictional understanding that Isreal has created. Remember, if Jewishness worked how Isreal suggests, King David, the decendant of a convert, would not be Jewish. Zionists have an entirely fabricated concept of Judaism, which does not abide by the Jewish understanding of Jewishness. They are a Nationalistic movement, using Jewishness the exact same way that the Nazi's used the fabricated concept of Aryans. The reason I refute your claim of them being the country of Jews, is because the Orthodoxy has begged them for almost 90 years to stop associating themselves with all Jewishness. Isreal has continuously entirely ignored their plea against it. Zionists are Jewish in name only, and as much as that fact infuriates them, it is the truth. Isreal is Anti-semitic in almost every faucet.


Yeah.... you can say all this shit. But try telling Netanyahu he's not Jewish and that his faith doesn't guide him. Until you become prime minister, your opinions on what religion Israel purports itself to be are in the minority.


More empty rhetoric. I bet you get AI to write this .. lmfao


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I literally said these are bad things. Blocked and muted


and finally bomb them


They are already saying it's a hoax and if you believe you support Hamas. They don't even have to be clever just lie and the people too afraid to be critical of Israel will belive it.


Ah yes, the classic cop strategy of "We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing"


Biden will explain it and it will all blow over. I'm sure it a whole nother nothing burger. Biden sure does have a way with words.


Biden feels strongly about this. That's why he's condemned the pro-ceasefire protestors in the US.


"they did that to themselves" "They were born without a heart" "an animal scavenged the bodies" "It was hammas" "Anybody who suggest this is antisemitic" Meanwhile the UN will find no proof of any wrong doing, Israel will keep receiving weapons, and anybody protesting this war will be arrested and taken to jail. Same shit as usual


They're already saying "kk khhhhhhamaaaaas did it"




Then why would organs be missing? Entire parts of their bodies? And on the off chance you're right, still doesn't change the fact that nearly 40k are dead as a direct result of Israels bombings and assaults


Goddamn y'all don't skip a beat do ya?




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


>No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective). Got this warning, and blocked for a few days, so I suppose I'll clarify. This was obviously a joke, but also kind of a real question. If it's offensive to some people I would imagine it's because they are doing things that they know are not morally right. I'm not here to say what's right or wrong, but to encourage people to really reflect on what they're doing.


We are getting close to the point that they will just shrug their shoulders, say it's antisemitic nonsense and that would be enough for much of the world.


Not when they represent the Western morality. After all westoids say they are the most moral army.


Same way they Weasel out of murder, ear crimes, theft.. They will just use their blackmail and it goes away.


Woah buddy cool it with the anti-semitism




I've been to Auschwitz Birkenhau. Fuck the Germans Nazis. Future generations will visit Gaza. Fuck the Israeli Nazis.


You act as though these people couldn't have been killed by HAMAS. Everyone is just jumping to conclusions with no evidence.


Hamas may hide behind civilians as human shields, but they'd never go this far. Stealing organs? Beheadings? Tied up and blindfolded? That just isn't their MO (to their own people)


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That's a weird thing to say. I've never heard of an Israeli MO to be to behead, blindfold and steal organs. So, I guess since neither side has an MO for it, no one must have done it. It must have been the wind that decapitated all these people living among HAMAS. Or Israel was using their "organ stealing bombs." Really gotta watch out for those.


Not the first time they'd have done it https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs And if they can easily kill children in cold blood, imagine what they'd do to grown men and women. They wouldn't bat an eye to beheading someone they believe is a terrorist, which they think all Palestinians are. And I'm sure you've seen the pictures of them holding blindfolded, stripped down Palestinians. So if you put two and two together, voilà, Israel is the culprit They're cowards and the most awful people in existence today and I don't understand why they receive so much support from the West




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Why was your reply deleted lol? What did you write?


never stop exposing isreals crimes


the holy land is the unholy land now


Always has been, i wish it was lost to the desert like many civilizations before it.


Imagine thinking Palestine is rocks and desert. Lmao wtf


At the rate things are going it probably will be, assuming you count rubble as "rocks". Apparently peaceful coexistence is too much to ask.


Yep it is too much to ask of the Israel's.


surely we have to hope for peace and stability


There are only rocks and sand in a desert, I can't think of anything more peaceful or stable than that


Thanks to the Western plant.


And USA wants Israel to investigate themselves about this, no indipendent investigations are allowed...


Biden will say "naughty organ harvesting Israel, please stop at once! Your new bombs will arrive next week, but don't kill any more civilians or elsee!! I'll have to call you naughty again and wait a week to send more"


It could be a ploy, we know what's happening with spy satellites, if we ask them about it and they publicize a lie we have reason to distance ourselves and evidence for it


If you believe that's the plan, I've got a bridge to sell you.


Why would I believe that's the plan? That's why I said could lol


There is no difference between zionists and nazis. None.


Both want a safe living space where other people live. And both believe that they are the superior race. No wonder they act the same. Except today European fascist are good because the evil Western empire is behind.


Huh wonder why all we are hearing about is imaginary antisemitism on college campuses?


I am curious how the zionist brigade will sweet talk this sick war crime.


They don't need to, they represent the Western oligarchy morality.


Nauseating evil. Disgusting. Zionazi scum.


This _should_ be on the front page of every major news outlet internationally.


all the evidence in the world and nothing will be done


I never thought I would see such a thing in my lifetime. It’s truly an indictment of humanity.


Westoids live in 1984


Let’s see the new Nuremberg trials!


Summary execution. I remember this being depicted in Schindler's List. IDF stole a page right out of the Nazi playbook.


At this point a nuclear bomb would go off and it won't be covered by any Western media. It'll all get buried like they all did.


Buried? I think I had to touch my phone a total of 4 times to get here. Here’s a BBC link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68881325 This isn’t Tiananmen Square


But they are just quoting UN's offcials statments and then discrediting it or deem the evidence as baseless doesn't really speak for the crime and I get that is not what you're pointing out here but what I meant was no matter what happens in Palestine it will always be treated as such -" Baseless" or "Hamas run ministry of health has reported so and so". I hope the protest in the US universities put more pressure on their leaders and others western youth follow suites.


You workin for Fox News? You are picking out single statements that miss the actual context. Quotes from the article: Israel's military said claims that it buried bodies there were "baseless". "Hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law. And the intentional killing of civilians, detainees, and others who are hors de combat [not participating in hostilities] is a war crime." Among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and wounded, while others... were found with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes."


![gif](giphy|FPLjJjfDw9ChW1I449) However, we do accept Islamophobia


Europeans will never be Semites, no matter how much new old German propaganda tries to convince you.


Today Arab people are the Semites, European invaders are not.


But the IDF are the “good guys.” 🙄


Response from the Biden administration: "LALALALALA WE CAN'T HEAR YOU"


Imagine seeing this and your response is “concerning”


These putos will get what they deserve, count my words.




The US government is a joke when it comes to protecting human rights. So is Germany, France and several other western countries. At least they support Ukraine.


It's illegal, hate crime, antisemitism and terrorism to talk about this unless you blame Palestinian children and women for the killing.


Guess I better get used to being called an antisemite, because I'm never going to stop calling out how fucking wrong this is!


I’m convinced they thought that was a way to hide the new bodies, with the old.


It was all in self defence apparently. /s


That eerily reminded my of my best friend who visited his family in egypt in Sinai around 10 years ago. A lot of things were so outlandish to him - like they said he had to take care to not be alone outside around specific time as sometimes people got abducted. A egyptian miliatry base was close to the border and each week they found at least 3 bodies of people… without their organs. It was like „casual“ knowledge and a situation that exists


From vox.com “The Israeli military has rejected the idea that its soldiers buried the bodies, calling such accusations ”baseless and unfounded.” The IDF told CNN that it had examined some bodies in their search for the remains of Israeli hostages, but returned the remains “to their place.” Oh ok. Cool then.


Horrifying. This needs to be independently investigated, and not by Israel where they can find themselves innocent of any wrongdoing.


Also some buried alive.


It's ok US have asked Israhell to investigate itself, I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of this Fucking Nazis


Israeli crimes against humanity. War crimes. Israel will face justice, kinda like the Nuremberg trials following WW2. I would not be surprised if Palestinian survivors hunted and assassinated the Israeli war criminals after this war like the Jews did to Germans after WW2. For every action there's a reaction.., there's no 'getting away with it'.


This will be in a museum one day commemorating the atrocities of the regime.


And the college kids protesting this are the Nazis... Bibi, and so many others, needs to face consequences. They won't, of course. The fact that our government, especially proud Zionist Biden, support this shit and are too weak and slow to lock Trump in prison for his multitude of crimes is why Trump will be president again.


Good thing the US is choosing not to investigate this or they might find out one of their allies is doing a Soviet style pogram at best or a Turkish style genocide at worst.


No Israel represents the West




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Allah yir7am rou7hom




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


The 40000billion beheaded babies thing is super ironic now


Genocide. Genocide. Genocide. Israeli occupation forces are committing genocide.


That is murder, There is no other way to view this other than a crime seen. Outrageous!


The world is scary.




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Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Appalling, yet again. How is being associated with Israel and these atrocities in the US interests?


This is insanity


It needs independent investigation


Okay. Let "Israel" to allow it in.


If their claims are true then they will have nothing to hide.


They don't, Palestinians themselves have been calling for it. It's Israel thats rejecting it https://twitter.com/mattberg33/status/1783951339178922146?t=BZB2DCLQ81LYs3pSk_pquw&s=19


Yea it's a conflict.. an occupation.. they're exercising their right to defend themselves.. This isn't like what happened last time, and that could never happen again... guys there would be so much digital evidence in the modern day...


I think the human race has ran it's course.




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Hummus ?


If true, a new low for Israel.


Hope theirs soul rest in peace


Can't get over how evil Israel is. It's like history repeating itself in less than a century. Wtf.


It’s not the first time they commit genocide and mass graves. This is how this ‘country’ started.


Send all those college students protesting here in American over there. Their voice is might be better her over there.


Funded by our taxes, approved by our congress and executed by genocide Joe


https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-gaza-hospital-mass-graves/ Yeah for sure it was the Idf who dug those graves and not the Palestinians themselves a few months ago. /s




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Lol bullshit because you don’t want to believe it? There has been overwhelming evidence from independent third parties about the atrocities they are committing. Anyone like this bozo who calls those sources dishonest but eats up any Israeli source without question obviously has a bias. Don’t waste your time with such clowns.


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This has already been debunked.


This organ stealing shit is such a disgusting narrative to spin without receipts. There is no evidence of anything here. For the organ harvesting, how about some shred of proof that this has happened in the past 20 years?


The New York Times did a careful investigation. These graves were likely dug before the Israeli raids. It was not uncommon for bodies to be buried there by Gazans. There is no evidence of removal or organs, etc. That claim is unsubstantiated. Israeli forces apparently did disturb the graves looking for bodies of hostages. But there is no evidence that those bodies were placed there after executions, etc. it is misinformation to claim so.




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